Hope`nings November 9, 2014 Available online at livinghopelc.org

November 9, 2014
Available online at livinghopelc.org
Living Hope News
Check out our website: For daily spiritual growth, for news and
announcements, and other media highlights for daily spiritual growth.
Check out our November calendar. (Note: at this time, we’re
having technical problems with the calendar display on smart
phones. The calendar events are accurate when viewing on your
desk top computer or lap top.) livinghopelc.org
Leadership Meeting: November 2014 Pastor’s Report is available
online at livinghopelc.org. Password is: 1Peter1:3 Treasurer’s
report is coming…
Building Hope Fund Drive:
1. We once again have King Soopers cards. Just purchase the cards
from us and shop. It is that easy. When the money is used up simply
re - load the card at customer service. You can put any amount of
money on the card. The number on the back of the card is linked to
Living Hope. The King Soopers cards make great gifts too.
2. We are having our second annual craft / bake sale on
December 14th. So pick up your knitting needles, glue gun, router,
and hammer and start crafting!
3. Also don't forget to turn in your Building Hope banks before the
end of the year.
Our goal is to raise $3,000 by the end of the year. With God's help,
I know we can make that goal. If you have any questions, see Carol
Buelow. Thanks!
d. Some for take down.
Sign up online and in person or at church will begin next
Christmas Eve Worship will be Wednesday, December
24th at 7 PM. We are currently checking for the
availability of a location in Reunion to rent for our
Christmas Eve festivities. We are in need of one or more
a. Promotion and Advertising our Christmas Eve
Service Invitation.
December 14th and 21st, both Sundays, from 6-8 PM, we
will be teaming with some RMLHS Eagle Choir singers to
sing Christmas Carols door to door in Reunion with
invitations to our Christmas Eve service. A sign-up online
and in person at church will be available next Sunday. We
need a good 10-15 singers from our church, no age limits.
Rooted. On November 9, we'll be meeting in Loveland for a Bible
Study and some culture! At 2:30, meet the group at the Loveland
Museum/Gallery on Lincoln Ave. Then at 4:00 we'll head to our local
WELS church, Abiding Love, for a Bible Study, and finally we'll
head out for dinner. Join us!
Teen Event: Lord of Life Lock-in, Friday, November 21st at 9 PM-5
AM Begins with meeting at Lord of Life and heads to Boondocks for
overnight lock-in. Cost is $25 and communicate with PW if you’re
interested in attending. Ages are only high-school grades 9-12.
Worship 9:15 AM; Family Bible Hour
10:30 AM
Estudio Biblico 10 AM; Building Hope Class
101: 7 PM Reunion Rec. Center
Tuesdays 10 AM, Estudio Biblico, un Estudio en Espanol “El
Espiritu Santo.”
Confirmation Class, 5:30 PM Brighton
Rangeview Library.
Tuesdays, Building Hope Class, next class, 11/11 at 7 PM Reunion
Rec. Center
Village Inn Bible Readers: 9:30 AM at V.I.
Worship 9:15 AM Lord’s Supper; Family Bible
Hour 10:30 AM
Bible Study Small Groups:
God has blessed us with 4 such opportunities throughout the week.
Choose one that works for you and join us! Contact Pastor Walta for
more information 720-878-4673; pastor@livinghopelc.net.
Fridays, 9:30 AM, Village Inn “Hebrews”
Every other Saturday, Next, 11/22 at 10 AM “The Glory of the
Holiday Season Preparation:
1. We will observe Thankskgiving on Sunday, November
30th at 9: 15 AM. There are several Thanksgiving service
and outreach opportunities in the Reunion Area, like food
drives, turkey trots. Let Pastor Walta know if you are
interested in making use of this information.
2. The Sunday School kids will decorate our worship space
for Christmas on Sunday, November 30th during our family
bible hour. We will need the tree set up and donations of
decorations brought the Sundays prior or on that that
3. Advent Suppers and Evening Worship will begin
Wednesday, December 3rd from 6 PM (Supper) 7 PM
(Evening Worship). We will be in need of several
a. One or two for meal planning.
b. Several for food/drink bringing.
c. Some for set up.
Something else? Please send newsworthy items to
hopedesk@livinghopelc.net for print in our Sunday Hope’nings.
Lord of Life (News From Nov. 3 )
Picture Re-takes - If you would like to get your child's picture taken a
second time, or if you missed picture day the first time, there will be
another picture day on Tuesday the 11th. If you are getting them
taken again, you need to bring the old pictures back on Tuesday.
Any preschool students who need pictures taken can get them done
that day as well.
Middle School Basketball - This Tuesday the boys basketball players
will be dismissed at 2:30 in order to give time to get to Boulder for
their games. The games are at Shining Mountain.
Lego Club - This month's Lego Club will meet on Tuesday the 18th.
School Cleaning - We could use help with vacuuming the school
classrooms in November and December. You can use our
VolunteerSpot sign up for which weekend you are available to help
or the sign up in the school hallway.
Rocky Mountain LHS News: (rmlhs.org)
Cheerleading practice will be held tonight Friday, November 7 from
5:45-7:15pm at FM Day.
Practice will also be tomorrow Saturday, November 8 from 7:459:45am at Hyland Hills Gymnastics Center, 3295 W. 72nd Ave,
Westminster, CO 80030.
The cheerleaders will be competing in the Greeley West High School
cheer competition tomorrow! Good luck ladies!
Cheerleading practice will also be held next Monday, November 10
from 5:45-7:15 at FM Day.
Eligibility Checkpoint:
A reminder that eligibility will be checked on Monday, November
Prism Info:
The first Prism information meeting for students will be on Tuesday,
November 11th, after Chapel. Students will receive all the
paperwork needed to participate in the 2015 Prism concert. This
includes all the deadlines, and information needed to participate.
Basketball begins practice on Wednesday, November 12. Practices
will run from 4:00-5:30 at Hidden Lake High School.
Choral Festival
Next week, the Eagle Choir will be heading to Great Plains Lutheran
High School in Watertown, SD for the annual choral festival. The
choir will leave on Thursday, November 13. The festival will run
from Friday-Sunday. They will return on Monday. The pops concert
will be held on Friday evening at 7:00pm South Dakota time (6:00pm
our time) and the sacred concert will be held on Sunday at 2:30pm
South Dakota time (1:30pm our time). Both concerts will be
streamed live. You can access the live stream by visiting:
welsfinearts.org, click on West Regional Choral Festival GPLHS to
gain access to the feed.
Nebraska District News: Submitted by District President Treptow
On Saturday, October 25, the saints at Valley, Sheridan, Wyoming,
extended a Call to Pastor Jeffrey Smith to serve in part-time ministry.
The congregational president made contact with Pastor Smith on
Monday, October 27. Pastor Smith, feeling that he was not in a
position to consider a Call because of a commitment he had made to
the congregations he currently serves in Petaluma and Windsor,
California, to serve them until his retirement in September 2015,
declined the Call. He was under the impression that, because he had
announced plans to retire, that his name should not have been used on
a Call list, and that, if the congregation had been aware of his
retirement plans, would not have extended him a Call. The
congregation actually was aware of his plans, and thought that the
opportunity to serve in retirement in a part-time ministry might have
been intriguing. Plans for the next Call meeting have not yet been
Pastor Jon Mahnke was installed on Sunday, November 2, as interim
pastor at Crown of Life, Pueblo West, Colorado. We thank the Lord
for providing for his people at Crown of Life and pray his richest
blessings on Pastor Mahnke’s work, as he prepares them for the
Calling of their next permanent pastor.
Pastor Jonathan Rockhoff, who has served the saints at Messiah,
Wichita, Kansas, since his assignment from the Seminary in 1987,
received a Divine Call on Sunday evening to serve as the next pastor
at Shepherd of the Hills, Winchester, Virginia. May the Lord bless
Pastor Rockhoff’s deliberation, giving him insight into the needs in
both ministries and granting him peace as he determines where he
would like to serve with the abilities he has been given!
The Synodical Council (SC) will hold its fall meeting on Friday and
Saturday of this week. The major item of business is the initial
discussion of the Ministry Financial Plan (budget) for 2015-2017 that
will be recommended to the synod convention next July.
Work on the plan began last summer as areas of ministry each
developed their plans. The SC had directed the areas of ministry to
plan for a “no increase” budget initially. The president’s office, along
with the President’s Advisory Council, then adopted an overall plan
last month. That plan will be presented to the SC for consideration at
this meeting. The plan still will be able to be adjusted in the coming
months (depending on funding available from Congregation Mission
Offerings and other sources). A final recommendation will be
adopted by the SC in February.
There is more good news about Congregation Mission Offerings
(CMO). Mission offerings from congregations are continuing at a
strong and encouraging pace. October offerings were very strong
with an increase of 8.4% over 2013 and $321,000 more than
projected for the month of October. Year-to-date CMO is up 3.1%
over 2013 and $451,000 over projections. Once again, the Lord has
moved his people to respond to his grace with generous thank
offerings. We thank him, and we thank God’s people for their
faithfulness in supporting our work as a synod.
Serving in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder