한인소망교회 예결산 Hope Korean Presbyterian Church Year 2012 Closing Account Types Offerings Revenue ($) Tithe (십일조) 22,589 Gratitude(감사헌금) 10,176 Feast Thanks(절기헌금) 1,470 Sunday Offering(주일헌금) 5,042 General Missions(선교헌금) 7,465 Special offering(특별헌금) 2,633 Bible Study Group(구역헌금) 4,212 others(기타) 16,421 Carry-over (in Nov. 2011) 3,808 Total Revenues 73,818 Closing Account Expense ($) Types Pastor's Compensation Pastor's salary (사례비) 17,260 (10,760/6,500) (전임교역자/현교역자) Pastor's Bonus(보너스) 2,500 (1,500/1,000) Housing for Pastor(사택비) 12,726 (7,470/5,246) Books and Gas (책, 가스) 2,200 (1,400/800) Utilities(전화비) 1,133 (973/160) others 0.00 35,819 (22,103/13,706) associate-pastor Pastor's salary 0.00 0.00 other minister Guest lecturer/pastor 1,716 1,716 Worship Dept. Sermon CD 0.00 예배부 Bible Quiz Prize(성경퀴즈) 90.00 Outdoor Service(야외예배) 0.00 Unexpected 160.59 250.59 New Members Dept. Welcome Party 0.00 새신자부 Personnel 0.00 0.00 Mission Dept. Korean Roreign Mission 7,576 선교부 Local mission-stamp& 61.58 Other 0.00 7,637.58 Closing account Expense Types Fellowship Dept. fellowship 1,539.29 봉사부 kitchen equipment 126.67 congratulations & condolence 0.00 Outdoor service fellowship 0.00 1,665.96 Education Dept. Scholarship(장학금) 500 교육부 Bible class materials(교제) 49.66 church camp(수련회) 6,139.82 vacation bible study(방학성경학교) 0.00 Unexpected 0.00 6,689.48 Administration Dept. 3,457 행정부 3,457 Maintenance Church Rent 6,000 경상경비 Special Guests(airfare, hotel) 0.00 Total gen. Office Supplies 1,613.72 Van maintenance 3,127.42 Van Insurance+renewal 988 Congrat. & Condolences 428.14 Unexpected 687.00 12,844.28 Transfer to building fund 1,126.85 1,126.85 Total Expenses 71,207.76 Balance 2,611.11 월별 정기지출 내역 항목 지출액 ($) 사례비 1,500 책 100 유류비 100 사택비 1,050 전화비 40 선교비 800 교회차량 운영비 300 교회 사용료 500 Total 4,390 2012 월별재정수입 수련회회비 $6651 건축헌금 $3500 건축헌금 $1000 김치판매 야드세일 $935 $1126 취임식헌금 $829 건축헌금 $2000 *12월은 2011년 12월임