WEEKLY WITNESS November 18, 2015 INVESTING NOW As our Stewardship campaign comes to an end, please continue to pray for God’s guidance on how you can give your talents, time and imagination to build up the body of Christ. THIS SUNDAY is the deadline to return your pledge cards so remember to bring them! There will be a potluck and we invite you to bring a dish, stay after and join in celebrating all the many ways God has blessed us and is continuing to do so. SANTA PARADE The annual Santa Parade will be Saturday, December 5th, at 11 AM. If you are interested in being a part of the Santa Parade, please contact Kelly Wheeler at 360.388.5400. POINSETTIAS Poinsettias from De Goede’s Bulb Farms are available in Memory/Honor of your loved ones for $11. They will be displayed in the sanctuary and you will be able to take them home after the last Christmas Eve service. Please make checks payable to Presbyterian Women and return them no later than November 30th to the church office. Order forms are on the ushers’ table in the back. PASTOR STUDY An exciting three week class will be taking place starting at the end of November. It will be offered twice a week and covers topics that relate to what we as a church believe and how we build our Christian lives through these beliefs. November 29th & December 2nd—Books & Connections; Order, Confessions and the Bible. December 6th & 9th—Great Ends; the mission of the Church. December 13th & 16th —We Confess; confessing Christ, confessing sin. Make plans to join us and learn more! ADVENT SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES November 29 - Hanging of the Greens Service December 13 - Celebrating the Lord’s Supper December 20 - Christmas Story Worship Service; special teaching featuring the children. December 24 –Christmas Eve Worship Services 4:30 PM & 7:30 PM. Prayer vigil 11:00 PM. NOTES FROM THE PRAYER TEAM If you have any questions about the new corporate prayer team or wish to become a part, even for just a short time, please contact Jean Bluhm at jeanbluhm@comcast.net. When you join you will receive a list of requests, needs and praises that you can pray for when you have time. Your prayers will join with those of the rest of us praying for the same important requests for the church and its people. Blessings. - Jean Bluhm LIKE HOT CHOCOLATE? Who doesn’t? We are looking for volunteers to help with the handing out of hot cocoa during the Santa Parade. If you can help please contact Chuck Emerick. PRESBYTERIAN WORKERS LUNCHEON Presbyterian Workers (and that’s all of you!) put December 3rd on your calendar and join us for our last luncheon of the year. Presbyterian Workers started as a Guild in early the 1860’s and we are continuing to transform and grow. On the program you will hear from the Prayer Team, Adult Education the ½ Day Retreat and hear a Christmas story from our own Beverly Ramsey. The Yesterday Table will have a new display. At the November tea many olden days’ hats were displayed. If you have an old item you wish to bring, please do! Elizabeth Currie will host. BLOOD DRIVE Volunteers and donors needed to save lives! Please give blood at our American Red Cross blood drive on December 3rd, 1 PM—6 PM. See Peg Warren for details! WESTERIAN CIRCLE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GATHERING The Westerian Circle will have its annual Christmas gathering at the Riverside Golf course December 8th at 12:00. This year we are inviting all the circles to join us in celebrating Pearl Miller’s 97th birthday. Please reserve your place by contacting our co-moderator Meri Bretthauer meribretthauer@yahoo.com. THANK YOU FROM JEAN BLUHM Thank you so much for the lovely present and certificate concerning the 160th Anniversary. I labor for Jesus, so it is a pleasure, but I am grateful for your honor. They say history repeats itself and I pray it is true since our church has a wonderful Christ-filled history. Jean Bluhm MEN’S SALT GROUP Men’s SALT Bible Study held at Sunbirds resumes Wednesday, December 2nd after taking a rest on November 25th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday season. We will pick up with Acts Chapter 16, so study ahead. Questions? Call Hank 748 8761. MAKING A JOYFUL NOISE Westminster Bells meet each Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Church Sanctuary. Chancel Choir meets each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. SO MUCH HAPPENING AT … WPC CALENDAR Sunday, November 22 – Stewardship Celebration – Investing in Discipleship Thursday & Friday, November 26 - 27 the church office will be closed. Sunday, November 29 - First Sunday in Advent, Hanging of The Greens Service Sunday, November 29 – 9:00 – 9:30 AM Pastor’s Study – Books & Connections Wednesday, December 2 – 6:00 – 6:45 PM Pastor’s Study – Books & Connections Thursday, December 3 at 11:00 AM PW board meeting followed by a Christmas luncheon that will include the installation of new officers. Elizabeth Currie Circle will be hosting. Thursday, December 3 - American Red Cross Blood Drive in the CCC. Saturday, December 5 - Santa Parade and Hot Chocolate Ministry at 11:00 AM Westminster Bells Concerts - Saturday, December 5 7:00 PM, WPC Sunday December 6 - 3:00 PM WPC Sunday December 6 - 7:00 PM at Harrison Square Sunday, December 6 – 9:00 – 9:30 AM Pastor’s Study – Great Ends Wednesday, December 9 – 6:00 – 6:45 PM Pastor’s Study – Great Ends Sunday, December 13 – 9:00 – 9:30 AM Pastor’s Study – We Confess Wednesday, December 16 – 6:00 – 6:45 PM Pastor’s Study – We Confess VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Thank you so much to the ladies who have graciously come in to help in the office! This is the busy season of end of the year reports and important holidays. Alissa Read is covering the church office for Melodee but assistance with general office tasks is still needed. Please contact Alissa at 748-0091 if you can come in for a few hours to help as we work to get our end of the year reports completed. THANK YOU FROM MALAWI Rev. Matiya Nkhoma writes in an email: “This is to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the funds for Mariya’s Orphan Care program. This is a great donation and we are sure the children will benefit a lot including those who need fees for secondary education. Please extend our big thank you to Westminster Presbyterian Church. The funds are needed now since most families are beginning to experience serious shortage of maise.” Rev. H Matiya Nkhoma. This gift was made possible by those who purchased color bowls through WPC a few months ago. Proceeds from that sale plus donations resulted in $1,200 sent to Malawi to feed and provide school fees for orphans in need. From Flowers to Food – Thanks! HORIZON BIBLE STUDY The Horizon Bible Study meets each Thursday at 10:30 AM, in the Giffey Room. They are studying “Come to the Waters.” CONTACT US Ed Wegele, Pastor—360.748.0091 or 360.269.0545 —ewegele@chehaliswpc.org Alissa Read, Interim Church Secretary—mbailey@chehaliswpc.org Kelly Wheeler, Preschool Director—360.388.5400 Peg Warren, Deacon Moderator—peg0316@gmail.com Phone: 360.996.4040 Carol Days, Director of Chancel Choir and Westminster Bells -btrdays4@aol.com Carolin Auvil, Pianist-cmauvil@gmail.com Jan Snider, Organist-j@cascadenetworks.net CONNECTION FACEBOOK Church Campus: Annex/ Office: Mailing Address: www.chehaliswpc.org Westminster Presbyterian Church of Chehalis WA 349 North Market Blvd. Chehalis, WA 98532 128 NW Prindle Street Chehalis, WA 98532 Hours: M-TH 9:00am—3:00pm (360) 748.0091 PO Box 710 Chehalis, WA 98532