2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity MBARC January 2014 MBARC Acorn House 314-320 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8DP T: 020 7407 4010 www.mbarc.co.uk 2|Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 3 2 Introduction ................................................................................................. 4 3 Condom Distribution .................................................................................... 5 3.1 Pan London HIV Prevention Programme funded condom provision ............ 5 3.2 NHS London funded condom provision ......................................................... 6 4 Health and Wellbeing Lounges ..................................................................... 8 4.1 Summer Rites (Date) London Borough of Hackney ....................................... 8 4.2 UK Black Pride (UKBP) .................................................................................. 10 Appendix 1: Final design of Capital City Condoms 2012 ........................................ 12 Appendix 2: Condom Distribution Strategy .......................................................... 13 Appendix 3: Summer lovin promotion ................................................................. 18 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 3|Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MBARC was commissioned by the London Sexual Health Programme to support the delivery of the Games time Sexual Health planning and legacy. Specifically, MBARC were commissioned to make available additional condoms and run two health and wellbeing events in London during Games time. MBARC worked with the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme and negotiated a financial contribution to fund additional condoms to be made available using the existing distribution scheme and sites. These additional condoms were branded in partnership with the supplier and commissioner and delivered with accompanying lubricant across venues in London. NHS London provided additional resource to fund condom distribution at Olympic live sites. MBARC managed this process on behalf of NHS London. MBARC organised two Health and Wellbeing events in London during games time. Both targeted the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities and were supported by partner organisations of the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme. Additionally, MBARC worked with the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) on behalf of the steering group to negotiate the copy rights of a previously run health promotion campaign (Summer Lovin’) for the duration of the Games. The generic campaign focused on condom use and was run at all Olympic 2012 sites in England. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 4|Page 2 INTRODUCTION MBARC were commissioned by the London Sexual Health Programme to support delivery of the Games time planning and legacy with regards to sexual health. All deliverables were set by NHS London who had been funded by the Department of Health and had then been agreed between NHS London and the London Sexual Health Programme. Health promotion activity included: Condom Distribution with supporting Distribution Policy Funded by the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme (PLHPP) Health and Wellbeing Lounges UK Black Pride Summer Rites Funded by NHS London This report details health promotion conducted under each of these areas. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 5|Page 3 CONDOM DISTRIBUTION 3.1 Pan London HIV Prevention Programme funded condom provision Funding was agreed with the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme (PLHPP) to provide an additional supply of condoms via the Freedoms Condom Distribution Scheme (funded by PLHPP). MBARC agreed with the PLHPP lead commissioner that the funding would purchase a supply of condoms and lubricant from Freedoms (the current provider of condoms for PLHPP) and distribute via the Freedom Scheme. MBARC worked with Freedoms and negotiated the design and production of the packaging of condoms and lubricants for distribution to gay venues across London. MBARC negotiated and arranged through a number of meetings, emails and phone conversations: A series of planning meetings with the Condom Distribution provider Freedoms Bulk purchase of condoms Bulk purchase of lubricant Condom pack design (Appendix 1) Cost of storage of condoms and lubricant Delivery of condoms over games time (including one additional delivery to regular sites) using Freedoms own distribution service Condom Strategy (Appendix 2) As instructed and signed off by the management group, MBARC produced and circulated a strategy for distributing condoms during Games time in line with NHS guidance to ensure the additional resources were targeted at most vulnerable groups (young people and, MSM, and those from countries with high prevalence). Health Promotion Poster Campaign MBARC worked with THT to design and produce a range of poster materials to support and promote condom use and support distribution. The content and key messages were agreed with representatives from both THT and MBARC on behalf of NHS London and were based on an archive 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 6|Page campaign copy right belonging to THT. MBARC negotiated a fee to temporarily own rights for three months. Additionally, MBARC worked with Felton’s (as instructed by THT) to: Agree final design modifications Produce A4, A6 versions of the work (Appendix 3) Produce geographical focused versions (London, East of England) Produce high resolution PDF version for downloading/reproduction Arrange production and delivery within limited time scales. Additionally, MBARC consulted on the final design with a group of London Sexual Health Commissioners to encourage support and buy in. 3.2 NHS London funded condom provision NHSL provided funding for condoms to be purchased and made available throughout London 2012. Key deliverables and work plans were signed off by the 2012 Management Group. All condoms purchased were distributed. MBARC: Negotiated a competitive price for purchasing bulk condoms/lubricant Arranged storage and delivery of condoms/lubricant Identified key events in London during Games time. MBARC then: Contacted event organisers directly to arrange distribution where possible Contacted local commissioners and public health teams where events were happening and agree distribution (London and East of England) Where possible, linked voluntary organisations with events and PCTs to provide a joined up approach in condom distribution Provided information for distribution xof the work via the London Sexual Health Programme and by direct contact (phone/email) Identified where Olympic Hospitality Houses were and boroughs, contacted all houses to offer supplies of condoms for the duration of Games time 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 7|Page Packaged condoms, lubricant and posters for delivery Employed a van and driver to deliver condoms and lubricant to venues, events and PCTs in London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 8|Page 4 HEALTH AND WELLBEING LOUNGES MBARC was commissioned to provide two health and well-being lounges (HWL) during Games time in London. Planning and decisions were made by the 2012 Steering group. HWL were to be delivered at key events and were to target men who have sex with men (MSM) and promote the PLHPP. The agreed approach was to provide a Wellbeing Lounge that would encourage MSM to engage with health promotion agencies by providing information on HIV and wider health issues such as smoking cessation, mental health etc. in one place (a lounge). The PLHPP would promote its services by providing volunteer staff throughout the day – whilst working along any local agencies or providers that was able to provide staff or information. It was agreed that were appropriate and possible, the HWL would offer HIV point of care testing, STI testing, health promotion and sign posting to services. MBARC coordinated the planning and delivery of the HWL by: Holding a number of planning meetings with PLHPP agencies who were responsible for providing a range of health promotion and HIV prevention services across London Agreeing additional activity to be delivered at HWL and or at other public events coinciding with Game time with LHPP agencies Project plan with costings to the steering group for sign off Engaging with local sexual health commissioners, public health departments and sexual health leads and involving them in planning and delivery of the HWL In discussions with a representation of PLHPP agencies and MBARC, two events were identified where HWL could be run; 4.1 Summer Rites – Hackney (A large outdoor festival for LGBT community) UK Black Pride – Lambeth (LGBT pride event for black and minority ethnic groups) Summer Rites (Date) London Borough of Hackney This event attracted 10,000 MSM. The event is a music festival with key large London gay clubs hosting tents with dance and live music, stalls, food and voluntary services (Appendix 4). 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 9|Page MBARC liaised with the Senior Public Health Strategist to engage the local GUM service provider (Homerton NHS Foundation Trust), local MSM health promotion services (NHS City and Hackney) and agencies from PLHPP. MBARC liaised with the event organisers to: Book/reserve space and table Design and purchase flags with PLHPP logos Agree HIV testing on site Arrange access for equipment/supporting staff Waive the attendance fee for the NHS organisations and PLHPP MBARC worked with NHS City and Hackney and Homerton GUM and arranged the delivery of the following at Summer Rites: HIV Instant testing Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia screening Hepatitis B Vaccination. MBARC liaised with key stakeholders to ensure: Health promotion material (sexual health, mental health, smoking cessation) were available on site Access to point of care HIV testing on site Provision of Condoms and lubricant Sign posting to local services. MBARC then arranged: Purchase a gazebo for HWL Delivery of equipment to site PLHPP agencies to attend and promote London wide prevention services. MBARC secured access to two large high profile MSM events in London during Games time, Summer Rites in Hackney and UK Black Pride in Lambeth. A third event, Pride House (agreed at the last minute), was cost prohibitive. MBARC therefore did not attend but instead provided a supply of condoms and supporting poster materials. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 10 | P a g e The Summer Rites HWL ran was open from 2pm to 8pm. It was staffed by multiple agencies from the PLHPP, local GUM clinicians, local public health specialists (see Appendix 4 for photo). 4.2 UK Black Pride (UKBP) UKBP is a well-established event for the LGBTI community in London and takes place annually. It has attracted around 2000 people and is held in Regents Park. Due to weather conditions in 2012, the event was relocated to the Ministry of Sound in Elephant & Castle (in-door). Although this fundamentally changed the overall format of the day (it would not be possible to pitch a Gazebo for the HWL), it was agreed to go ahead with the plan to attend and modify the delivery. MBARC coordinated and led on arranging: A stall at the event Payment for attending in advance Contacted local health promotion departments and Public Health Teams at NHS Lambeth Liaised with PLHPP agencies to agree volunteer access and attendance on the day 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 11 | P a g e Transferred equipment to and from the site (Banners, condoms, posters etc.) Set up and removal from the site. UKBP ran from 12pm to 6pm (Stalls and market area). An estimated 1500 attended the event. A multi-agency team of health promoters attended the event including a HIV nurse and three outreach workers from PLHPP. The team provided: Condoms and lubricant (Wallets) Information on PLHPP services Information on local sexual health and prevention services A range of PLHPP ‘nik-naks’ (service promotion/condom wallets etc.) All volunteers proactively engaged with event attendees and discussed HIV prevention. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 12 | P a g e APPENDIX 1: FINAL DESIGN OF CAPITAL CITY CONDOMS 2012 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 13 | P a g e APPENDIX 2: CONDOM DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Condom Distribution Strategy for summer 2012/Games time Introduction As part of NHS London’s sexual health demand management arrangements for the summer of 2012, the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme is supporting the Freedoms Scheme to distribute an additional 170,000 condoms with lubricant specifically for the gay community. NHSL is supporting a further 270,000 condoms and lubricant for the general public at live sites throughout Games time. A total of 440,000 additional condoms will be made available during summer 2012 and other London festivals. MBARC have been commissioned by the London Sexual Health Programme to support delivery of sexual health Games time planning and legacy. All deliverables have been set by NHS London who have been funded by the Department of Health and have then been agreed between NHS London and the London Sexual Health Programme. During summer 2012, MBARC will work with the London Sexual Health Commissioners Network to: identify appropriate heterosexual and gay (sex on premises) venues support commissioners with local prevention initiatives were condoms are required provide condoms and sign posting to sexual health services distribute condoms at official Olympic ‘live sites’ and World Pride 2012 support effective sign posting to pharmacy and GUM services monitor condom distribution provide an evaluation of agreed deliverables to NHS London. Aim To provide an additional 440,000 condoms to both the general public (aimed at young people and African communities and MSM) during Games time (July – September 2012) through events relating to the London 2012 Olympic Games. Objective To improve access to condoms and sign posting to services for vulnerable groups during Games time Rationale 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 14 | P a g e Recent HPA data has shown a concerning rise in STIs for both young heterosexuals and gay men (STIs in England 2011). In London this increase was greater than the rest of England. The HPA recommend that prevention, including STI screening and improving access to testing should increase and that health promotion initiatives continue to be targeted towards MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) and young people. The HPA suggest that health promotion and education remain the ‘corner stone’ of STI prevention and suggest that continued efforts to improve access to STI services, awareness and promoting consistent condom use are vital in controlling transmission of STIs. Proposed Criteria for condom distribution Criteria Rationale Event MBARC have been commissioned to provide additional condoms at Live sites and hot spots (live screening, street parties etc.) and Hospitality Houses Location Within London area (commissioned by NHS London) Footfall/Numbers Attending MBARC will distribute condoms at events with more than 1000 expected to attend Age Condom distribution will target young people under the age of 30 Target group Condom distribution will be targeted at MSM and gay men and also at African communities Key Deliverables Condom Distribution July to September 2012 Condom distribution via hotspots during summer and Games time including availability at official live sites (minimum 300,000 additional condoms). Distribution To maximise the impact of the additional condoms that have been made available for distribution, delivery will be targeted at: The general population (including UK residents and overseas visitors) attending Olympic related events and; 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 15 | P a g e Gay men/MSM attending specific LGBT events in London during summer 2012. Distribution – General Population (Young People/Black Africans) There are a number of key events and hotspots during summer 2012 in London organised by the GLA ranging from street based events to Live sites (venues showing Olympic events on screens). MBARC will liaise with local Sexual Health Commissioners and providers to support local health promotion initiatives to ensure additional condoms are made available at selected specific events. Olympic ‘Live Sites’ and many street based festivals/event/activities will likely to be family orientated events and therefore an assessment of potential number of people and demographics will contribute to the distribution decision making process. Condom distribution, in line with HPA recommendations, will be targeted toward young people, MSM/gay men and Black African communities. With large numbers expected at venues/street events, the method of condom distribution is likely to be a mix of condoms being handed out by volunteers and condoms being made available through distribution points. Events that are likely to attract a large number of visitors from outside of London are not going to be suitable for promoting the London-wide condom distribution scheme due to the costs of issuing a card, smaller events with a more local catchment may be more appropriate. A discussion with local NHS commissioners on the most suitable method for each event will be required to finalise plans. Distribution – Gay Men/MSM There are a number of planned LGBT events during summer 2012. MBARC will work with the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme and local commissioners to ensure health promotion activities are supported around sign posting to sexual health services and supplied with additional condoms for gay men. ‘Pop-Up’ Health and Wellbeing Lounges MBARC have been commissioned by NHS London to establish ‘Pop-Up’ Health and Wellbeing Lounges (temporary stalls/tents or other means to provide health promotion interventions) across London during Games time. Pop-Up Health and Wellbeing Lounges will provide condoms and lube, health promotion, advice and sign posting to existing services before and throughout the duration of 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 16 | P a g e Games time. It is envisaged that MBARC will work with local commissioners, providers and the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme (PLHPP) to agree the most effective use of resources. Proposed main events for Pop-Up Health and Wellbeing Lounges: Greenwich ‘Drag Race’ 18/08/2012 Summer Rites 02/09/2012 UK Black Pride 18/08/2010. MBARC is currently working with London gay venues to explore the potential to hold some Pop-Up Health Lounges in central venues including saunas that serve the gay community. Delivery MBARC will coordinate a minimum of 6 Pop-Up Health Lounges across London during Games time/Summer 2012. MBARC propose to work with the PLHPP providers and local PCTs to provide a range of health promotion activities (e.g. condom distribution, GMFA’s PN via Gaydar, smoking cessation, health checks, mental health, local GUM and Voluntary Sector providers) targeted at gay men at a range of gay venues during the Games period. Activity Pop-Up Health Lounges will provide an opportunity for providers to sign post and promote prevention initiatives commissioned through the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme and other arrangements. This is an opportunity to promote local initiatives (with PCT partners and other third sector providers including wider health initiatives) as well as promote pan London initiatives with other HIV prevention providers. Examples could include: Health checks for gay men, smoking cessation, promotion of mental health services, promotion of small media campaigns, and provision of local service information for gay men/MSM. Promotion of Games time health message – the following key message will be promoted throughout summer 2012: Messaging for General Public Carrying condoms with you and using them every time you have sex will help protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and help prevent unintended pregnancy. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 17 | P a g e NHS pharmacists can give free confidential advice and direct you to the best sexual health service for you. For more information visit www.nhs.uk/london2012 Target messaging for MSM/Gay men If you are worried about sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), NHS Pharmacists can give you free, confidential advice and direct you to the best sexual health service for you. Or you can search for by post code for your nearest sexual health clinic at; www.nhs.uk/london2012 All NHS sexual health clinics offer HIV tests, and most offer ‘rapid’ tests, with a result ready in moments. If you have HIV, the sooner you know, the better your chances. With early diagnosis and the new treatments, people with HIV have an excellent chance of living a normal life span in good health. Why not get tested? Used correctly, condoms prevent the transmission of HIV. They also offer good protection of other sexually transmitted infections. Evaluation MBARC will evaluate the summer 2012/Games time condom distribution and its uptake and PLHPP organisation’s delivery as part of the Health and Wellbeing Lounges with input from an independent evaluator to provide oversight and validation. 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity 18 | P a g e APPENDIX 3: SUMMER LOVIN PROMOTION 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games Sexual Health Planning & Legacy Programme Report 3: Sexual Health Promotion Activity