Roman Achievements: Chapter 11, Section 1 The Roman’s made several achievements in the fields of science, engineering, architecture, art, literature, language, and law. Read pages 348-350, and in each box, list some of the achievements by the Romans in that area. The first one has been completed as an example. Then, answer the questions below each box. Science 1. Studied stars to produce a calendar Studied plants and animals to learn how to obtain better crops and meat Galen, a surgeon, studied the body, described the heart and noted differences between valves of the heart How did the Romans’ studies in science affect us today? Doctors and scientist made future advances and based their ideas on the discoveries of the Romans. Engineering Developed cement Built roads with different layers that made the road highly durable Created lasting structures by using arches Created aqueducts to carry water from mountains to cities Combined arches to create vaults, which allowed them to create huge, open areas within buildings 2. How can the Romans’ sense of practicality be seen in their approach to science & engineering? They built things like roads and structures that had a very practical purpose, not just because they were beautiful. Architecture Used columns to make buildings look impressive Copied the Greeks by covering many buildings with marble Using vaults allowed them to build huge structures, like the Coliseum Mosaics and paintings decorated Roman buildings Most Roman paintings were frescos, painting done on plaster Painters and sculptors were also talented; sculptors tried to re-create the brilliance of Greek sculptures 3. What did the Romans admire when it came to architecture & art? They admired beauty (opposite from engineering and science). Literature & Language Virgil wrote The Aeneid Ovid wrote poems about Roman mythology Roman writers produced histories, speeches and dramas that are still studied and enjoyed today Romans spoke, Latin, which developed into the Romance languages including Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, & Romanian. Latin also influenced words in other languages 4. What are four types of art at which the Romans excelled? Mosaics, paintings, frescoes, portraits and scultptures LAw Roman law was enforced across Europe & continued to exist in the kingdoms that followed Roman law inspired civil law, a legal system based on a written code of laws Many countries today have legal systems based on Roman laws.