Combe Martin Primary School Class 4 Spring Term 2015 Curriculum Overview w/c 5.1.15 TOPIC (Literacy/ History/RE) LITERACY DIARY Write diary entries for Christmas Day and New Years Day. NUMBER & ROMAN NUMERALS Explain & show how & when counting is useful for addition & subtraction, including in Roman Numerals. SCIENCE w/c 19.1.15 w/c 26.1.15 w/c 2.2.15 w/c 9.2.15 w/c 16.2.14 INVASION – Romans and their influence on Modern Britain Understand format of diaries and writing in the first person. MATHS w/c 12.1.15 CHRONOLOGICAL REPORT Exploring what the Romans did for us. To begin to understand that the Roman Empire influenced and changed Britain Assessment Week NON CHRONOLOGICAL REPORT Exploring how the Romans influenced the food we eat. To recognise that communities respond to and can influence change. To understand (using the example of food) that immigration has brought diversity to our lives, and enriched our lives NUMBER SENSE FRACTIONS ADDITIVE REASONING Building on week 1, count in 10ths, recognise that 10ths arise from dividing objects into 10 equal parts & in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10. Understand half, quarter, third, tenth, etc. Solve practical problems (Link to 3-D images). Connect 10ths to place value & to division by 10. Add & Subtract 3-digit numbers mentally. Estimate answers using rounding. Solve problems including length, mass, capacity and money. Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables w/c 23.2.15 w/c 2.3.15 w/c 9.3.15 Being British H A L F T E R M w/c 23.3.15 Easter EXPLANATION Exploring what it means to be British MYTHS Romulus & Remus To describe their identities and the groups they feel they belong to. To recognise different identities and experiences. To appreciate that identity consists of many factors. To recognise that each person's identity is unique and can change. To begin to understand the idea of 'stereotypes' To understand ‘myth’ and recount this Roman myth. MULTIPLICATIVE REASONING Explain & represent multiplication as both repeated addition and scaling, and division as both sharing and grouping. Use this to derive facts and solve problems. Use multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 50 & 100. Through doubling they connect 2, 4 & 8 x tables. Solve problems in contexts, deciding which of the 4 operations to use and why, including measuring and scaling contexts. N/A SOUND Plants & Animals w/c 16.3.15 FORCES Plants & Animals RECOUNT The Easter Story To understand the ‘mystery’ of the death of Jesus and the Resurrection. Recount Holy week beginning with Palm Sunday. GEOMETRIC REASONING Explain and show angle as a measure of turn, and can draw, make and identify shapes with rightangles. Identify right angles, recognise that 2 rightangles make a half turn, 3 make 3-quarters of a turn and 4 make a whole turn. Identify whether angles are greater or less than a right-angle. ART/DT Mosaics Sketching (Roman artefacts) Current popular British Art/sculpture: Banksy, Damian Hirst, etc GEOGRAPHY Identify Key locations in UK (Link to how far the Roman invasion went) Visit Roman Baths (Big Experience) Why do people choose to live/immigrate here from other countries? What has been their influence on British life/culture/traditions, etc? (other than the Romans) DATES 5th – Nonpupil day Y6 London Trip Parent Consultation week Poetry Week Easter Service in church