Junior Schools Tennis Tournament April 2015

Tuesday 14th April 2015
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Young Leaders Mini Tennis Tournament
Pershore Tennis Centre
Your son/daughter has expressed an interest to help with leading and officiating at the
Junior Schools Mini Tennis Tournament on Thursday 16th April at Pershore Tennis
Centre. The day will involve training in the morning and then running the event in the
afternoon. We will leave Prince Henry’s High School at 8.50am and return to school by
Your son/daughter will need to wear PHHS PE kit, bring a packed lunch and a drink. We will
endeavour to return to school before the end of the day so that pupils who catch a bus can
do so, however if the event should run on please can these pupils have other arrangements
in place just in case.
If you are happy for your son/daughter to take part in this leadership opportunity please
complete the reply slip below and the permission form attached and return to me by
Wednesday 15th April.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Sophie Thorner
PE Teacher
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To be returned to Mrs Thorner in the PE Department
Student: ……………………………………………………………………..
Form: …………..
I would/would not like my son/daughter to attend the Junior Schools Mini Tennis
Tournament on Thursday 16th April at Pershore Tennis Centre.
Signed: …………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………….