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Application to Participate in Oxfordshire
Science Festival 2016
Small grants also available to support researchers to engage the public
Application deadline: noon 25 Jan 2016
Dear colleagues,
The University of Oxford is pleased to be a Principal Sponsor of Oxfordshire Science Festival 2016
(OSF). The festival is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research, inspire the younger
generation, engage with the local community and raise debate on the impact of science on society.
In 2016 the festival will take place from Thursday 23 June to Sunday 3 July.
There are a variety of ways that researchers can share their research with the public at the festival;
this includes at the opening weekend research fair in the town centre, street busking and a
programme of talks, debates and shows (see programme).
As a Principal Sponsor of the OSF, the University has secured 15 stalls (which can be indoor or
outdoor) and 7 programme slots for events, talks and debates. Researchers from all disciplines are
invited to apply:
a) to take part in the festival (e.g. hosting a stall, event, talk, debate, etc.)
b) for small grants to support the development of research engagement activities to be
delivered as part of the Oxfordshire Science Festival programme if required
All science and science-related research areas are welcomed and can include science, social science
and exploring the societal impacts and history of science.
Full details about how to participate are in this document. I hope you will
join us in widening awareness and debate about research and its impact
on society.
Best regards,
Prof Sarah Whatmore
Academic Champion for Public Engagement with Research
What is on offer?
1. A chance to take part in OSF 2016 by hosting a stall, event, talk or debate, with the
programming fee covered (whether you apply for a small grant or not)
2. Grants from £250 to £1,000 (£10,000 total fund) to support development and delivery of
activity, if required
3. Training and support
The Principal Applicant must be a researcher employed by the University of Oxford
(application teams can include students and other members of staff, such as public
engagement officers and research facilitators)
Funding for development of the activity should only be applied for if the Principal Applicant
is unable to access existing funds earmarked for public engagement e.g., from research
grants, department/ unit or equivalent funds (see FAQs, page 7).
Additionally the proposed activities must:
- Be suitable for delivery as part of OSF (see OSF programme and appendix for details)
- Be related to science or science-related research (this includes where science interfaces with
arts, humanities and social sciences)
Proposals seeking match-funding for existing activities will be considered for particularly high quality
and innovative proposals.
Do you need funding to help you develop and deliver an activity?
The grants offered through this scheme are for researchers to develop and deliver activities at an
event to be held as a part of the Oxfordshire Science Festival. Funds can be used for:
Purchasing materials and equipment required for the activity (e.g. interactive stall or show/
Printing and design of banners or handouts
Other expenses
Funds cannot be used for:
Salary costs
Paying freelance or consultant fees/ staff costs
Purchasing expensive electrical equipment such as cameras and tablets
The workshop
A half day workshop will be provided to successful applicants in the run up to the festival in
collaboration with staff from the museums and gardens, and other public engagement professionals.
This workshop will provide an opportunity to share plans, learning and ideas, and to support the
development of activities. Details of the training will be provided upon award and the workshop will
be developed based on the needs identified by the successful applicants
One-to-one support will also be available as and when required through the Divisions public
engagement facilitators and coordinators.
Key dates:
10 Dec 2015
25 Jan 2016
5 Feb 2015
Feb-Mar 2016
23 June – 3 July 2016
29 July 2016
Call for applications opens
Closing date for applications
Notification of decisions
Delivery of activities (OSF)
Final report due
Selection Criteria
Overall quality of proposal with a clear plan
The proposal has identified an audience and
the activity is relevant and appropriate for
this audience
The proposal is realistic and feasible
The proposal relates to a specific research
project or research area of the researchers
The proposal provides an opportunity to
build public engagement with research
capacity within the team applying
Has an evaluation plan
The proposal has clearly justified costs
Successful applicants are required to provide a 1-2 page final report on completion of their activities,
to include evaluation of the activity (no later than 29 July 2016). A report template will be provided.
If you apply for a grant, the funds will be allocated to your department through the normal finance
grant processes in the department. Any programming fees are covered as part of the University’s
sponsorship of the festival. All funding must be spent by 31 July 2016.
Application Form
Principal Applicant name
Your department
Your telephone number
Your email address
Are you seeking a grant?
Y/N (if Y please provide finance contact details)
Department finance contact name
Department finance contact email
1. Title of your activity (20 words)
2. What type of activity are you proposing (see appendix)? Delete and add detail as appropriate.
Research fair stall, street science unit, lecture, debate, workshop, show, other
3. Description of your proposed project. Please outline what your proposed activity is, what you
aim to achieve, how the activity links to your research, how you will meet the audience’s needs
(500 words max).
4. How will you evaluate your project? How will you reflect on and share learning with your
peers? (100 words max)
5. Legacy. How will this activity help build public engagement with research capacity? How might
you use this activity in the future? (100 words max)
6. Budget for the project. If seeking funding, please detail and justify how the grant will be used
and any contributions from other sources, such as your department.
**if seeking match funding please specify what this grant would cover.
Please feel free to add extra lines
Grant conditions:
 Logo requirements – you agree to use the University of Oxford logo alongside any
departmental/group logos as appropriate
 If successful, at least one representative from the project team will attend the training
 You will provide a 1-2 page report about your activity on the template that will be
provided if successful
Please EMAIL applications by noon 25 Jan 2016 to Michaela Livingstone (Public Engagement
Facilitator) Michaela.livingstone@mpls.ox.ac.uk.
Please use the subject ‘Application for Oxfordshire Science Festival’
If you have any questions we encourage you to speak to Michaela Livingstone, 01865 282 595
(MPLS) or Naomi Gibson (MSD), naomi.gibson@medsci.ox.ac.uk.
The deadline for applications is noon, 25 Jan 2016
Appendix 1 – types of activity
Street stall
Standard size: 10 feet. Possibility of large stalls and double-stalls.
The festival team provides tables, chairs, panels and electricity. They will also be responsible for the
general coordination, the logistics, the marketing, and the audience management.
The town hall during the opening week-end
The technology day
The health day
The space days
Street science
The festival team provides the branded busking units, or gazebos equipped with tables, chairs and
panels. They will also be responsible for the general coordination, the logistics, the marketing, and
the audience management.
Street science in Oxford City Centre, opening week-end, 25/26 June
Street science for the Space days, in Oxford City Centre, 24 June
Street Science in Headington town centre, for the Health day, 2 July
Street science in Abingdon Market Place, 2 July
Technology Day
The partner uses a room of the new Abingdon School Science Centre, to deliver engaging challenges
for a family audience. The project takes place during our special day dedicated to Technology, which
will bring together companies, research centres, school clubs and the general public. The festival
team will be responsible for the general coordination, the logistics, the marketing, and the audience
Talks, debates, original events, conversations with outstanding scientists… The festival is a great
platform to engage with the general public. In most cases the festival team organises the venue, the
marketing, the logistics, the filming and webcasting (when relevant), and the management of the
The opening week-end (25 and 26 June)
The technology day (2 July)
The health day (2 July)
The space days (24 June)
The week days
Got another idea? Exceptional activities and events that don’t fit in with the above may be
incorporated into the festival programme.
Full details available in the OSF call guide
Appendix 2 – Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I apply for a University-sponsored place at the festival but not a grant?
Yes, if your activity has no associated costs or you already have the engagement resources
you need but cannot access funds to cover the festival programming fee you can simply
apply for sponsored place at the festival using the same application form.
2. How will applications be judged?
A selection panel will review and assess eligible applications against the criteria listed in this
document. Quality is the main priority, and we are keen that these grants provide the
greatest chance for building public engagement capacity for researchers.
3. What counts as an ‘ear-marked public engagement with research’ fund?
If by the application deadline, your department has agreed to provide funding specifically for
Oxfordshire Science Festival, or Public Engagement with Research more broadly, then this
counts as a fund ear-marked for PER. This could mean, for example, that your department
has funds for public engagement with research, for example, though its own competitive
grant scheme for outreach; or an amount of money is set aside for more ad hoc public
engagement activities; or through PER funds secured as part of research grant funding (e.g.
through Pathways to Impact; Provisions for Public Engagement).
4. Can my department submit more than one application?
Yes, applications for different activities can be submitted by researchers from the same
department, although each application must be ‘stand alone’ (i.e. an activity must not rely
on another activity taking place as each application will be judged separately). If two
activities depend on each other than they must be included together in one application.
5. Can I apply to run an activity directly to OSF and this scheme?
This fund is intended to support those without access to funds. If you have already
committed funds to participate directly with OSF, then you cannot seek funds through this
scheme. You should apply to one or the other, but not both at the same time. Applications
which are seeking match funding for funds already secured, are allowed.
6. What are the branding requirements?
You will be required to use the University branding, as per the University’s branding
guidelines, alongside any departmental logos as appropriate.
7. What are you trying to achieve by offering funds to support participation in the festival?
This fund was established to broaden participation by researchers in OSF, who may find that
lack of funding is a barrier. It is not intended to provide access to the festival for all of those
who may wish to participate. It is a competitive process with a strictly limited overall fund
that is not guaranteed to be available in future years. In other words, if your department is
at the point at which they’re considering allocating funds for public engagement with
research, or specifically for participation in OSF, you should continue to seek these funds as
your selection is not guaranteed through this scheme, and this fund should not be
considered a long-term solution to resourcing PER within departments.
If your department decides, for whatever reason, not to fund PER/OSF activity on this
occasion, and this decision is made by the application deadline (24 Jan 2016), you are
eligible to submit an application to this scheme.