Technology Offer Form

Research Development Request Form (Partner Search)
(All fields are mandatory - The fields in grey are confidential and for internal use only)
Company Profile - Description of the company
Company / Organisation:
National Technical Uiversity of Athens
Postal Code:
Contact person:
On belaf of the client: Vassiliki Kalodimou -EENHellas
Position in the company:
210 3608093
Company’s website:
Company’s e-mail address:
Year established:
Turnover in Million Euro:
< 1M
> 500M
Type and size:
SME: 1–9 employees
SME: 10–49 employees
SME: 50-249 employees
Industry: 250-499 employees
Industry: > 500 employees
Multinational enterprise: > 500 employees
R&D institution
Already engaged in transnational cooperation?
Research Development Request
Provide a short, descriptive title of the R&D project and indicate the full name of the funding call
Space and Memory in Exile Islands of the Mediterranean Countries
Summary of the R&D project (max. 500 characters):
The proposal aims to map and interpret the spatial organisation of settlements, as well as the interrelated life of
political detainees in exile islands established in Mediterranean countries of Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal and
Spain that experienced authoritarianism, war, Nazi occupation and civil war between the mid 1930s and the mid
1950s. The arrangement of detention settlements mirrors the strategies/methods of repression and the intended
rehabilitation and reformation of political exiles. Mapping this tangible heritage constitutes part of political history
and cultural heritage of these countries.
Description of the R&D project (100-4.000 characters):
The objective of the proposal is to map and interpret the spatial organisation of settlements, and the interrelated life
of political detainees in exile islands established by Mediterranean countries that experienced authoritarianism, war,
Nazi occupation and civil war between the mid 1930s and the mid 1950s. This period constitutes the milestone for
the social cohesion and evolution of contemporary European countries. This dark part of history and consequent
traumatic heritage has come so far under the scope of historians, architects and archaeologists who were inclined to
focus on historical interpretation, political analyses, dates, documents, old photographs, narratives of former
However, the arrangement of buildings and organization of space in relation to the topography have not so far been
the scope of research.
This arrangement mirrors the strategies and methods of repression and the intended rehabilitation and reformation of
exiles and may shed new light to the study of the experience of internment. The material remains of internment
gradually degrade due to the harsh environmental conditions and are abandoned due to their sensitive political
meaning. The mapping of this tangible heritage left as marks on the environment constitutes part of the political
history and cultural heritage of the countries and their people and there is a great risk that these places of collective
memory will suffer an irreparable loss. Thus, there is a need to have them explored, interpreted, enhanced and their
mapping disseminated. Moreover the rise of racism and neo-Nazi parties in contemporary Europe renders the
significance to unveil and put in the foreground this part of European history.
The internment of civilians who were ideologically opposed to the regimes in power was a feature in the mid
twentieth century in countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The deportation of civilians to remote
islands constitutes a continuity in the history of these countries, despite the different historical circumstances and
regimes, i.e. dictatorship, Nazi occupation and civil war
Aims of Research
Thus, the research will focus on these countries of the Mediterranean (Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal) with the
aim to compare and highlight the different strategies of suppression applied by them, the way those plans were
expressed in space and the experience of political exiles. This comparative research will incorporate all relevant
tangible and intangible heritages such as photos, documents, literature, films, narratives, individual memories etc.
Finally, the project will also bring to the fore the different policies that governments followed in preserving the
remains of the exile settlements with the view to investigate the politics of memory and the place of the political
detainees in the public history of the aforementioned countries.
Advantages and innovations of the R&D project (50-2.000 characters):
Outline what it is innovative about this R&D project, what goes beyond the state of the art and provide
arguments on its potential impact.
Innovation lies in the fact that the political detention facilities have never been the focus of research and subject of
cultural heritage restoration though comparative historical research and spatial analysis.
The innovation of this project lies also in the outcomes and roadmaps of the proposed research.
Main outcomes
Creation of an electronic “platform” that will combine all the results and selected data such as detailed measured
drawings and GIS. Internment camps will be presented through a “street view” animation that will offer a walk
through experience based on a 3-digital representation of the buildings and their surrounding landscape. This visit to
the place from a distance, will give a new way of touching the past, conceptualizing the practices and narrating the
hardship of people.
Comparative analysis and interpretation of the case studies.
The proposal aims to involve different disciplines such as architecture, history and into a multi-layered and
comparative research.
Development Roadmap
Research will be developed in the following general sections
Comparative historical research
Spatial analysis
3Dimentional mapping of the environment at present state
Analysis and evaluation (structure and form of landscape, spatial entities, boundaries, vistas, climate)
Detection of the changes of the landscape through time
Integration of built spaces in the landscape
Analysis of Spatial organization - building typologies
3D reconstruction of the landscape, preserved buildings or ruins
Collection of all relevant documents (diaries, testimonies, letters, old photographs, documentary films,
literature texts etc) and interrelation with the spatial elements. Translation of selected written material (supplied by
museums of exiles, organizations or individuals)
The institute of computer science of a major greek research foundation will undertake the deployment of the
platform, which will act amongst others as a repository of the research materials.
Dissemination of Results
Creation of a Site (under the auspices of UNESCO or ICOMOS) for the Places of Political Exiles in Europe, with the
prospect to incorporate most of the European places in future research projects.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Project in Negotiations - Urgent
Available for demonstration
Proposal under development
Concept Stage
Prototype available for demonstration
Field Tested / Evaluated
Under development / lab tested
Project Already Started
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
Partners are sought with scientific expertise in Architecture and History
Partner Sought (collaboration details)
Type and Role of Partner Sought
Indicate in detail the type of partner sought (e.g. SME, industry, research organisation etc), the specific area of
activity or the expertise of the partner, the task(s) to be performed.
University Faculties of Architecture and History
Public entities such as Ministries of Culture, local-regional authorities/governments
Exile memorial museums
Unions of political detainees.
The role of the partners will be to contribute in the compilation of historical data and in the spatial representation of
the detention centers.
Type and Size of Partner Sought (multiple fields can be selected)
SME: 1–9 employees
SME: 10–49 employees
SME: 50-249 employees
Industry: 250-499 employees
Industry: > 500 employees
Preferred Countries (for dissemination of profile):
Italy, Croatia
Multinational enterprise: > 500 employees
R&D institution
Call details
Framework Programme
Indicate which framework programme the R&D project is associated with
Call Name
Indicate the name of the call for the programme
Call: REFLECTIVE-5-2015 -The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe
Evaluation Scheme
Indicate the evaluation scheme as indicated on the call.
Deadline for the Call:
Funding Scheme
Collaborative Projects
Coordination and Support Actions
Individual projects: Support for "frontier" research
Networks of Excellence
Research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs)
Support for training and career development of researchers
Project title and acronym
Enter the project title if known and any corresponding acronyms.