Research Development Request Form (Partner Search) (All fields are mandatory - The fields in grey are confidential and for internal use only) Research Development Request Title Provide a short, descriptive title of the R&D project and indicate the full name of the funding call Η2020-SC5-WATER-5-2015: Combined use of advanced oxidation technologies for cost-effective, sustainable water treatment and recycling Summary of the R&D project (max. 500 characters): A research team from a Greek Research Centre is preparing a project proposal on the application of advanced oxidation technologies for the treatment of polluted water matrices for irrigation purposes (crop production) in arid and semi-arid areas suffering from pure water shortage. The team is looking for partners (academic, policy institutions, stakeholders, private companies) from non-EU Mediterranean countries and Africa, able to assess risk management on water supply and sanitation. Description of the R&D project (100-4.000 characters): Many areas globally are suffering from pure water shortage. In the present project, the combined use of advanced oxidation technologies (e.g. photo-catalysis, non-thermal plasma) will allow the efficient treatment of polluted (not drinking) water in arid and semi-arid areas and its recycling for crop irrigation. The project will engage many different partners able to study, evaluate and propose suitable solutions to solve the problem of water shortage thoroughly. For an integrated approach, in addition to the purely technological & research partners, the project will involve research organizations with knowledge related to water/wastewater management and companies with water/wastewater facilities and crop farming. Furthermore, it is crucial for the team to find partners with knowledge of the water supply and sanitation policy in the areas of water shortage, able to provide information for local socio-economic conditions, as well as enhance the assesment of solutions proposed. The goal of the project is the development of a pilot facility for the cost-effective and sustainable decontamination of water caused by multiple toxic contaminants (e.g. viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, organic species, pesticides, etc). The final step will be the use of the decontaminated water for the irrigation of thee land belonging to small communities with limited access to pure water sources. Proposal Deadline: 16/10/2014 Deadline for Partner Requests: 15/9/2014 Stage of Development: Already on the market Project in Negotiations - Urgent Available for demonstration Proposal under development Concept Stage Prototype available for demonstration Field Tested / Evaluated Under development / lab tested Project Already Started Partner Sought (collaboration details) Type and Role of Partner Sought Indicate in detail the type of partner sought (e.g. SME, industry, research organisation etc), the specific area of activity or the expertise of the partner, the task(s) to be performed. The Greek research team is seeking for the following partners from non-EU Mediterranean countries and Africa: 1. Research organizations (universities or research centers) that would be interested in generating the knowledge related to water/wastewater management and treatment as well as crop farming in terms of sustainable agriculture and food security. 2. An enterprise dealing with water/wastewater processing facilities and crop farming 3. Water supply and sanitation policy regulators in local authorities that would be able to enhance the assessment and provide information related to local socio-economic conditions. Type and Size of Partner Sought (multiple fields can be selected) SME: 1–9 employees SME: 10–49 employees SME: 50-249 employees Industry: 250-499 employees Industry: > 500 employees Preferred Countries (for dissemination of profile): Particular non-EU Mediterranean countries and Africa. Multinational enterprise: > 500 employees Inventor R&D institution University Call details Framework Programme Indicate which framework programme the R&D project is associated with H2020- SC5 Call Name Indicate the name of the call for the programme WATER-5-2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water Evaluation Scheme Indicate the evaluation scheme as indicated on the call. Research and Innovation actions, Two Stages Deadline for the Call: 16 October 2014 Funding Scheme Collaborative Projects Coordination and Support Actions Individual projects: Support for "frontier" research Networks of Excellence Research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs) Support for training and career development of researchers In case of interest please contact: Constantine Karamanis,