2016 PPEC Breed Program

Led & Ridden Breed Show 2016
**This is a show open to all levels of competitors. Horses are not required to be
registered with their respective breed society to be able to compete**
Saturday 6th February, Competition commences: 9.00am
Port Pirie Equestrian Club Grounds
(Corner of Anzac Road & Kitchener Terrace Port Pirie)
Post Entries (Enter on the Day), $3 per class
Canteen facilities will be available
Enquiries to: Nicole Afford 0434553893
Email: portpirieequestrianclub@hotmail.com
General Rules/Administration/Membership:
The purpose of the show is to provide a calm, friendly atmosphere to encourage riders of all
levels to compete. No swearing or bullying will be tolerated. The judge’s decision is final.
Port Pirie Equestrian Club does not accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness
to horse, handler, grounds, spectator or any other property.
Competitors must be a member of PPEC, EA, SHC or PC to compete (proof of membership will
be required). Day membership to PPEC is available.
All competitors must provide their PIC number.
Horses need not be registered with appropriate breed society to compete but must be shown in
its appropriate breed class. Part bred horses are eligible to compete in multiple breed classes.
All parking (including spectators) must park within the PPEC grounds. No vehicles or horses are
permitted on the Trotting Training Track.
Smoking is not permitted near the arena or canteen area.
Dogs must be controlled on a leash at all times.
Stallions & Colts must be handled by a person 18 years and over at all times. They must be
shown in a bitted bridle.
In the event of hot (forecasted temperature above 35 degrees) or extreme weather the event
will be postponed. Should the event need to be postponed there will be a post on the Port Pirie
Equestrian Club Facebook page and event will be edited on Myaushorse. Alternatively, please
contact Nicole on 0434553893.
Closed in shoes to be worn while handling horses at all times. Riding boots and approved safety
helmets to be worn at all times while mounted.
Hacking Attire, club uniform or suitable led attire may be worn.
Judge: To be advised
1. Best presented pony & handler (pony n.e. 14hh)
2. Best presented galloway & handler (galloway over 14hh n.e. 15hh)
3. Best presented hack & handler (hack over 15hh)
4. Best junior handler (under 18 years)
5. Best senior handler (over 18 years)
Miniature Pony
6. Led Miniature Pony filly or mare
7. Led Miniature Pony stallion, colt or gelding
8. Led Shetland filly or mare
9. Led Shetland pony stallion, colt or gelding
10. Led Welsh (including part welsh) filly or mare (any height)
11. Led Welsh (including part welsh) stallion, colt or gelding (any height)
12. Led Arabian (including part Arabian) filly or mare (any height)
13. Led Arabian (including part Arabian) stallion, colt or gelding (any height)
Riding Pony
14. Led Riding Pony filly or mare (any height)
15. Led Riding stallion, colt or gelding (any height)
Quarter Horse
16. Led Quarter Horse filly or mare
17. Led Quarter Horse stallion, colt or gelding
18. Led Thoroughbred filly or mare
19. Led thoroughbred stallion, colt or gelding
20. Led Standardbred filly or mare
21. Led Standardbred stallion, colt or gelding
Heavy Horse
22. Led heavy horse filly or mare
23. Led heavy horse stallion, colt or gelding
Coloured Breeds
24. Led coloured filly or mare
25. Led coloured stallion, colt or gelding
Other Breeds (any breed not listed in program) – please advise judge of your horses breed prior to
commencement of judging
26. Led filly or mare
27. Led stallion, colt or gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Exhibit (Winners from classes 6 -27 eligible).
**There will be a minimum of 20min break (will be advised on the day) following completion of the
led classes to enable competitors to saddle & warm up for ridden events.
28. Best presented ridden mount and rider, pony n.e. 14hh
29. Best presented ridden mount and rider, galloway 14hh – 15hh
30. Best presented ridden mount and rider, hack over 15hh
Led Rider (Riders in this event are not eligible to compete in events 32-36)
Rider under 12 years
Rider 12 and under 18 years
Rider 18 and under 30 years
Rider 30 years and under 50 years
Rider 50 years and over
37. Ridden Miniature Pony
38. Ridden Shetland
39. Ridden Welsh (including part Welsh)
Ridden Arabian (including part Arabian)
Ridden Riding Pony
Ridden Quarter Horse
Ridden Thoroughbred
Ridden Standardbred
Ridden Heavy Horse
Ridden Coloured Horse
Ridden Mount (any breed not listed in program) – please advise judge of your horses breed prior
to commencement of judging
Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden Exhibit (Winners from classes 28- 38