Enterprise Use Case - QI

QI-Bench: Informatics Services for Quantitative Imaging
EUC Rev 1.0
QI-Bench: Informatics Services for Characterizing
Performance of Quantitative Medical Imaging
Enterprise Use Case
August 16, 2011
Rev 1.0
Required Approvals:
Author of this Revision:
Andrew J. Buckler
Principal Investigator: Andrew J. Buckler
Print Name
Document Revisions:
Revised By
Reason for Update
Andrew J. Buckler
Initial draft
December 17, 2010
Andrew J. Buckler
Incorporate challenge concept and
initial feedback on other points
December 23, 2010
Andrew J. Buckler
Refinement and resolution of feedback
January 1, 2011
Andrew J. Buckler
Incorporated relationship diagrams
January 6, 2011
Andrew J. Buckler
More feedback
January 14, 2011
Andrew J. Buckler
Cull out SUC
Andrew J. Buckler
Update to open Phase 4
June 15, 2011
August 16, 2011
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QI-Bench: Informatics Services for Quantitative Imaging
EUC Rev 1.0
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................3
1.1. PURPOSE & SCOPE ...............................................................................................................................................3
1.2. INVESTIGATORS, COLLABORATORS, AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................3
1.3. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................4
2. SCENARIO / OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................5
3. USE CASES .............................................................................................................................................................6
3.2. CREATE AND MANAGE PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL REFERENCE OBJECTS ...............................................................8
3.3. CORE ACTIVITIES FOR BIOMARKER DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................9
3.6. COMMERCIAL SPONSOR PREPARES DEVICE / TEST FOR MARKET ...................................................................... 11
4. BUSINESS LOGIC AND ARCHITECTURE MODELING ............................................................................. 12
4.1. VALIDATION AND QUALIFICATION AS CLINICAL RESEARCH ............................................................................. 12
4.2. CLINICAL RESEARCH BAM ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.3. ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 13
5. DOMAIN ANALYSIS AND SEMANTIC INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................... 14
5.1. INPUT SPECIFICATIONS: QIBA PROFILES ........................................................................................................... 16
5.2. INFORMATION MODELS AND ONTOLOGIES ........................................................................................................ 17
6. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
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1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose & Scope
Quantitative results from imaging methods have the potential to be used as biomarkers in both routine
clinical care and in clinical trials, in accordance with the widely accepted NIH Consensus Conference
definition of a biomarker.1 In particular, when used as biomarkers in therapeutic trials, imaging methods
have the potential to speed the development of new products to improve patient care. 2,3
Imaging biomarkers are developed for use in the clinical care of patients and in the conduct of clinical
trials of therapy. In clinical practice, imaging biomarkers are intended to (a) detect and characterize
disease, before, during or after a course of therapy, and (b) predict the course of disease, with or without
therapy. In clinical research, imaging biomarkers are intended to be used in defining endpoints of clinical
trials. A precondition for the adoption of the biomarker for use in either setting is the demonstration of the
ability to standardize the biomarker across imaging devices and clinical centers and the assessment of
the biomarker’s safety and efficacy.
Although qualitative biomarkers can be useful, the medical community currently emphasizes the need for
objective, ideally quantitative, biomarkers. “Biomarker” refers to the measurement derived from an
imaging method, and “device” or “test” refers to the hardware/software used to generate the image and
extract the measurement.
Regulatory approval for clinical use4 and regulatory qualification for research use depend on
demonstrating proof of performance relative to the intended application of the biomarker:
 In a defined patient population,
 For a specific biological phenomenon associated with a known disease state,
 With evidence in large patient populations, and
 Externally validated.
This document describes public resources for methods and services that may be used for the
assessment of imaging biomarkers that are needed to advance the field. It sets out the workflows that
are derived the problem space and the goal for these informatics services as described in the Basic Story
1.2. Investigators, Collaborators, and Acknowledgements
Buckler Biomedical Associates LLC
Kitware, Inc.
In collaboration with:
 Information Technology Laboratory of (ITL) National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA)
 Imaging Workspace of caBIG
It is also important to acknowledge the many specific individuals who have contributed to the
development of these ideas. A subset of some of the most significant include Dan Sullivan, Constantine
Gatsonis, Dave Raunig, Georgia Tourassi, Howard Higley, Joe Chen, Rich Wahl, Richard Frank, David
Mozley, Larry Schwartz, Jim Mulshine, Nick Petrick, Ying Tang, Mia Levy, Bob Schwanke, and many
others <if you do not see your name, please do not hesitate to raise the issue as it is our express
intent to have this viewed as an inclusive team effort and certainly not only the work of the direct
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EUC Rev 1.0
1.3. Definitions
The following are terms commonly used that may of assistance to the reader.
Business Architecture Model
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group
Basic Story Board
Cancer Bench-to-Bedside
Clinical management
Clinical trial
Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Disease Data Standards Registry and Repository
Clinical Decision Support Systems
Compact Disc
Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
Central institutional review board
The care of individual patients, whether they be enrolled in clinical trial(s) or not
A regulatory directed activity to prove a testable hypothesis for a determined
Computed Tomography
Domain Analysis Model
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Data Safety Monitoring Board
Enterprise Conformance and Compliance Framework
Electronic Case Report Form
Electronic Medical Records
Enterprise Use Case
Enterprise Vocabulary Services
Food and Drug Administration
Health Level Seven
Institutional Biosafety Committee
Institute of Biological Engineering
Institutional Review Board
Interagency Oncology Task Force
Image Query
in-vitro diagnosis
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
National Cancer Institute
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering
National Institutes of Health
National Library of Medicine
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Nuisance variable
EUC Rev 1.0
A random variable that decreases the statistical power while adding no information
of itself
The act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence
Picture Archiving and Communication System
Positron Emission Tomography
pharmaceutical companies
The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as
determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences. 5
Principal Investigator
Patient Reported Outcomes
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Robust Multi-array Average
Ribonucleic Acid
Study Data Tabulation Model
Surrogate End Point
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms
Service-Oriented Architecture
In clinical trials, a measure of effect of a certain treatment that correlates with a real
clinical endpoint but does not necessarily have a guaranteed relationship. 6
Unified Medical Language System
Vocabularies & Common Data Elements
vascular endothelial growth factor
World Health Organization
eXtensible Imaging Platform
Extensible Markup Language
Surrogate endpoint
2. Scenario / Overview
Medical imaging research often involves interdisciplinary teams, each performing a separate task, from
acquiring datasets to analyzing the processing results. The number and size of the datasets continue to
increase every year due to continued advancements in technology. We support federated imaging
archives with a variety of informatics services (software tools) that facilitate the development and
evaluation of new candidate products. This public resource might be accessed by developers at various
stages of their development cycle. Some may need to access the scans and data at the outset of their
development process, whereas other innovators might have access to internal resources and need to
access this resource later in their cycle to document performance.
A core concept is the “Reference Data Set.” This is intended to include both images and non-imaging
data that are useful in either the development or performance assessment of a given imaging biomarker
and/or specific tests for that biomarker. A given biomarker must have at least one test that is understood
to measure it, but in general there may be many tests that are either perceived or in fact measure the
biomarker at various level of proficiency. The utility of a biomarker is defined in terms of its practical value
in regulatory and/or clinical decision making, and the performance of a test for that biomarker is defined in
terms of the accuracy with which it measures the biomarker. This gives rise to a high-level representation
of workflows defined for this area (Fig. 5).
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Figure 1: Use Case Model for Developing Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers and Tests
3. Use Cases
The following sections describe the principal workflows which have been identified. The sequence in
which they are presented is set up to draw attention to the fact that each category of workflows builds on
others. As such, it forms a rough chronology as to what users do with a given biomarker over time, and
may also be useful to guide the design in such a way as it may be implemented and staged efficiently
(Fig. 7).
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Figure 2: Relationship between workflow categories that illustrates progressive nature of the
activities they describe and possibly also suggesting means for efficient implementation and
3.1. Create and Manage Semantic Infrastructure and Linked Data Archives
Scientific research in the medical imaging field involves interdisciplinary teams, in general performing
separate but related tasks from acquiring datasets to analyzing the processing results. Collaborative
activity requires that these be defined and implemented with sophisticated infrastructure that ensures
interoperability and security.
The number and size of the datasets continue to increase every year due to advancements in the field. In
order to streamline the management of images coming from clinical scanners, hospitals rely on picture
archiving and communication systems (PACS). In general, however, research teams can rarely access
PACS located in hospitals due to security restriction and confidentiality agreements. Furthermore, PACS
have become increasingly complex and often do not fit in the scientific research pipeline.
The workflows associated with this enterprise use case utilize a “Linked Image Archive” for long term
storage of images and clinical data and a “Reference Data Set Manager” to allow creation and use of
working sets of data used for specific purposes according to specified experimental runs or analyses. As
such, the Reference Data Set is a selected subset of what is available in the Linked Data Archive (Fig. 8).
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Figure 3: Use Case Model for Create and Manage Reference Data Set (architectural view)
As in the case with the categories as a whole, individual workflows are generally understood as building
on each other (Fig. 9).
Figure 4: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
3.2. Create and Manage Physical and Digital Reference Objects
The first and critical building block in the successful implementation of quantitative imaging biomarkers is
to establish the quality of the physical measurements involved in the process. The technical quality of
imaging biomarkers is assessed with respect to the accuracy and precision of the related physical
measurement(s). The next stage is to establish clinical utility (e.g., by sensitivity and specificity) in a
defined clinical context of use. Consequently, NIST-traceable materials and objects are required to meet
the measurement needs, guidelines and benchmarks. Appropriate reference objects (phantoms) for the
technical proficiency studies with respect to accuracy and precision, and well-curated and characterized
clinical Reference Data Sets with respect to sensitivity and specificity must be explicitly identified.
Individual workflows are generally understood as building on each other (Fig. 11).
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Figure 5: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
3.3. Core Activities for Biomarker Development
In general, biomarker development is the activity to find and utilize signatures for clinically relevant
hallmarks with known/attractive bias and variance. E.g., signatures indicating apoptosis, reduction,
metabolism, proliferation, angiogenesis or other processes evident in ex-vivo tissue imaging that may
cascade to the point where they affect organ function and structure. Validate phenotypes that may be
measured with known/attractive confidence interval. Such image-derived metrics may involve the
extraction of lesions from normal anatomical background and the subsequent analysis of this extracted
region over time, in order to yield a quantitative measure of some anatomic, physiologic or
pharmacokinetic characteristic. Computational methods that inform these analyses are being developed
by users in the field of quantitative imaging, computer-aided detection (CADe) and computer-aided
diagnosis (CADx).7,8 They may also be obtained using quantitative outputs, such as those derived from
molecular imaging.
Individual workflows are generally understood as building on each other (Fig. 12).
Figure 6: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
3.4. Collaborative Activities to Standardize and/or Optimize the Biomarker
The first and critical building block in the successful implementation of quantitative imaging biomarkers is
to establish the quality of the physical measurements involved in the process. The technical quality of
imaging biomarkers is assessed with respect to the accuracy and reproducibility of the related physical
measurement(s). Consequently, a well thought-out testing protocol must be developed so that, when
carefully executed, it can ensure that the technical quality of the physical measurements involved in
deriving the candidate biomarker is adequate. The overarching goal is to develop a generalizable
approach for technical proficiency testing which can be adapted to meet the specific needs for a diverse
range of imaging biomarkers (e.g., anatomic, functional, as well as combinations).
Guidelines of “good practice” to address the following issues are needed: (i) composition of the
development and test data sets, (ii) data sampling schemes, (iii) final evaluation metrics such as accuracy
as well as ROC and FROC metrics for algorithms that extend to detection and localization. With
development/testing protocols in place, the user would be able to report the estimated accuracy and
reproducibility of their algorithms on phantom data by specifying the protocol they have used.
Furthermore, they would be able to demonstrate which algorithmic implementations produce the most
robust and unbiased results (i.e., less dependent on the development/testing protocol). The framework
we propose must be receptive to future modifications by adding new development/testing protocols based
on up-to-date discoveries.
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Inter-reader variation indicates difference in training and/or proficiency of readers. Intra-reader differences
indicate differences from difficulty of cases. To show the clinical performance of an imaging test, the
sponsor generally needs to provide performance data on a properly-sized validated set that represents a
true patient population on which the test will be used. For most novel devices or imaging agents, this is
the pivotal clinical study that will establish whether performance is adequate.
In this section, we describe workflows that start with developed biomarker and seek to refine it by
organized group activities of various kinds. These activities are facilitated by deployment of the
Biomarker Evaluation Framework within and across centers as a means of supporting the interaction
between investigators and to support a disciplined process of accumulating a body of evidence that will
ultimately be capable of being used for regulatory filings.
By way of example, a typical scenario to demonstrate how the Reference Data Set Manager involves
three investigators working together on to refine a biomarker and tests to measure it: Alice who is
responsible for acquiring images for a clinical study. Martin, who is managing an image processing
laboratory responsible for analyzing the images acquired by Alice, and Steve, a statistician located at a
different institution. First, Alice receives volumetric images from her clinical collaborators; she logs into the
Reference Data Set Manager and creates the proper Reference Data Sets of datasets. She uses the web
interface to upload the datasets into the system. The metadata are automatically extracted from the
datasets (DICOM or other well known scientific file formats). She then adds more information about each
dataset, such as demographic and clinical information, and changes the Reference Data Set’s policies to
make it available to Martin. Martin is instantly notified that new datasets are available in the system and
are ready to be processed. Martin logs in and starts visualizing the datasets online. He visualizes the
dataset as slices and also uses more complex rendering technique to assess the quality of the
acquisition. As he browses each dataset, Martin selects a subset of datasets of interest and put them in
the electronic cart. At the end of the session, he downloads the datasets in his cart in bulk and gives them
to his software engineers to train the different algorithms. As soon as the algorithms are validated on the
training datasets, Martin uploads the algorithms, selects the remaining testing datasets and applies the
Processing Pipeline to the full Reference Data Set using the Batch Analysis Service. The pipeline is
automatically distributed to all the available machines in the laboratory, decreasing the computation time
by several orders of magnitude. The datasets and reports generated by the Processing Pipeline are
automatically uploaded back into the system. During this time, Martin can monitor the overall progress of
the processing via his web browser. When the processing is done, Martin gives access to Steve in order
to validate the results statistically. Even located around the world, Steve can access and visualize the
results, make comments and upload his statistical analysis in the system.
Individual workflows are generally understood as building on each other (Fig. 14).
Figure 7: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
3.5. Consortium Establishes Clinical Utility / Efficacy of Putative Biomarker
Biomarkers are useful only when accompanied by objective evidence regarding the biomarkers’
relationships to health status. Imaging biomarkers are usually used in concert with other types of
biomarkers and with clinical endpoints (such as patient reported outcomes (PRO) or survival). Imaging
and other biomarkers are often essential to the qualification of each other.
The following figure expands on Figure 17 and specializes workflow “Team Optimizes Biomarker Using
One or More Tests” as previously elaborated to build statistical power regarding the clinical utility and/or
efficacy of a biomarker.
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Figure 8: Use Case Model to Establish Clinical Utility / Efficacy of a Putative Biomarker
Individual workflows are generally understood as building on each other (Fig. 18).
Figure 9: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
3.6. Commercial Sponsor Prepares Device / Test for Market
Individual workflows are generally understood as building on each other (Fig. 21).
Figure 10: Workflows are presented to highlight how they build on each other.
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4. Business Logic and Architecture Modeling
4.1. Validation and Qualification as Clinical Research
Validating and qualifying measurements which are made to ensure that the various readouts used are
understood in terms of their quality, validity, and integrity:
 Investigate both bias and variance of both readers and algorithm-assisted readers in static
measurement of the biomarker in patient datasets with a set of reference measurements
o Include experiments to assess minimum detectable change
Investigate the scanner-dependent error, bias, and variance of readers and algorithm-assisted
o Use equipment from several manufacturers at multiple clinical sites, collect scans of
phantom as well as clinical data, and assess variability due to each step of the chain
using test-retest studies
Investigate proposed alternative methods or algorithms to produce comparable values for <fill in
imaging biomarker>
o Develop useful quantitative approaches to post-processing, analysis, and interpretation
that minimize variability and bias
o Use both imaging and sensor metadata to assess mean value and propagate confidence
Tests and evaluations of surrogacy (using outcomes data)
 Create and manage semantic infrastructure and linked data archives
o Define, extend, and disseminate ontologies, vocabularies, and templates
o Install and configure linked data archive systems
o Create and manage user accounts, roles, and permissions
o Query and retrieve data from linked data archive
 Create and manage physical and digital reference objects
o Develop physical and/or digital phantom(s)
o Import data from experimental cohort to form reference data set
o Create ground truth annotations and/or manual seed points in reference data set
 Core activities for marker development
o Set up an experimental run
o Execute an experimental run
o Analyze an experimental run
 Collaborative activities to standardize and/or optimize the marker
o Validate marker in single center or otherwise limited conditions
o Team optimizes biomarker using one or more tests
o Support “open science” publication model
 Consortium establishes clinical utility / efficacy of putative biomarker
o Measure correlation of imaging biomarkers with clinical endpoints
o Comparative evaluation vs. gold standards or otherwise accepted markers
o Formal registration of data for qualification
 Commercial sponsor prepares device / test for market
o Organizations issue “challenge problems” to spur innovation
o Compliance / proficiency testing of candidate implementations
o Formal registration of data for approval or clearance
4.2. Clinical Research BAM
Clinical research is defined as: (1) Patient-oriented research, i.e., research conducted with human
subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens and cognitive phenomena) for which
an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects. (Excluded from the definition of
patient-oriented research are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living
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individual.) Patient-oriented research includes: (a) mechanisms of human disease, (b) therapeutic
interventions, (c) clinical trials, and (d) development of new technologies; (2) Epidemiologic and
behavioral studies; or (3) Outcomes research and health services research.
Multi-institutional trials will have the following business modes:
 plan study
 end of protocol planning - approvals are done, ready to be activated, available for sites to open
the study
 initiate study
 end of setup - sites have done what they need to do to open the study for enrollment
 conduct study
 end of conduct - no more data are being collected on the study subjects
 reporting and analysis (this goes across the first three business modes)
 planning reporting - IRBs
 conduct reporting - AEs
 analysis reporting
 end of analysis - initial results have been published, and other publishing is ongoing for years
4.3. Architectural Elements
There are a number of so-called “architectural elements” that may be described to help with, or otherwise
play a role in, these activities. For example, a “Reference Data Set Manager” may be defined to manage
Reference Data Sets. Using this example element, the Reference Data Set Manager would be defined
so as to be specifically tuned for medical and scientific datasets and provides a flexible data management
facility, a search engine, and an online image viewer. Continuing the example, the Reference Data Set
Manager should enable users to run a set of extensible image processing algorithms from the web to the
selected datasets and to add new algorithms, facilitating the dissemination of users' work to different
research partners.
More comprehensively, Figure 11 identifies a set of platform-independent architectural elements that will
be described and used in developing workflows associated with this enterprise use case:
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Figure 11: Platform Independent Architectural Elements and their Relationships
Summarizing, the set of platform-independent architectural elements named in SUC:
 Clinical Systems:
o Image Viewer
o Image Annotation Tool
o Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)
o Clinical Data Management System
 Research Methods:
o (Image) Processing Algorithms
o Statistical Methods
o Multi-scale Analysis Application
 Linked Data Archive:
o Image Archive
o Image Annotation Repository
o Clinical Data Repository
 Shared Semantics:
o Annotation template
o Common Data Elements
o Ontology
 Analysis Technique/Biomarker Evaluation Framework:
o Batch Analysis Service
o Reference Data Set Manager
o Profile Editor / Server
5. Domain Analysis and Semantic Infrastructure
The archives and informatics services that operate on them have the potential to facilitate efficient and
collective efforts to gather and analyze validation and qualification data on imaging biomarkers useable
by regulatory bodies. Working together makes the process more robust than if individual stakeholders
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were to pursue qualification unilaterally. Once a quantitative imaging biomarker has been accepted by the
community, including the national regulatory agencies, it may then be utilized without the need for
repeated data collection for new drug applications (NDAs) by pharmaceutical companies and in device
clearance or approval applications by imaging device manufacturers. This approach offers stakeholders a
cost-effective process for product approval, while simultaneously advancing the public health by
accelerating the time to market for efficacious drugs, devices, and diagnostic procedures (Fig. 13).
Figure 12: Integrated flows across the enterprise identifies the upper left part to represent “feeder” activity
that results in characterization and qualification data with two applications. One, the use by biotechnology
and pharmaceutical companies in therapeutic clinical trials, is shown on the right. It leads to biomarkers
deemed “qualified for use” by national regulatory agencies such as FDA or foreign equivalents. The second
use, by the device industry as shown on the left, creates commercial diagnostic tests approved by regulatory
agencies for the “appropriate use” of therapies. In this way, the technical validation data are applicable both
to clinical trials and to clinical practice, thereby benefitting all stakeholders.
Through this method:
 The collaborative enterprise acts as a sponsor on behalf of its membership, seeking clearance or
approval for a test on a class of devices.
Individual devices are tested for compliance with the class.
 National regulatory agencies (FDA or foreign equivalents) allow use of data collected to qualify a
quantitative imaging biomarker (across a multiplicity of implementations) to be contributory as
evidence for individual device sponsors to use in seeking market approval of individual
implementations (thereby accelerating commercialization).
In the end, more consistency can be expected in image interpretation, which should create more efficient
multi-center clinical trials and be useful as patients move among providers. QIBA is a joint effort among
many societies and industry partners to build a common framework for characterizing and optimizing
performance across systems, centers, and time. It will be increasingly possible for physicians to rely on
consistent quantitative interpretations as the standard of care. In theory, medical workflows incorporating
these stable measures should compare favorably to workflows without them in terms of improved patient
outcomes and lower costs of care. Without this effort, variations in measures diminish the value of
imaging metrics and restrict their utilization.
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Informatics Services for Quantitative Imaging
links several relevant concepts that are
distributed across the conceptual hierarchy. As
such, a spanning ontology that draws together
these concepts is possible using according to the
following principles:
• Metadata is data
• Annotation is data
• Data should be structured
• Data models should be defined
• Annotation may often follow a model
from another domain
Data of all these forms is valuable
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Figure 13: The semantic infrastructure needed to
assessment encompasses multiple related but
distinct concepts and vocabularies to represent
them which include characterization of the target
population and clinical context for use.
Specifically, the domain includes linked models
and controlled vocabularies for the categories identified in Figure 14.
5.1. Input Specifications: QIBA Profiles
The QIBA Profile is a key document used to specify key aspects in the industrialization of a quantitative
imaging biomarker (Fig. 15).
Figure 14: QIBA Process to "Industrialize" Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers using Profiles.
As such, it is a document used to record the collaborative work by QIBA participants. The Profile
establishes a standard for each biomarker by setting out:
Claims: tell a user what can be accomplished by following the Profile.
Details: tell a vendor what must be implemented in their product to declare compliance with the
Profile. The details may also define user procedures necessary for the claims to be achieved.
The process is descriptive rather than prescriptive, e.g., it specifies what to achieve, not how to achieve it.
Tiered approach supports installed base and guides future developments.
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A Profile includes the following sections:
0. Executive Summary
1. Context of the Imaging Protocol within the Clinical Trial
2. Site Selection, Qualification and Training
3. Subject Scheduling
4. Subject Preparation
5. Imaging-related Substance Preparation and Administration
6. Individual Subject Imaging-related Quality Control
7. Imaging Procedure
8. Image Post-processing
9. Image Analysis
10. Image Interpretation
11. Archival and Distribution of Data
12. Quality Control
13. Imaging-associated Risks and Risk Management
Figure 15: Three performance
levels for the indicated context
for use are specified with
specifications on input data
required to meet them.
A. Acknowledgements and Attributions
B. Background Information
C. Conventions and Definitions
D. Documents included in the imaging protocol (e.g., CRFs)
E. Associated Documents (derived from the imaging protocol or supportive of the imaging
G. Model-specific Instructions and Parameters
Each of the Detail sections utilize a method for multiple levels of biomarker performance as means to
extend the utility of development of the Profiles (Fig. 20).
In this program, the expectation is to utilize Profiles as they are developed under QIBA processes and
activities as the basis for a computable document with defined semantics covering the necessary
abstractions to define the task in a formalized metrology setting.
5.2. Information Models and Ontologies
In order to support these capabilities, the following strategy will be employed in the development and/or
use of information models and ontologies (Tables 2 and 3):
Nomenclature of
Medicine--Clinical Terms
Available through
UMLS Metathesaurus,
NCBO BioPortal
or just
read at runtime
Example of use
Grammar for specifying
clinical context and
indications for use
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RadLex (including
RSNA through
www.radlex.org,or NCBO
read at runtime
Grammar for representing
imaging activities
Gene Ontology (GO)
GO Consortium,
read at runtime
Nouns for representing
genes and gene products
associated with
mechanisms of action
International vocabulary of
metrology --- Basic and
general concepts and
associated terms (VIM)
International Bureau of
Weights and Measures
Updated on
How to represent
measurements and
measurement uncertainty
Exploratory imaging
Paik Lab at Stanford
read at runtime
Grammar for representing
imaging biomarkers
Table 1: Ontologies utilized in meeting the functionality
As a practical matter, many (but not all) of these ontologies have been collected within the NCI Thesaurus
(NCIT). It may be that there is utility in utilizing this to subsume included ontologies as a design
Information models:
Information Model
or just
Example of use
Biomedical Research
Integrated Domain Group
(BRIDG) (drawing in HL7RIM and SDTM)
Updated on
Data structures for clinical trial steps
and regulatory submissions of
heterogeneous data across imaging
and non-imaging observations
Life Sciences Domain
Analysis Model (LS-DAM)
Updated on
Data structures for representing multiscale assays and associating them
with mechanisms of action that link
phenotype to genotype
Annotation and Image
Markup (AIM)
Updated on
Data structures for imaging phenotypes
Table 2: Information Models utilized in meeting the functionality
Our objective is to create a domain analysis model that encompasses the above for the purpose of driving
our design.
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6. References
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2001) 69, 89–95; doi: 10.1067/mcp.2001.113989.
Janet Woodcock and Raymond Woosley. The FDA Critical Path Initiative and Its Influence on New
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