Medical History Form Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason for Consultation _______________________________________________________________________ Referring Physician ______________________________Primary Care Physician________________________ Past Medical History Check all that apply and list details/diagnoses □ Heart Attack/Heart Disease □ Congestive Heart Failure □ COPD □ Thyroid Problems □ Asthma □ Stroke □ Diabetes □ High Blood Pressure □ Heart Failure □ Hepatitis B □ Hepatitis C □ Emphysema □ AIDS/HIV □ Coagulation or Bleeding Disorder (you may take Plavix or Coumadin for) □ Sleep Apnea □ Cancer _________________________________________________________________ Other Medical Problems and Details: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SURGICAL HISTORY: Including Defibrillators, Pacemakers, or Stents Operation Date Operation Date MEDICATIONS: Prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, home remedies, birth control pills, herbs, aspirin or blood thinners. Medication Dose Times per Day Medication Dose Times Per Day CENTRAL TEXAS SURGICAL ASSOCIATES ALLERGIES or REACTIONS: □ None Medication □ Latex Reaction or Side Effect FAMILY HISTORY: Please check all that apply. Medical Condition Anesthesia Problem Asthma Bleeding Problem Breast Cancer Colon Cancer Melanoma Thyroid Cancer Parathyroid Cancer Prostate Cancer Diabetes Heart Attack High Blood Pressure Kidney Disease Leukemia Lupus Lymphoma Stroke Vascular Disease Living Deceased Mom Dad Sister Brother Daughter Son Other SOCIAL HISTORY Tobacco Use Cigarettes: □ Never □ Current Smoker: Packs/day______ # of Years ________ □ Quit: Date _____________ How many years did you smoke? _____________ Other Tobacco: □ Pipe □ Cigar □ Snuff □ Chew □ No □ Yes: # of Drinks/Week _________________ Alcohol Use CENTRAL TEXAS SURGICAL ASSOCIATES Is your current Illness/problem work related? ____yes ____no Please Indicate Below If You Are Currently Experiencing Any of These Symptoms: General, Constitutional Does your job require heavy lifting Recent Weight Gain Recent Weight Loss Fever Fatigue Musculoskeletal no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes Joint Pain Back Pain Muscle Pain or Cramps Difficulty in Walking no no no no yes yes yes yes Skin and Breasts Change in Skin Color Varicose Veins Breast Pain/Tenderness Breast Lump Breast Discharge Rash or itching Healing Problems no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Eyes and Vision Wear Glasses or Contact Lenses no yes Ears, Nose, Throat Swollen Lymph Nodes Trouble Swallowing no no yes yes no yes Neurological no no yes yes Frequent Headaches Light Headed or Dizzy no no yes yes no no yes yes Seizures Tremors no no yes yes no no no yes yes yes Psychiatric Memory Loss or Confusion Nervousness/Anxiety Depression no no no yes yes yes Endocrine Excessive Thirst Excessive Urination no no yes yes no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes Heart and Cardiovascular Shortness of Breath with activity or exertion Chest Pains Sudden Heartbeat Changes/Irregular Heartbeat/Palpitations Swelling of Feet, Ankles, Hands Murmurs Respiratory Persistent/Frequent Coughing Shortness of Breath Asthma or Wheezing Gastrointestinal Loss of Appetite Change in Bowel Movements Nausea or Vomiting Frequent Diarrhea Painful Bowel Movements or Constipation Blood in Stool Abdominal/Stomach Pain Difficulty Swallowing Heartburn Hemorrhoids Rectal Bleeding no no no no yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Genitourinary Frequent Urination Difficulty with Urination Blood in Urine Change in Force or Strain with Urination Recurrent UTI CENTRAL TEXAS SURGICAL ASSOCIATES CURRENT SYMPTOMS CONTINUED Hematological/Lymphatic Slow to Heal After Cuts Easily Bruise or Bleed Anemia no no no yes yes yes Breast Patient History How many children have you had? ___________________ Your age when first child was born? ____________________ Did you breastfeed? _______________ Age at first menstrual cycle? __________________ Age at last menstrual cycle (If menopausal)? __________________ Onset of last menstrual cycle? ________________ Number of prior breast biopsies _________________ Have you had a hysterectomy? ____________ If so, what year? _____________________ Breast Implants? ___________________ If so, what year? ________________________ Do you take hormone replacement therapy? ____________ How many years? _____________ Do you do regular breast self exams? ______________ List family members with breast or ovarian cancer and their relationship to you: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________ Surgeon Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________