2014 STATE FFA FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TEST PART 2 Financial Statements (FINPACK Balance Sheets found in the resource information) Please use the Market Value when making the calculations for the Zimmerman Farm. Also round the number to the nearest hundredth. 1/1/2012 1/1/2013 1/1/2014 Current Ratio 1.32 1.92 1.17 Ownership Equity 0.69 0.72 0.72 Leverage Ratio 0.46 0.46 0.39 Current Debt Ratio 0.52 0.56 0.86 Debt to Asset Ratio 0.31 0.28 0.29 Balance Sheets and Income Statement 1. The change in Net Worth from 1/1/2013 to 1/1/2014 was: a. b. c. d. 2. The current ratio is trending? a. b. c. 3. $1,106 $371,958 $370,852 $25,822 Stronger Steady Weaker On which date strongest? was the Zimmerman’s a. 1/1/2012 b. 1/1/2013 c. 1/1/2014 1 current ratio the 4. What is the Zimmerman Farm’s Operating Profit Margin ratio for 2013 based on the Farm Income Statement from page 1 of the resource packet, assuming they purchased no feeder livestock or feed? a. b. c. d. 5. The Zimmerman’s 1/1/2014 total working capital percentage of their 2013 total farm expenses: a. b. c. d. 6. what 8.0 8.6 9.0 9.6 42 47 52 57 On the 1/1/2014 Balance Sheet, how much of the Zimmerman’s net worth is gained from the difference between market and cost values? a. b. c. d. 8. is Using the 1/1/2014 Balance Sheet, calculate the percentage of total assets that are classified as Intermediate Assets (use market value)? a. b. c. d. 7. 0.25 0.28 0.15 0.18 $ $ $ $ 630,449 61,701 44,120 586,329 On the income statement on page 1 of the resource packet, what are some possible causes for the large negative inventory change? a. b. c. d. Poor Yields Poor Prices Decrease in Prepaid Expenses All of the Above 2 9. The ratios from 1/1/2012 to 1/1/2014 indicate what possible scenarios: a. b. c. d. 10. What would be the main cause of the decrease in working capital for the Zimmerman’s from 1/1/2013 to 1/1/2014? a. b. c. d. 11. Higher grain prices Lower inventory values Lower long term debt Lower current debt How much did their total working capital decrease between 1/1/2013 and 1/1/2014? a. b. c. d. 12. The Zimmerman’s are increasing current debt load The Zimmerman’s are decreasing overall debt load both a and b none of the above $264,080 $33,323 $230,847 $41,858 What steps could the Zimmerman’s take to increase their working capital by 1/1/2015? a. b. c. d. Bid with no limits at the next local land auction Borrow more operating money Pay for a new tractor with cash None of the above 3 Projected Budget Aaron Zimmerman has decided on the following crop and livestock program. Due to the Agricultural Act of 2014, no program payments will be issued until following the 2014 crop season. Use the Average Farm from Region 3 to determine cost. CROP Barley Owned Barley Rented Corn Owned Corn Rented Soybeans Owned Soybeans Rented Hay, Mixed Alfalfa/Grass Owned Pasture Owned Cows 13. ACRES 150 150 300 500 400 450 280 500 50 Head Yield 72 Bu. 72 Bu. 121 Bu. 121 Bu. 32 Bu. 32 Bu. 1.42 Tons 1.1 AUM’s Gross Retun Price $5.25 $5.25 $4.15 $4.15 $11.15 $11.15 $55/Ton $20/AUM $1050/Cow Gross Income Cost Net Income Calculate the projected return over total direct and overhead costs using the Zimmerman’s projected crop and livestock plan. Use the prices that are projected and do not include any projected government payments. (Use Region 3 Average Profit Farms for all farms for the crop and livestock analysis from your resource unit. Also assume the pasture costs on the livestock enterprise analysis are correct, and that all crop expenses are correct, including land rent, but use the projected prices and yields for both livestock and crops.) a. b. c. d. $112,356 $128,950 $121,357 $22,559 4 14. Would the rented Barley acres cover the direct cost per acre if the rent cost was $80/acre (don’t consider government payments)? a. b. 15. Based on the Zimmerman’s Projected Budget, which crop listed below has the highest return over direct costs per acre on owned land (use the average farm on the enterprise budgets)? a. b. c. d. 16. Decrease barley and plant more corn Decrease corn and plant more barley Sell cows and plant pasture to corn All of the Above Mr. Zimmerman’s son is looking to come back to the farm. He could rent 200 acres of land from their neighbor for $90/acre, if he has the same yields and price as his Father and plants all corn, what is his projected profit per acre (Use average farm on enterprise budgets)? a. b. c. d. 18. Corn Soybeans Barley Hay Based on the Zimmerman’s Projected Budget, what should they do to increase their profit, assuming overhead expenses to be fixed and that they can’t find additional acres? a. b. c. d. 17. Yes No $-2,386 $-6,784 $-9,442 Can’t tell from the information given Aaron could sell heifer calves at 600 lbs. for $1.90/lb and buy bred heifers for $1900.00/head, or he could keep his own heifers for replacements. Which is a better financial decision (use average farm on enterprise budgets)? a. b. Keep his own heifers Buy bred heifers 5 19. If Aaron would have planted just one crop on all of his rented acres, which would have given him the greatest Net Return based off only the average farm in Region 3? a. b. c. d. 20. Spring Wheat Soybeans Corn Barley If 2014 is a poor year for crop conditions and yields decrease by 20%, will Aaron’s rented corn still be profitable if prices and costs stay the same? a. b. c. d. Yes No Maybe It wasn’t profitable with the original yield Investment Analysis The Zimmerman’s have the opportunity to purchase an additional 200 acres of pasture land for the upcoming year for $180,000. They are looking at 3 different options for financing: 40% down and 4.0% interest for 10 years, 40% down and 5% interest for 15 years, and 25% and 6% interest for 20 years. 21. Which option will have the least total cost? a. 4% Interest b. 5% Interest c. 6% Interest 22. If Aaron expects no immediate return on his down payment, and the real estate tax is $6/acre, what would his payment be equivalent to in rent per acre if he chooses the least total cost option? a. b. c. d. $25.33 $53.44 $72.53 $86.43 6 23. Which option will do the least harm to Aaron’s cash flow in the first 2 years after the purchase? a. b. c. 24. How many cows will it take to make the yearly payment with the least cost option? (Use average profit per cow Region 3) a. b. c. d. 25. 58 68 78 88 cows cows cows cows Which purchase option creates the least amount of risk for Aaron? a. b. c. d. 26. 4% Option 5% Option 6% Option 4% Option 5% Option 6% Option Not Enough Information It is possible that Aaron could rent additional pasture land for $23/acre. Would he be better off to rent instead of purchase the land if all he is worried about his his yearly cash flow plan? a. Yes b. No Mr. Zimmerman has decided it is time to buy a new pickup, he could purchase a brand new pickup with no trade for $46,000 financed for 5 years at 0% and sell his old pickup for $15,000. He could also trade his old pickup on the new one for $33,000 to boot and finance that amount at 4% for 4 years. He could also trade for a pickup that is 1 year old for $27,000 to boot and finance that amount at 6% for 3 years. 27. Which option will have the lowest payment each year? a. 0% Option b. 4% Option c. 6% Option 7 28. Which option has the least total cost? a. 0% Option b. 4% Option c. 6% Option 29. Which option would cause the least harm to Aaron’s cash flow plan for the next 3 years? a. b. c. 30. At 55 cents per mile, how many miles could Aaron drive a leased pickup each year and still stay under the lowest payment option? a. b. c. d. 31. 10273 11273 12273 13273 Does Aaron have enough total working capital as 1/1/2014 to just purchase the new pickup for $46,000? a. b. c. d. 32. 0% Option 4% Option 6% Option Yes No Not Enough Information Just put it on his operating and figure it out later Projected Cash Flow In Resource Unit Does Aaron Zimmerman’s Farm Cash Flow for 2014: a. Yes b. No 33. What month begins with the lowest Operating Loan Balance: a. b. c. d. of December October June May 8 34. If there is a 10% decrease in gross income over the year, how will it impact Aaron’s projected Net Farm Income for 2014? a. b. c. d. 35. Change Term Debt Coverage Ratio to 0.54 Change Term Debt Coverage Ratio to 0.68 Change Term Debt Coverage Ratio to 0.90 Won’t change it at all What is the Zimmerman’s projected Net Cash Flow for 2014? a. b. c. d 36. $6,000 $2,000 $7,735 $9,300 What is the Zimmerman’s 2014 projected Net Worth Change? a. b. c. d. 37. $ $ $ $ 157,695 202,917 72,500 106,815 What are Aaron’s total inventories projected to change by in 2014? a. b. c. d. $ -18,984 $ -6,213 $ -25,197 Can’t tell from the information available Family Living Use the information in answer the questions. 38. the resource information section to Based on the total family living excluding Other nonfarm expenditures for region 3, does the Zimmerman’s cash flow for family living fall closest to? a. b. c. d. Low 20% High 20% The average Farm 40-60% 9 39. Total cash family living and investments and non-farm capital purchases for the Average of all farms in Region 3 was: a. b. c. d. $ $ $ $ 121,873 68,659 91,850 155,573 40. How many cows would Aaron need to cover his projected family living expenses in 2014? (Use Region 3 average farm for beef enterprises) a. b. c. d. 296 302 308 316 MARKETING Use the Market information in the Resource Information Section. Assume a negative $0.95 per bushel nearby basis and a negative $0.85 new crop basis for Corn, a $50/full turn commission for futures, and a $0.05 per bushel per month carrying charge. Carrying charge would start on November 1st. Commission on feeder cattle is $50 for options for futures and an even basis for the feeder cattle. The commission for selling the calves at the local auction is $14.00/head. On April 16, 2014, the Zimmerman’s had 30000 bushels of corn on hand. Their projected production for 2014 will give them an additional 98000 bushels of Corn and 30,500 bushels of Soybeans to sell. Aaron will raise 50 calves that will be weaned on November 1 and will average 600 lbs, and he will background his calves, taking them to 825 lbs before they are sold at the local auction. 41. If Aaron contracts his soybeans at Gavilon Grain in New Rockford, what price can he lock in for his 2014 crop? a. b. c. d. $13.33 $12.99 $11.46 $12.36 10 42. A month ago, Aaron could have sold his old crop cash corn at Central City Grain for $3.45, if he hauls it in today, how will the value of his grain have changed? a. b. c. d. 43. $+0.40 $-0.40 $+0.34 $-0.34 The Zimmerman’s can lock in what price for their feeder cattle as a futures net price if they want to sell them in March 2015? a. b. c. d. 44. How many futures contracts would Aaron need to sell to price about 75% of his anticipated soybean production for 2014? a. b. c. d. 45. $176.25 $175.25 $174.25 $173.25 1 2 3 4 Contract Contracts Contracts Contracts Aaron’s broker has been trying to talk him into a speculative trade of coffee. Since he had heard that Mr. Schneider is going to cut back on his consumption, he thinks it is a sure bet that the price of coffee will go down. If Aaron sells 2 December 2014 contracts today and buys them back for 188.95 in November how much will he make? (a coffee contract is 37,500 lbs and price is expressed in dollars/cwt) a. b. c. d. $3,338 $6,675 $6,575 $6,475 11 46. If Aaron lives 17 miles from Barlow and 8 miles Carrington, where should he contract his 2014 new wheat if all factors other than price are the same? a. b. c. d. from crop Barlow Carrington It doesn’t matter they are the same Whichever town has a better place to stop for lunch INCOME TAX Based on the Zimmerman’s Federal Tax Schedule found in the resource packet: 47. What is their gross farm income? a. b. c. d. 48. What is their Net Farm Income? a. b. c. d. 49. $955,323 $888,785 $66,538 Cannot tell from the schedule F Why does the Zimmerman’s Schedule F appear different than their Farm Income Statement on Page 1 of the Resource Packet? a. b. c. d. 50. $955,323 $888,785 $66,538 Cannot tell from the schedule F They are trying to hide income on their taxes Depreciation can be accelerated for tax purposes They are showing an increase in family living expenses There is no difference between the two How Much will the Zimmerman’s owe in Federal Taxes for 2013? a. b. c. d. $665.38 $66,538 They Will Get a Refund You can’t tell by looking only at Schedule F PAGE 12