PASS Practice 3rd 9

PASS Review 3
Based on the shadow-stick diagram above, shadow position P would be created at which of the following times?
A. sunrise
C. middle of the morning
B. sunset
D. middle of the afternoon
In the orbit above, the satellite is moving in a clockwise direction around the planet. If the satellite moves fast enough to leave
the orbit at position A, in which direction will the satellite continue moving?
Which term describes an equal amount of daylight and dark hours for a day?
C. eclipse
D. equinox
Which of the following is NOT a reason for the change in seasons on the Earth?
The tilt of the Earth’s axis.
C. The angle of the Sun’s rays
The number of daylight hours.
D. The distance between the Earth and the Sun.
5. The strength of the gravitational attraction between any two objects is directly based on
A. the mass of each object and the distance between the objects.
B. the mass of each object and the size relationship between the objects.
C. the size of each object and the distance from the core to the surface of each object.
D. the size of each object and the distance between the objects.
6. As an astronaut goes out into space, her mass _____ and her weight _____.
A. increases, decreases
C. stays the same, increases
B. decreases, increases
D. stays the same, decreases
7. Gravity on the Moon is about 1/6 of the gravity felt on the Earth. This is because…
A. The Moon is so far away from the Earth
B. The Moon is less massive than the Earth
C. The Earth has a molten core and the Moon doesn’t
D. The Moon is much further from the Sun than the Earth
8. There is gravitational attraction between the Sun and the planets in the solar system. When a planet is farther from the Sun, the
gravitational attraction between is decreased and the planet moves ____________.
out of orbit
C. slower
D. in a straight line
9. Day and night is the result of _______________.
A. Earth’s revolution
B. Earth’s rotation
C. Earth’s tilt on its axis
D. Seasons
10. Which of the diagrams found below displays the correct direction of the Earth’s rotation?
A. West to East
B. East to West
C. North to South
D. South to North
11. _____ and ______ are the two factors that create the shape of the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
A. Planet’s gravity, Sun’s inertia
C. Sun’s gravity, planet’s inertia
B. Axel turn of the galaxy, Sun’s gravity
D. Sun’s rotation, planet’s inertia
12. Apparent sunrise and apparent sunset means in actuality
A. the Sun is still while the Earth is revolving making the Sun appear to rise and set each day.
B..the Sun is still while the Earth is rotating making the Sun appear to rise and set each day.
C. the Earth is still while the Sun is rotating making the Sun appear to rise and set each day.
D. the Earth is still while the Sun is revolving making the Sun appear to rise and set each day.
13. Which of the following explains why it is hotter near the equator of the Earth than near the North Pole?
Sun’s rays
A. The equator has a
tropical climate.
B. The equator receives
more direct sunlight.
C. The equator receives
more indirect
D. The Earth is wider at
the equator.
Sun’s rays
Sun’s rays
Sun’s rays
14. Because the moon rotates and revolves in nearly the same amount of time, _______________.
a. we see all sides of the moon
b. the amount of the lighted portion we see never changes
c. the dark side of the moon is visible during the full moon phase
d. we always see the same side of the moon
Imagine you’re in Greenville, South Carolina. Which day, during the year, would you notice the Sun’s position almost directly
the spring equinox
C. a summer solstice
the winter solstice
D. New Year’s Eve
16. Each lunar cycle from new moon to new moon takes approximately?
a. four days
C. four months
b. four weeks
D. four years
Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18.
17. If the Sun, Earth and Moon were aligned as in the diagram above, what type of tide
would occur?
a. spring tide
C. neap tide
b. intertidal zone
D. gravitational tide
18. Based on the diagram above, how would the tides be affected on Earth?
a. There is a greater difference between high and low tides.
c. No change
b. There is the least difference between high and low tides.
d. Expect tidal waves
19. Why does the Moon’s gravity have more of an effect than the Sun’s gravity on Earth’s ocean tide?
A. The Moon has greater mass than the Sun.
C. The Moon is much closer to Earth.
B. The Moon has more powerful gravity than the Sun.
D. The Moon has a smaller orbit than the Sun.
20. When the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are in the same line, as shown, which of the following could occur?
A. An eclipse of the Sun could occur.
B. An eclipse of the Moon could occur.
C. The Moon could be pulled out of its orbit toward the Sun.
D. The spin of the Earth could be speeded up.
21. In which positions of the Sun (S), Earth (E) and Moon (M) is a lunar eclipse most likely to happen?
22. Some friends and I rented a sixty foot sailboat for the last weekend of March. In order to leave the marina in Charleston, South
Carolina, we must have a high tide. Due to having to drive down from Anderson, we will miss the first high tide at 5:45 a.m.
When will the next high tide occur on that same day?
A. 11:45 p.m.
C. 11:45 a.m.
B. 5:45 p.m.
D. another high tide will NOT occur in the same day.
23. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon’s surface will appear red due to
The Sun’s light refracting as it moves through the Earth’s atmosphere.
The Sun’s light refracting as it moves through the Moon’s atmosphere.
The Sun’s light moving slowly through space because of the medium.
The Sun’s light diffracting as it travels due to the Moon’s gravity.
1. This diagram best illustrates a _____ wave.
A. primary
C. surface
B. secondary
D. geology
2. This diagram best illustrates a _____ wave.
A. primary
C. surface
B. secondary
D. geology
3. This diagram best illustrates a _____ wave.
A. primary
C. surface
B. secondary
D. geology
4. The point in the crust where energy is released is considered the _____. The point on the crust is considered the _____.
A. zone / seismicity
C. seismicity/ zone
B. epicenter/ focus
D. focus/ epicenter
5. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the wave arrival times from first to last?
A. P waves then S waves then Surface waves
C. P waves then Surface waves and S waves
B. Surface waves then P waves the S waves
D. S waves then P waves and Surface waves
6. How do rock particles move during the passage of a P wave through rock?
A. back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
C. in a rolling circular motion
B. perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
D. in a rolling elliptical motion
7. How do rock particles move during the passage of a S wave through rock?
A. back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
C. in a rolling circular motion
B. perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
D. in a rolling elliptical motion
8. The instrument used to measure and record the vibrations from an earthquake is a(n)
A. vibrometer
C. seismogram
B. vibrogram
D. seismograph
9. The record of the vibrations created during an earthquake is a(n)
A. vibrometer
C. seismogram
B. vibrogram
D. seismograph
10. Based on the diagram above, approximately how much time elapsed between the arrival of the P waves and S waves?
A. 3 minutes
C. 1 minute
B. 4 minutes
D. 27 minutes
Based on the diagram to the left, answer the following
11. The epicenter for this earthquake event is
A. Portland
C. Salt Lake City
B. San Francisco D. Los Angeles
12. The seismographic station located closest to the
epicenter of this earthquake event is
A. Portland
C. Salt Lake City
B. San Francisco D. Los Angeles
13. The process for locating an epicenter is called
_____ and requires _____ seismograph stations to
determine the epicenter .
A. epicenturian, two
C. seismological, two
B. seismocoordinate, three
D. triangulation, three
14. Based on the Mercalli and the Richter Scales, a magnitude 8 earthquake is _____ times _____ in intensity than a magnitude 6
A. 10, greater
C. 100, greater
B. 10, less
D. 100, less
15. The Richter Scale bases earthquake magnitude on
A. the speed of the quickest wave
B. the amplitude of the largest wave
C. the distance covered by the P and S waves
D. the speed the waves move through triangulation
16. In 2011, much of the coastline of Japan was destroyed by a 30 foot ____ triggered by a 9.0M earthquake.
A. liquefaction
C. magnitude
B. earthquake
D. tsunami
17. Based on the seismograms above, which
Atlanta, GA
city was located closest to the epicenter?
A. Atlanta, GA
C. Columbia, SC
B. Charleston, SC
D. none of the above
Charleston, SC
18. Based on the seismograms above, which
city most likely received the least amount of
vibrations from the earthquake?
A. Atlanta, GA
C. Columbia, SC
Columbia, SC
B. Charleston, SC
D. none of the above