Maths P4 - Finborough School

Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: Prep 4
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Subject: Maths
To know number bonds to 100.
To add on to the next multiple of 100.
To add/subtract to the next/previous 100 (over 2 lessons)
To add four consecutive numbers.
Homework (s)
Pupils can make pairs up to 100.
Pupils make up number sentences, where they are adding
a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number to make a multiple of
Using a number line, pupils can add/subtract to the
next/previous 100.
Using number bonds, pupils can add four consecutive
With support, using patterns with bonds to 10, pupils
make pairs to 100.
Pupils make 2-digit number sentences adding up to 100.
With support, using a number line, pupils can
add/subtract to the next/previous 100.
With support, using number bonds, pupils can add three
consecutive numbers.
Pupils can make pairs to 100, using numbers out-with the
multiples of 10.
Using a systematic approach, pupils use each number once
to create number sentences to 100.
Independently, using a number line, pupils can
add/subtract to the next/previous 1000.
Pupils add four consecutive numbers and find their related
multiples of 10 and 1000.
Autumn Term 2015
To recognise and understand place value in 4-digit
To order and compare 4-digit numbers.
To locate numbers on a number line.
To add pairs of 2-digit numbers mentally.
To mentally subtract pairs of 2-digit numbers.
Pupils can recognise the place value of different digits and
add/subtract multiples of 10/100 to them.
Pupils can state 4-digit numbers that lie between 2 4-digit
Independently, pupils can place a 4-digit number on a
number line.
Pupils can use partitioning to mentally add together 2digit numbers.
Pupils can choose an appropriate method to do
Pupils can recognise the place value of different digits.
Pupils can use <, >, or = in a number sentence to
distinguish between different 4-digit numbers.
With support, pupils can place a 4-digit number on a
number line.
With support, pupils can use counting on in 10’s and 1’s to
add a pair of 2-digit numbers.
With support, pupils use counting on to solve subtractions.
Pupils understand place value and can subtract 3-digit
numbers from them.
Pupils can write their own number sentences using a
variety of 4-digit numbers.
Pupils can round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10,100
and 1000.
Pupils can mentally add together a 3-digit and 2-digit
Pupils can subtract 2 and 3-digit numbers appropriately.
To recall x and ÷ facts for the 6 x table.
To spot patterns in the 9 x table.
To multiply multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers
To multiply mentally 2-digit by 1-digit numbers using
To find unit fractions of amounts.
Pupils use the 3 x table to recall facts for the 6 x table.
Pupils can identify multiples of 9 and look for patterns.
Using times tables knowledge, pupils solve problems
multiplying by 10.
Using support, pupils can use the grid method.
Pupils understand division is used to find a fraction.
Pupils can recall x and ÷ facts for the 3 x table.
Pupils can identify multiples of 9.
Pupils use known multiples and multiply by 10.
Pupils can partition out numbers in the multiplication.
Pupils can sort cubes into equal groups.
Pupils can recall facts up to 12 for the 6 x table.
Using observations, pupils can identify 3-digit numbers
that are multiples of 9.
Pupils create fact webs, starting with a known
multiplication, building it up through multiplying by 10.
Pupils can independently use the f=grid method.
Pupils can find a fraction of an amount when the
numerator is more than 1.
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: Prep 4
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Subject: Maths
To be able to write and tell the time.
To be able to calculate time intervals (over 2 lessons.)
To accurately record measurements using cm and mm.
Autumn Term 2015
To use column addition to add up 3-digit numbers (over 2
To use expanded decomposition to subtract 3-digit
numbers (over 3 lessons.)
To accurately record measurements in metres.
Pupils can confidently use expanded column addition.
Pupils can calculate the duration of something.
Pupils can accurately set up and use expanded column
Pupils can converts measurements into m’s using decimals.
Pupils can read the time using 5 minute intervals.
Pupils can partition out numbers and add them together.
Pupils use a number line to calculate time intervals on a
digital clock.
Pupils can line up and use expanded column subtraction,
with support.
Pupils can measure objects to the nearest cm/mm.
Pupils can measure objects using m’s and cm’s.
Pupils can read and write the time in digital and analogue.
Pupils can accurately use and lay out column addition.
Pupils can estimate and work out the duration of
Pupils can use column subtraction, with support.
Pupils can convert measurements into decimal cm’s.
Pupils can estimate and accurately measure different
objects in metres.
Homework (s)
To double numbers using partitioning.
To half 3-digit numbers using partitioning.
To understand and identify different fractions.
To recognise equivalent fractions.
Pupils can read and write the time in analogue.
Pupils can write measurements in cm and mm.
To assess pupils Knowledge and Understanding.
Pupils double 3-digit numbers, identifying any occurring
Pupils can partition out 3-digt numbers to half them.
Pupils can compare fractions.
Pupils can simplify fractions.
Pupils formally demonstrate what they know.
Pupils can double 2 and 3-digit numbers using
Pupils can half 2 and 3 digit numbers using partitioning
with support.
Pupils can recognise different fractions using a fraction
Using a fraction wall, pupils identify equivalent fractions.
Pupils formally demonstrate what they know.
Pupils investigate patterns when doubling, starting with
an odd number, an even number and a multiple of 5.
Pupils investigate patterns in 3-digit numbers when they
are halved and halved again.
Pupils can identify equivalent fractions.
Pupils can simplify fractions to their simplest form.
Pupils formally demonstrate what they know.
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: Prep 4
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Subject: Maths
To read scales to the nearest number.
To multiply numbers x10, working with decimals.
To read scales to the nearest number.
To add 2 4-digit numbers using mental and written
methods (over 3 lessons.)
To draw a bar graph accurately from a set of data.
Pupils can multiply numbers by 10 using a place value
Pupils can add 2 4-digit numbers using a method of their
Pupils can place decimals on a number line.
Pupils can convert tenths to decimals and vice versa.
Pupils can add 2 4-digit numbers using expanded addition.
Pupils can convert tenths to decimals and vice versa.
Pupils can independently multiply numbers by 10.
Homework (s)
To match 1-place decimals to tenths.
Pupils can recognise the equivalent tens to decimals.
Autumn Term 2015
Pupils can add 2 4-digit numbers using compact column
To read scales to the nearest 100ml.
To solve capacity problems.
Pupils can read scales to the nearest 100g.
Pupils can measure objects to the nearest 10g using g and
Using a pre-drawn axis, pupils can complete a bar graph
Pupils can measure capacities to the nearest 100g.
With support, pupils can convert between ml and L’s.
To round 4-digit numbers up or down to the nearest 10,
100 or 1000.
To be able to can carry out 3-dgit subtraction (over 2
To choose a suitable metal or written method to carry out
a subtraction (over 2 lessons.)
Pupils can round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 100 and
Pupils can use a chosen method, with support to work out
3-digit number subtractions.
With support, pupils can choose a suitable mental or
written method to carry out a subtraction.
Pupils understand how many grams are in a kg and can
weigh things to nearest 100g with support.
Pupils can read scales to the nearest 10g with support.
With support and a pre-drawn axis, pupils draw a bar
Pupils understand there are 1000ml in 1L and can order a
variety of capacities.
Pupils can estimate and measure capacities.
Pupils can round 2 (and 3) digit-numbers confidently.
Pupils can estimate and measure weights to the neat=rest
Pupils can estimate and measure weights to the nearest
10g using g and kg.
Using a set of data, pupils independently draw a bar graph
after organising the data appropriately.
Pupils can estimate and measure capacities to the nearest
Pupils can convert between ml and L’s to answer problems.
Pupils can round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100
and 1000.
Pupils can subtract 3-git numbers using expanded column
Pupils understand when to use a written and mental
method to carry out a subtraction.
Pupils can use column subtraction to carry out 3-digit
number subtraction.
Pupils can choose a suitable mental or written method to
carry out a subtraction.
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: Prep 4
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Subject: Maths
Autumn Term 2015
To use the grid method when carrying out 3-gigit by 1digit multiplications (over 2 lessons.)
To catch up and review any areas covered this term which
need more attention.
To multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers using the ladder
Christmas production preparations.
To assess pupils Knowledge and Understanding.
To use an appropriate method to divide 2-git numbers by
1-digt numbers (over 2 lessons.)
With support, pupils can position numbers correctly in the
grid and solve the multiplication.
Pupils formally demonstrate their application of
mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Pupils formally demonstrate their application of
mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Pupils formally demonstrate their application of
mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Pupils can use expanded ladder multiplication to multiply
3-digit number by 1-digit.
Pupils can choose a method which best suits them to solve
divisions without a remainder.
Pupils can partition out and place numbers in the relevant
places in the grid.
Pupils confidently use the grid method to multiply 3-digit
number by 1-digit.
Pupils can use times table knowledge to solves problems
without a remainder.
Pupils can position numbers correctly in the grid and solve
the multiplication.
Pupils can use ladder multiplication to multiply 3-digit
number by 1-dgit.
Pupils can choose an appropriate method to solve 2/3digit numbers divisions which leave a remainder.
Homework (s)