Reflective questions: Observing learning in play

Queensland kindergarten
learning guideline
Professional development
Module 4: Engage
Reflective questions: Observing learning in play
View the audiovisual segment Observing learning in play. Record your observations using one of
the templates available in Resources. Then complete the questions below and add this document
to your professional practice folder.
Which aspects of the audiovisual segment most drew your attention, e.g. the social aspects
of the play, the physical action or the conversation?
Why do you think you focused on these aspects?
Analyse the language you used to describe the children’s play. Was it descriptive, emotive,
analytical, reflective or a combination of these?
Can you identify language in your observation that indicates it was written from a strengthsbased perspective? Give examples.
r1029 Rebranded July 2014
Review the quality of the details you have included in your observation. Can you use these
to make planning decisions about ways to extend children’s learning? If not, what further
information do you need to include?
Which QKLG learning and development areas does this observation link to? How?
QKLG Professional development
Reflective questions: Observing learning in play
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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