Reflective Thinking Essay #4 A lot of my biggest “a-hah” moments were with Discipline. There was a lot in that lesson that either solidified what I knew or filled-in gaps I wasn’t sure of. First, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t an unwritten rule to stop someone before they “spill the beans” on a potential crime, but rather something you’re supposed to do (as well as read them their rights). I’ve always been a bit wary of that one. Knowing this will make me much better able to handle some of the difficult situations I occasionally come across in my job. The Discipline lesson also helped me better understand how correction should be documented and applied. The concept of setting the standard of acceptability and determining the appropriate level of correction based on severity and frequency will also come in handy. My Airmen tend to break the rules as much as they follow them, and are very touchy about how they’re treated. Hopefully, this will give me additional ammunition to better handle these sorts of situations. Another area I found helpful was the Decision Analysis portion of the Continuous Improvement lesson. Tying-in from another lesson, I know that my organizational skills (gold temperament) is severely lacking. I tend to make decisions based on emotion and justification rather than cold logic. I don’t think I’ve spent more than a day or two house hunting at any of the bases I’ve gone to, and my current car was somewhat of an impulse buy. I’m sure this carries over into my work as well. Decision analysis is likely to help me put everything in order better so I can make a rational decision rather than a knee-jerk one. As stated in previous reflective essays, as a public affairs photojournalist, I communicate most of the ideas in the Emergent Leadership Issues lessons on a regular basis. I can’t say I really gained much from those lessons, although I hope I was able to relay some of my own knowledge to help the other students. TSgt Morse/Flight M/M08/671-0286/sam/25 Nov 13