Dartmouth-Hitchcock Population Health Innovation Project Proposal OVERVIEW The Population Health Innovation Fund was established in 2014 to support the advancement of population health across Dartmouth-Hitchcock practices sites and the communities. The Fund supports community grants and other activities that measurably improve health of the population. Based on review of Community Health Needs Assessments in communities served by the DartmouthHitchcock system of providers, the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Population Health Management Council has established four priorities for the Fund: 1) Reducing harm from substance misuse 2) Reducing harm from unaddressed mental health needs 3) Improving health and well-being for frail elders 4) Improving access to care through innovative and community-delivered approaches The Council will review applications addressing any topic, but has a special interest in proposals that address one or more of these priority health needs. APPLICATION GENERAL INFORMATION Date: Project Title: Submitted By: Phone: E-Mail: Department/Organization: Project Location: Name of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinical Sponsor: Community Partner or State, Governmental, Public Health Sponsor: Is this project intended to be implemented: ☐Locally; ☐Locally with possibility to replicate; ☐Locally as a pilot of a planned system-wide initiative; ☐System-wide. Please indicate the best description(s) of the people who will be served by the proposed project: ☐Patients of Dartmouth-Hitchcock when they receive services at a D-H site (including affiliate practices and facilities). ☐Patients of Dartmouth-Hitchcock served though community-delivered strategies. REV. 111515 V2 ☐Populations in a community or region served by Dartmouth-Hitchcock practices. ☐Broad populations of communities (state or regions) regardless of where they seek health care. SECTION 1: ALIGNMENT with POPULATION HEALTH PRIORITIES (1-9 Points). A. Alignment with D-H Population Health Improvement Goals: Which Population Health Improvement priority does your proposal address? ☐Reducing harm from substance misuse; ☐Reducing harm from unaddressed mental health needs; ☐Improving health and well-being for frail elders; ☐Improving access to care through innovative and community-delivered approaches. ☐Addresses a different need. If so, please describe how this proposal addresses one or more issues identified through a community health/public health needs assessment at the local, regional, state, or clinic level, and whether it aligns with Community Health/Public Health Improvement Plans? (500 characters or less) B. Equity/Disparity/Service Gap Populations: Please describe whether this project serve populations that have inequitable or disparate health impacts due to income, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, education, language, discrimination/bias/stigma, or due to gaps in existing services (i.e., long waiting lists for service or long distance to needed services). (500 characters or less ) SECTION 2: PROBLEM, SMART GOALS, PROJECT DESCRIPTION, EVALUATION (1-9 Points) C. Problem Definition: Please provide a clear statement of the problem this project will address, potential root causes of the problem, and data to demonstrate the magnitude of this problem. (1,500 characters or less) D. Project Goals and Anticipated Outcomes: Please describe the goal and outcomes of this project, using a SMART goal framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound). (1,500 characters or less) E. Proposed Project/Intervention: Describe the proposed project/intervention. How will the project achieve the stated SMART goals? Provide a project timeline and/or bulleted milestones at every three months of the project. (5,000 characters or less) REV. 111515 V2 F. Metrics/Project Evaluation: What measures will you use to monitor and evaluate project progress and success? (1,000 characters or less) G. Team/Partners: Who will be involved in the delivery of this project? Person or Organization Project Role H. Innovation: Describe how the project uses a novel approach, methodology, or intervention; or implements an existing evidenced-based or best practice in a novel way or in a new setting? (500 characters or less) SECTION 3: REPLICATION/SUSTAINABILITY (1-9 points) I. Feasibility. What is the likelihood that the proposed intervention can be implemented? How difficult will it be to effect the required changes? (1,000 characters or less) J. Replicability: If this project is successful, what opportunities exist for it to be replicated in other communities served by Dartmouth-Hitchcock? (500 characters or less) K. Sustainability: Please describe how this project will be sustainable after the project period? What are the incentives and motivations to maintain the changes? (1000 characters or less) SECTION 4: LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (1-9 points) L. Opportunities to Generate New Knowledge. Please describe whether this project creates opportunities for academic research or scholarly contributions by extending or creating new knowledge. (250 characters or less) REV. 111515 V2 M. Opportunities for Learners: Please describe whether this project will create learning opportunities for students, trainees, health professionals and/or community members? (250 characters or less) SECTION 5: FINANCES of this INVESTMENT (1-9 points) N. Cost Reduction: Will the project result in a measurable reduction in health-related costs to Dartmouth-Hitchcock and/or in other costs for communities we serve? (1,500 characters or less) O. Budget: The Population Health Innovation Fund is not intended to support activities that are normally covered in operational budgets. Short-term funding to support operations will be considered for funding if there is a long-term plan for ongoing support. Items unlikely to be funded Employee salaries Large capital items, especially if there is long-term operating cost Copyrighted or licensed product Examples Physician FTE, clinical staff salaries. Funding can be used to pay for consultants, backfill for personnel temporarily dedicated to project support, or a new position certain to have ongoing support in the next fiscal year budget. Ancillary information system requiring purchase of hardware and software. Licensed products will be considered for funding only if there is a plan to fund ongoing fees after the current project is completed. P. Budget: Please provide an annual budget for the proposed project (attach separate budget documents if needed). Cost Type Amount Justification Salaries Benefits Equipment Supplies Other (describe) Other (describe) Other (describe) Other (describe) Other (describe) REV. 111515 V2 Total Requested Please direct application questions, completed proposals, and supporting materials to Greg Norman, Director, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Community Health (greg.norman@hitchcock.org). REV. 111515 V2