Appalachian State University Department of Family and Consumer Sciences FCS 3010 History of Apparel (3) Fall 2010 Tuesday and Thursday – 11:00-12:15 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Office Phone: E-Mail: Dr. Nancy A. Oliver L. S. Dougherty Building – 108C Monday-10:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00, Tuesday 1:00-2:00, Wednesday 11:00-12:00, Thursday – 1:002:00 and by appointment 828-262-7342 Text: Tortora, P. G. & Eubank, K. Survey of Historic Costume (2010) 5th Edition, Fairchild Books. Course Description: Course Objectives: A study of apparel worn by different people throughout history with emphasis on how social, political, and economic events have influenced the way people dress. The course will cover how historical trends influence current fashion and will provide the student a working knowledge of fashion terminology. Lecture three hours. The student will be able to: (1) identify costumes representative of the historic periods from ancient civilizations through the 20th century. (2) recognize the influences of historical costume on current fashion. (3) increase the understanding of social, political, economic and technological events of the evolution of apparel products. (4) obtain a vocabulary of historic and fashion terminology. Evaluation: Exam #1 Exam #2 Exam #3 Final Exam Quizzes Project Grade Determination: Grading: 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 450-500=A 400-449=B 350-399=C 300-349=D 299 and Below=F 90-100 = A (Excellence) 80-89 = B (Above Average) 70-79 = C (Average) 60-69 = D (Below Average) 59 and Below = F History of Apparel Syllabus, Course Policies and Guidelines 1 Course Policies and Guidelines Students should carefully read the polices and be aware of the ramifications to student grades. Students are responsible for knowing the course/class policies for this class and any amendments that are made to the syllabus, course/class policies or outline. Additionally the CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY at Appalachian State University is important to the success of a student. Students need to be familiar with the University policies and procedures at the following web site: Students must be allowed a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances. Students are responsible for requesting excused absences for religious observances required by the faith of a student. Instructors are responsible for complying with this requirement. In classes in which attendance is taken and/or penalties are applied for student absences, instructors must document their compliance with the religious observance policy by tracking student excused absences for religious observances. Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you have a disability and may need reasonable accommodations in order to have equal access to the University’s courses, programs and activities, please contact the Office of Disability Services (828.262.3056 or Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations. ATTENDANCE 1) Absences are defined as anytime a student is not present in class. 2) Attendance will be recorded daily and be part of the final grade. The following scale will be used in the class. 0 absences – 2 points added to the final grade 1 absence – 1 points added to the final grade 3 absences – grade unchanged by absences 4 absences – 1 point subtracted from the final grade 5 absences – 3 points subtracted from the final grade 6 absences – grade reduced by one letter grade After 6 absences, each additional absence will reduce the student’s grade by one letter. PUNCUALITY 1) Students are expected to arrive at class on time and stay for the entire class period. 2) Two late arrivals or early departures automatically become an absence. 3) The faculty member assumes late arrivals are absences unless the student verifies their presence at the end of class. Notification of attendance must occur during the class period in question, corrections will not be rectified at the end of the semester. CLASS PARTICIPATION 1) Students are expected to remain in class for the duration of the class period. Leaving class is disruptive to the success of the class and will impact a student’s grade. 2 events of leaving during class – 1 point subtracted from the final grade 3 events of leaving during class – 2 points subtracted from the final grade 4 events of leaving during class – 4 points subtracted from the final grade History of Apparel Syllabus, Course Policies and Guidelines 2 Every event above 4 events will result in a reduction of the grade by one letter 2) 3) If a student has a medical problem that requires leaving class the student should meet with the instructor and provide documentation from a physician at which time alternatives will be discussed. Students are expected to arrive at class prepared, having read the assigned readings and ready to discuss or be tested on the information. The readings, lectures and visual presentations are the student’s responsibility. If a student misses a class period, the student needs to obtain the information from another student. The instructor will not provide lecture notes to individual students. Power Point presentation visuals are only available during the lecture therefore if a student misses a class period the visuals will not be available to the student. CELL PHONES AND DISTRUPTIONS 1) Cell phones or any other type of electronic equipment will not be visible during class. Students will turn off cell phones/electronic equipment prior to entering class and place them in book bags, purses, etc. 2) Ringing cell phones, texting or any visible cell phone/electronic equipment will result in a one point reduction in a student’s grade. 3) The following disruptions are not considered participating and will impact the student’s grade by point reduction: a) talking in class b) packing up early c) eating in class d) sleeping in class e) displaying disrespect to other students f) displaying disrespect to the instructor EXAMS 1) During the semester there will be three exams and a final. There will be no makeup exams. At the end of the semester, the lowest of the first three exams will be dropped. The final exam will not be one of the exams that can be dropped. If you miss one of the exams, for whatever reason, that will be the dropped exam. Any additional missed exams will become zeros. 2) On the day of the exam students will attend class with a #2 pencil. The exam will be administered using a scantron sheet and requires the use of a #2 pencil. The instructor will not have pencils. 3) Students arriving more than 5 minutes late for an exam will not be able to take an exam. QUIZZES 1) During the semester there will be 10 quizzes. Generally the quiz will contain 8 to 10 questions. At the end of the semester 2 of the quizzes will be dropped and the remaining eight will be averaged for the final quiz grade. There will be no make quizzes, if a student misses a quiz that quiz will be one that is dropped. If a student misses more than two quizzes, zeros will be inserted in place of the missed quizzes. 2) The quizzes will be administered using a Power Point presentation and students will have 30 seconds for each slide. Students need to be prepared with blank paper for their answers. The quiz questions will be from the lecture, readings and will contain visuals. 3) Arriving to class after the Power Point quiz begins will result in the quiz grade being a 0. OUTSIDE ASSIGNMENTS 1) Assignments will be due on the assigned date at the beginning of the class period. Any assignment turned in after class (of the due date) will be reduced five points until the end of the day (5:00 p.m.). Assignments turned in after 5:00 p.m. on the due date will be reduced 10 points for each additional day. History of Apparel Syllabus, Course Policies and Guidelines 3 AS YOU LEARN 1) As You Learn will be used extensively in the class. Class announcements, outlines, study guides, discussion groups quiz and exam grades will be posted on As You Learn. EXTRA CREDIT 1) Opportunities for extra credit are not available in this class. However all students have the opportunity to receive extra points at the end of the semester if class attendance has met the requirements in the previous section regarding attendance. AVAILABILITY OF INSTRUCTOR The instructor is available during office hours for students to discuss grades, course content or any issues related to the class/course. If the scheduled office hours are inconvenient, individual appointments will be arranged. THE FACULTY MEMBER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER THE SYLLABUS OR CONTENT OUTLINE BY AN AMENDMENT OR ANNOUNCEMENT. History of Apparel Syllabus, Course Policies and Guidelines 4