THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF HOUSTON, INC. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANT GUIDELINES Pursuant to the Bylaws and Board Policies of The Junior League of Houston, Inc., the following guidelines will be used by the Community Assistance Committee when considering grant requests. Applications must be postmarked and/or hand-delivered no later than JUNE 15, 2015, to the attention of the Community Vice President at The Junior League of Houston, Inc., 1811 Briar Oaks Lane, Houston, Texas 77027. 1. Tax-Exempt Status The requesting organization must be tax-exempt. Requests must be accompanied by a copy of the tax-exemption letter from the IRS and evidence as to the organization’s qualification as a public charity organization as defined in section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. You must be registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. 2. Request Format Each request must be in writing and should be accompanied by the items set forth in the Community Assistance Grant Application Outline. 3. Limitation to Harris County, Brazoria County, Fort Bend County and Waller County, Texas The money requested must be spent to benefit the residents of Harris County, Brazoria County, Fort Bend County and/or Waller County, Texas. 4. Capital Campaigns Requests for unrestricted funds for capital campaigns will not be considered. 5. Criteria A request will be considered if it meets one or more of the following criteria: a. Addresses a critical or basic need; b. Funds a pilot program; and/or c. Expands a significant service to the community. 6. Requests for Reimbursement Requests for reimbursement will not be considered. 7. Frequency of Grants An organization may receive a Community Assistance grant only once every three years. For example: Year 1: Grant funded Year 2: Not eligible Year 3: Not eligible Year 4: Grant application may be submitted 8. Assistance for Fundraising Activities Requests for items or services that directly or indirectly assist or implement fundraising activities of the organization will not be considered. 9. Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest exists where a Community Assistance Committee member and/or spouse or the Community Vice President and/or spouse is serving on the board of directors or advisory board or chairing a significant fundraiser of an organization requesting community assistance funding. Such conflict of interest is not eliminated by the Community Assistance Committee member withdrawing from the evaluation. Organizations with conflicts of interest are not eligible to be considered for a Community Assistant grant but are able to apply again the following year. In the event a Community Assistance Committee member or the Community Vice President determines she has a conflict of interest other than serving on the board or advisory board or chairing a significant fundraiser of an applicant (e.g., previous board service, previous fundraising involvement, a previous or current client relationship), then that conflict will be fully disclosed to the committee, and appropriate steps can be taken to reduce the involvement of that member in the decision process. 10. Volunteer Involvement Funds may be granted only to organizations that do not currently receive volunteer support from the League. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING FINANCIALS, IN TRIPLICATE. Form 0064 Page 1 of 4 3/12/2015 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF HOUSTON, INC, COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANT REQUEST Please attach this form to the front of your grant request package. Although each proposal will be thoroughly read, this form helps streamline the grant review process. You must complete the entire package to be considered for community assistance funds. If hand writing, please print. 1. In as few words as possible, please describe your grant request. (Examples: ABC Agency is requesting $15,000 for the salary of a part-time computer instructor in its homeless shelter; XYZ is requesting $30,000 toward the renovation of its crisis center for youth.) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What criteria does the grant request satisfy? (Circle/bold all that apply) a. Addresses a critical or basic need b. Funds a pilot program c. Expands a significant service to the community 3. Name, title, telephone number and email address of primary contact for any further details or questions. Name: ___________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________ 4. Who should receive the contract if your agency is chosen as a grant recipient? Name: ___________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________ ZIP Code: ______________________ 5. Would you be willing to accept partial funding and why? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Form 0064 Page 2 of 4 3/12/2015 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF HOUSTON, INC. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION OUTLINE I. II. Form 0064 Background Information on Organization Requesting Funds A. Name and Purpose of Organization 1. Name 2. Purpose 3. Number of people served and where; population segments served in the Harris and/or Brazoria and/or Fort Bend and/or Waller County B. Brief Summary of Organizational Activities 1. Activities/programs 2. Success to date in meeting purpose C. Organizational Structure 1. Name and biographical sketch of paid chief staff person or executive officer 2. Board of Directors 3. Number of paid, full-time employees 4. Number of paid, part-time employees 5. Are volunteers used in your activities? How many? How are they used? Summary of Proposed Activity A. Statement of the problem or need B. Description of the project for which funding is sought C. Specific goal(s) or objective(s) of the project D. Specific amount requested from The Junior League of Houston, Inc. E. Itemized budget of request (when equipment is requested, include a written estimate) F. How are you planning to fund this project? 1. Funds on hand 2. Funds pledged 3. Other committed sources of funding 4. Specific amounts requested from other sources (see V. below) G. Justification of need H. Administration and operation plans. What organizational resources will be devoted to this project? I. Dates for implementation and conclusion J. How will you evaluate the impact or success of the project? K. If you have received a JLH Community Assistance Grant in the past, please describe the impact of the League’s previous gift. Page 3 of 4 3/12/2015 III. IV. V. Please expand on how your request meets one or more of the following criteria as mentioned in The Junior League of Houston, Inc. Community Assistance Guidelines. A. Addresses a critical or basic need B. Funds a pilot program C. Expands a significant service to the community Financial Information A. Financial Statements from the last two fiscal years (audited if available) B. Income Tax Returns from the last two years C. Current Operating Budget D. Tax Status: Evidence of the applicant's status as an exempt organization for federal income tax purposes, including whether it qualifies as a public charity organization as defined in section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code E. Current IRS W-9 Form By submitting a grant application you are agreeing to notify The Junior League of Houston, Inc. immediately in the event funding for the item(s) requested is committed or received from another source. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING FINANCIALS, IN TRIPLICATE. Form 0064 Page 4 of 4 3/12/2015