
Meeting held Tuesday 21 July 2015
Alister Buchanan, Annette Hagan, Alison Saville, Jane O’Brien, Carol Murphy, Jenny Peters,
Fred Twyford.
APOLOGIES: Karen Cowley, Don MacDonald
PREVIOUS MINUTES: of 16th June 2015 meeting as circulated
Approved as a true and accurate record – Alister/Carol
 CHARITY TOURNAMENT: Carol to visit Conroy’s re picking up their donation ($300) for
Open tournament this Saturday. Jenny now doing the raffle not Carol.
 OPEN TEAMS: Alexander’s are now donating $200 to the Open Teams tournament.
 WEBSITE: Issues now fixed
 MAINTENANCE: Foyer light fixed. Sign is up in the urinal.
 Message from Carol re needing help for Charity tournament.
 Note from Barrie Russell re Monday afternoons and efforts to boost the number of tables.
Suggestion that as with Fridays if a single player appears then the Director could play. Committee
had no objections.
 Report from national NZ Bridge conference- this a précis of the report:
There has been a release 10 intermediate lessons available.
A former board member is working on a review of the discipline process and any appeal process
that may result.
Richard Solomon has introduced more events for 2016 for the lower ranked open players.
Recorders - this is due for change. It is no longer lawful to keep complaints confidential as has been
the practise. Unless complainants accept this and are willing to stand by their complaints the
recorder will not formally record the allegation. Recorders are to be accorded the same level of
protection as directors. Harassment or discourtesy is misconduct.
The mandate manual will be revised before the reprint is to be made.
Inward accepted – Jane/Jenny
Copies of the financial report circulated and Fred read report to committee.
Toops is closing so Jenny is to approach Pak’n’Save for a card that the Club can use there.
Accounts adopted and approved – Fred/Carol
Home Club members 81; total members 143
 There are still some people are playing at the Club who are not members. This makes the
partnership ineligible to win the series they are playing in. The Committee hopes they enjoy
their experience and can be encouraged to join the Club as they will not be able to play a
second series otherwise. Alison to contact one person in regard to this.
Alison to liaise with Francey Rolls who takes Club lessons, regarding the joining of new
members. Currently NZCBA numbers are given out to those at lessons, the NZCBA are
informed and the Club is charged by NZCBA for their membership. Some of these new
members complete their lessons and never actually play but incur the cost to the Club.
There needs to be an agreed system that specifies when the numbers are given to the
lesson takers and who informs NZCBA so that the Club doesn’t incur unnecessary costs.
PROPOSAL: “That the Napier Bridge Club apply to Pub Charity for the amount of $2,400 for
PROPOSAL: “That the Napier Bridge Club apply to the Lion Foundation for the amount of $2,300 for
the annual audit fee and ground lease.”
Annette queried the current situation regarding funding from the Port of Napier for the February
multi-grade tournament. Jane said that while Annette was away the Port had written saying that
when we want the money we can write and request it. Decided that Fred is to send an invoice in
November for the funding. [Alison has put this on the Nov Agenda]
Carol needs help for this tournament as she will be away. Contact person on the flyer to be Jane.
Jenny will manage the kitchen. Alister is to direct. . The Asthma Soc. has asked whether we prefer
to receive a voucher or gifts to the value of. Committee opted for voucher. Society will also donate
another two prizes. To maximise awareness, donations and attendance at Tournament Carol is to
approach Asthma Society for signage for the clubrooms to promote the tournament as well as an
Asthma Soc. Donation box in the clubrooms – to have both for a couple of weeks leading up to the
Charity Tournament. Carol also to ask them for their raffle prizes early to have on display a couple
of weeks prior to the Tournament.
So far 12 pairs registered but more expected by end of the week. All under control.
Improver lessons, tutored by Francey Rolls, are starting tonight. Alister to discuss with Francey ways
of promoting these. They are on the website but committee suggested that Francey, for the
duration of the lessons, send an email to club members each weekend prior with details of what is
to be covered that week; as well as a similar email to the convenors asking them to bring it to their
players attention at their sessions.
No issues.
The current ad in the paper expires in November and its value will be evaluated then. Jenny pointed
out that these days visitors to Napier are far more likely to consult our website for details.
Cleaners contract with changes suggested by Carlile Dowling presented and discussed with a
decision pending.
Directors – the meeting went into committee for this discussion
Air Conditioning – Fred chased them up to do the annual service which was carried out today.
Alister and Fred had discussed with them the problem of ice cold air blowing in on very cold nights
when the unit has to defrost itself. The fan is supposed to stop when that is happening so it remains
to be seen whether the service has fixed the issue.
Meeting closed at 6.23pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 18th August at 5.15pm
Signed: ________________________________________