Communication as Critical Inquiry (COM 110)

Instructor: Katie Pierce
Office: 280H Fell Hall
Office Hours: T/F 9:00 – 10:30
Section: 003
Classroom: Fell 180
Meeting Time: 8:00 – 8:50 MWF
Text Materials
Simonds, C.J., Hunt, S.K., & Simonds B.K. (2013). Communication as critical inquiry
(5th ed. for Illinois State University). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing.
(Available at Barnes & Noble or Alamo II)
Simonds, C.J., Hunt, S.K., & Hooker, J.F. (2014). Communication as critical inquiry:
Supplementary materials packet. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.
(Available at the School of Communication Resource Center in Fell basement– See Below)
Course Materials
COM 110 Textbook: You are required to have an Ebook Access code which will allow you to
access the textbook for this course. On this website, there is a full electronic copy of the textbook
as well as other materials necessary for the completion of the course. If you would prefer a hard
copy of the textbook (which includes the access code), these can be purchased at either campus
bookstore for an additional cost.
Supplementary Materials Packet (Spiral Book): The other item that you will need to purchase is
the student workbook. This contains the speech instructions, assignments, activities, and
evaluation forms that you will need to complete COM 110. This book is only available during
the first two weeks of class from the Communication Resource Center.
Spiral Workbook Purchasing Procedures. Students will purchase the spiral workbook (Com 110
Communication as Critical Inquiry) through the School of Communication online store using a
credit, debit, or monetary gift card. The website can be found at the following address:
The workbook will cost $31 plus tax and will be available for the students to pick up in the
Communication Resource Center located in the basement of Fell Hall, 1-2 business days after the
online purchase. Students will need to show their ISU ID card and Resource Center workers will
verify they have purchased the book and give it to them at that time. Please, do not bring cash to
the Communication Resource Center. The only acceptable forms of payment are as outlined
Communication Resource Center Hours of Operation
Week 1 Fell 034
Monday, January 12th– 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 13th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 14th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 15th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, January 16th – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Week 2 Fell 034
Monday, January 19th – CLOSED
Tuesday, January 20th – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 21st – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 22nd – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 23 – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Also Required
 A stapler (no unstapled assignments are accepted)
 Note cards (4 x 6 or smaller)
 Two Pocket Folder (required for assignment submission)
 A working ISU email account
Recommended Materials
Communication as Critical Inquiry (COM 110) Course Goals:
Students will become more competent communicators (using knowledge, skill,
motivation, and judgment).
Students will become more critical consumers and producers of ideas and information
(using analytical reasoning skills in the reception, collection, and presentation of ideas).
Students will conduct background research necessary to develop well-informed
Students will evaluate the communication skills of others (identifying effective and
ineffective aspects of oral presentations).
Students will become more competent in communicating in small group discussions
(articulating and defending their own ideas as well as listening to and considering the
ideas of others).
Students will become more effective communicators in a democracy (demonstrating
ethical communication, considering multiple perspectives on controversial issues, and
managing conflict).
Teaching Philosophy
Public speaking is a terrifying notion for many people, but this fear can be dismantled through
respect for the instructor and your peers along with the best information and preparation
attainable. This is what this class is intended to provide.
Course policies are intended to be as clearly and fully communicated as possible throughout this
syllabus. I am not here to trick you or make you appear to be foolish. With this in mind, it is your
job to seek clarification where it is lacking and to try your hardest to reach the goals which you
will make at the beginning of the semester. As such, we will work together as a team for the
duration of the semester. It is therefore impossible for me to do my job without you, just as it is
impossible for you to do your job without me.
Acknowledging that this is a required course for your education here at ISU, my hope for you is
that you will take this class as an opportunity to grow into yourselves and to hone your skills not
only as capable and successful college students, but also as adults who are able to function
effectively as participating citizens in a democratic society. It is important to keep in mind that
this course will not only benefit you in your academic pursuits, but also in your future careers.
Therefore, for full success in this course (and in life), we must always move forward: so let’s
focus on improvement and developing confidence and dispelling past public speaking woes and
Finally, I believe in an open-door policy. This means that the office hours noted above, while
offered, are not the extent of my availability to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me via
email no matter what time it may be. While an email policy does exist in the body of this
syllabus, I will do my best to respond to any and all inquiries expediently. Additionally, meeting
times outside of the office hours listed in the syllabus are always obtainable by appointment. I
am here for you. Your peers are here for you. We are a team.
I look forward to learning and growing from my experiences with all of you.
1. Non-stapled assignments. This is a professional courtesy to me and it also helps you to
be more organized. Any assignments that require multiple pages must be stapled, or it
will not be eligible to be a graded assignment any longer and will be considered as late,
which means you will receive a zero on that assignment.
2. Fringes on papers. Assignments that have the fringes on them will result in a 0 for the
assignment. It is unprofessional to turn in an assignment with the fringes still attached to
the paper.
3. Texting/scrolling/Facebooking/Tweeting/Social media-ing/talking on the phone in
class. I understand that your social life is important, but you can survive without your cell
phone for 50 minutes. Should you be caught doing any of the above, please note that I
have the right to have you read your favorite tweet/status update/texts out loud.
ALL ASSIGNMENTS are to be placed into your COM 110 folder (see required materials) when
submitted for evaluation. Materials/assignments will NOT be accepted if they are not turned in
without the appropriate folder and will result in ZERO points for the assignment.
Taking part in classroom discussions regarding course content and being able to apply these concepts to
real world settings is an integral part of COM 110. Therefore, your intellectual presence is expected just
as much as your physical presence. It becomes obvious when certain students are participating and others
are not, usually because much of conversation comes from the same few students. I will be keeping track
of your participation in class by adding checks to beside your name to indicate how many times you
offered insightful discussion points. If you choose to not participate, it will be considered an intellectual
absence and you will be docked 1 point from your overall participation grade, per day. If you choose to
not come to class, you are docked 2 points per day missed from your overall participation grade due to
both your physical and intellectual attendance not being present.
PREPARING TO PARTICIPATE P2P EXERCISES (17 at 5 points each; 85 point total)
As indicated above, the chapters that are not assigned Quizzes or Specified Activities will require 2 FULL
pages of typed P2P exercises. These P2Ps should include all material from the chapter, but in a format
that will be more easily studied. Brevity in note taking is an important skill for your collegiate career for
the purposes of deciphering what information should be considered important, and what information can
be disregarded. Therefore, the page limit will be strictly enforced. P2Ps should be formatted with 12-pt.
Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and with 1-inch margins.
QUIZZES (4 at 10 points each for 40 point total)
Three quizzes will be given throughout the semester and will include the topics in the persuasion unit.
They will not be indicated on the syllabus schedule and will be both objective and short answer formats.
WHAT’S TRENDING (10 points)
As communicators it is vital that we keep up to date with the world around us. The What’s Trending
assignment will involve researching a current local, regional, national, or world issue that is trending in
the news. Search on Twitter or Facebook and find out what’s trending. Find 1 or 2 articles (from a
credible source) on the trending issue of your choice. You will be assigned 1 date during the semester to
present your findings to the class. Presentations should be 2-3 minutes long. You are expected to provide
the hashtag, explain the story behind the hashtag, indicate its significance, apply communication concepts
from COM 110 to it, and provide a higher-level question that generates discussion.
SPEECHES (I/G/P 100 points each; 300 total points): Each student will present three speeches:
 The Informative Speech (5-7 minutes; at least 4 sources)
o Sources must be from academic journals, books, or from reputable online or offline news
sources (e.g., New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN). The Huffington Post,,,, WebMD, and other unapproved websites and/or blogs will result in
a point deduction per 5 violation. As for Google searches, you are only approved to search in
 The Group Speech (18-20 minutes; at least 10 sources)
o Sources must be from academic journals, books, or from reputable online or offline news
sources (e.g., New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN). The Huffington Post,,,, WebMD, and other unapproved websites and/or blogs will result in
a point deduction per violation. As for Google searches, you are only approved to search in
o This speech must be submitted with pp. 48 and 49 of the spiral, with p. 49 fully completed
 The Persuasive Speech (Partnered: 10-12 minutes; Individual: 5-7 minutes; at least 7 sources)
o Sources must be from academic journals, books, or from reputable online or offline news
sources (e.g., New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN). The Huffington Post,,,, WebMD, and other unapproved websites and/or blogs will result in
a point deduction per violation. As for Google searches, you are only approved to search in This speech must be submitted with p. 63 of the spiral book
*Speeches that exceed the time limits by more than 10 seconds will be docked five points from
the total grade, and any content that was not covered will also be docked points. This is unprofessional
and demonstrates to me and to the rest of the class that you did not prepare for your speech. Please
practice before your speech day.
The Illinois Articulation Initiative is designed to allow students to transfer course credit between
institutions. The IAI requires that all COM 110 students present at least three speaking
opportunities that include research and are five minutes, or longer, in duration.
The Illinois Articulation Initiative therefore requires that all students deliver ALL three
speeches in order to pass the course. Each presentation will be evaluated on content and
delivery. Specific details will be clearly outlined in class. Typed outlines and references are
required for each (a sample will be provided) and are to be turned in prior to presenting.
Speeches will not be permitted to be delivered without having turned in a hard copy of the
outline and references. You will always have the opportunity to submit a preliminary outline to
me at least a week prior to your speech date in order to receive feedback. The date I receive your
outline will determine the turnaround time on feedback. Additionally, the speech lab is also made
available to students for feedback purposes prior to the delivery of the speech (see more details
about Speech Lab below).
If you fail to give your speech on the assigned day (whether because you missed the day or did
not have the appropriate materials) you MUST complete that speech in the speech lab for an
audience of 3-5 people in order to pass this course, but will receive ZERO POINTS for the
assignment. In addition, speeches must be completed within three days except in extreme
circumstances, in which case prior arrangements with the instructor will be required. This is your
only notice regarding this policy.
You are allowed to choose your own topics for each speech, but I do reserve the right to reject the
topic that you choose.
SPEECH ETIQUETTE: We are a support system for each other because public speaking can be
a scary proposition. Your attendance on speech days is required and is not optional. Failure to
attend class on speech days will result in a 10% deduction from your speech. Audience members
will be attentive, considerate and pose questions after speeches are given. As a speaker you will
dress appropriately and conduct yourself professionally during your speech. It is inconsiderate to
arrive late during a presentation and as such tardiness will result in a 10% deduction from your
speech grade.
In addition, falling asleep, using your phone, or working on assignments for other classes during
speeches is strictly prohibited, and a 10% deduction on your speech will be assigned if you are
caught doing so. Also, if you are late on a speech day, NEVER come into the classroom during a
speech. Wait outside until you hear applause and the conclusion of the speech.
1. ZERO CREDIT if you miss your own speech day or are not prepared on your speech
day. For example, if you are missing any of your speech materials, you will not be able to
present. If you fail to give your speech on the assigned day you MUST complete that
speech in the speech lab for an audience of 3-5 people within two weeks of your original
speech day, as you must complete the speech even without credit in order to meet IAI
guidelines. Use the speech lab form as documentation of your make-up speech.
2. 10% off your speech grade for each day you miss a peer’s speech.
3. 10% off your speech grade if you are on your cell phone, doing other coursework, falling
asleep, or being disruptive during a peer’s speech.
4. 10% off your speech grade if you are tardy on any speech day.
5. 10% off your speech grade for every 10 seconds you are over your speech time.
SPEECH LAB (5 points extra credit)
It is recommended that you utilize the speech lab at least one time over the course of the
semester. The use of the speech lab and the return of the form (found in your spiral book) will be
worth 5 points of extra credit toward overall grade. If you choose to use this resource, it is
required that you plan a visit to the speech lab at least three days before your speech so you have
enough time to synthesize the feedback received from the attendant and incorporate it into your
speech. Speeches will not be considered for credit if there is not at least 48 hours between the
speech lab appointment and the delivery of your speech. Ultimately, the speech lab can be a
useful tool in improving the quality of your speech and public speaking skills. To schedule time
in the speech lab, call 438-4556. The speech lab is located in the basement of Fell hall, room 032.
Make an appointment at your earliest convenience since the speech lab fills up fast. If you need
to change or cancel your appointment, you will need to call the Speech Lab or stop by in person
24 hours in advance.
EXAMS (100 points each; 200 points total)
There will be two exams this semester (one midway through the semester and one at the conclusion of the
semester), each worth 100 points. These exams will assess your understanding of communication
concepts and theories, as well as your application and integration of material to real-life scenarios.
Students are required by the University to meet during their final exam time, so please do not request an
alternative final exam time.
SYNTHESIS PAPER (100 points)
The synthesis paper allows for you to reflect on your semester in COM 110 and reflect on the goals you
met, the goals you did not meet, and how you plan to continue to improve in your communicative
development. It will represent your insights, observations, experiences, and reflections that illustrate
course content. Although a detailed assignment will be provided, the end product will consist of your
Synthesis Paper, Critical Thinking Self Assessment (CTSA) post-test, and your Ethical Communication
Self Assessment (ECSA) post-test.
Any Old Bag (AOB) Speech
Interview as Biography
What’s Trending Speech
CIP Paper
Chapter Activities
CIP Paper
Informative Speech
Group Speech
Persuasive Speech
Synthesis Paper
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts.
40 pts
85 pts
~15 pts
40 pts
40 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
90 pts
~900 pts
The grading scale is a standard ten-percentage point scale:
90-100% = A; 80%-89% = B; 70%-79% = C; 60-69% = D; below 60% = F
Grades will be updated on Reggie.Net after exams and speeches and will not be discussed
via email. Additionally, an appointment must be made 48 hours after grades are
distributed to discuss the grade. This ensures that you have formulated a solid argument
for why you feel that the grade was undeserved. In addition to this meeting, you must
submit a 2-page paper outlining the specific reasons why you deserve a different grade.
Please keep in mind that grades are determined according to a point system. This means
that there are no grades that weigh more heavily than others – a point from a P2P is the
same as a point from a speech. Therefore, if you happen to receive a grade that you do
not like, remember that you can make up for it on another assignment. When you know
better, you do better.
You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the chapters and participate in
activities associated with the readings. Being absent will deprive you of valuable class
discussions and will also prevent you from fulfilling certain graded in-class activities that
cannot be made up. I understand that “life happens” and there may be days that you make
the choice to not attend class. Therefore, each student may have 2 absences without being
penalized, no matter how creative the excuse may be (exceptions being exam and speech
days). Two (2) points will be deducted from your participation grade for each day that is
missed, otherwise. These two days cannot be used on your speech day, a classmate’s
speech day, group work days, or an exam day. In addition, as a professional courtesy,
you must also send me an email notifying me of your absence at least two hours prior
to class. Failure to do so will result in a 2-point deduction for the day. You will be
required to notify future employers of absences, so you are expected to do the same in COM
110. Please note that any assignments missed on these days cannot be turned in after the
due date.
Showing up to class but falling asleep does NOT count as being present. Save yourself the
trouble and sleep in because no points will be earned for you that day.
If you are involved in university activities that will cause you to miss class such as athletics,
band, theatre, debate, etc; I will need a schedule of classes that you will miss and a signed
note from your coach or sponsor verifying that you are on the team.
Tardiness will not be tolerated by the instructor or by future employers. Each tardy will
result in a 1-point deduction for the day.
Additionally, tardiness will never be acceptable on speech days or exam days. Should
you need to be late on either of these days, I require 24-hour courtesy notice so that
other arrangements may be made. We are a support system for each other because public
speaking can be a scary proposition. Therefore, if you skip a speech day when you are not
presenting, you will lose 10 points off the grade for your speech for each day missed.
Please show up to class and support your classmates because they will do the same for you.
Also, if you are late on a speech day, NEVER come into the classroom during a speech.
Wait outside until you hear applause at the conclusion of the speech. Tardiness on a speech
day will result in a 10 point loss on your speech grade. Additionally, the use of electronics
or working on assignments for this or anything other class on speech days is strictly
prohibited and the use of such will result in a 10-point deduction from your speech as
Students who experience the death of an immediate family member or relative as defined in the
University Student Bereavement Policy will be excused from class for funeral leave, subsequent
bereavement, and/or travel considerations. Students are responsible for providing appropriate
documentation to the Dean of Students office and for contacting the instructor as soon as
possible to make arrangements for completing missed work. More information is available in
the Student Bereavement Policy at
There will be no need for electronic devices to be out during this class period unless your friends
and family are interested in participating in our discussions via speakerphone or Skype. If I see
you texting or snapping during class, I will assume you are disinterested in what is going on in
class and you will receive zero points for the day. This class is not a lecture and your notes will
be done ahead of time, so, as a result, no laptops will be necessary. Note: I reserve the right to
ask you to turn the device around if I suspect that you are engaging in any activity deemed
less-than-scholarly. Additionally, we will have enough fun in class that you should not need
social media to keep you entertained.
…are put in place for a reason. Late work will not be accepted unless arrangements have been
made with me prior to the class meeting that the assignment is due. Let’s reiterate: unless you
email me, come to my office, or send a carrier pigeon before class and I confirm via email, faceto-face communication, or by returned carrier pigeon regarding an extension on a due date, it
will not be accepted. I want to help you in any way possible, but I will not accept less than your
full effort. I am giving you a complete list of due dates for the semester to make this as easy as
possible. Make sure to anticipate predictable problems so that you can prevent them. For
example, running out of paper or printer ink or losing computer files that you did not back up are
problems that need not occur if you are looking ahead. Assignments will NOT be accepted
through email unless indicated in class. Again, late or incomplete work will NOT be accepted,
and will result in zero points.
Please make your headings for ALL assignments uniform. Below is an example, which I will
expect you to follow. Though the majority of your work will be double spaced (with the
exception of your outlines and notes), 12 pt Times New Roman font, and will have 1-inch
margins, the heading should be SINGLE SPACED and on the first page ONLY. Failure to
follow heading formats will results in a 1-point deduction from the assignment grade.
Your name
Course title (COM 110)
Prior to contacting the instructor, please review the syllabus policies and assignments – your
answer will likely be found there. Otherwise, I expect that email communication be of
professional quality. When using email to communicate with me, please identify yourself and the
class for which you have an inquiry. In the subject line of your email, please list your last
name, course (COM 110) and section number, and a general subject of your inquiry.
Failure to do so will result in the email being deleted without consideration. ALWAYS check the
syllabus prior to emailing me, as the answer will likely be found here. If you ask a question in an
email that is answered in the syllabus, the email will not be responded to.
Please be patient and allow 24 hours for a response during the week (Monday through Thursday)
and 48 hours on weekends (Friday-Sunday). If an email is sent an hour before class, it should not
be expected that I will respond within the hour. Consider timeliness and be considerate when
choosing an appropriate email time regardless of the fact that my phone receives email. If I have
not responded within 24 hours, check to make sure the email was sent and follows the formatting
indicated in this syllabus, send a follow-up email, and kindly wait for my reply.
Professional courtesy includes respecting others' opinions, not interrupting in class, being
respectful to those who are speaking, and working together in a spirit of cooperation. I expect
you to demonstrate these behaviors at all times in this class.
Students are expected to be honest in all academic work, consistent with the academic integrity
policy as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. All work is to be appropriately cited when it
is borrowed, directly or indirectly, from another source. Unauthorized and unacknowledged
collaboration on speech topics and/or the presentation of someone else’s work warrants
plagiarism. Students found to inadvertently commit acts of dishonesty will receive appropriate
penalties specific to the assignment in question. Students found to commit intentional acts of
dishonesty will receive a failing grade in the course and will be referred for appropriate
disciplinary action through Community Rights and Responsibilities.
Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should
contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TDD).
Life at college can get very complicated. Students sometimes feel overwhelmed, lost, experience
anxiety or depression, struggle with relationship difficulties or diminished self-esteem. However,
many of these issues can be effectively addressed with a little help. Student Counseling Services
(SCS) helps students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. Student Counseling Services
is staffed by experienced, professional psychologists and counselors who are attuned to the needs
of college students. The services are FREE and completely confidential. Find out more at or by calling (309) 438-3655.
This website is dedicated to research projects approved by the School of Communication which
students enrolled in communication courses may participate during the semester. Com 110
students are encouraged to participate in research projects found on this website for possible
extra credit points assigned at the discretion of their instructor to facilitate the production of new
knowledge about communication and to learn about the value of research. The website can be
found at