Itasca Middle School Week of: 8/24-8/28/2015 SUBJECT: Social Studies 6th Grade MONDAY BELL: Students sit alphabetically *SW choose 1 spiral to use for social studies and label with name and subject; keep spirals at desk *Discuss class procedures and routines, location of Kleenex, baskets, crates, pencil sharpener, . . . *Discuss importance of supplies needed and kept all year *Intro World Cultures-study of people and places of the world (Project image of world map and point out each region of study) *As a class, complete a model of a WORDLE for READING and have students complete a WORDLE for WORLD in their journals *S volunteers will volunteer to create a class WORDLE on the board BELL: Pass out spirals TUESDAY *SW watch DE video : “Basics of Geography” (48 min) and jot down notes they think are important concepts WEDNESDAY PERIODS: 5, 7, 8 UNIT TITLE: Geography LESSON PROCEDURES: THURSDAY Teacher: TAMMIE OWENS BELL: Pass out spirals and title page “Vocabulary” *Review classroom procedures *SW receive scrambled vocabulary and definitions handouts and match them-may work with a partner if needed *TW call on students for correct match of vocab and definitions and SW glue them into spiral BELL: SW look through atlases *SW work with a partner to answer questions related to geography *Class will view PP and SW add to their handouts Objective(s) At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … TEKS: Assessment Homework Accommodations (May be noted weekly) ELPS: * follow procedures for classroom behavior *use their background knowledge to record information about world *understand that geography consists of more than the study of land *understand the vocabulary of geography TEKS: 22D *better understand the use of maps TEKS: 3A,B *WORDLE completion ELPS: 1,2,3,4,5 TEKS: 3A,B ELPS: 1,2,3,4,5 TEKS: 22A *Completio n grade *T and/or peer help with reading *Completio n grade *T and/or peer help with reading ELPS: 1,2,3,4,5 ELPS: 1,2,3,4,5 FRIDAY BELL: SW glue geography handouts into spirals *SW watch DE video: “Latitude and Longitude” (5 min) *TW model how to find latitude and longitude on handouts and SW continue to find lat and long of cities in the U.S. *SW then find 5 more locations and name them and record lat and long of on the back of the handout *use latitude and longitude to locate various places on a map TEKS: 4A ELPS: 1,2,3,4,5 *Latitude and Longitude