
Task 2
What’s the importance of a Great Hall in a Castle?
It is important in a castle because it is the meeting place with very high regarded
people; it is also used for dining, sleeping and leisure time.
How were guests seated when they came for dinner?
It all depends on how rich and favoured you are, the richer you are the higher
you sit above the salt.
Describe how heating was accomplished in medieval halls:
They were heated with an open fire or fires in the middle of the hall, the smoke
went up to the roof and out through a vent called a louver which is basically a
hole in the roof with a cover so that it keeps out the rain. The problem was the
fire had to be huge to fully heat the room
What were squints used for?
Squints are little holes in the ceiling or wall decorations, which the owner or
steward would use to keep an eye on what was going on, basically like a spy hole.