Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) Diverse StudentsHuman Developmen t and Learning ILPTS.2 Candidate’s lesson plan or unit does not demonstrate knowledge or understanding of the cognitive, social, emotional, ethical and/or physical domains at the appropriate level of development. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit demonstrates knowledge and basic understanding of the cognitive, social, emotional, ethical and physical domains at the appropriate level of development. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit demonstrates indepth knowledge and understanding of the cognitive, social, emotional, ethical and physical domains at the appropriate level of development. Diverse StudentsDiversity ILPTS.3 Candidate’s lesson plan or unit does not demonstrate understanding or a positive regard for students and their families regardless of culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and varying abilities. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit demonstrates understanding and a positive regard for students and their families regardless of culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and varying abilities. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit demonstrates a thorough understanding and positive regard for students and their families regardless of culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and varying abilities. Diverse StrategiesContent Knowledge IL-PTS.1 Candidate’s lesson plan or unit does not incorporate a variety of explanations or representations that result in learners’ conceptual understanding. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit incorporates a variety of explanations or representations that result in learners’ conceptual Candidate’s lesson plan or unit reflects student’s prior knowledge and experiences, and incorporates a variety of explanations or Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) understanding. representations that result in learners’ conceptual understanding. Diverse StrategiesDiversity ILPTS.3 Candidate does not design a lesson plan or unit that includes a range of instructional strategies that reflect student experiences, stages of development, learning styles, readiness, and cultural experiences. Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that incorporates a range of instructional strategies that reflect student experiences, stages of development, learning styles, readiness, and cultural experiences. Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that includes a range of instructional strategies and materials that reflect student experiences, stages of development, learning styles, readiness, and cultural experiences. Diverse StrategiesAssessment IL-PTS.8 Candidate’s lesson plan or unit does not include a record keeping system/evaluation procedures for learner performance. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit includes a record keeping system/evaluation procedures for maintaining accurate records of learner performance on goals and objectives. Candidate’s lesson plan or unit includes a record keeping system/evaluation procedures for maintaining useful and accurate records of learner performance on goals and objectives. Learner performance includes an error analysis. Diverse SubjectsContent Candidate’s lesson plan or unit reflects errors in major Candidate’s lesson plan or unit reflects major concepts, Candidate’s lesson plan or unit reflects major concepts, Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) Knowledge IL-PTS.1 concepts, assumptions, debates, principles, and theories central to the discipline. Connections to other content areas, life, and career experiences were not observable. assumptions, debates, principles, and theories that were accurate. Connections to other content areas, life, and career experiences were observable, but at times lacked clarity. assumptions, debates, principles, and theories that were accurate. Connections to other content areas, life, and career experiences were clear and observable. Diverse SubjectsPlanning for Instruction IL-PTS.4 Goals and objectives for the lesson plan or unit are not included. Scope and sequence of curricular content is not observable. Goals and objectives for the lesson plan or unit are included. Scope and sequence of curricular content is observable and generally accurate. A relationship between goals/objectives and the content of the lesson plan or unit is reflected. Goals and objectives for the lesson plan or unit are included. Scope and sequence of curricular content is observable and accurate. A direct relationship between goals/objectives and the content of the lesson plan or unit is reflected. Diverse SubjectsPlanning for Instruction IL-PTS.4 The lesson plan or unit is not interdisciplinary nor reflects use of multiple resources. Materials and resources selected lack relevance to the curriculum goal(s) of the unit or lesson plan, and do not The lesson plan or unit is interdisciplinary/ reflects use of multiple resources. Materials and resources selected are at times relevant to the curriculum goal(s) of the unit or lesson plan, and The lesson plan or unit is interdisciplinary and reflects use of multiple resources. Materials and resources selected are consistently relevant to the curriculum goal(s) of the unit or lesson Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Diverse SocietiesHuman Developmen t & Learning IL-PTS.2 Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) accurately demonstrate discipline specific content. accurately demonstrate discipline specific content. plan, and demonstrate accuracy and current discipline specific content. Candidate does not design a lesson plan or unit that introduces concepts and principles based on students’ prior knowledge and experiences at different levels of complexity so that learners can link the new concepts and principles to familiar ideas to develop conceptual understanding. Instructional design does not reflect a basic understanding of the needs of learners at various levels and who demonstrate diverse learning needs. Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that introduces concepts and principles based on students’ prior knowledge and experiences at different levels of complexity so that learners can link the new concepts and principles to familiar ideas to develop conceptual understanding. Instructional design reflects a basic understanding of the needs of learners at various levels and who demonstrate diverse learning needs. Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that introduces concepts and principles based on students’ prior knowledge and experiences at different levels of complexity so that learners can link the new concepts and principles to familiar ideas to develop conceptual understanding. Instructional design reflects an in-depth understanding of the needs of learners at various levels and who demonstrate diverse learning needs. Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that uses learners’ families, cultures, Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that uses learners’ families, cultures, Diverse Candidate does not Societiesdesign a lesson plan Diversity IL- or unit that uses learners’ families, Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) PTS.3 cultures, and communities as a basis for connecting instruction to learner experiences. and communities as a basis for connecting instruction to learner experiences. Some provisions (adaptations) are present for learners with diverse learning needs. and communities as a basis for connecting instruction to learner experiences. Provisions (adaptations) are present and appropriate for learners with diverse learning needs. Diverse Technologie s-Personal & Professional Use of Technology IL-ISBETECH.2 Candidate does not effectively use word processing, database management and learning technologies to develop the lesson plan or unit. Copyright infringement was suspected or present. Candidate effectively uses word processing, database management or learning technologies to develop the lesson plan or unit. When applicable, copyright infringement was not observed. Candidate effectively uses word processing, database management and learning technologies to develop the lesson plan or unit. When applicable, copyright infringement was not observed. Diverse Technologie sApplication of Technology in Instruction IL-ISBE- Candidate does not design a lesson plan or unit that reflects student learning activities that integrate computers/technolo gy for individual students or grouping Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that reflects student learning activities that integrate computers/technolo gy for individual students and grouping of students. Technology Candidate designs a lesson plan or unit that reflects student learning activities that effectively integrate computers/technolo gy for individual students and Unit/Lesson Plan Assessment - August 2011 Does Not Meet (1 pt) Occasionall y Meets Meets Standards Standards (3 pts) (2 pts) Occasionall y Exceeds Exceeds Standards Standards (5 pts) (4 pts) TECH.3 of students. integration was generally effective and appropriate. grouping of students. Diverse Technologie s-Research, , Problem Solving, & Product Developmen t IL-ISBETECH.7 Candidate does not use technology to support the compiling, organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing of information specific to designing the lesson plan or unit. Candidate does not make use of readings or other on-line materials from credible sources. Candidate uses technology to support the compiling, organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing of information specific to designing the lesson plan or unit. Candidate makes use of readings or other on-line materials from credible sources. Materials at times lack relevance to lesson plan/unit goals.. Candidate uses technology to support the compiling, organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing of information specific to designing the lesson plan or unit. Candidate makes use of readings or other on-line materials from credible sources. Materials are current and relevant to lesson plan/unit goals. Diverse Technologie sInformation Literacy Skills ILISBE-TECH.8 Candidate does not design learning tasks and assignments that reflect higher level thinking skills. Candidate designs learning tasks and assignments that reflect higher level thinking skills. Learning tasks and assignments at times lack alignment with both lesson plan/unit goals and the needs of the learner. Candidate designs learning tasks and assignments that reflect higher level thinking skills. Learning tasks and assignments reflect clear alignment with both lesson plan/unit goals and needs of the learner.