E-Learning_Group_7 August_2015_Minutes


E-Learning Group 7 August 2015

Darlington Learning & Skills Centre

1400 – 1500 hours


Present: Craig Taylor (Hartlepool), Peter Samson (Middlesbrough), Maria

Kingham (Redcar), Wided Mhir (Stockton), Val Worley (Darlington),

Apologies: Durham

1 Good Practice a) There is a need for more 2-way communication between the e-learning group and service managers. b) PS suggested that service managers identify e-learning champions from each curriculum area, who should attend some of the e-learning group meetings (perhaps alternate meetings), VLE training days and the Good

Practice Workshop at Middlesbrough on 8 September 2015. This would create a network of e-learning champions who could raise the elearning profile in their curriculum meetings. c) VW demonstrated the e-portfolio software that Darlington Learning &

Skills is using with NVQ Apprentices in Business Administration and

Customer Service. She explained that the system shows very clearly the progress that each apprentice is making in % terms and that this is very motivating. It is also a very user friendly system for both apprentice and assessor. The most time consuming aspect of the system is entering the knowledge questions and the resources but this is a one-off activity. The group agreed that it looks a very user friendly system and has a lot of potential for distance learning.

2. Good Practice Workshop – 8 September 2015 a) The group agreed that for the Good Practice Workshop at

Middlesbrough to be a success, each service manager needs to send along at least one ‘ILT champion’, who should receive payment for attendance. There is a senior manager meeting scheduled for 28

August and it is hoped that this will be discussed.

b) The Good Practice Workshop will last for half a day and consist of an opportunity to network and offer some Moodle2 training. Another training session for specific curriculum areas could be arranged for a later date. There is potential for approximately 30 people to attend if each region sends an ILT champion from each curriculum area and all members of the e-learning group attend. c) Those present agreed to raise the issue of e-learning champions with their service manager. CT pointed out that Hartlepool has just undergone re-structuring resulting in changes in curriculum managers.

He is hopeful that from September more people will become involved in e-learning initiatives like the Good Practice Workshop.

3 Sharing Resources a) WM shared several e-learning resources – Scratch and Microsoft Small

Basics (basic programming skills) and Sculptris (3D modelling application). b) WM has created a ‘Shared Resources’ course on the VLE so that resources can be shared across the curriculum. This has been received very positively. She has also been using the VLE forum successfully to involve others and it was agreed that the forum is a good tool for requesting and sharing best practice ideas. c) PS said that he has asked each curriculum area to put forward their elearning good practice ideas.

4 E-safety a) The esafety button on every region’s VLE home page needs to be standardised. b) MK pointed out that the hyperlinks on the theme on the Teeslearn home page need to be updated as they are linked to the previous Moodle version at present.

5 Training Opportunities a) Badges - PS offered to deliver some training on using Moodle ‘badges’ as a means of motivation.

b) PS is also going to look into the cost of delivering VLE training as it would be better for all concerned if this were formalised.

6 AOB a) PS said that he feels the group is making progress because we are having regular meetings with the same people attending. Durham has not sent a representative for a long time and the new Middlesbrough network manager will probably find out whether Durham wishes to participate when he turns his attention to Durham’s VLE page. b) AT Bar – CT delivered some training in this recently and is prepared to set up some more training if it is required.

7 Date and Time of Next Meeting

1400 hours on 4 September 2015

