Rapid e-learning business benefits – case studies and survey results

Atlantic Link
Rapid e-learning business benefits
- case studies and survey results.
Mike Alcock
What we provide
A rapid e-learning toolkit that gives productivity improvements of 50 - 900%.
Tools that allow ‘Subject Matter Experts’, not programmers, to create elearning.
Tools that allow users to create any kind of e-learning.
Customer Survey
Dear Atlantic Link customer,
Atlantic Link would like to ask you to take 5 minutes to complete our on-line survey.
We’re researching the impact rapid e-learning has had on your business and would
appreciate your input.
You can access the survey here:
Many thanks in advance for your time and feedback.
Survey Responses
10 customers replied to the survey – not a huge number but they
represent around 5% of the Atlantic Link customer base.
The following is a ‘warts and all’ view of the responses. It shows the
reality of the effects of rapid e-learning within a range of Atlantic
Link’s customers.
Usage summary
Benefits to learners
Benefits to learners
Ease of access to training materials was the one constant theme from
this question – cited by both National and Global companies.
Another benefit was the ability to use the material for refresher
Finally, the avoidance of the need for classroom training in some
circumstances was also noted.
Benefits to trainers
Benefits to trainers
Ease of use of the e-learning software was the one constant theme
from this question – allowing trainers to create their own e-learning.
Another benefit was the reduction in the need to send trainers into
the field – providing a valid alternative to ‘face to face’ delivery.
Finally, automatic monitoring and collection of results saved time and
effort as well as helping with compliance.
Benefits to the business
Benefits to the business
Almost unanimous here – reduced costs.
Using rapid e-learning tools in-house saves companies money.
This was the most varied response in the survey – showing that
every customer is different and each organisation faces different
Case Study
Collaborative Authoring at British Telecom:
Examples of the types of content produced by the BT business units include:
Customer service training;
Compliance training;
Application training;
Product training (covering new product releases); and,
Product updates.
Case Study
BT have 32 licences of Atlantic Link's software shared across 230 users.
"The system has empowered SMEs to create their own training."
"It has expanded the use of e-learning to new applications."
"It has decreased the cost and increased the timeliness with which the
business units can deploy certain types of training."
Case Study
"For the lines of business, an easy-to-use authoring system has
empowered in-house personnel and SMEs to produce training content
on their own, bypassing external vendors."
"A short tutorial that formerly would have required both an SME and a
content developer to produce, and would have cost £3,000 can now be
developed with internal resources for approximately one-third the cost."
In 2 years they have created over 5,000 courses. A saving of £2,000 per
course would equate to a saving of over £10,000,000.