Romeo/Algeo/Carter Unit 4 – Europe in the Middle Ages CFA #4 8th

Unit 4 – Europe in the Middle Ages
CFA #4 8th Grade World History
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
______ 1. Who became King of the Franks in 768 A.D. and conquered much of Europe
by 800?
a. Clovis I
b. Charles the Hammer
c. Charlemagne
______ 2. How did medieval Popes use their power to control secular leaders?
a. Popes controlled sacraments, and would withhold sacraments from
leaders who didn’t cooperate
b. Popes created their own empires and challenged secular leaders in open
war with huge armies
c. Popes made alliances with non-Christian empires to attack secular
leaders they couldn’t control
______ 3. Which of the following statements best describes life on a medieval manor?
a. Peasants often moved from place to place and rarely stayed at the manor
on which they were born
b. Peasants worked together raising crops on the a lord’s land for 2-3 days a
c. Peasants made up only a small part of the population since most people
on the manor were nobles
______ 4. Charlemagne’s legacy included which of the following?
a. Charlemagne spread Christianity to northern Europe and blended it with
Greco-Roman traditions
b. Charlemagne and his son Louis I re-established the Western Roman
empire with the Treaty of Verdun
c. Charlemagne ended the Catholic Church’s conflict with the Byzantines
and united them with the Eastern Orthodox Church
______ 5. Which of the following items was not something the European and
Japanese feudal systems had in common?
a. religion
b. codes of honor
c. violent lifestyles
______ 6. What claim by Pope Gregory VII was most responsible for the conflict with
Henry IV that led to the Concordat of Worms?
a. The Roman Church was founded by God alone
b. That the Pope alone can appoint or remove bishops
c. The Pope may remove emperors from the throne
______ 7. What leader was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey on
Christmas day in 1066?
a. Edward the Confessor
b. William the Conqueror
c. Harold Godwin
______ 8. Which of the following best describes the lasting effects of the Crusades?
a. The Crusaders set up strong Crusader States that ruled the Middle East
for hundreds of years
b. The Crusaders strengthened the Byzantine Empire so that they could
continue to protect Europe from Turkish invasions
c. The Crusaders failed to achieve their goal of forcing Muslims out of the
Holy Land
______ 9. After Ferdinand and Isabella’s marriage united Spain’s largest Catholic
kingdoms, _____.
a. they created a new Spanish kingdom which allowed everyone freedom to
worship all religions.
b. they began a campaign of persecution against non-Christians known as
the Spanish Inquisition.
c. they embraced the cultures of Jews and Muslims and allowed them to
remain in Spain
______ 10. Which of the following principles in the Magna Carta did other
governments later adopt, including eventually the United States?
a. Trial by jury and the rule of law
b. Representative assemblies like the English Parliament
c. The right of the King to raise taxes
______ 11. The three field system of crop rotation required leaving one field each
year unplanted, or _____.
a. plowed
b. draft
c. fallow
______ 12. Which of the following statements best describes Gothic architecture?
a. Gothic architecture combined religious symbolism with engineering
b. Gothic architecture was dark and gloomy with thick walls and narrow
c. Gothic architecture first appeared in France but didn’t spread through the
rest of Europe
______ 13. What weapon helped the English to win many key battles early in the 100
Years’ War?
a. Heavy cavalry
b. Cannons
c. The longbow
______ 14. Joan of Arc is considered a saint and national hero in France today
because _____.
a. she turned the tide of the war to the English by losing many battles
b. she led the French to major victories before being executed by the English
c. she was crowned Queen of France after the 100 Years’ War
______ 15. The epidemic of the bubonic plague after the 100 Years’ War is known
today as the _____.
a. Great Dying
b. Asian Plague
c. Black Death
1. C (8.4.8A)
2. A (8.4.8D)
3. B (8.4.8B)
4. A (8.4.8A)
5. A (8.4.8A)
6. C (8.4.8D)
7. B (8.4.8A)
8. C (8.4.8D)
9. B (8.4.8D)
10. A (8.4.8B)
11. C (8.4.8B)
12. A (8.4.8C)
13. C (8.4.8C)
14. B (8.4.8A)
15. C (8.4.8C)