Kindergarten ELA Rubrics

Subject: English Language Arts
Outcome: CRK.1 Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address
identity (e.g., exploring interests), community (e.g., belonging), and social responsibility (e.g., contributing).
Use inquiry to understand, respond and make personal connections to a variety of texts.
I need help.
With assistance I can join with
others to ask questions and
search for answers.
I have a basic understanding.
I can join with others to ask
questions and search for
My work consistently meets
I am curious and ask my own
questions and search for the
I have a deeper
My curiosity is broad. My
questions take me to new ideas
and information.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a. View, listen to, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts (including First Nations and Métis resources) that address identity.
b. Make connections among oral language and personal experiences.
c. Share personal experiences and family traditions related to texts.
d. Relate aspects of stories and information to personal feelings and experiences.
e. Use illustrations, photographs, video programs, objects, and auditory cues to understand ideas and information.
f. Relate a personal experience as a result of a picture, photograph, or model.
g. Satisfy natural curiosity by engaging in inquiry:
o wonder about new ideas and observations
o discuss personal knowledge of a topic
o ask questions to satisfy personal curiosity and information needs
o identify self and others as sources of information
o seek information from others including people at school, at home, and in the community including Elders and Knowledge
o compare gathered ideas and information to personal knowledge
o share learning and information-gathering experiences
o compose with a scribe
o indicate whether or not information is useful for answering questions.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts Kindergarten
Outcome: CRK.2 View and interpret the basic message of visuals and objects in a variety of texts including
models, photographs, dramas, dance creations, and videos.
Recognize, understand and connect with the visual messages in their environment.
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper
With assistance I can identify
ideas from visual texts.
I can identify general ideas. I can
interpret familiar visual texts.
I can identify and compare key
I can identify, compare and
ideas. I can interpret the purpose of interpret key ideas by making
a variety of visual texts. (a, b, c, f, g)
inferences from visual texts.
I can express my likes and
dislikes of visual texts.
I can express my likes and
dislikes of visual texts and
attempt to explain my reasons.
I can express my likes and dislikes
of visual texts by describing my
personal experiences and feelings.
(d and h)
I can express my likes and
dislikes of visual text by
connecting to multiple texts
and experiences.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a. Identify key idea(s) and purpose of pictures, graphics, models, and photographs.
b. Use strategies to construct and confirm meaning when viewing:
make connections to background knowledge (before)
identify important ideas and events (during)
recall (after).
c. Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when viewing:
recognize the variations of language use at home, on the playground, and in the classroom (pragmatic)
describe characteristics of fiction texts (textual)
develop a sense of sentence (syntactic)
show curiosity in words and their sounds (lexical/semantic)
develop phonological awareness (graphophonic)
recognize how gestures and body language communicate part of the message (other cues and conventions).
d. Volunteer personal experiences and feelings prompted by various visuals.
e. Identify supporting details.
f. Compare similarities and differences such as colour, type of visual, and object placement between various texts such as pictures,
photographs, and 3-D models.
g. Interpret emotions portrayed in visual texts including models, photographs, dramas, dance creations, and video programs.
h. Describe the visual texts and give reasons for liking/disliking them.
i. View and interpret key aspects including arrangement and facial expression by interpreting the following questions:
What are the objects or facts in the picture?
°What do the objects or facts tell you?
How are the objects arranged in the visual?
°Why are these objects placed in this way?
How do the objects help the story or fact?
°What are the characters doing?
Compare different authors/illustrations considering the illustration or art work and interesting details.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts K
Outcome: CRK.3 Listen, comprehend, and respond to gain meaning in oral texts.
Listen, understand, and share to gain meaning in texts read aloud.
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
With assistance I can stay
focused on the speaker.
I can stay focused and gain
partial meaning from oral texts.
I can demonstrate focused
listening to gain meaning from
oral texts. (a, b and c)
With assistance I can respond to
a one-step request. My
comments and questions are
vague and may be irrelevant.
I can respond to a simple request. I can respond to a request/s. My
My comments and questions are
comments and questions are
relevant to the oral text.
(a and d)
I have a deeper
I can focus my listening to extend
meaning gained from oral texts.
I can make comments and ask
questions that are complex and
convey deeper thoughts.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a) Listen attentively to others and respond appropriately.
b) Use strategies to construct and confirm meaning when listening:
a. make connections to background knowledge (before)
b. identify important ideas and events (during)
c. recall (after).
c) Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when listening:
a. recognize the variations of language use at home, on the playground, and in the classroom (pragmatic)
b. describe characteristics of fiction texts (textual)
c. develop a sense of sentence (syntactic)
d. show curiosity in words and their sounds (lexical/semantic)
e. develop phonological awareness (graphophonic)
f. recognize how gestures and body language communicate part of the message (other cues and conventions).
d) Follow simple directions correctly and independently (e.g., Please put away your crayons and put your picture on the shelf.) and remember
instructions given earlier.
e) Listen to traditional and contemporary stories from a variety of cultures including First Nations and Métis.
f) Listen for different purposes (e.g., to retell, to direct others, for enjoyment).
g) Identify important information.
h) Ask questions for clarification, and make comments relevant to the topic.
i) Connect story events and own experience.
j) Engage in conversations with others in an exchange of ideas, comments, or questions.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts K
Outcome: CRK.4 Comprehend, retell, and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, songs, and informational texts
read to them.
Understand, retell and share basic ideas in fiction and nonfiction texts read aloud to them.
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
With assistance I can make
connections between my life and
the text the teacher read to me.
I can make connections to the
text the teacher reads to me. I
choose basic ideas and partially
recall events and information.
With assistance I am developing
an understanding of the basic
concepts of language and print.
I demonstrate a simplistic
understanding of the concepts of
language and print.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper
I can make meaningful
connections. I can choose
important ideas. I can accurately
recall events and information. (b,
I demonstrate an understanding
of the concepts of language and
print. (c, d, e, f, and g)
I can make insightful
connections. I can make
inferences from the text. I recall
events and information that are
rich in detail.
I can use my understanding of
the complex concepts of language
and print in a purposeful manner.
(Ex. punctuation, speech bubbles,
and font)
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a) Demonstrate an awareness that communication can occur through visuals and print texts (including First Nations and Métis texts).
b) Use strategies to construct and confirm meaning when “reading”:
a. make connections to background knowledge (before)
b. identify important ideas and events (during)
c. recall (after).
c) Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when viewing, listening, and “reading”:
a. recognize the variations of language use at home, on the playground, and in the classroom (pragmatic)
b. describe characteristics of fiction texts (textual)
c. develop a sense of sentence (syntactic)
d. show curiosity in words and their sounds (lexical/semantic)
e. develop phonological awareness (graphophonic)
f. recognize how gestures and body language communicate part of the message (other cues and conventions).
d) Demonstrate an interest in and knowledge about books and reading.
e) Know where to look for the title and author/illustrator.
f) Choose to read or look at books, and demonstrate knowledge of print, reading-like behaviours, and book-handling skills.
g) Demonstrate an awareness that print is a permanent way of recording ideas.
h) Create play situations from basic understandings of story text.
i) Explain the main idea.
j) Relate personal experiences, and represent responses through drama, physical movement, music, drawings, and models
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts
Outcome: CCK.2 Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings and ideas in a
variety of ways.
Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings and ideas in different
I need help.
With assistance I can copy a
I have a basic understanding.
I can communicate my ideas and
feelings following a pattern.
My work consistently meets
I can use my imagination to
communicate my ideas and
feelings through a variety of
forms. (a and j)
I have a deeper understanding.
I can use the best form to
communicate my ideas
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a. Use imagination to communicate when appropriate.
b. Use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning:
o find ideas to explore (before)
o tell a story about self (during)
o add detail (after).
c. Use language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning:
o use and apply the different functions of language (pragmatic)
o tell or dramatize a story using own words and appropriate gestures (pragmatic)
o use different sentence patterns (syntactic)
o manipulate sounds and words in shared, guided, and independent activities (lexical/semantic)
o explore sounds and rhymes (graphophonic)
o use various tools and techniques to represent ideas (other cues and conventions).
d. Combine words and images to make meaning.
e. Create a story about self and family.
f. Incorporate story elements in representations.
g. Demonstrate knowledge of upper and lower case letters; show awareness of the first place position of a capital letter in words; notice the use of
punctuation marks and try them out in own communication. – assessed in CCK.4
h. Express ideas and feelings using wood, blocks, clay, and natural materials.
i. Interpret characters through drawing, talking, play, and drama.
j. Represent stories through pictures, dictation, physical movement, and play and describe/explain their symbols, pictures, and dramatizations
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts
Outcome: CCK.3 Use oral language to converse, engage in play, express ideas, and share personal experiences.
Talks with others for a variety of reasons.
I need help.
With assistance I can use oral
language to communicate in a
variety of classroom situations.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I can use oral language to
communicate with my classmates
and teacher in a variety of
classroom situations.
I can use oral language to
communicate, cooperate and
converse with my classmates and
teacher in a variety of classroom
situations. ( a, c and d)
I have a deeper
I can use precise language to
engage others in conversation
and play.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a. Use oral language to engage in exploratory and imaginative play:
o create play situations
o interpret peer’s response to ideas
o explain idea for play
o play co-operatively with other children
o express suggestions given by playmate.
b. Use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning when speaking:
o find ideas to explore (before)
o tell a story about self (during)
o add detail (after).
c. Use language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when speaking:
o use and apply the different functions of language (pragmatic)
o tell or dramatize stories using own words and appropriate gestures (textual)
o use different sentence patterns (syntactic)
o manipulate sounds and words in shared, guided, and independent activities (lexical/semantic)
o explore sounds and rhymes (graphophonic)
o use various tools and techniques to represent ideas (other cues and conventions).
d. Converse on personal experiences, preferences, and topics of interest:
o talk to peers about likes and dislikes
o express interest in different topics
o share significant items from home and community
o relate events to teacher
o initiate conversations
o ask politely to borrow something
o take part in group activities such as circle or story time
o share stories in large or small groups
o share poems, rhymes, songs, and finger plays.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts Kindergarten
Outcome: CCK.4 Create messages using a combination of pictures, symbols, and letters.
Create messages using pictures, symbols and letters.
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
With the help of a scribe I can
communicate messages to be
With prompting I can experiment
with sounds, letters and words in
a variety of classroom situations.
With assistance I can use letters
and sounds.
I can attempt to use my
knowledge of letters and sounds
to communicate information and
I can experiment with sounds,
letters, and words in a variety of
classroom situations. I can use
writing process strategies (eg.
decide my topic.) (a, b, c, d and f)
I can effectively use my
knowledge of letters and sounds
to communicate information and
ideas.(CC K.2 g)
I have a deeper
I can write words and
experiment with sentences.
I can use my knowledge of letters
and sounds to create words that
communicate meaning.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
a. Experiment with drawing, scribbling, letters, and temporary spelling to convey ideas.
b. Use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning when “writing”:
o find ideas to explore (before)
o tell story about self (during)
o add detail (after).
c. Use language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when “writing”:
o use and apply the different functions of language (pragmatic)
o tell or dramatize stories using own words and appropriate gestures (textual)
o use different sentence patterns (syntactic)
o manipulate sounds and words in shared, guided, and independent activities (lexical/semantic)
o explore sounds and rhymes (graphophonic)
o use various tools and techniques to represent ideas (other cues and conventions).
d. Attempt to copy letters or words from the environment (e.g., books, chart paper poems, word wall, name cards, public signs) to express ideas or
CC K.2 g. Demonstrate knowledge of upper and lower case letters; show awareness of the first place position of a capital letter in words; notice the use of
punctuation marks and try them out in own communication
e. Share experiences, feelings, and thoughts with a scribe.
f. Write as part of play (e.g., grocery list, parking tickets, menu, signs).
g. Tell others about the intended meaning of drawings and writings.
h. Dictate a story based on a representation that needs to be explained in writing.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts
Outcome: ARK.1 Reflect on viewing, listening, emerging “reading”, representing, speaking, and emerging
“writing” experiences in the context of teacher-led discussions.
Reflect on all Language Arts areas through teacher-led discussions
I need help.
With assistance I can explain
what I am learning.
I have a basic understanding.
I can repeat what our learning
focus is.
My work consistently meets
I can explain what I am learning.
I have a deeper
I can explain what I am learning
and extend it to new areas.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Identify viewing, listening, emerging “reading”, speaking, emerging “writing”, and other representing strategies.
Explain new strategies to peers and teacher.
Attempt new strategies and determine what strategies are effective.
Listen to and consider feedback given.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts
Subject: English Language Arts
Outcome: ARK.2 Reflect and talk about new learning
Sharing new learning.
I need help.
With assistance I can join with
others and share what we have
I have a basic understanding.
I can join with others and share
what we have learned.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper
I can explain what I have learned.
I can explain what I have learned
and how I can continue learning.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Identify viewing, listening, emerging “reading”, speaking, emerging “writing”, and other representing strategies.
Explain new strategies to peers and teacher.
Attempt new strategies and determine what strategies are effective.
Listen to and consider feedback given.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum English Language Arts