Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 FINAL MINUTES OF THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION January 8, 2014 Present: Steve DeGabriele, Chairman Tom Tanner, Vice Chairman Scott Dowd, Clerk Anthony Merlino, Commissioner George Loring, Commissioner Also Present: Mary Ellen Schloss, Administrator Lee Hultin, Recording Secretary Commissioner DeGabriele called the January 8, 2014 meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall, Council Chambers, 75 Middle Street, Weymouth, Ma. Approval of Minutes: Cmmr. Tanner made a motion to approve the minutes of December 11, 2013 as amended and was seconded by Cmmr. Dowd. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY 45 Elm Street – Notice of Intent – Continuance Jack Chenette Map 42, Block 498, Lot 015 DEP File # 81-1130 Addition, garage, driveway Mary Ellen Schloss stated that she has received a request from the applicant to withdraw the Notice of Intent application. The Commission has accepted this request to withdraw the application of 45 Elm Street. 21 Old Pine Street – Certificate of Compliance Map 47, Block 540, Lot 006 DEP File # 81-472 Single family house Mary Ellen Schloss stated that Tony Merlino needs to recuse himself from this discussion. This is a request to close out an old Order of Conditions for construction of a single-family house. The OOC was issued in 1989 under DEP File #81-472. An as built plan was filed in the Building Department showing the location of the house as approved by the Conservation Commission on the Order of Conditions Plan. Mary Ellen has conducted two site inspections and she recommends a vote to approve this Final Certificate of Compliance. 1 Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 FINAL Cmmr. Tanner stated that this property was a Town owned lot that was auctioned off and did not have a house on it. The applicant then built a house on it. Cmmr. Tanner made a motioned to approve the Certificate of Compliance on 21 Old Pine Street , DEP File #81-472 and was seconded by Cmmr. Loring. Voted 4-0 (Merlino abstained) 135 Randolph Street – ANRAD Map 48, Block 547, Lot 014 DEP File #81-1137 Confirm wetland line – BVW, Riverfront Brad Holmes, with Environmental Consultant Restoration appeared before the Commission to represent the applicant. Cmmr. Tanner made a motion to open the public hearing on 135 Randolph Street, DEP File #811137 at 7:12 pm and seconded by Cmmr. Loring. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY This is a single family lot with a wooded yard that backs up to the Mill River. This application is an ANRAD filing with a proposed wetland delineation for BVW and Mean Annual High Water (Riverfront) along the Mill River. Mary Ellen Schloss met with Mr. Holmes, wetland scientist, on December 23, 2013 to review the flagging. It was agreed to move wetland flag #6 several feet further upgradient. A revised plan was submitted to the Commission. Mr. Delahunt of 145 Randolph Street stated that his side of the property along the stone wall has a big dip and he would like to know if it will be filled in and if so, how will it be drained. Mr. Holmes stated that he is not involved in any proposed design. Anything proposed on the lot will have to be filed with this Commission. Right now the commission is just addressing the delineation line. Any construction on the property will require a Notice of Intent and all abutters would be notified. Cmmr. Tanner made a motion to close the public hearing on 135 Randolph Street, DEP File #811137 at 7:20 pm and seconded by Cmmr. Loring. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Cmmr. Tanner made a motion to approve DEP File #81-1137, 135 Randolph Street, Abbreviated Notice of a Resource Area Delineation for a Bordering Vegetation Wetland area and Riverfront Area and was seconded by Cmmr. Dowd. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Ms. Schloss noted that there is a flood plain on the property that is not part of this ORAD and when an NOI is filed the applicant will have to show it. 2 Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 FINAL 7 Sherrick’s Farm Road – Notice of Intent Paula Rosato Map 28, Block 358, Lot 024 DEP File # 81-1138 Deck, retaining wall, grading Cmmr. Loring made a motion to open the public hearing on 7 Sherrick’s Farm Road, DEP File #81-1138 at 7:21 pm and seconded by Cmmr. Tanner VOTED UNANIMOUSLY This is an NOI filing for work in a backyard (grading, retaining wall construction, expanded deck) within the Buffer Zone of a BVW. The plan shows for the erosion controls to be installed a few feet beyond the vegetation line, so the proposal as shown would entail some clearing. Mary Ellen Schloss conducted a rough wetland flagging during a site visit on September 17, 2013. Her flags were used for the NOI wetland delineation. Mary Ellen Schloss gave a little history of the site. She stated that the original subdivision approval for Sherrick’s Farm Road (DEP File #81-788, issued August 11, 1999) required wetland replication work on this lot and the lots on either side of it. The Order of Conditions approved 3,800 square feet of wetland fill for construction of the subdivision roadway, to be mitigated by construction of an 8,000 square foot replication area on the three lots. The builder never constructed the replication area and has not sought a Certificate of Compliance for the subdivision Order of Conditions. The construction of the house was built under DEP File # 81-847 in 2001. The Planning Board released the bond for the subdivision in 2004. As of August 2013, the DPW had not accepted the roadway. The work proposed under this current NOI would be partially located within the originallyproposed wetland replication area. In 2006, the Commission allowed the northerly neighbor, at 1 Sherrick’s Farm Road, to build a retaining wall. That wall is also partially located within the originally-proposed replication area. Mary Ellen Schloss does not recommend pursuing construction of the replication area in its original location. Mr. Pozerski of Merrill Associates appeared before the Commission and stated that this is an elderly couple that wants to make the back yard more usable. They would like to extend the deck up top. They will not be filing in any wetland areas. Cmmr. Tanner asked if there will be any blasting and it was stated no. Cmmr. Loring asked how tall the stone wall in the back yard would be and it was stated less than 4 feet and it will be filled in from the wall to the house wall with clean fill. This will be to flatten out the back yard. It will be very similar to the neighbor’s wall. 3 Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 FINAL Cmmr. Merlino asked if there will be any equipment on the opposite side of the wall and it was stated no. Cmmr. DeGabriele stated that the wall is already in the originally-proposed replication area and does not want to see it get extended any further than it already is. The lawn appears to be beyond what was approved in the Certificate of Compliance. Mary Ellen Schloss stated that the proposed project would be entirely on the existing lawn area so there is no disturbance beyond the wall. The erosion controls should be on the line of existing vegetation. The public was given the opportunity to speak and there were no comments. Tom Pozerski walked through the proposed sequence with everyone. They will set the silt socks, bring in the gravel base, level it and then lay 8 inches of gravel, compact it and put blocks in and fill it in. Sub-drains will be placed every 20 feet within the wall. Cmmr. Tanner made a motion to close the public hearing on 7 Sherrick’s Farm Road, DEP File # 81-1138 at 7:35 pm and was seconded by Cmmr. Dowd. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Cmmr. Loring made a motion to issue a Standard Order of Conditions along with all the conditions stated this evening and was seconded by Cmmr. Tanner. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Commissioners agreed that Ms. Schloss should follow up with the builder regarding closeout of the Order of Conditions and the missing replication area. The Commission may ask for offsite replication or funds for offsite mitigation. CPC Update Cmmr. Loring said due to the last snow storm the CPC meeting was cancelled and they are not meeting until February. Other Business Well Construction Permit – 199 Ralph Talbot Street, Discussion Matthew Woodford Map 46, Block 534, Lot 001 Mary Ellen Schloss stated that the Health Department has circulated a request for comments on a well construction permit for an irrigation well at this location. The well would be permitted under the Board of Health’s new well ordinance. The well location appears to be within 100 feet of a wetland resource area. 4 Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 FINAL Mary Ellen Schloss stated that she was out there today and the well location was staked. This is a small single family lot. The application to the Health Department is very basic. The well is about 95 feet from the edge of a wetland stream. Comments to the Health Department are due tomorrow. Cmmr. DeGabriele would like more information about the well and its impacts. Ninety-five feet away from the stream doesn’t seem to be much of a concern. The lot is about 3,000 square feet. Cmmr. Loring would like to know how much material will be pulled out and where it will be going. Also, how much water will it draw. Cmmr. DeGabriele would like a letter from the well driller explaining the details of the well construction and what, if any, impact there will be on the wetland areas so the Commission can determine whether a formal filing is needed. Mary Ellen stated that she is trying to reschedule the Legion/Lovell walk through for 10:00 am on Tuesday the 14th. Conservation Report: See Conservation Administrator’s Report of January 8, 2014. Jackson Square Fish Barrier proposal has been received. Route 18 Expansion – Derby Street drainage revised plans were emailed today. Route 18 Expansion – Wetlands Mitigation Area will be moved to the Calnan Drive site instead of Abington site. January 10, 2014 there is a meeting to discuss the route for the Great Esker Park 5k “off road” race. January 21, 2014 the funding request for the Whitman’s Pond Winter Lake Level Drawdown is going before the Town Council. Received the 2013 King Philips monitoring report. ADJOURNMENT Cmmr. Loring made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm and was seconded by Cmmr. Tanner. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Respectfully submitted by, Lee Hultin Recording Secretary Approved by: 5 Conservation Commission Minutes, January 8, 2014 Scott Dowd, Conservation Clerk FINAL Date 6