2015 Law Enforcement Recognition Breakfast Nomination form OFFICER AWARDS DUI Achievement pins: Awarded to municipal or State officers with exceptional DUI records and experiences on our roadways. Complete Officer Nomination form. Up to 10 pins awarded Officer DUI HERO: Awarded to officer chosen out of the nominated Officer DUI Achievement pool. (Agencies nominate 1 officer for each award, Officer Nomination form required) Statewide Officer of the Year: Awarded to a state trooper, officer or deputy in good standing with their agency who has excelled in many areas which might include but are not limited to DUI arrest, traffic safety, DUI victim services, underage drinking prevention programs, work ethic, etc. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why the nominee should receive this award detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty. Statewide Rookie of the Year: Awarded to a state trooper, officer, or deputy in good standing with their agency with less than one year of service who has excelled in many areas which might include but are not limited to DUI arrest, traffic safety, DUI victim services, underage drinking prevention programs, work ethic, etc. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words)outlining why the nominee should receive this award, detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty. Drug Recognition Expert of the Year: Awarded to a DRE who has separated him/herself in the DRE program by keeping their training up to date, completing enforcement evaluations, and entering all evaluations into the IACP database. This award is closed from applications; each DRE Regional Coordinator will nominate one DRE per region. Underage Drinking Prevention: Awarded to an officer that has had experiences, cases and/or statistics showing exceptional work in preventing underage drinking. School Resource Officer: Awarded to a School Resource Officer that has shown excellence in engaging youth in making healthy choices, participating in educational programs and success in underage drinking prevention in and outside of the school setting. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why the nominee should receive this award detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty. AGENCY AWARDS: Agency DUI HERO: Awarded to the agency with exceptional statistics, experiences and/or cases. (1 per agency category, complete top part of Agency Nomination, No letter of support necessary). Statewide Agency of the Year: Awarded to a Law Enforcement Agency that has demonstrated excellence in implementing innovative techniques in the detection and deterrence of traffic violations, DUI, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why this agency should receive this award, including any supporting statistics. Statewide Post of the Year: Awarded to a Rhode Island State Police Barracks that has demonstrated excellence in implementing innovative techniques in the detection and deterrence of traffic violations, DUI, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why this post should receive this award. Community Outreach: Awarded to an agency that has utilized public relations mediums and outreach to educate the public, show deterrence of traffic violations, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why this agency should receive this award. Legislative Champion: Awarded to a state-wide or local legislator that has championed causes and legislation to prevent underage drinking, stop, prevent and punish DUI offenses and assist in providing services to victims. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words) outlining why the legislator should receive the award. Prosecutor of the Year Award: Awarded to a courageous prosecuting attorney who has shown excellence in DUI prosecution and assisting law enforcement in the courtroom. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words). Statewide Prosecutor of the Year Award: Awarded to a courageous prosecuting attorney of the Office of the Attorney General who has shown excellence in DUI prosecution and assisting law enforcement in and outside of courtroom (legislative advocacy, etc). Letter of support required (limit 1000 words). Victim Services Award: Awarded to an agent of the Office of the Attorney General who has shown excellence in the victim services in meeting with MADD’s mission. Letter of support required (limit 1000 words). Name including rank Organization Address City/State/Zip Phone Email Nominated By: Name including rank Nominator Organization Nominator Address City/State/Zip Phone Email Reason for Nominating: