
Five (or six) -Kingdom System
The classification of humans – Homo sapiens
The two-part scientific naming system is called Binomial nomenclature (consists of Genus and species.).
Domains: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primata
Family: Hominadae
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens (note: species is not capitalized.)
Using the information above, answer the following questions.
1. What is the next smallest (more specific and less inclusive) classification group after Order? _family__
2. What is the smallest (& most specific) classification group? __species__
3. Every living organism has what classification groups as its unique name? __genus__ and __species__
4. The first letter of every genus name is ___capitalized (italicized)__.
5. The first letter of every species name is ___lower case (italicized)__.
6. What is binomial nomenclature? __2-part system for assigning a scientific name for every organism as it exists in the
Linnaean classification system___
7. Give one example of how you classification is used at school.
Classes (science, math, English, fine arts, tech), Graduation class (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors), etc.
Interpreting Graphics - Taxonomy
Answer true or false to the following statements. Use the graphic to determine the answers.
1. ___F___ Dogs belong to the order Felidae.
2. ___F___ A fox belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.
In each set, circle the pair that is most closely related.
3. ___F___ Snakes belong to the phylum Reptilia.
4. ___T___ Lions belong to the class mammalia
13. snakes & crocodiles | snakes & frogs
5. ___F___ All arthropods belong to the Class Insecta
14. rats & cats | cats & dogs
6. ___T___ All rodents belong to the phylum chordata.
15. insects & lobsters | insects & birds
7. ___F___ All amphibians belong to the class reptilia.
16. lions & tigers | lions & cougars
8. ___T____ All primates are mammals.
17. foxes & rats | foxes & dogs
9. ___T____ The class mammalia includes dogs, cats
18. cats & dogs | cats & lions
and rats.
10. __F___ A lion belongs to the genus Felis.
11. __F___ All mammals are primates.
12. __T___ Insects and lobsters are arthropods.
19. List (use species name) all the animals pictured that belong in the Felidae family. Panthera leo, Panthera tigris, Felis
concolor, Felis domesticus
Octopus vulgaris
Loligo vulgaris
Order Octopoda
Class Gastropoda
Class Teuthida
Class Cephalopoda
Class Bivalve
Spiders are a
separate class of
20. The image does not show orders of insects. Suggest three categories of insects that would likely be grouped into
orders. Hint: think about what kind of insects there are. Add your three categories to the image.
21. Create an addition to the image given the following information.
 Mollusks are divided into three classes: Class Cephalopoda (squids), Class Gastropoda (snails), Class Bivalve
(clams and oysters)
 Cephalapods have a few orders, one of which is Octopoda (octopus) and and another is Teuthida (squids)
 The scientific name for the common octopus is Octopus vulgaris.
 The scientific name for the common european squid is Loligo vulgaris.