Anne-Lise Nilsen and Jenny Gardner Honors 369 B Research Paper Speciation of Humans and Chimpanzees: The Debates INTRODUCTION It has been established that humans and chimpanzees are separate species but share the most recent common ancestor of the great ape monophyletic group. But the type of speciation, time of speciation and some specific genes contributing to the speciation are under debate in the field. There are two dominant hypotheses about the type of speciation that occurred between chimpanzees and humans: complex and simple speciation. The complex speciation hypothesis was developed to explain the differences in divergence time found between autosomal chromosomes and the X chromosome. It states that human and chimpanzee lineages diverged, then later exchanged genes and then finally separated permanently [7,8]. Simple speciation on the other hand states that humans and chimpanzees diverged only once but at a more recent time [10]. The cause to the debate between these two hypotheses is rooted in the X-chromosome. The X-chromosome is also the cause of the large range of suggested times of speciation. Based on comparisons of the chimpanzee and human genomes there is a wide range of time that speciation could have occurred based on what parts of the genome one looks at [2,3]. Most experts agree that speciation occurred about 4-6 million years ago [2,3,4,6]. Certain studies have now put that estimate closer to the 4 million mark but there is evidence that speciation began occurring much earlier than that [3,7]. The timing of speciation debate is linked to the debate over type of speciation; the central question of each being whether speciation was occurring during the entire period or if it occurred at separate points when the diverging species were separated then converged. Even though there is still debate about the exact timing of speciation one thing that experts agree on is the fact that no matter which end of the time range speciation occurred on, it was still a very recent speciation in terms of evolutionary time scale. The final controversial matter that this paper will focus on is the search for the genes that make us human. While humans have obvious phenotypic differences from chimpanzees, their genomes are actually shockingly similar [6]. A search for the specific genes that make us human has not turned up many promising results during the many decades it has been going on. Now, geneticists are turning instead to a theory that changes in regulation of gene products and rearrangements of chromosomal segments are what make us human rather than specific novel genes in our chromosomes [4,5,6]. METHODS Our first step in this process was researching the broad topic of speciation in evolution. There was a wealth of information on this topic so we decided to narrow it down and just investigate the speciation of humans and chimpanzees. Biologist have been investigating the origins of humans and which species we are the most related to for many years but there were many limitations in the field. One of the largest factors that have greatly increased our knowledge in this field is due to rapid boom in the amount and quality of the technology to analyze the genomes. This improvement in technology has led to a new wealth of information but at the same time many debates have arose. Although we have found out many crucial pieces of evidence leading to the answers about the speciation of humans, there are still many controversial areas and the results are certainly not black and white. We decided to focus this paper on three prominent debates currently found in the field, including the evidence for both sides. Most of these debates are in a standstill because more studies need to be done to confirm or deny the given hypotheses and the current technology does not answer all the questions present. We are also not experts in the field and found it difficult to choose a side without fully understanding the all the methods and statistics behind the different opposing results. FIGURES FIGURE 1 Fig 1 – Three basic theories of human-chimpanzee speciation, showing simple and complex speciation along with differences in timing for all. State HC1 shows the youngest timing estimate [3]. State HC2 shows the oldest timing estimate [7]. State HG shows one possible example of complex speciation with times [7]. Figure modified from Hobolth et al. [3]. FIGURE 2 Fig 2- Basic phylogenetic trees with approximate speciation times calculated from comparison of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan genome using a speciation time of 16.0 MYA for orangutans to calibrate the molecular clock used to obtain speciation times [2]. The tree titled Autosomal was constructed from comparisons of only autosomal chromosomes while the tree titled X-Chromosome was constructed from comparisons of only the X chromosome. Figure adapted from Ebersberger et al. [2]. DISSCUSSION The debate between the type of speciation between chimps and humans is all rooted on the discrepancies between the timing of autosomes and the X-chromosome. Through their analysis of the genomes Patterson et al. found that there were conflicting times of divergence between the autosome chromosomes and the X-chromosome. Their explanation for these results is that humans and chimpanzees initially diverged around 6.3 MYA and then exchanged genes and then finally splitting permanently about 1.2 MYA later [7]. On the other hand, Wakeley pointed out that Patterson et al, did not statistically test their null model and do not consider alternative explanation other than their complex speciation hypothesis. A reply from Patterson et al. was included in the same journal, which they defended their initial point, restating their main pieces of evidence. Presgraves et al. also shared Wakeley’s opinion and had doubts about the complex speciation and proposed that it was simple speciation at a slightly later date that led to the divergence between chimpanzees and humans. He explained the differences in the divergence time between the autosome and X-chromosome to be due to a difference in population size, and a sperm competition hypothesis which led to a difference in α [10]. The mating systems of chimpanzees lead to a more intense effect of “sperm competition” which has an effect on the speed of evolution in the genes [9]. One of the problems we had with this debate was that there were relatively few papers published that addressed these claims. Patterson et al. published their first paper in 2006, which was quite controversial and led to a debate two years later in the same journal. A year later another author published a hypothesis with some more research, going against Patterson et al.’s original paper trying to disprove the complex species hypothesis. Patterson et al. was cited a few times in other papers we found but none of the authors citing it took a stance, rather just acknowledged the hypothesis. Because this debate is so recent, we believe it contributes to the lack of new data on these hypotheses that could lead to more conclusive results. Therefore we cannot come to a decisive conclusion about the type of speciation that had occurred and will just have to look forward to more research to come because both arguments have valid points that are worth investigating. The timing debate originates from multiple points. First off, there is the matter of the X-chromosome diverging later than the rest of the genome. Secondly, there is the matter of methods used to calculate the speciation times. As seen in Figure 2, the speciation times using the exactly same methods [2] can differ greatly when based either on the autosomes or the X-chromosome. While most researchers recognize the difficulty presented by the different times given by the autosomes and X-chromosome, there is still a wide range of times given for the actual speciation of humans and chimpanzees. The more recent estimates put final speciation around 4 million years ago (MYA) [3], while other studies have found an earlier start of speciation starting as far back as 7 MYA [4]. Most commonly seen is a range of 4-6 MYA as the speciation time, the range accounting both for uncertainty as well as the difference between autosomal and X-chromosome speciation [2,3,5,6]. The second point that could be a root cause of the differences found in times of speciation is the methods used to calculate these times. Several papers I read used the method of comparing the entire genome of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans and by using a molecular clock to analyze the time it would take for differences within the genomes to accrue [2,3,5,11]. The major problem with this is that the molecular clock requires calibration based off the speciation time of an outgroup. All the studies, while using the same method, used different calibration times without explaining their reasoning for using the date. Each paper used orangutan speciation time to calibrate, but while some used 16 MYA [2], others used 18 MYA [3], while others proposed a range of 12-16 MYA [11] or 14-16 MYA [5]. The differences in these calibration times could maybe account for the differences in found times of speciation. While there is no heated debate over the specific speciation time there certainly is a lack of consensus, which seems to arise from the fact that different studies are using different calibration times without taking into account other recent studies that have used different calibration times. The last major controversy surrounding the study of human-chimpanzee speciation is the search for the specific genes that make us human. For most of human history, we have believed that we are perfect organisms, be it under the theory of special creation, that God made us in his own image, or under the theory of evolution, that throughout history organisms have been evolving to the point of perfection that is human beings. However, Charles Darwin came along to throw a monkey wrench in the works. Ever since, the thought that we evolved from monkeys has led us on a frantic search to find out what makes us so different from them. Much of the search has resulted in the knowledge that humans and chimpanzees aren’t all that different, being 98.5% similar in genomes, and 99% similar in coding regions alone [6]. This knowledge has now led the search for the specific genes that make us human. Thus far, the search hasn’t yielded any home-runs. There haven’t been any genes that jump out and say “This is why humans look different from chimps”. While a few select regions of the genome have been identified as different, there is still more research that need to be done to identify the specific phenotypic expressions of these regions [6]. The prevailing explanation now for the differences between humans and other apes is not the existence of novel genes but rather differences in gene expression and regulation among the different species [4,5,6]. This theory is now widely supported and researched but is highly involved and complex to look at in the genome [5]. Differences in regulation and expression can take place at many different levels of expression and it can be very difficult to track these differences [5]. In addition to differences in gene expression, there are small differences in the chromosomes themselves that while not called novel genes can also be considered differences that could separate humans from chimpanzees [4]. Another important note is the common misconception that these changes are only happening on the human side of lineage split. It is important to remember that while humans have been evolving one way, chimpanzees have also been evolving away from our common ancestor. A recent study has found that more genes have undergone positive selection in chimpanzees than in humans [1]. While this doesn’t necessarily get us any closer to identifying the specific reasons we’re human, it is valuable to note that both humans and chimpanzees have been evolving and in different ways ever since the split. REFERENCES 1. Bakewell, Margaret A., Peng Shi, and Jianzhi Zhang. "More Genes Underwent Positive Selection in Chimpanzee Evolution than in Human Evolution." PNAS 104.18 (2007): 7489-494. JSTOR. National Academy of Sciences. Web. 4 Dec. 2011 2. Ebersberger, Ingo, Petra Galgoczy, Stefan Taudien, Simone Taenzer, Matthias Platzer, and Arndt Von Haeseler. "Mapping Human Genetic Ancestry." 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