December 2012 docx file - The Afghan Hound Club of Canada

An Official Publication of
The Afghan Hound Club of Canada
December 2012
President - Fred Haywood
Vice President - Barbara Arndt
Past President - Val Hansen
Secretary - Melissa Williams
Treasurer - Bev McKenzie
Rescue - vacant
B.C. – Lynn Haywood
Mid-West - Fran Mester
Ontario – Micky Rathwell
Quebec - Lyzane Hamel
Maritimes - Joan King
Newsletter - Barbara Arndt
President’s Report
It has been a year since I last wrote a
Presidents Report for the Newsletter. This one
will be my last. After 8 years (with a brief 2 year
break in the middle) I have had the pleasure of
acting as this Club’s President. I am pleased
with the Club’s accomplishments over that
period. We have held National Specialties
across this country from Eastern Ontario to
Whitehorse Yukon to Vancouver BC. We have
entertained many distinguished Judges over
those years, and the organizers of these events
have done a remarkable job. To all of you may
thanks and gratitude for a job well done.
One of the highlights of my tenure was that we
were able to rewrite the Clubs Constitution &
Bylaws and have developed a Policy &
Procedure Manual. The one lowlight is the fact
that we were unable to sustain an Afghan
Rescue program.
Lynn has acted as BC Director for the past 8
years as well and she will also be stepping
down. She has asked me to thank all those
who, over the years, have provided her with
information and material for her reports about
activities in and around B.C.
Before I leave office at the end of the month I
want to take a moment to thank a few people.
First, my thanks to Val Hansen, the outgoing
Past President. She has been a wealth of
support and guidance over the years. My
thanks to Joan King who was my Vice
President during my first term, and to Barbara
Arndt who has been with me for the last two
terms. My sincere thanks to Melissa Williams
who has done yeoman works as Club Secretary
during my three terms in office. As well, we
cannot forget Bev McKenzie, who has been
Club Treasurer since 2005. All of these
individuals with the exception of Barbara, are
stepping down, giving over to a new group to
lead this Club into the future.
Thank you to all of them. I would also like to
thank the Directors from across the country that
have provided the Board with input and
guidance over the years. Thank you one and
I leave with the knowledge that the Club is in
capable hands going forward and this new
Executive will provide fresh ideas and will have
the dedication to move the Club along into the
Until next time……..
Fred Haywood
Vice-President/Newsletter Report
We come to the end of another year and the
end of another term of office for most of the
executive. I have enjoyed working with each
and every member of the past executive and
wish them all of the best. As Fred as
mentioned in his report, I will be taking over as
the President . I hope I can do as good a job as
Fred has for so many years! I know that I will
be relying on his experience to help me through
the next few years.
new executive for 2013
President - Barbara Arndt
Vice-President – not confirmed
Past President – Fred Haywood
Secretary - Tannis Tindall
Treasurer - Sandra Gahan
B. C. Director – Laurel Deptuch
Mid-West – Val Hansen
Ontario – Melissa Williams
Quebec – Lyzane Hamel
Maritimes – Joan King
Newsletter – Vacant
Rescue – Vacant
I wish to sincerely thank you all for stepping
forward during a time when it seems that
apathy, for dog clubs in general and breed
clubs specifically, is at an all-time high.
I am hoping that we can change that in the near
future. I am also hoping that we can find
people to step up to the plate and take on the
positions of Rescue Chairperson and
Newsletter Editor as they are vital positions in
the club!
As you can see, once again I am putting
together the newsletter as I firmly believe
Page 3
Directors’ Report
that the newsletter is the back bone of any club
and especially one as geographically
spread out as ours. We ARE the Afghan
Hound Club of Canada and I know that each
and every member loves and cherishes, and
wishes to do their best to promote and preserve
this wonderful breed of ours. We also take
enjoy hearing from others about their
successes, challenges, joys and sorrows. I am
confident that this will continue for many years
to come.
Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE fill out
your membership application (included in this
newsletter) and send it with your dues to our
new secretary:
Tannis Tindall
54 Burland Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2N 2W5
I wish everyone the Best of the Holiday Season
and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New
Barbara Arndt
Treasurer’s Report
Rescue fund………$2571.06
General fund…….$1993.07
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year !,
Maritimes – Joan King
Its hard to believe that another year has gone by
so quickly but my calender says it’s the 7th of
December and Christmas lights are shining along
my street so I guess it must have slipped by. I
swear the years are getting shorter all the time.
At the moment though we are extremely fortunate,
we don't have even one flake of snow on the
ground and this morning we arose to brilliant
sunshine but the temperature was cool. I do hope
we get some magic Christmas Eve snow or it just
won't seem quite right. I'll keep my fingers
crossed for that bit of white stuff. Now looking at
it from another angle our abominable snowman
Afghan Hound Oliver who despite the fact that he
is clipped down, still manages to collect the
atrocious snowballs on his coat, so far has not
been able to do this thing he loves so much. Not
having to de-snowball him every time he comes in
from outdoors does have its blessings.
First off I do hope that you all received your 2009
and 2010 Afghan Actions Annuals. I'm sorry that
they were not my usual 70 or more pages that we
used to produce but I could only put to paper what
information I had. Now for the bad new or what
some of the Club members might see as the bad
news...I regret to say that there will be no 2011
Afghan Actions Annual.
When I sent out the others I included a letter
telling you all what was required to publish. I
received the following (this is a much shorter list
than what I didn't receive)...2 Memorial Ads
*thanks Bev McKenzie, a few pictures of the
National held in Whitehorse, thank you Fred
Haywood, one photo of the winning dog from
Whitehorse, thank you Lynn Haywood and finally
a wonderful article written by Cindy Robichaud re
the maritime Afghans (her article appears in this
newsletter)....Try as I might I could hardly turn that
small amount of material into the Afghan Actions
Annual. I have spoken to our new President Barb
Arndt and hopefully we will have a Board
discussion on this problem in the New Year. In
the meantime maybe we could get some
feedback from you the members...if you have any
suggestions or ideas drop me a line at and I will make sure that
we give every idea full consideration.
Page 4
Remember this is your Club and these are your
publications, both the Newsletter and the Annual
and they are published to express your pride in
your dog’s efforts and accomplishments. It would
be wonderful to have the Annual once again
reflect the AHCC Award winners, Full coverage
on our National and any Regional Specialties
being held, lots of photos, articles and ads, a book
we will be proud to leave on our coffee table for all
to see, but its up to you the members.
Don’t forget to drop a line with your suggestions
and ideas…Have a very Merry Christmas and all
the best to everyone for a peaceful and
prosperous New Year.
Joan King
Maritime Director
Volunteer (for now) Annual Editor
Joan sends us a submission that she received
from an enthusiast who has returned to
Afghans after a few years away. Cindi isn’t (yet)
a member of the AHCC but we hope to recruit
her this year!
Maritime Show Report – Cindi Robichaud
For a number of years, there weren’t any
afghan hounds being shown in the Maritimes. I
started showing in 1980 when I purchased my
first afghan hound. She was a petite little bitch
won Best Puppy in Breed at that first show, and
I was hooked. She was a pet quality bitch, and
never earned a point. But she was lots of fun.
In the 80’s there were a number of afghan
hounds being shown. Pam and Jack Barnes
were showing Grumpy and Ripley, and the
Postuma’s were breeding and showing Troy. It
was an exciting time. Most owners were
showing their own dogs and there were few
handlers. I went on to own, show and train a
number of other afghan hounds, including BIS
Ch. Neerhuc’s White Shade of Pale CD who
won a Best in Show and his CD in the same
I lost my beloved, Ch. Sharwind’s Braided
Masquerade CD (a Pepsi 5randdaughter) very
suddenly in 2000. I missed sharing my life with
an afghan hound. In the fall of 2010, my
daughter saw Ace (GCH. Polo’s the Aviator) on
a TV show, and phoned me immediately. I fell
in love with the Polo dogs and watched every
Youtube video available. Everything just fell
into place and by the following spring, I was on
my way to the airport to pick up my Polo puppy.
I returned to the show circuit, in the spring of
2011 with my new puppy – Polo’s Crime
of Passion (a little male from Aries’ last live
breeding). Gaynia Johnson (from Halifax) was
showing her 2 year old bitch – Keasha Tango
Lucky Girl and Pamela Skanes (from
Newfoundland) was showing her bitch –
Mocean’s Prima Aria.
Over the next few months, the dogs all picked
up points towards their championship, and
Polo’s Crime of Passion finished just after his
first birthday. Keasha is still looking to pick up
her last point toward her championship.
I was so lucky to visit Lorianne Amadeo at her
home in Surrey, BC, in the early fall of 2011
and fell in love with a little black and tan bitch
that she had bred – Polo’s Oolong to Me N
MyWay (Ace x Lexus). In December I flew out
to BC to get her and also attend a show. She
finished her Can. Championship at that show
(she had already finished her Am.
I have been showing Oola as a special at most
of the NS shows, and she has picked up a
number of group placings and enough points to
be the #5 afghan hound in Canada (Canuck
Dogs). I am currently showing Ch. Polo’s
Crime of Passion in obedience and will be
trying rally next year.
Gaynia Johnson has been showing her black
male afghan – Onyx – in rally and has earned 2
legs so far with great scores.
The Glooscap Kennel Club has been offering
Lure Coursing fun matches, and both of my
dogs are natural coursers. I have wanted to try
coursing for years and I was so excited to get
the dogs out. They were even more excited
then I was, and had a great time. I am hoping to
get to an official trial in 2013.
With showing and training afghans for a number
of years and has been a big help to me.
Gaynia Johnson (Halifax) also has a little
female puppy from that litter In the fall of 2012,
Darlene Wile-Chaulk from Alberta moved back
to Nova Scotia with her two afghans, Ch.
Nalikar Perfection the Man from Yesterday and
Wynsyr Foxrun Myway or the Hwy. She also
has 2 Dachshunds. A big welcome to her and
her family.
Page 5
Glenda MacDonald (Yarmouth) has acquired a
new puppy (from Mocean afghans) Moceans
Breathe the Wind. Glenda has been involved
and both puppies will be spicing up the show
ring early in 2013.
We are all training and showing our own dogs,
and 2013 will certainly be an exciting year.
our motto is form follows function and these
beautiful Afghans are proof of that.
Here’s a picture of Middy and husband Ross
with all of her Rally wins
This is a photo of my dogs coursing –
Laurel Deptuch, Swiftwind
Lorianne Amadeo writes –
Cindi Robichaud, Nova Scotia
Ace for the 2nd year in row wins BIS at Canada
Largest Dog show.
Captain wins 2 Reserve BIS at his first shows in
Canada. In the USA Captain wins 2
Specialities. Under Richard Souza, Coastwind
and his 2nd Specialty under Peter Machen,
From The Members
2012 saw Ace and Sylvie kids do their fair
share of winning. 4 Am. Can. Ch., 1 near Am.
Ch. And 2 Can. Ch.
Dear Barbara:
Here is the latest Swiftwind news. Tazi MBIF
MBISS Can. Am. Ch. Forever Swiftwind
Klasikkloud Fchx turned 13 years old today.
We are so happy to have our Gumba with us.
His daughter Galaxy Mbiss AOM BIF Can. Am
Ch. Joha Galaxy Solo Swiftwind Fchx just
finished her Fchx. Going BOB at almost 9
years old! What an amazing hound.
Not to be out done, her daughter MBISS BIF.
Can. Am. Ch. Swiftwind Midnite Moon Shadow
RN Fch. Just received 2 high class and 2 legs
of her rally advanced as well as winning BOB
and Group 3rd under Val Hansen. She is so
smart, functional and beautiful. At Swiftwind
Page 6
Aries children continue to do well. 2 are now
Therapy Dogs
Captain became a father to 4 litters. 2 in
Canada, 1 in USA, 1 in Europe.
Although a great year with the kids with lots of
joy, there was also a huge loss. My foundation
bitch, the rock of Polo, “Lexus” joined her daddy
“Aries”. A piece of my heart is gone forever.
These two dogs are who Polo is today and will
be forever.
Canada and the only person that I could think of
right away
was Larry Kereluke…in a bit of a panic I
phoned him. After a brief chat he said another
name….Lynn Woods.
I believe within 2 hours from my call, Larry had
the puppy picked up, and safe…then she went
on to Lynn’s that very night.
‘Sister’ enjoyed a fabulous summer with Lynn
and her new buddy Kansas and during that
time, had met a special afghan lady named
Tannis Tindall, at a dog show.
Tannis thought maybe she would have room in
her life for her, IF everything worked out that
way. Near the end of September ‘Belize’ found
her, perfect, forever home with her.
They are so deeply missed.
Lexus as a puppy
Being so far away I felt absolutely helpless. But
I knew there were afghan people all across
Aries as a puppy
Sheila and Clif Robertson Write –
We welcomed a litter of 4 males and two
females on March 27th, 2012. The Belize Litter.
The sire is Frank “Celestian Avalon”, dam is
“Daghan Joy in the Journey”
Two red brindle boys and one red brindle
girl…..two Black brindle boys and one black
brindle girl.
From the very first day a little female had my
eye….and she still does!! Daghan Hurricane
will stay here with us. She is a red/blonde
Brindle with a great attitude!
The other female Daghan U Betta Belize It left
home for Winnipeg at 14 weeks with a lovely
woman who’s life, then, 3 weeks later,
turned upside down. I got a call that she was
unable to keep the puppy after all, and that it
may even be in ‘danger’.
I want to say how deeply appreciated these
individuals are and how wonderful it is to know
we are truly part of a ‘small Nation
Wide community’ that LOVE afghan hounds….
who will step in and help in a heart beat!!!
We are deeply grateful.
The first born male, flew off to Montreal, with his
new owner at 11 weeks. Daghan Hurricane
Hans Has a wonderful home with a swimming
pool and a beautiful Chalet for special outings!
He has a personal trainer and gets to go on
long walks and runs with his Mom. He is
working on his Therapy dog status.
He has people stopping them on the street in
Montreal to admire him and It makes his owner
very proud.
The next to go was Daghan Gumbo Limbo (a
beautiful tree in Belize) to Lorrie Stayura in
Stettler, Alberta. Nasrin is well on his way in
He emails Hattie often with his ‘new’ skills and
tells her how wonderful he is even if he does do
a few bad things!! ; )
He won his first point (first for the litter!!) and
was a very happy boy in the show ring.
Page 7
Daghan Jaguar Paw has stayed in town here
and is co-owned with a 20 year old first time
Afghan owner. She is simply smitten....
and is he. I keep an eye on him
but so far she has done very well with him.
Last, but not least, Daghan Blackman Eddy
is with us here, till the first week of 8anuary,
when he will fly to Delta BC to live with Terry.
She owns Daghan Can’t Escape Destiny,
Halina, and has January booked off work to get
him settled in.....Miss Hattie will miss him
but Eddy is so lucky, to get to go live, in such a
special home, with his ‘Auntie’.
5 UKC titles this year and Dare in the Top 10
for UKC A busy year for Tokabout gang!
Thanks Dee
Cooling off at the National in Cornwall
This is a nice litter. I am very pleased with overall type and temperament. I hope to see some
of them in the ‘rings’ this next year...both
conformation and performance events.
All is well here in the Yukon and Spring will
come again!! Right now that seems hard to
Luna & Gracie
Karen Carter Writes -
My Toy!!
Sheila and Clif Robertson
Dee Devins Writes –
At the Nationals Ch Tokabout Onyx N Silver
Pixietail ( Zelda) took WB under Michael
Cannalizo and her brother Ch Tokabout Steel N
My Heart ( Storm ) finished his Ch. At the
Gazehound Specialty Under Norwegian Judge
Mr Engh. We are proud that Storm also has his
UKC title done this year too. We also put AKC
& UKC titles on CH Tokabout Luna C At
Lewenhart (Luna ) …CH Tokabout Daredevil
(Dare) & UKC Reserve BIS twice!!! ..and UKC
title on Ch Tokabout Gone With The Wind (
Mia) & UKC Title on Ch Tokabout Hells Fall
From Grace (Gracie)
Thanks to Afghan Actions for the opportunity to
express how thrilled I am at the success we
have had with Finn, Am Can Champion Fu
Blu Riddle of Oshanameh (Ch Waiting On a
Sunny Day x Oshanameh’s Gypsy Rose). I am
so thankful to his breeder, Krista Elfving Itkonen
from Finland’s Fu Blu kennel.Finn completed
his US Championship this past year shortly
after his 2nd birthday, winning 4 majors! Many
thanks to Melissa Williams for her fabulous
handling skills, advice and support.
page 8
By Dee Brasseur Dec 2012
T’was the night before Christmas and all
through the house... not a creature was stirring
except the monster puppy!
Where to begin? Well – maybe we need to
begin at the beginning? No not that far back –
suffice it to say that I became owned by the
king of dogs in 1982 – my first rescue, a 3 year
old, black masked red girl came in to my life
from the Humane Society in Moose Jaw, SA.
One day before she was scheduled to be
euthanized! Since that “Glory to God on high”
moment, I have been in a totally committed
monogamous love affair with the Afghan
Even though Trishka crossed the infamous
rainbow bridge at eleven and a half years of
age, it was far too soon and unexpected. I
waited a year to grieve the loss of my best
friend and mend my broken heart. I admit I
contemplated another breed – one with “less”
maintenance. All that bathing and brushing!
But she was so gorgeous after her bath and
grooming! Maybe a breed that could run in the
woods without bringing back all those leaves,
twigs and burrs? But she ran so fast and free
and the hair flowed like the wind! The Afghan
Hound is ‘mother natures’ answer to the miracle
brush! Finally I concluded that there simply was
no other choice!
That’s when it appeared – the newspaper ad
1992 – I read in disbelief – Afghan puppies for
sale!!! Thank you to Janice Nixon for the love of
my life – Stormbringers Rytar Chudan, a.k.a.
“Chewy” my very first puppy. Chewy was a very
handsome black and silver boy who was a
fantastic mover. We did obedience together and
a few trials however mostly he was just my very
best friend.
The age old questions – Should I have
another? Would he like company? Well, just in
for Christmas, Dec 1993, my questions were
answered when I rescued a female black
masked red puppy, 7 weeks old from a local pet
store! “Kassi” and Chewy were bonded soul
mates from their “First Noel” until their last
when just before Christmas 2002 – at only nine
years young within 5 days of her initial
symptoms Kassi passed from congestive heart
failure. OMG Chewy and I were so heartbroken!
The Grinch had truly stolen our Christmas that
year. He searched for Kassi constantly
everywhere we went together and when we
came home he searched some more – upstairs
and downstairs and inside and outside – for
over 6 weeks! Then one day he finally quit and
that’s when Chewy began to die of a broken
heart. His eyes glazed over a dull blue-grey; he
lost his appetite, he lost weight – he had lost his
love of life and I was losing the love of my life!
What to do??? When I asked for advice there
was lots to go around – I heard everything from
– “Absolutely not – a puppy is too hard on an
old dog!” to “Totally go for it – a puppy makes
and old dog young again.” I decided to let
Chewy decide. So from a litter bred by Ed and
Johanna Granger Chewy picked Nachtmusiks
Mystic Warrior” a.k.a. ‘Kali’. Kali pranced
alongside Chewy everywhere they went – he
was totally enthralled by his senior mentor and
with each step you could almost hear him
saying, “You’re my hero – you’re my hero –
you’re my hero!” Miraculously Chewy began to
show an interest in life again! The grey haze
disappeared and life came back into his eyes!
He seemed to relish his new found role as
‘mentor’ to junior. Everywhere they went Chewy
would let out these little muffled grumbles as if
to say –“Gruff, this is my deck… Gruff… this is
my yard… gruff… this is my toy!” For a week or
so I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision –
until I caught them in the back yard – the senior
11 year old and the baby 4 month old romping,
jumping and chasing each other as only
afghans can do. Life was good again… for a
short time.
One day I realized the inevitable – Chewy was
getting closer to that bridge! Even as I write
these few words – tears come so easily to my
eyes – he was my very first heart dog and I still
miss him!
It began innocently one day as a search on the
internet for Afghan hound puppies. A simple
‘click’ took me to Belgium – the home country of
my grandparents! There they were – a litter
born on my 50th birthday 9/9/2003!!! I took it as
Page 9
a sign!!! Afghan hound owners will take
anything as a sign to have another!!! I quickly
sent the
email to Louis and Bernice Dehaes of Du
Jegdalek Kennels inquiring after a puppy. Yes
they were willing to send a puppy to Canada
however all were sold – I was heart broken…
however… they would be doing a
repeat breeding in the spring of 2004 (Dam:
Multi Ch. Vindyahe de Jegdalek and Sire: Int.
MBIS Exxos Gameboy at Zarook “Gamer” if I
was still interested? YES! YES! YES! I replied
and I even got to name my special girl after my
Grandfathers hometown “Dinant de Jegdalek”
a.k.a. Kari
I went to classes and learned how to do the
‘show’ thing in the ring! I must say that I am
quite pleased to have handled both Kali and
Kari to their Canadian Conformation titles.
and forever after that would wander off course
to investigate anything of interest. Kari on the
other hand had an ancient drive to hunt
anything that moved and she was two years top
afghan courser! So proud of my girl. We also
did obedience and Kari is a certified therapy
dog. She instinctively seems to know which
side of the wheel chair to approach where the
client has the most mobility to give her pats and
hugs! Amazing to watch afghans work people!
Fast forward ten years... and I am family
planning! Realizing that my two most precious
four legged friends are fast approaching their
senior years at 10 and 8.5 I wanted a puppy to
take me in to my senior years. So early this
summer a 10 week old bundle of Alpha male
puppy arrived from Sweden via Frankfurt to
Montreal. So many thanks to Yvonne Ljungkvist
for trusting to send Alphaville’s No Limits to
Canada. It was Christmas in June!
What to call this incredible bundle of energy? It
came to me from some place in the heavens...
when I was very young my Dad was very
creative and handy with tools. We lived on top
of a hill – the military built all its radar stations
on hills in Canada – my Dad built me a very
speedy go-cart!
I also learned about lure coursing!
Way back then ... Canada’s air defence fighter
of the day was the F86 – which Dad painted on
the tail of my cart... and it’s more common
name... he painted along the front side of my
machine! That’s it! I will call my new puppy
“Sabre” in honour of Dad who passed in 2005.
I don’t know that when Dad built me my first gocart fighter if he knew that his daughter would
grow up to fly the real thing? I do know however
in my heart of hearts that although Dad won’t
be here for Christmas he is smiling down on his
new grand-dog and would be very proud of
Sabre’s first meeting with Santa!
Oh the best sport on the planet to see what
these gorgeous hounds can do! Kali decided at
some point that plastic bags weren’t his thing –
Page 10
Procyon Afghans
Fred & Lynn Haywood are pleased to announce
the arrival of their newest litter, born September
10, 2012. The sire is Ch.
Procyons Satisfaction Mijkelh, “Adam” and the
dam is Can/Am Ch. Procyons Omineca of
Mijkelh CGN, “Miranda”
The litter consisted of 5 boys and 3 girls, all
various shades of Brindle. Photos and their
pedigree are on our website .
Wishing you all a totally great Holiday season
surrounded by family, fine food and your best
furry friends … “On Dancer and Dasher and
Donner and …. Sabre.” Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night! Or should that be flight?
As one would expect we are looking for forever
homes for some of these youngsters, and we
are taking enquiries at
In Memoriam
Ch. Panacea Mylakhan Angel Heart – “Angel”
March 1997 – September 2012
Loved and missed by Barbara Arndt and family
Page 11
Braided Show Leads
AHCC Special $60
Your choice of beads and colour of
kangaroo leather. Large selection.
Reinforced with parachute cord lined
with Kevlar.
To place an order contact:
Danielle Devitt
705-322-8488 or
Rocket started his Canadian show career with a Best of Breed under breeder judge
Barb Arndt in St. Catherine’s this summer and finished his Canadian Championship
with Best of Winners at the AHCC National Specialty under Micheal Canalizo.
After taking sometime to enjoy and love him Rocket and they headed off to the AHCA
National Specialty in Atlanta where they defended Danielle’s title of Best Overall Junior Handler . Thank you to Judge Rita Figg for noticing the team work they shared in
the ring.
In the open dog class they were honored by Judge Betsey Hufnagel with a 3rd place
acknowledging their ring presence. It was an honor to show in the open class next to
some of the top Dogs and Handlers in the United States. We appreciate all the handling tips and cheers we received in the ring.
From there they headed over to Virginia Beach to the All Breed Show to finish Rockets US Championship. The following day they earned their first group 4th placement
under Judge Steven Gladstone. They did better than anyone had ever expected.
Thank you to Linda Guarino for having the confidence in me to show this sweet boy
He is a pleasure to show and a really fun dog to live with .
I hope to special Rocket in Canada this summer. See you in the ring again soon.
Please renew my membership for the year January 1 to December 31, 2013: yes
The information on the current membership list is correct:
and/or additions)
Memberships: Single: $25.00 (one vote)
Life: No fee (one vote)
(if no, please provide corrections
Family: $35.00 (limit 2 persons, same address – 2 votes)
Honourary: no fee (one vote)
EMAIL (if any):
WEBSITE (if any):
I/We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Afghan Hound Club
of Canada and the Canadian Kennel Club. I/We hereby stipulate that I/We am/are age 18 years or over.
Amount Enclosed:
Mail with this form to:
Tannis Tindall
Secretary, A.H.C.C.
54 Burland Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB R2N 2W5
For Office Use:
Rec’d By:
Rec’d Date:
(Rev. Dec. 05, 2012)
General Requirements
Members shall when engaged in the normal course of caring for, breeding, selling, exhibiting, trialing and/or
judging purebred dogs, abide and uphold the principles of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Afghan Hound
Club of Canada and those of the Canadian Kennel Club.
Members shall strive to gain respect for their participation and that of their fellow members in the foregoing
activities and to make the best possible contribution to the improvement of the quality, temperament, health and
welfare of Afghan Hounds.
Members shall not engage in the breeding, buying or selling of dogs which are not purebred, either as principal,
agent, intermediary or otherwise.
Members shall keep their Afghan Hounds in clean, healthy environments and must provide health protection
through annual veterinary check-ups, inoculations and all appropriate health care, with all necessary
supplementary veterinary care.
Members shall never sell or give an Afghan Hound to a third party, agent, a pet shop, commercial dealer, health
organization for the purpose of experimentation, or to a laboratory. Nor shall an Afghan Hound be sold or given
for auction, raffle or prize.
Breeders’ Requirements
A breeder is defined as anyone who owns or is responsible for any brood bitch or stud dog that is used for breeding, even
if bred only one time.
Members shall conscientiously plan in the placing of the expected resulting offspring.
Members shall keep in mind the maintenance of, or the improvement in the desired qualities and type of the
Afghan Hound.
Members must mate only Afghan Hounds, which can be guaranteed to be registered with the Canadian Kennel
club, of sound temperament and free of clearly defined and understood congenital defects.
Members must breed only healthy and mature dogs and bitches who are not less than 24 months of age at the
time of first breeding.
Members shall space litters of any brood bitch to average one year between litters.
Members should provide honest and clear information on Afghan Hounds to the prospective purchaser prior to the
actual sale.
Members must be willing at any time to take back or relocate any Afghan Hound that he or she has sold.
Members must ensure that all puppies leaving the breeder’s possession must be at least seven weeks old, with
all vaccinations up-to-date.
Members shall cover all transactions in writing with bills of sale reflecting all details thereof.
Members must provide the purchaser with a written contract specifying at least his or her guarantee for the puppy
or mature hound covered by the contract and that the breeder must be contacted if the purchaser no longer can
or wants to keep the animal.
Members must give careful thought to any request for puppies or mature hounds to any foreign country where
attitudes towards dogs are questionable.
Acceptance and Enforcement
Each prospective member will affirm that they will comply with the Code of Ethics by signature and members shall reaffirm
compliance annually by signature when membership is renewed. Alleged violations of this Code of Ethics must be
reported to the Executive. All such complaints will be investigated and dealt with under the Articles, Sections and Parts
set aside for same in the Constitution and By-Laws.