Organizational Awareness

Interpretive Guide
Organizational Awareness includes the ability to identify the real decision-makers and the
individuals who can influence them; and to predict how new events or situations will affect
individuals and groups within the organization.
Behavioural Level
Interpretive Guide
1. Understands Formal Structure:
- R e c o g n i z e s o r u s e s t h e f o r ma l s t r u c t u r e
Did the candidate provide evidence of the use of
power within the formal structure of the
organization? Did the candidate describe standard
rules, processes or chain of command and understand
how these operated within their organization?
2. Understands Informal Structures:
- U n d e r s t a n d s ( u s e s ) i n f o r ma l s t r u c t u r e s
Did the candidate describe the power structure of the
organization outside the formal structure? Did the
candidate provide evidence of using key decisioninfluencers and informal structure or identifying
when the formal structure was insufficient (e.g.
knowing that having a certain person backing his/her
idea would increase the chances of success)?
or hierarchy of an organization, “chain of
c o m ma n d , ” p o s i t i o n a l p o w e r , r u l e s a n d
regulations, Standard Operating
Procedure, etc.
(identifies key actors, decision influencers, etc.).
Applies this knowledge in support of the
f o r ma l s t r u c t u r e .
3. Understands Climate and Culture:
- Recognizes unspoken organizational
l i mi t a t i o n s - w h a t i s a n d i s n o t p o s s i b l e
at certain times or in certain positions.
Did the candidate describe aspects of the
organization’s culture? Did the candidate
demonstrate understanding of how to use timing,
language, or certain people to influence decisions or
understand why certain decisions were made?
Recognizes and uses the corporate culture
and the language, etc., that will produce
the best response.
4. Understands Organizational Politics:
- Understands, describes (or uses) ongoing
power relationships within the
organization (alliances, rivalries), with a
c l e a r s e n s e o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l i mp a c t .
5. Understands Underlying
Organizational Issues:
Understands (and addresses) the reasons
for ongoing organizational behaviour or
t h e u n d e r l yi n g p r o b l e ms , o p p o r t u n i t i e s o r
political forces affecting the
organization, (e.g., current social trends,
demographic changes, union policies,
national or historical issues that affect
opportunities, etc.).
Brought to you by the
BC Public Service Agency
Did the candidate provide evidence of understanding
the key players and their relationship to each other
and changing dynamics within the organization?
Could the candidate explain how the underlying
power structure impacted the organization and
individuals? Did the candidate express
understanding of his/her place in the informal
structure? Did the candidate express the reasons for
the general mood and morale of the organization?
Did the candidate demonstrate understanding of
organizational behaviour at a macro level? Did the
candidate provide evidence of addressing some of the
underlying organizational issues that impact the
organization? To score at this level, a candidate must
have a very broad understanding of the political
forces (internal) that affect organizational behaviour
(e.g. inter-departmental conflicts, “too many
superstars”, etc.).