Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching (CiSELT)

English Language Quality Standards
Teacher Training Courses
Invest in your teachers so that your students get the best in the classroom
The British Council has developed a range of online moderated teacher training courses
which are being used in training teachers around the world.
These courses have been made available in India as part of the Quality Standards
Programme to help schools develop their teachers and their performance in the classroom.
The mode of delivery of these courses is online to make it easier for working teachers to
participate. The online platform is very user-friendly and will provide a lot of flexibility for the
Why should you nominate your teachers for these courses?
British Council is a world authority in English language education and teacher training
These high quality courses will introduce your teachers to the latest methods of
Our trainers are highly experienced and qualified teacher trainers and online
These courses are highly relevant to your context as an English-medium school
The courses employ reflective learning, a technique whereby your teachers will apply
their learning in the classroom
The online medium enables flexibility- no break from work is required
Your teachers will also get familiar with using online learning technologies through
first-hand experience
What our participants say
“The beauty of this course [CiSELT] was clarity of instructions, transparency about time,
accessibility of the moderator and cherry on the cake - a social forum which enabled the
participants to know each other, debate, share experiences and feel connected. Learning
was taking place beyond the course outline too.”
- CiSELT participant
“During the course I got to know about the characteristics and activities related to different
learning styles. Individual students may be better suited to learning in a particular way, using
distinctive modes for thinking, relating and creating. The notion of students having particular
learning styles has implications for teaching strategies. Because preferred modes of input
and output vary from one individual to another, it is important that we as teachers should use
a range of teaching strategies to effectively meet the needs of individual learners…. CiPELT
was a great learning experience for me.” - CiPELT participant
The English Language Quality Standards Programme is a new initiative from the British
Council. Its objective is to contribute to improving standards in English Language Teaching
in India.
As part of this Programme, we are offering our next batch of online moderated teacher
training courses starting in September 2014.
To nominate your teachers and academic managers for these courses, please contact
Courses and workshops
Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching (CiSELT) ............................................ 3
Learning Technologies .......................................................................................................... 4
Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching (CiPELT) ................................................. 5
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Essentials .............................................. 7
Face-to-face workshop on digital resources .......................................................................... 9
Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching
Teacher training course
CiSELT is an in-service course, written specifically for English language
teachers working in secondary schools with learners aged 11-18. CiSELT is
split into two levels: Proficient and Advanced.
The course aims are to: develop teachers' methodological skills, develop
communicative, reflective and learning-centred teaching skills, develop
classroom based research skills, professionalise teachers’ classroom
The modules for the Proficient level are: 'Getting Started', 'Language
Awareness', 'Teaching Skills’, 'Core Classroom Issues'
Start: 22nd September 2014
End: December 2014
Delivery type
On-line moderated
Teachers increase their range of pedagogic techniques and develop
strategies for further professional development through reflection and action
based research
Academic managers/teachers of English
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 12000 per participant
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.
Learning Technologies
Teacher training course
An introduction to the main aspects of using new technologies in the
language classroom. It takes into account different situations in which
teachers find themselves: both where technology is only available outside
the classroom, and where the classroom is well-resourced with IT.
The course modules cover a range of web technologies, with topics including
using the internet, cyber well-being for learners, using Office applications,
using online video and audio, and using social networking and other web
technologies for educational purposes.
Each online unit (16 in total) includes links and video demonstrations about
the technologies involved. It includes a wide range of practical ideas and
web resources that teachers can directly use with their learners. The course
is taken in 4 parts:
Module 1 – Issues in learning tech
Module 2 – Tech tools
Module 3 – Tech techniques
Module 4 – Language development with tech
Start: December 2014
End: April 2015
Delivery type
On-line moderated
Participants will enhance their knowledge about use of new technologies in
the classroom, both where technology is only available outside the
classroom, and where the classroom is well-resourced with IT
Academic managers/teachers of English
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 12000 per participant
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.
Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching
Teacher training course
CiPELT is an in-service course, written specifically for English language
teachers working with primary age children. The course is based on the
practical application of methodology for the classroom and aims to combine
theory with good practice. It is specifically for teachers who need to update
their methodological skills. The course comprises three modules:
CiPELT READY (primary years 1- 2)
CiPELT STEADY (primary years 3 - 4)
CiPELT GO (primary years 5 - 6)
Each course module provides approximately 30 hours of content.
In this batch, we will offer the first two CiPELT modules, i.e., Ready
and Steady.
CiPELT Ready is designed for teachers of Grade 1 and 2, that is primary
years 1 and 2. And will be of interest to any teacher who wants to improve
their teaching skills for classes of very young beginners.
The module covers the basics of how children learn, how to make and use
resources for this age group, how to plan, manage and assess the progress
of the classes. Early literacy is covered at a non-textual and letter recognition
level. The focus is on developing listening and speaking skills in the children
and nurturing motivation towards English language learning.
CiPELT Steady is designed for teachers of Grade 3 and 4, that is primary
years 3 and 4. The focus is on consolidating listening and speaking skills
while beginning to develop literacy skills.
Start: 22nd September 2014
End: December 2014
Delivery type
Online moderated
Teachers increase their range of pedagogic techniques and develop
strategies for further professional development through reflection and action
based research
Academic managers/teachers of English
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 12000 per participant
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Teacher training course
Teaching curricular subjects in English, also known as Content and
Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), is becoming more and more popular
and requires a change in teachers’ skills set. This course helps teachers
understand CLIL methodology and apply good practice in the classroom.
The course is very hands-on with participants being introduced to a variety of
methodologies and practical strategies to use in the classroom. Some
practical elements in the course include:
anticipating problems and selecting language to support
breaking down information into manageable chunks
designing tasks to increase communication
providing learner training strategies to help learners
recognise and improve their own weaknesses
clarifying whether assessment is based on content or linguistic
abilities and providing relevant (personalised) feedback.
Practical examples throughout the course reflect a range of subjects and age
Start: December 2014
End: April 2015
Delivery type
Online moderated
Teachers develop practical skills to introduce functional language, evaluate
language challenges and adapt classroom tasks and forms of assessment.
This will help their students understand the topics in a second language, i.e.,
in English.
Primary and secondary teachers who teach either English or other curricular
subjects in English.
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 12000 per participant
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.
Face-to-face workshop on digital resources
Part 1: Making the most of digital learner materials and evaluating their
impact on learning outcomes
Part 2: Making the most of on-line resources for teachers
Part 1: The workshop will provide practical advice on how to use digital
materials in the classroom, how to incorporate them in programmes of faceto-face study, how to use them for student self-access, how to select
appropriate platforms for their delivery, how to evaluate their impact on
learner outcomes through the use of a teacher journal
Participants will be asked to trial and record the use and impact of selfselected classroom activities through a teacher journal, subsequent to the
Part 2: The workshop will provide practical advice on how to access, make
use of and evaluate the impact of lesson content suggestions from the
TeachingEnglish website, identify and pursue appropriate professional
development opportunities, record the impact of these development
opportunities through a teacher journal, become involved in the sharing of
ideas through on-line teacher networks.
Participants will be asked to trial and record the use and impact of selfselected resources through a teacher journal, subsequent to the workshop
To be Confirmed
Delivery type
Face-to-face workshop
Can be organised in your city if there are adequate participants.
1 day
Part 1: 3 hours
Part 2: 3 hours
Part 1: Participants are able to incorporate and evaluate digital learner
materials in their teaching
Part 2: Participants are able to access, use, evaluate the impact of and
contribute to online resources for teachers
Part 1: academic managers/teachers of English, some experience of digital
materials use
Part 2: academic managers/teachers of English , some experience of on-line
resources use
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 5000 per participant
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.
Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Essentials
Teacher training course
The TKT Essentials course provides an introduction to English language
teaching methodology for teachers who want to develop expertise in
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). It is suitable for both beginning
teachers who need to develop knowledge of key concepts in ELT and
experienced teachers who want to update their methodology.
The online course comprises four modules divided into a total of 34 units:
Module 1 – language and background to language learning and teaching
Module 2 – lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
Module 3 – managing the teaching and learning process
Start: December 2014
End: March 2015
Delivery type
On-line moderated
Participants increase their range of pedagogic techniques and extend their
knowledge of teaching terminology
Academic managers/teachers of English
Institute/school to generate student survey (formal/informal) looking at
motivation, interest levels, learning outcomes, satisfaction in general.
Institute/school to generate teacher activity log: websites visited; classroom
activities used; New technologies used in classroom.
Teachers to maintain teacher journal (impact on behaviour, classroom
activities log.)
Peer and academic manager classroom observation.
INR 12000
Here participant means teacher/academic manager.