Samantha J. Dawson
Curriculum Vitae
Sexuality and Gender Lab
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
62 Arch St., Humphrey Hall, Room 111
Kingston, ON, Canada, K7L 3N6
2012 –
PhD Student (Clinical Psychology), Queen’s University
2010 - 2012 MSc (Psychology), University of Lethbridge
2006 - 2010 BA (Psychology), Great Distinction, Honours Thesis, University of Lethbridge
Academic Awards & Honours
Student Research Development Award, International Academy of Sex
Research, $1,000
Best Symposium, Psychology Outside the Box Conference, $100
Best Research Presentation, Canadian Sex Research Forum, $200
Queen’s University Travel Award, $250
Queen’s University Graduate Award, $2,300
MSc Medal of Merit, University of Lethbridge
Queen’s University Travel Award, $250
Queen’s University Graduate Award, $1,700
Ontario Trillium Scholarship, $160,000
International Tuition Award, Queen’s University, $5,000
CPA Certificate of Academic Excellence Masters Thesis
Graduate Students’ Association Research Travel Award, $500
Best Research Presentation, Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, $200
CPA Certificate of Academic Excellence, Honours Thesis
Research Dissemination Award, University of Lethbridge, $1,000
School of Graduate Studies Award, University of Lethbridge, $3,000
International Research Award, University of Lethbridge, $2,000
SGS Entrance and Continuing Award, University of Lethbridge, $28,000
Academic Gold Medal, University of Lethbridge, [candidate]
Best Poster Award (3rd), The Puzzle of Sexual Orientation Workshop
Dean’s Honour List, University of Lethbridge (inclusive)
Academic Scholarships, University of Lethbridge, $5,300
International Academy of Sex Research (2014-2015)
Applicant: Samantha Dawson (MSc)
Project title: Attentional Mechanisms Involved in Sexual Arousal and Desire Difficulties
in Women.
Amount: $1000.00 (CDN)
Queen’s Senate Advisory Research Council Grant (2014-2015)
Applicant: Dr. Meredith Chivers
Co-Applicant: Samantha Dawson (MSc)
Project title: Attentional Mechanisms Involved in Sexual Arousal and Desire Difficulties
in Women.
Amount: $8540.00 (CDN)
UMRF Operating Grant (2012-2013)
Principle Investigators: Dr. John Bradford and Dr. Meredith Chivers
Co-Applicants: Samantha Dawson (MSc) and Dr. Michael Seto
Project title: Correlates of Paraphilic Interests and Behaviours in the General Population.
Amount: $29,803.50 (CDN)
Professional Activities
Ad Hoc Reviewer (number of reviews in parentheses)
August 2013 – present (as an independent reviewer)
Archives of Sexual Behavior (4)
Personality and Individual Differences (2)
Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science (1)
January 2012 – present (in collaboration with Dr. Chivers and Dr. Lalumière)
Archives of Sexual Behavior (2)
Journal of Sex Research (2)
The Journal of Sexual Medicine (4)
Canadian Psychological Association (student member)
The International Academy of Sex Research (student member)
The Canadian Sex Research Forum (student member)
Society for Sex Therapy and Research (student member)
Research Interests
Human sexual arousal, sexual psychophysiology, viewing-time, visual attention, sexual
fantasy, menstrual cycle, category-specificity, sexual concordance, information-processing
model, incentive motivation theory, learning, paraphilias, sexual dysfunction, evolutionary
psychology, mating strategies.
Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Dawson, S. J., Sawatsky, M., & Lalumière, M. L. (under review). Assessment of Introital
Lubrication: An Initial Study.
2. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (in press) Gender Differences and Similarities in Sexual
Desire. Current Sexual Health Reports. doi:10.1007/s11930-014-0027-5
3. Sawatsky, M., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (provisionally accepted). Intercourse
between perpetrators and victims following initial sexual assault: The effects of
sexual history and relationship status.
4. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014) Gender-specificity of solitary and dyadic sexual
desire among gynephilic and androphilic women and men. The Journal of Sexual
Medicine, 11, 980-994. doi:10.1111/jsm.12430
5. Dawson, S. J., Bannerman, B., & Lalumière, M. L. (2014). Paraphilic interests: An
examination of sex differences in a non-clinical sample. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of
Research and Treatment. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645
6. Dawson, S. J., Lalumière, M. L., Allen, S. W., Vasey, P. L., & Suschinsky, K. D. (2013). Can
habituation of sexual responses be elicited in men and women when attention is
maintained? Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 45, 274-285.
7. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2013). Habituation of Sexual
Responses in Men and Women: A Test of the Preparation Hypothesis of Women's
Genital Responses. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 9901000. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12032
8. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2012). Sexual fantasies and viewing
time across the menstrual cycle: A Diary Study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1, 173183. doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-9939-1
Other Publications
9. Lalumière, M. L., & Dawson S. J. (2012). The challenges of a Darwinian approach to
disorders. A review of Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary
Theory by Pieter R. Adriaens and Andreas De Block (Eds.). Evolutionary Psychology,
10, 727-730.
Manuscripts in Preparation
10. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. The effect of relationship context on responsive dyadic
and solitary sexual desire in women and men.
11. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. Gender differences and similarities in patterns of visual
attention to sexually-relevant stimuli.
12. Dawson, S. J., Persall, N. P., & Chivers, M. L. Sexual openness as a predictor of gendernonspecificity of visual sexual interest in exclusively and predominantly androphilic
Non-refereed Contributions
1. Dawson, S. J. (Fall, 2013). Student Research Feature: Gender-specificity of Solitary and
Dyadic Sexual Desire among Androphilic and Gynephilic Women and Men. Canadian
Sex Research Forum Newsletter.
2. Dawson, S. J. (Fall, 2011). Student Research Feature: Turning Men and Women Off.
Canadian Sex Research Forum Newsletter.
Refereed Conference Presentations
1. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014, October). What are you looking at? Are SexuallyRelevant Stimuli Favored by the Visual Attention System? Oral Presentation at the
Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Accepted.
2. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014, June). Do the Eyes Have it? Are Sexually-Relevant
Stimuli Favored by the Visual Attention System? Oral Presentation in the Symposium:
New Paradigms for the Sexual Psychophysiological Assessment of Sexual Interest and
Arousal in Women and Men, at the Psychology Outside the Box Conference, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
* Awarded Best Symposium
3. Sawatsky, M. L., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2014, June). Inside the Box: An
Investigation of Vaginal Lubrication. Oral Presentation in the Symposium: New
Paradigms for the Sexual Psychophysiological Assessment of Sexual Interest and Arousal
in Women and Men, at the Psychology Outside the Box Conference, Ottawa, Ontario,
* Awarded Best Symposium
4. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2013, October). Gender-Specificity of Solitary and
Dyadic Sexual Desire among Opposite- and Same-gender Attracted Women and Men.
Oral presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, Canada.
* Awarded Best Research Presentation
5. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L., (2013, August). The What and Who of Desire: Gender and
Sexual Orientation Differences in Specificity of Responsive Solitary and Dyadic
Sexual Desire. Brief communication at the 39th Annual Meeting of the International
Academy of Sex Research in Chicago, USA.
6. Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2013, June). Frisky business: Effects of Pornography
and Casual Sex on Habituation on Sexual Responses to Sexual Stimuli in Men and
Women. Oral presentation and the 74th Canadian Psychological Association Annual
Convention, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
7. Dawson, S. J., Lalumière, M. L., Allen, S. W., Vasey, P. L., & Suschinsky, K. D., (2012,
September). Are you paying attention? Habituation of sexual responses in men and
women. Oral presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
8. Sawatsky, M., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2012, September). Intercourse Between
Perpetrators and Victims Following Initial Sexual Assault: The Effects of Sexual
History and Relationship Status. Oral presentation at the Canadian Sex Research
Forum Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
9. Bannerman, B., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2012, March). Sex Differences in
Paraphilic Interests. Oral presentation at the Meeting of the Minds Conference,
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
10. Sawatsky, M., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2012, March). Intercourse Between
Perpetrators and Victims Following Initial Sexual Assault: The Effects of Sexual
History and Relationship Status. Oral presentation at the Meeting of the Minds
Conference, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
11. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2011, September). A real turn off: A
test of the preparation hypothesis of women’s genital arousal. Oral presentation at the
Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
* Awarded Outstanding Research Presentation
12. Bannerman, B., Dawson, S. J., & Lalumière, M. L. (2011, August). Paraphilic interests: An
examination of prevalence rates and sex differences. Oral presentation at the
Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
13. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2011, April). A real turn off:
Habituation of sexual arousal in men and women. Oral presentation at the 5th Annual
Graduate Student Association, Multidisciplinary Research Conference, University of
Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
14. Dawson, S. J. (2010, April). Dear diary: Sexual fantasies and the menstrual cycle. Oral
presentation at the 5th Annual Psychology Symposium, University of Lethbridge,
Lethbridge, Alberta.
Refereed Poster Presentations
1. Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014, October). Patterns of Responsive Sexual Desire:
Does it Matter if it is a Stranger, Friend, or Long-term Partner? Poster presentation
at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
2. Dawson, S. J., Persall, N., & Chivers, M. L. (2014, October). Is Sexual Openness Related to
Gender-Nonspecificity of Visual Attention Among Exclusively and Predominantly
Androphilic Women? Poster presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum
Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Accepted.
3. Dawson, S. J., Sawatsky, M. L., & Lalumière, M. L. (2013, October). A New Method to
Assess Genital Responses in Women: An Initial Study of Vaginal Lubrication. Poster
presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Conference, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, Canada.
4. Dawson, S. J., Sawatsky, M. L., & Lalumière, M. L. (2013, August). The Assessment of
Vaginal Lubrication: Results from a Pilot Study. Poster presentation at the 39th
Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research in Chicago, USA.
5. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2011, August). A real turn off:
Habituation of sexual arousal in men and women. Poster presentation at the 37th
Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research in Los Angeles, USA.
6. Dawson, S. J., Bannerman, B., & Lalumière, M. L. (2011, August). Paraphilic interests: An
examination of prevalence rates and sex differences. Poster presentation at the 37th
Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research in Los Angeles, USA.
7. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2010, July). Dear diary: Sexual
fantasies and the menstrual cycle. Poster presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of
the International Academy of Sex Research in Prague, Czech Republic.
8. Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., & Lalumière, M. L. (2010, May). Dear diary: Sexual
fantasies and the menstrual cycle. Poster presentation at The Puzzle of Sexual
Orientation Workshop, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
*Awarded Best Poster (3rd)
Teaching and Supervision
Invited Lectures/Talks
Female Sexual Dysfunctions. Abnormal Psychology, Queen’s University at
Female Sexuality Across the Menstrual Cycle. Human Sexuality, Queen’s
University at Kington.
The Evolution of Sexual Coercion. Seminar in Sexuality and Gender, Queen’s
University at Kingston.
Sexual function and dysfunction. Abnormal Psychology, Queen’s University at
Rape in the Congo. Seminar in Interpersonal Violence, University of
How to pursue graduate studies in psychology? Psychology of Crime,
University of Lethbridge
What’s Next? Planning for Graduate School, Center for the Advancement of
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CAETL), University of Lethbridge
Habituation and Sensitization, Psychology of Learning, University of
A Real Turn-off: A Test of the Preparation Hypothesis of Women’s Genital
Arousal, Chivers/SAGE Laboratory, Queen’s University
Female Sex Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle, Sexual Health and Human
Sexuality, University of Lethbridge
Single Case Experimental Designs. Abnormal Psychology, University of
Teaching Assistantships
Queen’s University: Abnormal Psychology (Head Teaching Assistant; 2012-2015)
University of Lethbridge: Abnormal Psychology (2010); Research Methods and Statistics
(2011); Sexual Health and Human Sexuality (2011); Psychology of Learning (2011);
Interpersonal Violence (2012)
Co-Supervision of Undergraduate Honours Students
Emily McBride. TBA
Nicole Persall. Sexual openness as a predictor of gender-specific visual
attention in exclusively and predominantly androphilic women.
Megan Sawatsky. Intercourse between perpetrators and victims following
initial sexual assault: The effects of sexual history and relationship status.
Brittany Bannerman. Paraphilic interests in the general population: An
examination of prevalence rates and sex differences.
Clinical Experience
May 2014 – Present
Student Clinician, Sex Therapy Service, Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Pukall
May 2014 – Present
Practicum Student, Health Counselling and Disability Services,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Charles Vetere
Jan 2014- Present
Psychometrist, Regional Assessment and Resource Center,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Melanie Edwards, Ph.D., C.Psych
Jan 2014- April 2014
Practicum Student, Family Court Clinic, Hotel Dieu, Kingston,
Supervisor: Dr. Rob Rowe, Ph.D., C. Psych
Sept 2013- Jan 2014
Practicum Student, Regional Assessment and Resource Center,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Melanie Edwards, Ph.D., C.Psych
May 2013 – Sept 2013
Practicum Student, Psychology Clinic, Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Parker, Ph.D., C.Psych
Institutional & Community Service
Clinical Psychology Student Representative, Queen’s University
Member, Quality Assurance Committee, Queen’s University
Organizer, Meeting of the Minds Conference, University of Lethbridge
Vice President Internal, Graduate Students’ Association, University of
Coordinator, Sexology Reading Group, University of Lethbridge
Program Coordinator, Schizophrenia Society, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Graduate Student Representative, General Faculties Council Executive,
University of Lethbridge
Graduate Student Representative, General Faculties Council, University of
Graduate Student Representative, University Awards Council, University of
Graduate Student Representative, School of Graduate Studies Council,
University of Lethbridge
Graduate Student Representative, Centre for the Advancement of Excellence
in Teaching and Learning Council, University of Lethbridge
Graduate Student Representative, Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee,
University of Lethbridge
Graduate Student Representative, Assistant Dean Appointment Hiring
Committee, University of Lethbridge
Youth Council Director, YWCA, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (2010-2011)
Undergraduate Student Mentor, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Media Coverage
New York Times Magazine (USA); The Daily Mail (UK); SELF Magazine (USA); Men’s Health
Magazine (USA); LiveScience (USA); The Times of India (India); Indian Express (India); (Africa); El Mundo Newspaper (Spain); Bucharest Herald (Romania).