QUALITY IEP CRITERION CHECKLIST The parents were invited to the meeting. (IEP-3) Evidence: There is evidence/ documentation of attempts to ensure parent participation. (IEP-8) Evidence: The parent agreed to a member’s absence when that area was not being discussed. (IEP-9) Evidence: The parent consented to the excusal of a member when that area was being discussed. (IEP-10) Evidence: The appropriate team members were present at the IEP team meeting. (IEP-11) (IEP-11) Evidence: The present level statement includes a description of the student’s current educational and/or functional performance, written in objective, descriptive terms that are sufficient to determine the goals and services required for the student to receive FAPE and exceeds a label or test score. (IEP-12) Evidence: The annual goals directly relate to the needs identified in the present level and are different from the previous IEP. (IEP-13) Evidence: There is a statement of related services, including location/dates/frequency. (IEP-15) Evidence: YES NO N/A QUALITY IEP CRITERION CHECKLIST The accommodations for testing are different from “additional accommodations.” (IEP-17) Evidence: There is data on the ESY justification form which reflects the regression/ recoupment time necessary to provide FAPE. (IEP-32) Evidence: If a special factor is checked, there is evidence in the IEP to indicate that these needs were addressed. (IEP-27 through Evidence: IEP-33) The dates on the IEP/4/ 4C are accurate. (Date of meeting, initiation date, duration date, date on goal pages, etc.) (IEP-34) Evidence: The progress toward previous annual goal (PTAG data) is included in the present level. (IEP-36) Evidence: The ESE 4 or ESE 4C matches the placement indicated on the IEP. Evidence: There is a connection between the Transition Plan and the annual goals. (TP16-11) Evidence: The ESE 4B cover page and the subsequent ESE 4B program eligibility page(s) are completed for initial placement, out of state transfers, or when adding a program. Evidence: YES NO N/A