Notes: Rocks


What is a rock?

Igneous Rock

Igneous Rock

Notes: Rocks

A rock is a ______________ occurring solid __________ of one or more _______________ or organic matter.

Rocks are classified by how they are _____________, their

___________________, and __________________.


Rocks change over time through the ________________


Igneous rock begins as ________________.

Magma can form:

When rock is ____________.

When pressure is ________________.

When rock changes _________________.

Magma is a mixture of many ________________.

_________________: takes longer to cool, giving mineral crystals more time to grow

_______________: cools quickly with little to no crystals.

 Big crystals – rock cools slow.

 Small crystals – rock cools fast.

_________________________: magma pushes into surrounding rock below the Earth’s surface.

_________________________: forms when magma erupts onto the Earth’s surface (lava), cools quickly with very small or no crystals formed,

Felsic is light colored igneous rock.

Mafic is dark colored igneous rock.

Obsidian is a dark-colored volcanic glass that forms from the very rapid cooling of molten rock material. It cools so rapidly that crystals do not form.

Metamorphic Rock

Notes: Rocks

Metamorphic -

Means to ______________ shape.

Changes with _____________ and ______________, but remains solid.

Usually takes place ________________ in the Earth.

________________ - contains aligned grains of flat minerals


Sedimentary Rocks

_____________________– mineral grains are not arranged in plains or bands.

Sedimentary rock is formed by _______________.

Sediments are moved from one place to another.

Sediments are ___________________ in layers, with the older ones on the bottom.

The layers become _______________ and


Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary Rocks are formed at or near the Earth’s surface

No heat and pressure involved.

Fossils found in these rocks

_____________ – layers of rock

_________________ – the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers.

_______________ – made of fragments of rock cemented together with calcite or quartz.

___________________________ – minerals crystallize out of

Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle


Types of Fossils

Petrified Fossils

Molds and Casts

Notes: Rocks solution (water) to become rock.

___________________________ – remains of plants and animals.

The __________________ changing of rocks from one kind to another over long periods of time is called the __________


 The rock cycle has no definite sequence. It can follow many different pathways.

 Igneous : Melting to Magma/Volcanic Activity

 Sedimentary : Erosion – Weathering-Deposition -

Cementation – Compaction

 Metamorphic : Heat and Pressure

 Fossils are found in ____________________ rocks.

 They help provide information of life forms that lived thousands of years ago.

 _________________ – Minerals have filled in where an organism once was.

 _____________ – A hollow area that an organism has left.

 ____________ – A copy of the shape of the organism

(opposite of a mold)

 _______________________ – a thin coating of carbon that is left behind when gases have been release by the decaying fossil (like a leaf print on a rock)

 _______________ – An imprint that an organism left behind (like a footprint)


 Fossils in which minerals _____________ all or part of an organism.

 How does this happen?

 Water rich in dissolved minerals ___________ into spaces, evaporated, leaving the

________________minerals behind.

 Example – petrified wood

 Most __________________ type of fossil.

 Both _______________ the shape of the organism.

Carbon Film

Trace Fossils

How Old Is It?

Notes: Rocks

 A mold is a ___________________ area of sediment in the shape of the organism.

 A cast is a ________________ of the shape of an organism.

 Carbon film is an extremely ____________coating of carbon

 How does this happen?

All organisms are made of carbon. When they are buried, the materials that makes up the organism

___________________. These gases escape leaving carbon behind.

Trace fossils provide _____________ of the activities of ancient organisms.


A ___________________ provides clues about the size and behavior, the speed, how many legs it walked on, lived alone or with others.

A ___________ or _____________ can give clues about the size and shape of the organism, where it lived, and how it obtained food.

_____________________ – It’s age when compared to others ( I am older than you)

_____________________ – It’s actual or real age

We use radioactive dating to find this

____________________ – a gap in the geological record (like from erosion)
