Wind and Global Winds - Madison County Schools

Made of gases—fluid!! (it flows)
Movement of air caused by differences in air pressure (uneven heating= convection currents (page 126))
Air moves horizontal; from high pressure to low pressure
Measuring Wind- Described by speed and direction
Direction Tool: Wind Vane (Wind swings vane so one end faces the wind)
Name of wind tells you where the winds comes from (South winds come from the sound and head north)
Speed Tool: anemometer
Wind Chill Factor
Removes body heat
Stronger wind= more cooling
Local Winds- blow over short distances
Be able to use chart
to find wind chill
Caused by unequal heating of Earth’s surface in a small area
It takes more energy to heat a body of water that it does to heat up the equal amount of land
Land cools more quickly than water
Sea Breeze – during the day
Air over land becomes warmer than air over water
Warmer air expands and rises ( leaves a low pressure area)
Cool air blow in from the sea to fill low pressure area
Land Breeze- only at night
Air over land becomes cooler than the air over the water
Warmer air over the water expands and rises
Cool air from land moves in under it
Global winds
Land cools more quickly than water
Air over land becomes cooler than the air over the water
Warmer air over the water expands and rises
Cool air from land moves in under it
The angle of the earth changes the way the suns energy spreads out.
Sun’s energy is spread = less heating of the surface
Temps at the poles are lower because they get less light energy
Global Convection Currents
Develop global winds
Giant convection currents in the atmosphere
Warm air rises at the equator and cool air sinks at the poles
Causes wind to blow from the poles toward the equator
Higher in the atmosphere, air flows away from the equator toward the poles
The Coriolis Effect
If earth didn’t rotate global winds would blow in a straight line
Earth rotates from west to east
Rotation makes winds curve- CORIOLIS EFFECT
Winds blow and earth rotates underneath
Northern Hemisphere: winds gradually turn right
Southern Hemisphere: winds curve to the left
Near the equator (large amount of sun’s energy)
Warm air constantly rising- creates area of low pressure
Cool air moves into the area but is warmed quickly
Rises before it can move very far
Little horizontal motion= weak winds
Horse latitudes
Warm air from equator rises and divides heading
north and south
Air stops moving toward the poles and sinks
Very calm “falling” air
Trade Winds
Cold air over horse latitudes sinks and creates an area of high pressure
High pressure causes wind to flow towards and away from the equator
Wind towards the equator are turned west
Northern hemisphere- winds blow from northeast
Winds away from the equator are turned east
Southern hemisphere- winds blow from southeast
Prevailing Westerlies
Called westerlies because they blow from west to east
Between 30˚ and 60˚ north and south
Turned eastward by Coriolis effect
Blow away from Horse Latitudes
Northern Hemisphere: from southwest
Southern Hemisphere: from northwest
Important to weather of USA
Polar Easterlies
Air near the poles is cold
Sinks and flows toward lower latitudes
Coriolis effect shifts them to the west
Meet prevailing westerlies at 60˚ north and south
Creates a polar front
Mix of cold &warm air effects weather in the USA
Jet streams
10km above earths surface
Band of high-speed winds
100s of km wide
Blow from west to east
Have a wavy path
200-400 km/hr