Syllabus - Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

North Carolina State University
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
LAT 202: Intermediate Latin II
Spring 2016
Meeting Time and Place: TuTh 11:45-1:00, 003 Winston Hall
With ASU/WCU Students via Teleconference
Professor Gary Mathews
Office: 227 Withers
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm & by appt.
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: LAT 201 or equivalent
Co-requisites: None
GEP Requirements Satisfied: None
Other Requirements Satisfied: May be used in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Classical
Studies minor concentrations in Greek, Latin and/or Classical Culture
Course Management: NC State University Moodle. Refer to the course website in Moodle and your NC
State email regularly for announcements and updates. (Students on other campuses will be assigned
an NC State account to access Moodle and the university email system.)
Intermediate course in Classical Latin, with readings from Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita. The course will
emphasize improvement of skill in reading and translation of Latin prose, vocabulary building, review of
grammar and syntax and exposure to more complex syntax, and development of skill in analyzing style
and intent in Latin prose writing. Requirements will include daily preparation for recitation and
translation of Latin passages in class (about 25 lines per class), a short paper analyzing Livy’s style
based on a passage selected by the student, two midterm tests, and a final exam. Students should expect
to spend a minimum of three hours working outside of class for every 75-minute class session. Students
should also expect to spend additional time reviewing for tests as well as writing the assigned paper.
Mary Jaeger. A Livy Reader: Selections from Ab Urbe Condita. Mundelein, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci,
2011. ISBN 9780865166806. $19.00.
While the Jaeger text includes a complete vocabulary, students should also have access to a good Latin
dictionary to consult when further information about a word’s meaning is needed. The one
recommended for this level of Latin is:
C.T. Lewis. An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. ISBN:
0199102058. $46.00.
The following is a less expensive option, though it may not always cover the range of meanings of
words that you will need to translate Livy effectively:
D.P. Simpson (ed.). Cassell’s Concise Latin & English Dictionary. New York: Macmilllan, 1987. ISBN:
9780020133407. $7.99.
Finally, students should have access to a good Latin grammar. Recommended:
Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2006. ISBN:
780486448060. $19.95.
While it is often most convenient to have physical copies of these important tools in hand, online
versions of the Lewis dictionary and Allen and Greenough grammar are available. There is also a useful
online Latin dictionary called William Whitaker’s Words.
No other course materials or expenses are required.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
A. Demonstrate the ability to read and translate with facility substantial passages of Classical Latin
B. Demonstrate increasing knowledge of Classical Latin vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
C. Identify and explain the main linguistic and stylistic devices used by Classical Latin authors.
D. Explain the historical, cultural, and literary value of the Livy’s History of Rome, one of the key
texts of Roman early imperial literature.
Last day to add a course without instructor’s permission: Tuesday, January 12
Last day to add a course or drop a course without a W grade: Wednesday, January 20.
Last day students can initiate schedule changes or change to credit only: Wednesday, March 2
Midterm tests:
Tuesday, February 9; Tuesday, March 22
Spring break:
Tuesday-Thursday, March 8-10
Final exam:
Thursday, May 5, 9:00-11:00 am
Students Taking the Course From Other Campuses:
According to the usual policy for UNC Online Language Exchange courses, the class will follow the
host campus NC State University regulations and procedures and academic calendar. Any student who
foresees encountering time or other conflicts should consult with the instructor before taking the course.
Regular attendance is not only required, it is vital to your success in the course. Although there are
copious online resources available for the study of ancient Latin (like just about everything else in the
world), there is no substitute for regular, direct personal engagement with an instructor who can offer
explanations tailored exactly to the linguistic context at hand, as well as with fellow students who are
often struggling with the same learning challenges that you are. Being on time is equally important, as
late arrivals cause serious disruption of other students’ and the instructor’s concentration. Late arrivals
may count against your participation grade; see the criteria for the preparation and participation portion
of the course grade below.
Students will not be penalized for documented excusable absences according to the NC State Attendance
Policy. Examples of excusable absences include: official university functions, required court attendance,
religious observances, required military duty, illness or injury when certified by an attending physician,
death or serious illnesses in the family. Students will also be allowed two (2) unexcused absences
without penalty. In accordance with NC State Attendance Policy, each unexcused absence beyond these
two will subtract one (1) percentage point from the final course grade. You are responsible for all work
missed and for any assignments announced on a day you were absent, whether the absence was excused
or unexcused. For further information, including the university definition of excused absences, see the
NC State University Attendance Policy at:
Adverse Weather: In the event of class cancellation on the NC State and/or other campuses due to
adverse weather, check email and Moodle regarding instructions for keeping up with the course work.
For more information about NC State campus adverse weather procedures, read the NC State University
Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions Policy: Check email, news, the NC State home page, or call 513-8888 for the latest campus information.
Students on other campuses will be responsible for monitoring their campus adverse weather
information systems. Students regardless of location will not be penalized for absence due to adverse
weather, but will be expected to keep up with the course work in accordance with the course policy on
absences above.
Makeups of the midterm tests or final exam will be allowed only in the event of appropriately
documented excused absence (see the course policy on absences above).
1. Preparation, Attendance and Participation (20%): Students will be expected to come to class having
worked out the translation of the day’s assigned reading as fully as possible, and with (1) an
unmarked text of the day’s reading (you should make copies from your textbook for this purpose)
and (2) a list of unfamiliar vocabulary. We will not follow any set reading schedule. Rather, we will
try to progress at a rate averaging about 25 lines per class. This will allow us to complete the
selections in the Livy Reader over the semester.
Students will be expected to make regular contributions to the class, including reading and
translating Latin aloud from an unmarked text, and asking and answering questions and otherwise
participating in discussion about grammar and syntax and the style and thought of the text under
study. Failure to come to class prepared and to make regular contributions will be counted against
the participation grade (see the participation and preparation grading rubric below). See Attendance
Policy above for detailed policies on attendance and absences.
Use of cell phones, PDAs, and other electronic devices to talk, text, surf, check email, etc.
during class is forbidden. Please turn off and put such devices away prior to class.
2. Stylistic Analysis Paper (20%): Students will write a brief (3-4 page) paper analyzing the stylistic
devices and rhetorical intent of a passage from the assigned reading. A detailed explanation of the
expectations for this assignment will be distributed later.
3. Midterm Tests (30%): There will be two midterm tests during the semester. These will require
students to translate one or two short passages from the assigned readings and answer grammatical
and stylistic questions about the passages.
4. Final Exam (30%): The final exam will not be cumulative; passages to translate from assigned
readings will only be taken from the assignments covered after the second midterm. The format will
be similar to the midterm, except it will also include a passage to translate at sight.
Letter Grades: All work under each grade component will be averaged on a 100-point scale, and then
the component averages will be combined in the ratios above to yield your final numerical score out of
100. The course letter grade will be determined according to standard NCSU letter grading:
98 - 100 = A+
88 – 89.99 = B+
78 – 79.99 = C+
68 – 69.99 = D+
0 – 59.99 = F
93 – 97.99 = A
83 – 87.99 = B
73 – 77.99 = C
63 – 67.99 = D
90 – 92.99 = A80 – 82.99 = B70 – 72.99 = C60 – 62.99 = D-
Preparation & Participation Grading Rubric: The following are the criteria for the preparation and
participation portion of the course grade:
A+ (100%)
A (95%)
B (85%)
C (75%)
D (65%)
F (0%)
Outstanding effort. Student meets and exceeds all criteria for an “A.”
Student is always very well prepared and attentive, always responds when
called on and volunteers often with pertinent answers or questions.
Student is generally prepared and attentive, responds when called on and
volunteers on occasion.
Student is usually prepared but shows evidence of being unprepared or
inattentive on occasion, usually responds when called on but sometimes has
trouble responding, and does not volunteer often; may sometimes arrive late.
Student is unprepared, inattentive, never volunteers, or often comes to class
Student exhibits a lack of concern for the class, sleeps in class, always arrives
late, or disturbs the class.
Incomplete grades will be given at the instructor’s discretion and only in the event that a student who
has finished most of the course work cannot complete the course due to unforeseeable circumstances
beyond his/her control. If an extended deadline is not authorized by the instructor or department, an
unfinished incomplete grade will automatically change to an F after either (a) the end of the next regular
semester in which the student is enrolled (not including summer sessions), or (b) the end of 12 months if
the student is not enrolled, whichever is shorter. Incompletes that change to F will count as an attempted
course on transcripts. The burden of fulfilling an incomplete grade is the responsibility of the student.
See the NC State University Policy on Grades at:
In order to receive a grade of S, students are required to take all exams and quizzes, complete all
assignments, and earn a grade of C- or better. Conversion from letter grading to credit only (S/U)
grading is subject to university deadlines. Refer to the Registration and Records calendar for deadlines
related to grading. For more details refer to the NC State University Policy for Credit-Only Courses at:
Students interested in auditing the course should consult with the instructor. Information about and
requirements for auditing a course can be found at the NC State University Policy for Auditing Courses
Academic Integrity:
Students are required to comply with the university policy on academic integrity found in the NC State
University Code of Student Conduct at:
Academic Honesty:
Students are required to uphold the university Honor Pledge and exercise honesty in completing every
assignment. For a detailed explanation of academic honesty see the NC State University Code of Student
Conduct at:
Honor Pledge:
Your signature on any test or assignment indicates: “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid
on this test or assignment.”
Explore career options related to your major, make decisions about your major or minor, build resumes
and cover letters, prepare for interviews, develop internship/ job search strategies, maximize career fairs,
and more. Make an appointment with your career contact, Jane Matthews (A-H) or Woody Catoe (I-Z),
through ePACK. Career Development Center, 2100 Pullen Hall (
Students will be asked to evaluate this course during the last two weeks of the semester using the online
NC State University course evaluation website. You will receive an email directing you to the web site
where you can complete your evaluation. Please be on the lookout for it and take the time to complete a
thoughtful evaluation. Students are strongly encouraged to complete course evaluations, because a high
response rate is essential to obtaining meaningful information. Results of student evaluations are used
both by me and by my department to improve our courses and curricula.
Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course,
via electronic tools like email or web-postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online
discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the
privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course. For more information
see the NC State University Policy on Electronically Hosted Course Components at:
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take
advantage of available accommodations, student must register with the Disability Services Office
( located at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For
more information on NC State’s policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation at:
NC State University provides equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and
employees. Accordingly, NC State affirms its commitment to maintain a work environment for all
employees and an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination.
Discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status,
or sexual orientation is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will
not be tolerated. Harassment of any person (either in the form of quid pro quo or creation of a hostile
environment) based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or
sexual orientation also is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will
not be tolerated. Retaliation against any person who complains about discrimination is also prohibited.
NC State’s policies and regulations covering discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be
accessed at or
Any person who feels that he or she has been the subject of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation should contact the Office for Equal Opportunity (OEO) at 515-3148.