Week 7 Student Government Reports, October 8, 2013 Sukhmanjit Singh, President 1. Events Attended -University College Advisory Board Reception -Raider Leadership (RA Event) - ASGA Conference o Washington D.C. o Worked with multiple SG's to find best practice methods to share with Student Government 2. Old Business -Raising Funds and Awareness about Raiderthon -Vice President of Human Resources Search Committee Tours -Raising constituent awareness and perception about Salt Barn Project. 3. New Business -Medical Amnesty Project Work with State reps and various other SG's around Ohio to look at state legislation -Drafting a proposal to initiate intrusive advising changes for University policy 4. Administrative Office Report: - Meeting with Dr. Dregalla to discuss Universal Advising policies on Campus -HLC Steering Committee - Met with Hunt Brown (Director of Sustainability) to work on the Saltbarn 5. Outreach - Spoke in my classes about current Student Government Projects -passed out flyers and propaganda about Raiderthon Rachel Fagan, Vice President 1. Events Attended: -Raider Leadership -Attended the Ohio Student Government Association Conference 2. Old Business: -Vice President Search for Human Resources -Sat on interviews -Gave campus tours to candidates - Assisting senators with projects -Raiderthon marketing -Conversed with Chartwells 3. New Business: - Reaccreditation Committee -Speak Out Sessions Karli Lighter, Chief Justice I'm meeting with my associates this week to discuss making changes to the constitution and bylaws. Jennifer Barbadora, Director of Internal Affairs 1. 2. 3. 4. Events Attended: a. Raiderthon Biology E-Board Meeting b. E-Board Meeting Monday, September 30 c. E-Board Meeting Monday, October 7 d. Homecoming Game Night Old Business: a. Working on budget b. Minutes, Reports, Agendas c. Award Plaques: Sent to Sign Shop to be processed d. Budget Allocations (purchasing new camera) New Business: a. Agendas, minutes, creating new evaluations for E-Board, Individual, Cabinet, and Senate b. Reviewing completed evaluations c. Collaborating reports d. Biology Club, Pre-Medical Society, Chemistry Club tours of Dayton Children’s for support of Raiderthon Outreach: a. Promoting Raiderthon throughout Biology club, classmates b. Student concerns: No fall break c. Clarifying Student questions about Catering through Chartwells Lauren Ouwerkerk, Speaker of the House Events I attended: Deans Student Advisory Council, Think Pink Week New business: Interviews for Secretary of the House are being held this week; Chartwells will be at the house meeting on 10/16 Old Business: Printing Requests and Special Funding Committee Meeting Administration report: Meeting with Advisor Chris Shemanski to discuss HOR for the next two weeks, Meet with the Dean Student Advisory Council for College of Education and Human Services. Outreach: Talking to student organizations about the new catering contract Kailah Ware, Assistant House of Reps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: a. Black Student Union Meeting b. BMOTM Bowling Party Old Business: a. House of Rep Meeting i. Focused meeting around successful programing. b. Meeting with Chris Shemiski about SFC meetings New Business: a. House of Reps Meeting October 16th b. SFC Meeting October 22th Administrative Office Report: a. Meet with Chris to layout this semesters topics for House of Reps meetings Outreach: a. Passed out Raiderthon Flyers at the Black Student Union Meeting. Fady Al-Banna, Director of International Affairs 1. Events Attended: A. On Thursday ,October 3, 2013 , I attended Multicultural Millennium Conference at Wright State B. On Friday ,October 4, 2013: I attended the Coffee Hour hosted by UCIE C. On Friday, October 4, 2013, I attended the Camping Trip for International Students hosted by ICE “International Cultural Exchange”. D. On Saturday ,October 5 ,2013 , I attended OSGA conference E. On Monday October, 08, 2013 I attended the Wright Brother Day Event. 2. New Business: A. I am going to create a new website that allowed the International Students to send their concerns, and issues easily to me. B. International Educational Week Panel: I am currently looking and contacting people to be on the panel. 3. Administrative Office Report: A. On Tuesday 01 , 2013 : I met with Ryan Black “Budget Manager at WSU”, and he asked me different questions regarding International Students struggles and concerns at Wright State. B. On Monday October 8, 2013 I met with Dr. Phani Kidambi “Director of Wright State International Gateway”, and we talked about various topics such as International Students recruitment, Loans for International Students, and employment on campus. Jennifer Benson, Associate of International Affairs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events: Tunnel of Oppression (10/1/13), National Saudi Day (10/3/13), Student Philanthropy Council meeting (10/7/13) Old Business: none New Business: Invited potential panel members for the International Education week panel. Awaiting their response. Inquired Mr. Rob Kretzer about the zipcar program coming to Wright State. No response yet. Administrative Office Report: none Outreach: Meeting new International Students and filling them in on what Fady and I are working on. Erika Leitz, Director of Student Affairs (Events Attended:) Cupcake Cook-off, Ally's Army soccer game (Old Business:) Student Government is registered for the Homecoming Chili cook-off on Saturday, our chili submission will be called "The People's Chili" and will be cooked by JB and Sukhman. -Homecoming Game Night is tonight! from 8-10. It is important that every member of student government attends or helps out in some way. Thank you for your donations and support! (New Business:) Raider Round-Up is going to be planned for the Friday, January 17th, the ESPN televised game against Green Bay! More details to come! -I will be talking to Mark Gazdik about throwing T-shirts at Basketball games when they start! (Administrative Office Report:) I will be meeting with Mark Gazdik and Bob Grant about Raider Roundup in the next few weeks! (Outreach:) Hoping to see all of you tonight at Game Night, as well as a big student turn out! :) Anthony Hinojosa, Associate of Veteran Affairs 1. Events Attended: o 24 September - Faculty / Veteran Question and Interview Discussed issues faced with transition. o 1 October - Campus Tour for HR Candidate o 3-6 October - American Student Government Association Conference Location: Washington, DC Attended multiple work-study style conferences gaining knowledge on what other student governments are doing across the nation. 3 October - Dance Floor Theory - How to bring meh to hmmm. 4 October - Freeform - Spoke with other SG’s and focused on how others relate to their Administration and Faculty. Went to Workshop for Leadership Development: Developing the Leaders With Your SG. Picked up passes from Sen. Brown’s Office. 5 October - Freeform - Spoke with other SG’s and focused on issues they have with their catering services and also discussed pay differences and organization. Commuter Student Issues and Publicity and Promotions - How to do it and issues with getting events promoted to commuters. 6 October - Came home! o 8 October - Campus Tour for HR Candidate 2. Old Business: Meetings: o 25 September - Meeting w/ Mary Hutchenson Discussed issues that took place with a veteran in her office. Met with Student Conduct to transfer the issue to administration. o 26 September - Veterans Day Event Meeting Discussed updates where everyone is. o 1 October - Resolution Proposal Meeting w/ President Discussed Resolution 13-29 and the document being proposed to Dr. Sweeney. o 7 October - Proposed Resolution for Faculty Senate Meeting Meeting was to receive input for the resolution and figure out how the upper administration would handle it. Outcome: The upper administration is supportive of this - Input from Dr. Sweeney is being placed into the Resolution. New meetings are being set up to further this resolution and ensure that the verbiage is correct. Committee Meetings: o 27 September RaiderThon Mkting Meeting Discussed postcards and passed out information on the Wristbands Resolutions: o None being proposed or endorsed at this time. 3. New business: Upcoming Plans: o ASAP - Dr. Gordon and I are setting up meetings with Administration to assist students that are having money issues due to government shutdown o 9 October - Veterans Leadership Training Breakfast - Atlantis Room o 10 October - Model UN Alumni Event - Endeavor Room o 10 October - Volunteering at WYSO w/ Dr. Hopkins and Dr. Gordon Upcoming Meetings: o 11 October - Veterans League Meeting o 11 October - Internal Academic Affairs Committee Meeting Project: o 12 November - Veterans Day Event Coming to the final points of planning. o Raiderthon Event Need to get additional posters made Figure out where we are on Sidewalk Chalking 4. Outreach: Met with constituents and discussed issues they are having at this time. Sent out an email to all Veterans at WSU with the help of the registrar’s office due to the current government shutdown. Many students using GI Benefits have not been paid their stipend for this month and if shutdown continues, bills will become past due. VA will be out of money for everyone at the beginning of October. Jordan A. Young, Associate of Athletics: 1. Events Attended: 2. 3. 4. 5. - Athletic Council Old Business: a. Progress on ongoing projects, resolutions, discussion with other SG members/Administration/DSAB b. Raiderthon! i. Setting up a meeting with athletic sports teams head coaches and members to get them to register New Business: a. Upcoming plans, meetings, committee meetings, projects, resolutions b. October 25th Meeting at 8:00 am c. Halloween Hoopla!! October 28th i. Student Org involvement is key d. Advancement of Swimming i. Facility and funding ii. Olympic Type Swim Meets iii. Possibility of new pool e. Brandon Hays i. Meeting to discuss a project with regarding student and athlete collaboration f. Administrative Office Report: a. Grade regulation change for athletes (Academic Affairs) i. Change type of system used b. Big 106.5 will be broadcasting the WSU Basketball game this year Outreach: a. Met with a few student athletes (Mathew Greer- Soccer; Chelsea Archer for Softball) to discuss a Committee that will consist of student athletes Emily Bingham, Director of Campus Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: Making a Difference for Youth at Risk Panel, Multicultural Millennium Conference dinner and Friday sessions, Rainbow Alliance panel Old Business: a. Looking into Title IX provisions and current WSU sexual harassment training for the Gender-Based Violence Task Force b. Meeting with Valita Wilhoite about REACH initiatives- September 26th c. Meeting with Elizabeth Schoppelrei about potentially developing inclusion-related curriculum for local high school teachers and administrators- October 6th d. Rashica Ward officially asked REACH for a panel later in October e. Reached out with student orgs like Rainbow and BSU to talk about Raiderthon f. REACH meeting- finalized panel and Crossing the Line activity with Dr. Patterson, proposed work with Multicultural Halloween, Kwanzaa, and Dayton Clean-up New Business: a. Multicultural Halloween- October 21st b. Gender-Based Violence Task Force meeting October 16th c. REACH Committee meeting- October 14th d. Carnegie Classification Meeting- October 17th e. Meeting with Dr. Barrett- October 14th f. Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee meeting- October 11th g. Meeting with Valita Wilhoite- October 9th Administrative Office Report: a. N/A Outreach: a. Worked a table in the Union to speak to students about Raiderthon b. Passed out wristbands and flyers to RCA, UAB, BSU, and Rainbow Kyle Powell, Director of Academic Affairs Purchased spray chalk for Raiderthon - I'll need help painting. Traveled to Washington D.C. for the National Student Government Conference. Had my first Internal Committee for Academic Affairs - www.sgacademics.com. Created an undergraduate tuition projection chart until 2030. Raiderthon promotion video and campus email have all been sent out. Associates are working on business cards, Student Trustees voting rights, scholarship flyers, and academic surveys. Read the Chartwells contract and summing it up currently. IT Proposal Student Recommendation given. Leo Mylabathula, Associate of Academic Affairs: Events attended: SG Meeting on Oct 1st. Academic affairs committee meeting 27th Sept. 4-5pm Old Business: Promoting Raiderthon- distributed about 20 wrist bands. Academic concern survey- been asked by Kyle to take over the project. Research is being done. New Business: More research about Academic concern surveys. Administrative Office Report: We do have a new website by Kyle www.wsusg.com, where students can send their concerns directly to the member of the academic affairs committee. Outreach: a. b. Talk to them around the campus and my department about Raiderthon. Give them the wrist bands and ask them to be there on Nov. 16th Never heard of Raiderthon, asked to like the page on FB for more updates. Zena Fadel, Academic Affairs Associate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: Internal Academic Affairs Committee Meeting, Scholarship event for the College of Education and Human Services, and CEHS DSAC meeting. Old Business: a. Academic Affairs with Kyle Powell i. Assigned projects: Business Cards 1. Include deals, expiration date, Student Government info, and the reasons for the business cards (scholarship funds) 2. Create business proposal/flyers a. Research price for advertising. 3. Academic Affairs website (www.sgacademics.com) a. Create agendas and minutes for meetings b. Internal Academic Affairs committee meeting i. Discussed academic issues pertaining to the university New Business: a. Cabinet Meeting (October 8, 2013 6-7pm) b. Internal Academic Affairs Committee meeting (October 11, 2013 4-5pm) c. Projects: research information about Board of Trustees (how many? How many students have right to vote? etc…) d. Upcoming events: Homecoming events(all week), Chili Cook-off e. (3:30 pm-4:30pm), DSAC (October 15 8:30am-9:30 am) Administrative Office Report: a. Plan to attend a list of events b. Approved survey questions for CEHS students Outreach: a. Asking students about what issues and concerns they have (specifically with students in my class) b. Telling students about Raiderthon! c. Concerns: Chartwells, and parking Megan Ater, Director of Public Relations Old Business: o SG Binder Covers o Meeting with Marketing & Communications o We plan to transition the website over to the wright.edu domain through Marketing & Communications, including remodeling the website o Pros: Website will be more professional/welcoming Gain more gadgets on website for advertisement Internal foundation of website will be much cleaner Marketing & Communications will train Student Government members to use website Student Government members will have administrative rights to maintain and update the website Marketing & Communication can fix in major issues that may arise within the website, if it cannot be resolved by a Student Government administrator (response within a day) Remodeling of website will be free Can use any free domain (e.g. wright.edu/sg) Students will be able to search “Student Government” on wright.edu and find the Student Government website under the wright.edu domain o Cons 7 tabs max across top of website Will not be able to transition website until January 2014 New Business: o Homecoming Game Night flyers o Graduate Flyers o Associate Web Communications applications available o Raiderthon Q&A image Committee Meeting: o On 10/03/13 I was given the opportunity to sit in on the IT Faculty Committee meeting. They are finalizing a template that standardizes the process for changing current information technology systems and methods, through the creation of 3 review committees. Within this template states the reservation of a spot for a Student Government member on the Technology Planning Committee for Academic and Learning Systems (Academic TPC), Technology Planning Committee for Administrative and Business (Admin TPC), and Technology Planning Committee for Core Infrastructure and Environment (Core TPC). The IT projects that these committees will review can tremendously impact the technology Wright State students’ use. I feel it is important that we support the creation of these committees and the opportunity they are providing to Student Government by specifying the inclusion of a Student Government member within these committees. Megan Gillespie Director of Disability Affairs 1. Search Committee Meeting 2. Taco Social Event Details in progress 3. Meeting with Kenny Burr, Contacted people about event details, new resolutions being made about accommodations around campus 4. 5. Concerns about elevators not being accommodated enough. Matt Johnson, College of Science & Math Senator: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: Meeting with Dean Yi Li September 25th, Ally’s Army Soccer Game/Cupcake Wars, Tunnel of Oppression Oct. 1st, Friday Oct. 4th Chemistry Club Meeting/Talk about Raiderthon, Dean’s Circle Movie Night Monday Oct. 7th, Pre-Med Society Meeting/Talk from Marian University School of Medicine Monday Oct. 7th. Old Business: Held second Dean’s Circle Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 25th to talk about upcoming events within the circle, Raiderthon and CoSM support night of the event, Meeting of the Boards event to be put on by all DSAB’s across campus. a. Suk and I met with Dean Yi Li on Wed., Sept 25th to discuss Raiderthon and CoSM support of the event. Was asked by the Dean to formerly detail in a letter how the college planned to market the event to students in CoSM to get them engaged in event. New Business: Held first CoSM Dean’s Circle Monday Movie Night on October 7th. Had a great turnout of over 50 students in the college! Hoping to keep this a monthly event to encourage students to come and make their voices heard. Dean’s Circle Meeting Wednesday, October 9th @7:30am to officially formulate our Dean’s Circle Team within the college of science and math. I am continuing to talk to COSM classes about Raiderthon and getting the word out to students to sign up NOW! Administrative Office Report: Raider Open House is coming up on Saturday, November 2nd starting at 9am. Please encourage students currently in college to attend and serve on student panels at event to talk to prospective students to the college/university. Outreach: Talked with students at Dean’s Circle Movie Night and got feedback as to things that are going well/not so well in the college. I also spoke with students at the Chemistry Club meeting last week and to students at the Pre-Med Society Meeting held last night, October 7th. I also spoke with students on campus during lunch this week to hear what they think so far of this academic year and the transition with the new dining services operation. Many students are not happy with the long waits, but overall like the fresh options available to order. Andrea Sackett, School of Professional Psychology Senator 1. Events Attended: Tunnel of Oppression 2. Old Business: a. Tunnel of Oppression was a huge success! Thanks to all who attended! 4. 5. 3. New business: None Administrative Office Report: a. SOPP will be having a mixer for new students on October 19th. Outreach: a. I am continuing to raise awareness about Raiderthon among SOPP students. I have created a SOPP team and am spreading the news to SOPP students to join and sign up! Casey Babbitt, School of Medicine Senator: 1. 2. Events Attended: a. MSSC Meeting (Boonshoft’s Student Government) b. Juntos meeting c. Meeting with Dean LeRoy d. AMWA potluck e. GHI meeting Old Business: a. Figuring out how to i. Get a Starbucks franchise in White Hall ii. iii. iv. 3. 4. 5. 1. Dean approved Get swipe access to the back door of White Hall 1. Dean approved Get healthy vending machines in White hall 1. Dean approved Reserve Lot 16 for Medical Staff / Medical Student use only 1. Dean approved New Business: a. Interdisciplinary council b. Contacted the Deans of Soin and Engineering colleges to set up meetings to talk about Starbucks franchise Administrative Office Report: a. None Outreach: a. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? i. Facebook ii. MSSC meeting b. Concerns from students you have talked with/met i. Listed in 2a Phillip Logan; COLA Senator 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: Old Business: a. Graduation Seminar is Wednesday, October 16th b. DSAB Board interviews were conducted. Board is composed of 13 members, including 2 advisory positions New Business: a. COLA sponsored Raiderthon for one hour; $1000 b. Working on scheduling a speak out for COLA c. Beginning to brainstorm for Philanthropy event Administrative Office Report: a. Present any information pertinent from the office/DSAB you work with. Outreach: a. Mostly just having conversation with students on the fly b. None of them had any major complaints Liz Mathews, College of Nursing and Health Senator Attended the DSAB meeting last Wednesday where we started planning what the nursing students will be doing for Raiderthon during our sponsored hour Will attend the commencement committee Wednesday Oct. 9. Michelle Coale, Senator of the College of Education and Human Services 1. Events Attended: o DSAC Meetings October 1 at 8:30am and 3:00pm with Dean Charlotte Harris and Associate Dean Joe Keferl o Named Scholar CEHS Scholarship Banquet Event on October 2 at 5:00pm in the Berry Room o Campus Tour for HR Candidate, Julie Nuter, with Rachel Fagan on October 7 from 11am-12pm o Wright Brothers’ Day in the Student Union on October 7 at 12pm o Homecoming Game Night from 8-10pm in the Student Union 2. Old Business: o DSAC participated in a scholarship banquet honoring CEHS scholars and donors o DSAC finished our CEHS survey which will be sent out Oct 15 o Met with Dean Charlotte Harris and Associate Dean Joe Keferl 3. New Business: o CEHS DSAC will be attending the Admissions Event on Oct 12 for prospective high school students from 9:30-10:30am o DSAC is representing the college in the Student Activities Chili Cookoff on October 12 o CEHS senator Michelle will be participating in a “Speak Out” Session on October 15 from 12:45-1:45 o CEHS senator Michelle will be helping at the Graduate School Open House event October 16 o CEHS DSAC will be getting professional photos taken on October 30 with faculty and staff to put on the website and the electronic bulletin board to advertise the group o DSAC is currently organizing three events for next semester: 1. Faculty picnic for students and staff to meet 2. Professional Development event of some kind (speaker, workshop, etc.) 3. Faculty vs. Student Softball Tournament 4. Administrative Office Report: 5. o See above Outreach: o DSAC members reached out into classes and community to discuss pros and cons of Chartwells to be shared by CEHS senator Michelle at SG meeting on October 1 o Students will be sent a college-wide survey on Oct 15 Megan Gray, Commuter Senator: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: -ASGA Conference, Campus Tours Old Business: a. Working with Fady and Faculty to get lease agreements and contracts in surrounding apartments translated for our international students. b. Working in collaboration with Kyle Powell on Zip Car. c. Still trying to get Robert Kretzer to work with me New Business: a. Attending my first CSA meeting tonight at 6:00pm b. Attending my first Parents and Family weekend meeting tomorrow c. Attending my first dining services committee meeting Thursday d. Been promoting Raiderthon a lot (second place for money raised) e. Speaking in all my classes tomorrow about Raiderthon f. Haven’t worked on too much this week due to being at the conference most of last week Administrative Office Report: a. No updates as of now, start all my first meetings later this week Outreach: a. Been talking in class about Raiderthon, constantly emailing people the link to sign up for Raiderthon, I have a list of students who said they’d go and I don’t leave them alone until they sign up. b. Emailed over 50 faculty members asking for donations, raised about $100 through those emails so far Michelle Callaham, College Of Engineering and Computer Science Senator 1. -I have continued to work with the Dean on the new Business Success Center that will hopefully be finished the end of the year. It is still in the planning works and my main responsibility is to help come up with the design for the center to accommodate the students’ needs, which I am also going around and surveying students. 2. -I have continued to meet with some of the club presidents of the Engineering department. I have talked to them about Raiderthon and how they can register. Also, I have talked to them about letting me know if they need help with events for the year and if they do, let me know how I can help. 3. -I have been in contact with the DSAB president and help finalize everything with the group. They are becoming an official club on campus. We will also be making an All-engineering event. Prasanna Kumar Daram, Graduate Senator: 1. Events Attended: Attended Graduate Council meeting. Met Josh and discussed about the projects he started earlier. Meeting with Dean of Graduate School. 2. Old Business: a. I have chosen goals and discussed a few with the Dean. New Business: a. Commencement committee meeting in this week. Administrative Office Report: a. Present any information pertinent from the office/DSAB you work with. Outreach: a. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? I met students in SG and also at RUSS engineering college. Spread the information regarding the Raiderthon. b. Concerns from students you have talked with/met - They wanted to have a few more Table Tennis tables to play. - Students need tutoring jobs in library. So that they can teach and study. - Special parking permit for Graduate Assistants 3. 4. 5. Sienna Spears, Residential Senator - Attended bookstore advisory meeting - Attended parking and appeals meeting - Met with Dan B - Working on getting students to join Raiderthon Meridith Brackman, Raj Soin College of Business Senator: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events Attended: a. Deans Student Advisory Board meeting which is held every other Friday Old Business: a. Currently still working on the Fashion Show within the College of Business b. Promoting Raiderthon throughout my college by talking to students outside of class, as well as talking to each of my classes and showing the Raiderthon video so students have a better understanding of what Raiderthon is. c. I met with Monica Snow about sending periodic emails to students in the college about Raiderthon. d. Continue to discuss issues within the college with Faddy and we plan to set a meeting with Dean Li as well. New Business: a. I am still working on meeting with Dean Li about Raiderthon but it has been hard to set a meeting with a time that works with both of our schedules. I plan to put together an email about donations for Raiderthon to see if we can be in contact via email. b. Plan to have a DSAB meeting this Friday to talk about upcoming events and different ways that we can promote Raiderthon. We are also talking to students within the college about any questions or concerns students have about the college. c. A few of the DSAB members have been invited by Raj and Indu Soin to an appreciate dinner on Friday, October 18 th. d. Plan to continue working on different events within the college, especially looking at ways to promote Raiderthon. Administrative Office Report: a. I do not have any information from the DSAB for this report but we have a very important meeting next week and plan to have more information for the next Student Government meeting. Outreach: a. These past two weeks I have mostly been reaching out to students about Raiderthon and encouraging students to register and tell their friends about the event as well.