SG Week 11 Reports
Rachel Fagan, Vice President
1. Events Attended:
-Raider Open House
- Basketball Game
Old Business:
-Vice President Search for Human Resources
-Reaccreditation Committee
-Branding Committee
-Promoting Dance Marathon registration
New Business:
- Ohio University Making Cents conference
Register at
-Vice President Enrollment Management
-Campus Tours
-Open Forum
-Board of Trustees Meeting
Jennifer Barbadora, Director of Internal Affairs
Events Attended: a.
E-Board Meeting October 28 b.
E-Board Meeting November 4 c.
Raiderthon Meeting November 3
Old Business: a.
Agenda, minutes, reports compilation
New Business: a.
Monthly Expense Report b.
Updated Budget i.
ASGA Charges ii.
September Printing iii.
Additional Polos iv.
Constitution Day v.
October Phone Costs
Administrative Office Report: a.
Walk-up registration for Raiderthon
Outreach: a.
Involved in getting Biology club to register for Raiderthon b.
Help with students registering through Biological Sciences
Karli Lightner, Chief Justice:
1. Old Business: a. Judicial Branch met to finalize the bylaws changes. Resolutions will be written soon. b. Graduate Senator applications were opened last Wednesday. Applications will be due November 13.
Interviews have already started. Help spread the word so we can have qualified, quality candidates apply.
2. New Business: a. Starting on a timeline for spring elections. Please talk to your constituents about your position and the benefits of being in Student Government. Elections will be held mid-semester.
3. Outreach: a. Sending out emails to graduate students about the Graduate Senator position. b. Encouraged more students in organizations to register for Raiderthon.
Gabriel Riegle, Chief Justice Associate
Events Attended:
-Student Alumni Association Mixer
Old Business:
-Assisting with Raiderthon
-Speaking with Student Government members about Constitution & By-Laws
New Business:
-Speak to Student Government members about their ideas towards the Constitution and By-Laws
4: Outreach:
-Spread flyers for Raiderthon
-Marketed for Student Government lake campus senator
-Begin Marketing for spirit rally in Feb.
Lauren Ouwerkerk, Speaker of the House
Events I attended: Deans Student Advisory Council, Dayton Area Alumni Panhellenic Meeting,
New business: House Party is scheduled for January 22nd,
Old Business: Make sure you like our Facebook page and Twitter account
Administration report: Meeting with Advisor Chris Shemanski to discuss HOR, Meet with the Dean Student Advisory Council for
College of Education and Human Services, contacting campus rec for a speaker at the next HOR meeting
Outreach: Talking to student organizations about what they want to see at the house Party
Kailah Ware, Assistant House of Reps:
Events Attended: a.
BSU Meeting
Old Business: a.
House of Rep Meeting i.
HOR focused on different ways student organizations can maintain accountability
New Business: a.
House of Reps Meeting Nov. 13 th b.
SFC Meeting October 19 th c.
Relay for Life sing up and promotion
Administrative Office Report: a.
Meet with Chris to layout this semesters topics for House of Reps meetings
Outreach: a.
Continuing to promote Raiderthon. b.
Starting to promote for Relay for Life
Leo Mylabathula, Associate, Academics.
SG meeting, Internal Academic affairs committee meeting, cabinet meeting, Ahimsa’s Army meeting.
Just finished up the Academic concern survey project, waiting on Kyle’s OK, and have to get it up on WINGS and make the students take it.
As said above, have to get it up on WINGS.
A. attended a camping event with AHIMSA’s Army, talked to students on campus.
B. Pretty positive about everything that is going on campus except how costly the food is at the union market.
Fady Al-Banna, Director of International Affairs
Events Attended:
10/25/2013 : I attended the Cultural Hour hosted by the LEAP Program
10/25/2013: I attended the Cultural Hour hosted by the UCIE
Old Business:
I recruited 20 International Students to join the Raiderthon International Students team. We raised $ 375 in less than 10 days.
I selected the panelist for the International Educational Week Panel
New Business:
I am talking with International Students to donate money for Raiderthon
The website for International Students was created. It’s
. Jennifer Benson and I will be working on update the website soon.
I am still in the process of selecting more panelist for the educational week panel
Megan Ater, Director of Public Relations
· Old Business: o This week I started transitioning my associate Amanda. I’m excited to say things are going well. o The electronic board has been fully connected to the server; several images have been removed and uploaded to the board
· New Business: o I’ve been working on Raiderthon advertisement (countdown images) and finishing up T shirt designs for dancers, committee, and morale captains
Amanda Short, Associate of Web Communications
Old Business:
Joined Wright State University student government
Received wsusg e-mail and set up g-mail account
Began training on Drupal with Megan Ater
Added my profile to list of cabinet members
New Business:
Add collected reports (blogs) to all member's profile page
Update the Constitution for Student Government on website
Familiarize myself with the website contents and Drupal
Dedicate at least 4+ hours a week organizing the Student Government website
Present all needed information on the website in an efficient and professional manner
Met a few fellow Student Government members upon hiring
Jordan A. Young, Associate of Athletics:
Events Attended:
- Basketball game, tough loss to Findlay
Old Business: a.
Raiderthon! i.
Meeting has been set with the gymnastics team for 4:15 PM to host a stretching session
New Business:
a. Sports club council on Wednesday, November 13 th after the HOR meeting.
Zena Fadel, Academic Affairs Associate
Events Attended: CEHS DSAC, Web Communications Associate interview, By-Laws meeting
Old Business: a.
Ongoing projects: ‘Where does our tuition go?’ i.
Researching b.
By- Laws meeting with Gabe i.
Discussed changes to the Student Government By-Laws (Academic Affairs position and Cabinet member duties) c.
Web Communications Associate interview i.
Interviewed Amanda Short (good candidate)
New Business: a.
Upcoming meetings/events:
Cabinet meeting (Tues. 6-7pm) ii.
Student Affairs Standing Committee (after SG meeting, Tues.) iii.
French Immersion Day (Wed Nov. 6, 2013 9:00am-2:00pm) iv.
Academic Affairs Associate Meeting (Friday Nov.8 12:30-1:30pm) v.
CEHS Diversity Committee (Friday Nov.8 9-10:30 am) vi.
Making Cents: The Financials of Higher Education Meeting (Sat. Nov. 9 10:30 am-4 pm) vii.
Internal Academic Affairs Committee (Fri. Nov 15 4-5 pm) viii.
Raiderthon! (Nov. 16) b.
‘Where does our tuition go?’ project c.
Other University College Student Advisory Council interviews?
Administrative Office Report: a.
Discussed events that CEHS DSAC will be hosting: i.
‘What the Scoop with CEHS’ social
Event will be held in backroom of ERC
Possible date: Wed. Jan. 22, 2014 (5-8 pm) a.
Waiting for RSVP from faculty, staff and possibly students (Google docs?) b.
(RSVP by Dec 6, 2013?) c.
Create flyer
Assign projects to members: games for social (me), conversation starters, food (ice cream), advertising… ii.
Event for CEHS student organizations (end of March?) iii.
Kickball game (April 23 rd ?) b.
Late acceptance for CEHS DSAC members? Yes
Outreach: a.
Helped students with questions about class registrations and DARS b.
Helped students sign up for Raiderthon i.
Passed out flyers for Raiderthon c.
Concerns: parking, safety on campus (due to break-ins etc…), academic calendar?
Aaron Baker, Lake Campus Senator
During my first week as senator my first goal was to get the word out to the students that they have a way to voice their opinions about their campus experience. I’ve talked with students and introduced myself and had brief discussions on what they think would make life on campus even better. Another one of my goals was to make contact with all students orgs via email asking them when the best time would be for me to attend their meeting, introduce myself, and talk about my future plans for the Lake Campus as well as get feedback from them about ideas they have. All student organizations were contacted at about 4:00pm on 11/5/13 and I am awaiting their responses. I’ve had a detailed tour of the campus and was introduced to the dean and many other members of the faculty and staff by Candace Philpot. I am excited to get things moving and start making an impact for my school and the surrounding communities.
Elizabeth Mathews, College of Nursing and Health Senator
College of Nursing Health meet and greet with Dean Mainous Nov. 19 th from 1 to 2:30
The next DSAB meeting is Nov. 20 th
Michelle Callaham, College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator
Finished planning Xtreme Bots competition. It was Saturday and was very successful. We had close to 60 colleges /high schools.
Helped at a CECS Peer Mentor event to help freshman schedule classes
Working with DSAB on planning a huge event in January for entire college hosted by CECS
Promoted Raiderthon to several faculty
Sienna Spears, Residential Senator:
Prepping for presenting at CAACURH this weekend!
Attended Bookstore Advisory meeting today
Casey Babbitt, School of Medicine Senator:
Events Attended:
MSSC Meeting (Boonshoft’s Student Government) b.
Juntos Pancake breakfast c.
Boonshoft’s Halloween party
Old Business: a.
Figuring out how to i.
Get a Starbucks franchise in White Hall
Dean approved
Dr. Ainina said his business students will make a design ii.
Get swipe access to the back door of White Hall
Dean approved iii.
Get healthy vending machines in White hall
Dean approved
Talked to the vending staff about selection
Putting health stickers is a food violation… Not going to happen! iv.
Reserve Lot 16 for Medical Staff / Medical Student use only
Dean approved
Too expensive for Boonshoft to “rent” the lot.
New Business: a.
Arranging a meeting with Chartwells to discuss setting up a Starbucks b.
Got a Raiderthon team together! (8 people, $300 raised)
Administrative Office Report: a.
Outreach: a.
How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? i.
Facebook ii.
MSSC meeting iii.
Talking before classes about Raiderthon b.
Concerns from students you have talked with/met i.
Listed in 2a
Megan Gray, Commuter Senator:
Events Attended:
-Fright Night
Old Business: a.
Talked with Robert Kretzer about ZipCar, said it’s possible to have it ready to go by winter this year (probably after xmas break) b.
Still taking complaints and concern about dining/hospitality services
New Business: a.
President of CSA b.
Got my E-board together, thank you Kyle Powell, Jordan Young, and JB for taking positions c.
Replaces microwave in Commuter Student Lounge d.
Plan on developing a system for keeping track of locker usage in commuter student lounge e.
Meeting with Simone Polk about what needs to be done with CSA, meeting with Madonna Thursday about getting food for Off campus Housing Fare and Finals Survival f.
Went to Morale Captain meeting, got the schedule organized for the event and started working on line dance. g.
Plan to work with Suk and others on a parking resolution; it hasn’t been done since 2008.
Administrative Office Report: a.
Would you like tier parking? Notice this would give you the option to pay more to park interior lots, however, it does not guarantee you a spot, it only gives you a better chance of getting one closer because fewer students can park there. b.
Parking garage vs. building on playing fields. Parking garage takes longer, is not esthetically appealing, parking passes will double, and you are not guaranteed a spot in the garage. Building on playing fields will only take 4 months, parking passes will not go up, however not as close to campus as a parking garage would be, and we would lose playing fields. (Do we want the campus to be surrounded by parking lots?)
Outreach: a.
Asking students about parking options and what they prefer b.
Continuing to raise money for Raiderthon c.
Talking to students in commuter lounge to see what they like and don’t like about it.
Erika Leitz, Director of Student Affairs
(Old Business:) I am meeting with Mark Gazdik/ Rowdy Raiders regarding student government participation in basketball games this season!
(New Business:) Student Government is looking into working with different offices and businesses on campus, to develop a promotion T-shirt for campus with benefits for students to increase pride and school spirit.
(Outreach:) The Student Affairs standing committee will be meeting after meeting tonight. This committee will focus on reaching out to students and finding common problems amongst the student body. We will work to fix the problems we can, and make Student government known around campus.
Anthony Hinojosa, Associate Director of Veteran Affairs
1. Events Attended:
○ 24 October - Spoke on WWSU 106.9 in regards to Raiderthon!
○ 26 October - Young’s Dairy Veteran/Military Event - Met and spoke with approximately 30 WSU Veteran
Students and their families. Activities: ate ice cream, batting cages, put-put, and driving range.
○ 26 October - WSU Hockey!!!
○ 31 October - Attended Open Forum - Director of Disability Services
○ 1 November - WSU Basketball!!!
○ 2 November - Open House
■ Worked the Veterans Affairs Table
● Discussed w/ future students military benefits and reasons WSU is the right place for them.
○ 5 November - Open Forum - Director of Disability Services
2. Old Business:
● Meetings:
○ 22 October - Veterans Day Event Meeting
■ Got the finalized schedule together
■ Printing Services made posters/fliers
○ 2 November - One on One
■ Discussed future of SG
■ Issues associated with Student Activities and future developments.
■ Issues associated with Veterans and Student Affairs activities.
○ Multiple Veterans Meetings
■ Spoke w/ Director of Veterans and Military Center
● Committee Meetings:
● Mentor Program
● Multiple Events - Vet Specific
● Resolutions:
■ 1 November - Branding Committee
● Met w/ Simpson: Scarborough
■ 5 November - Branding Committee
● Met w/ Real Art
● Met w/ Copernicus
○ None being proposed at this time.
3. New business:
● Upcoming Plans:
○ 7 November - Open Forum’s
■ VP Enrollment Management/Marketing
■ Director of Disability Services
○ 12 November - Veterans Day Event
○ 12 November - Open Forum
■ VP Enrollment Management/Marketing
○ 14 November - Open Forum
■ VP Enrollment Management/Marketing
● Upcoming Meetings:
○ 7 November - Raiderthon Committee Mtg
○ 10 November - Raiderthon Committee Mtg
● Project:
○ 12 November - Veterans Day Event
■ Fliers need to be passed out around campus
○ Raiderthon Event
■ Moving into Phase “B”
4. Outreach:
● Have multiple issues that student veterans have dealing with professors
○ I am trying to ensure that their voice is heard in regards to classroom issues, but also ensure that the University
Professor doesn’t feel as though he/she is being pressured to conduct their class in a certain way.
● 22 October - Veterans Speakout Session
○ Conducted a speakout in the Student Union
○ Met with veterans who had issues with understanding their benefits
○ Also, spoke about upcoming events Veteran/Military Center has coming up.
Michelle Coale, College of Education and Human Services Senator
1. Events Attended:
Raider Open House Admissions Event on November 2 (9am-12pm)
Dean’s Student Advisory Council Meeting (Team A) on October 29 (8:30-9:30am)
Dean’s Student Advisory Council Meeting (Team B) on October 29 (3-4pm)
2. Old Business:
Our Dean’s Council is working diligently on a project called What’s the Scoop with CEHS? This ice cream social event invites students, staff, and faculty to join together to enjoy a fun and educational evening. This event will occur January
22. Advertising is currently being headed by Public Relations Chair Jen Humston.
The Dean’s Council is deciding on meeting times for next semester.
The council attended an admissions event to advertise for CEHS.
3. New Business:
The What’s the Scoop with CEHS? event is coming January 22nd.
We are planning an organization fair to advertise for student groups related to our college such as the African American
Teachers’ Association.
We are planning a faculty vs. student kickball game to be held in spring.
We are planning to attend Student Government’s Raiderthon Dance Marathon event.
We were invited to attend the CEHS Diversity Committee to give student voice to the group. A member from the council volunteered to attend. This is on Friday Nov 8.
4. Administrative Office Report:
See above
5. Outreach:
We are still receiving input from a college-wide survey we sent out for input on future events.
Estrella Alvarez, University College Senator
-UC SAC board has been decided.
-The first meeting was last Wednesday.
-The UC SAC is attending the Fireside Chat with President Hopkins.
Megan Gillespie, Director of Disability Affairs
Dinner meeting with Tikiah Wright and Kathy Morris Monday 11/4
Students meet Tikiah Wright (potential Director of Disabilities) 11/5
Students meet Katherine Myers (potential Director of Disabilities) 11/7
Signage for elevators waiting confirmation (looking good!)
Working with Dan Darkow and Dr. Oswald on new Rehab course elective
Disability Awareness Event 11/5
Special Olympics Campaign for Spring- working on marketing techniques
Abilities United Expo April 1- working on marketing techniques
Taco Social- event details still in progress
Andrea Sackett, School of Professional Psychology Senator
Events attended: None
Old business: Continued to talk with students about hosting a Clinical Psychology Grad School Info Night... Looking at dates in late January
Continued to raise awareness for Raiderthon
New business: I will form a team and set a date to host an informational night for undergrads interested in grad school
Outreach: Talked with students... SOPP students expressed concern about a Crisis course no longer being offered
Emily Bingham, Director of Campus Culture:
Events Attended: UVC REACH Panel, Grad class REACH Panel, Dr. Edwards: Ending Rape talk, Multicultural Halloween volunteer appreciation luncheon
Old Business: a.
Organized luncheon for volunteers of Multicultural Halloween b.
First two REACH Committee panels c.
Meeting with Matt Boaz to discuss universally accessible restrooms d.
Meeting with Amber Vlasnik to discuss universally accessible restrooms e.
REACH Committee meeting- debriefed first panel and discussed possible MLK week events f.
Gender-based Violence Task Force- discussed possible changes to Student Org training and review schedule for existing reporting policies g.
Meeting with Amaha and Bryce Hudson about MLK week events h.
Universally-Accessible Restrooms Resolution
New Business: a.
Wednesday meeting with Dr. Barrett b.
Gender-based Violence Task Force- subcommittee and regular committee meetings c.
MLK planning committee meeting d.
REACH Committee meeting e.
Meetings with Allies to discuss gender-neutral bathroom placement on campus
Administrative Office Report: a.
Campus Climate Survey Committee- began planning question sections b.
Carnegie Classification meeting- brainstorming the Campus Culture and Identity section of the form
Outreach: a.
Spoke with Bolinga Center students and NAACP students about signing up for Raiderthon
Matt Johnson, College of Science & Math Senator:
Events Attended: Dean’s Circle Meeting Oct. 23 rd @7:30am
Old Business: Held Dean’s Circle meeting on Oct. 23 rd ; updated everyone on Raiderthon success; discussed Meeting of
Boards event, ideas for event. I also updated the circle on projects being discussed within SG (i.e. Salt barn, pedestrian bridge) and welcomed ideas/concerns with these projects
New Business: Meeting of the Boards Event tentative dates to be finalized this week. Planning details of event at next
Dean’s Circle Meeting. Dean’s Circle Meeting Wed. Nov. 6 th @7:30am. CoSM Petitions Committee Meeting this
Thursday. Bookstore Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday.
Administrative Office Report: None
Outreach: Speaking with students at Monthly movie nights, put on by the Dean’s Circle. Talking to students within
General Education science courses that may be intending to enter CoSM. Promoting Raiderthon through Speak-out tables and on Facebook.
Phillip Logan, College of Liberal Arts Senator
Events: Fright Night, Raider Open House
Old Business:
Acquired information on NSF LSAMP Alliance from Stephanie Goodwin
New Business: Scheduled Meetings with Faculty Senate,