Dear Parent - Mildmay Junior School

Mildmay Junior School
School Prospectus
Headteacher: Mr. C. Jones
Deputy Headteacher: Miss J. Tuttlebury
Chair of Governors: Mrs. S. Ioannou
Community School with pupils of mixed gender
7-11 years of age
Number of pupils intended to admit in any one year group: 90
Dear Parents and carers,
All staff and Governors would like to welcome you and your child to Mildmay Junior School.
We aim to provide your child with the best education we can, ensure a diverse range of
learning activities with the opportunity for every child to achieve the best they can in all they
do. It is our responsibility to ensure they are provided with a stimulating and exciting
environment that provides a rich source of inspiration and opportunity. Children of any age
are more likely to be happy and succeed if parents/carers and the school work in unison. As
such it is vitally important parents take an active interest in their child’s education and welfare
during their time in school.
We value the involvement of parents and carers in the life of our school and offer
opportunities for you to take part in your child’s education here, for example:
 Class assembly
 Curriculum workshops
 Consultation evenings
 School productions
 School trips
 Parents’ Association
We understand that it is natural that parents and carers may, from time to time, be concerned
about some aspect of their child’s education or welfare at school. We aim to be transparent
about all aspects of school life and invite parents to share any concerns with us. Thus
allowing us to work together to provide the optimum learning environment.
We hope this prospectus will help to explain our aims and school organisation. We welcome
enquiries from parents about these and other matters, and are confident that we can
reassure you by explaining our policies and practices, and how they affect your child. Should
you need to make an appointment to see any member of staff, please call us by telephone or
write to make sure that we are available. You are welcome to see a copy of any of our
school policies. Please enquire at the school office.
In order to maximize your child’s learning potential during their educational journey we aim to
have good liaison with both the Mildmay Infant and Nursery School and the local
comprehensive schools. We endeavour to make the transition from Infant to Junior School
and Junior to Secondary School as happy and easy as possible.
We look forward to meeting and working with you in order to give your children the best
education we can.
Yours sincerely,
Ceri Jones
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Introduction letter
Contents list
Mission Statement
School Aims
The School
Resource Base for the Hearing Impaired
List of Staff
Class Organisation
School Hours
Special Educational Needs
Religious Education
Collective Worship
Sex Education
School visits and School journeys
School uniform
Term Dates
Active role of Parents
Key documents and Policies list
Mission Statement
Mildmay Junior School offers an enjoyable, stimulating and challenging learning
environment; enabling children to be the very best they can be while gaining a life long
love of learning.
We firmly support equal opportunities for pupils and staff and endeavour to keep
children at the heart of every decision made in school. We have a firm commitment to
quality teaching and learning and strive to achieve the highest standards in these areas.
Staff, parents, pupils and governors are all part of the partnership process that makes
Mildmay an effective team.
By creating a warm and caring atmosphere, we aim to make every person in school,
whether adult or child, feel valued. We encourage people to listed to each other and
work together to support the work of all staff both teaching and non-teaching.
Home/School links are a vital key in the education of the whole child. Keeping
communication open between home and school is a high priority
Our Aims
Our purpose is to provide a happy, safe, secure and stimulating environment allowing
our children to thrive and develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically by:
Creating a secure and intellectually challenging environment based on a broad and
balanced curriculum, enabling all children to reach their full potential.
Providing a wide range of learning experiences, to offer equal opportunities so that
all children can experience success.
Creating a safe atmosphere which enables children to be happy and self –confident,
and to see themselves as valued and successful; and to value the success of others.
Helping children become independent, co-operative, confident and reflective
Extending the children’s moral, cultural and religious awareness, whereby attitudes
of tolerance, empathy and respect are nurtured.
Promoting positive, appropriate behaviour at all times and accept responsibility for
their actions.
Enabling children to take pride in and look after their community and beyond.
Ensuring a secure environment in which children feel able to express themselves
and have confidence to take risks in their learning.
Supporting the children to develop the skills needed to take their place in a rapidly
changing world.
The School
Mildmay Junior School is located in pleasant grounds which are shared by the adjacent
Infant School. The school was established in 1967 to serve the Tile Kiln Estate and
surrounding area. The school is well equipped both in terms of space and resources.
Originally designed as an eight class school it has been extended to cater for up to
twelve classes. An integral part of the school is the Resource Base for hearing impaired
children which caters for junior age children from a wide area of Essex. There is a large
assembly hall which serves as a dining hall at lunchtime. There is also a library and ICT
provision with 16 PC’s and 38 laptops. Class bases are where possible arranged in year
groups, to enable staff to work alongside each other to the benefit of the children.
The school has extensive playing fields which are shared with the Infant school. There
are two playground areas, one for lower school and the other for upper school. These
outside areas offer excellent facilities for football, rugby, athletics and netball.
As a school we endeavour to provide for the development of essential learning skills in
the context of a broad, balanced curriculum in an environment which encourages
success. Learning opportunities are provided within separate subjects but links are
made across the curriculum in the form of themes.
There is a House system in the school. Children belong to one of the following Houses,
Bittern, Kingfisher, Dipper and Heron. House points are awarded and children are
represented by House Captains and Vice Captains.
The Resource Base for Hearing Impaired Children
Physically, the Resource Base consists of one acoustically treated large room, one
small room where it is possible to teach a group of six or seven children and two very
small rooms suitable for individual work.
The Resource Base children vary widely in their degree of hearing loss and in their
range of ability. Every effort is made to give all the children an equal amount of time for
individual speech and language development at their own level. However, each child
varies, both in the amount of individual help and support they may need while working in
groups or class.
We try to be as flexible as possible in our arrangements to meet individual needs of the
children, and at all times, work closely with the Main School teachers.
List of Staff
Mr. C. Jones
Teaching Staff
Miss S. Pooler
Mrs D. Casey
Mrs. E. Missen
Mrs. W. Reid
Mrs. N. Gibson
Mrs S. Moore
Mrs C. Wright
Mrs N. Bird
Mrs. N. Summers
Mr. M. Wills
Miss L. May
Mrs. N. Rowlands
Mrs. C. Smith
Mrs. A. French
Deputy Head
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher + Senior management
Class Teacher + Senior management
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Resource Base for the Hearing Impaired
Mrs. V. Turner
Mrs. S. Ash
Teacher of the Deaf + Senior management
Teacher of the Deaf
Learning Support Staff
Mrs. J. Baker (HLTA)
Mrs. S. Brand
Mrs. L. Adcock (HLTA)
Mrs. S. Fairhead
Mrs. L. Heard
Mrs. S. Johnson (HLTA)
Mrs. T. McKenna (HLTA)
Mrs. E. Morton (HLTA)
Mrs. S. Langford
Mrs. N. Rainbird
Mrs. G. Sambrook
Mrs J. Strutt
Mrs. N. Norman (Pastoral Support Worker)
Mrs A. Rotherham
Clerical Staff
Mrs. J. Reardon
Mrs. J. King
Mrs. K. Hatcher
Learning Support Staff –
Resource Base
Miss E. Carruthers
Miss E. Hatcher
Mrs. J. Jennings
Miss E. Gosling
Site Manager
Mr. P. Hatcher
Mr. J. Figg
Midday Assistants
Mrs. N. Hill ( MDA lead)
Mrs. P. Henesy
Mrs. T. McKenna
Mrs. E. Morton
Mrs. W. Martyn
Mrs. V. Cervini
Mrs. N. Wright
Mrs. J. Hartoun-Noushians
Class Organisation
The children are divided into classes according to age. Setting is also used within the
school for Mathematics in order to target the specific needs of pupils. Teaching is by
class, group and individual methods according to the needs and subject matter, and
within the school itself there is a constant monitoring of curriculum content and teaching
methods. Our staff share a range of expertise and support each other in every area of
the curriculum. Class teachers are available throughout the year to discuss any queries
or problems you may have. There are two consultative meetings, one in the Autumn
term and one in the Spring term. In the Summer term we hold an open evening when
parents and other visitors can come to school to enjoy the celebration of work the
children have produced throughout the year. Year two children from the Infant school
are involved in an induction programme in the Summer term which familiarises them
with the Junior building, staff and general learning environment.
A member of staff is on duty in the playground from 8.45 a.m. until the bell goes at 8.55
a.m. The duty staff will patrol the playground and grounds at playtime,
10 a.m. until 10.15 a.m. The midday staff are on duty between 12.15 p.m. and 1.15 p.m.
It is vitally important that children do not leave the premises unaccompanied at the end
of the day if the parent has failed to meet them from school. The correct procedure is to
go straight to the office to check if there has been a message and then to wait in the
entrance hall, supervised by the office staff until the parent can be contacted and
arrangements made for a safe journey home. We realise that children do occasionally
need to leave school in the middle of a school session, and on these occasions he/she
must be collected from the office by a parent.
School Hours
School hours are from 8.55 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. and from 1.15 p.m. until 3.20 p.m.
Children may enter the school everyday from 8.45 onwards. Children who arrive late
will be noted. In accordance with the Education Act we now log unauthorised absence
and therefore we ask you to notify the school of any absence. If a child goes home for
lunch we ask that they do not arrive back at school before 1.00 p.m. and report their
arrival in the office for purposes of fire safety.
Special Educational Needs
The School Governors as in all maintained Schools have a responsibility for making
provision for all pupils with special educational needs. These responsibilities are set out
clearly in the 1996 Education Act.
At Mildmay Junior School we have developed a policy for special educational needs
which responds to these responsibilities and embodies the following aims:
 To have recognised systems in place to assess, review and monitor pupils with
special educational needs in line with the Code of Practice.
 To provide a supportive and caring environment within which pupils can learn,
achieve success and develop to their full potential.
 To recognise the importance of self – esteem among children as a means of
achieving success.
 To maintain high expectations of pupils in all areas of learning.
 To value the contributions and achievements of all our pupils regardless of ability.
 To provide all children with a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum.
 To respond collectively to meeting the needs of individual children.
 To have good partnerships with parents and carers.
Named Governors with responsibility for Special Educational Needs review and
evaluate this area of teaching and learning. The work of the Governors is controlled by
the Code of Practice, which details new responsibilities and gives guidance as to how
these should be addressed. This includes having a sound understanding of the Essex
School Action process of recording all details of each pupil with special needs.
The Headteacher is the named person responsible for pupils with special needs. The
day-to-day management of the provision is carried out by Mrs. Graham, the school’s
part time Special Educational Needs co-ordinator. All staff are responsible for the
policy’s implementation on a daily basis. Parents are involved at all stages through
consultation sessions and are provided with copies of all documentation relating to their
child’s special needs.
Pupils in the enhanced provision, the Unit for Hearing Impaired pupils, are children with
Statements of Special Educational Needs and receive specialist teaching and support
from two Teachers of the Deaf, two Communication Support Workers and four
Specialist Learning Support Assistants. The Teacher in Charge is Mrs. Turner and she
is responsible for co-ordinating the SEN provision of these children both in the Unit and
the Main School.
The school constantly monitors and updates the curriculum ensuring memorable
moments and that it offers a broad and balanced curriculum suitable to the needs of
Key Stage Two pupils. We believe that individual children tackle different tasks at
different speeds. Tasks must be set that are appropriate to the ability of the individual so
that learners can achieve and yet still be challenged and extended. They must always
be relevant to the interests, needs and experiences of the learner and allow for a variety
of approaches.
We believe these needs are best met when:
 the child feels that he/she is in a safe and caring environment
 the environment is attractive, welcoming and well resourced
 the child understands that the school and parents are working in partnership
 the curriculum provided is based wherever possible on first-hand experiences,
well supported by practical activities
 schemes of work form the basis for our delivery of the curriculum
 the emphasis is on the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, ICT and
In each year group children follow the National Curriculum. Although in any one week
all the subjects may not be taught, though core subjects always will, over the academic
year a balance will be achieved.
Paramount importance is given in ensuring progress and continuity throughout the year,
between the years and at the stages of transfer from the Infants and to the Secondary
The school has reviewed and updated it’s curriculum in line with the proposed National
Curriculum changes due for September 2014.
Religious Education
The County has an agreed syllabus ‘Open Worlds’ which is followed by the school. The
content is mainly Christian but at Key Stage 2 children also learn about the Jewish and
Hindu faiths. Parents who wish their children to be withdrawn from religious Education
should inform the Head Teacher who will make alternative arrangements.
Collective Worship
There is a daily act of Collective Worship which forms part of the school assembly. In
line with the government’s requirements, this reflects the broad traditions of Christian
belief without being distinctive of any particular Christian denomination. Parents have
the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship. There are class assemblies
in the Spring and Summer term to which parents receive an invitation.
Sex Education
A formal programme of “sex education”, from which parents may withdraw children,
forms part of the school curriculum. (Please see Sex and Relationship Policy).
Children are naturally inquisitive and will ask questions throughout their school life.
When these questions relate to sexual matters staff will answer them individually with a
factual and sympathetic response.
The school library contains both reading and reference books. Reference books are
stored under the Dewey system and children learn to use this when studying
information retrieval skills. A selection of books for reference and individual reading can
also be found in each classroom, within the reading corner. Parents are requested to
hear their children read every day where possible, also to talk about the book with their
children, the plot, characters and what they like about the book.
Pupils also participate in daily guided reading sessions which aim to challenge their
thinking and aid understanding of the texts they read.
Year 6 pupils attend lessons at Moulsham High School.
School Visits and School Journeys
We believe that some of the best work results from children taking a lively and real
interest in the world around them and from time to time visits are arranged to places of
interest – usually in connection with work being done in the classroom. Parents are
invited to make a contribution which covers the expected cost for the visit. Children of
non-contributing parents will not be excluded from participating in the visit but if
insufficient support is received the activity cannot take place. A residential trip, when
children stay away from home, is arranged for year 6 children. It is our aim to keep the
cost as low as possible and to accept payment over an extended period. We do not feel
that children should be excluded from participating by cost and so, if there is any
financial difficulty, please contact the Head Teacher in confidence.
School uniform
The school encourages the wearing of uniform and it is hoped that parents support this
policy. The uniform is listed below and is available from One Stop School Gear located
at Unit 1 Beehive Business Centre, Beehive Lane, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 9TE .
Grey skirt/trousers, white
blouse/shirt, school tie and
a royal blue jumper/
cardigan with logo
(No shorts for girls).
Black shoes (No trainers).
Blue and white gingham
dress or grey skirt with
white shirt/blouse and
school tie.
Black shoes (No trainers)
PE-Red t-shirt or polo
shirt, white shorts,
plimsolls, PE bag,
short socks.
Grey trousers, white shirt, Short grey trousers with
school tie and a royal blue white shirt and school tie.
jumper with logo.
Black shoes (No trainers)
Black shoes (No trainers).
Games-Red t-shirt or
polo shirt, white shorts
and trainers.
Navy Tracksuit or
jogging suit for winter.
PE clothing should come home after each session for washing and cleaning.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children should have the necessary
clothing in school at all times.
Certain types of footwear are not allowed because of their unsuitability in the school
environment. Please ensure that your child wears “sensible” shoes to school. High
heels, “flipflops” and trainers are not allowed either because they are dangerous or
unsuitable for wearing all day.
The wearing of rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches is not allowed on the grounds of
safety. For the same reason, it is inadvisable for a child to wear earrings. If your child’s
ears are pierced before they leave the Junior School, please ensure that they only wear
the “stud” type of sleepers. These must be removed before PE by your child. This is in
accordance with Health & Safety Regulations. We can accept no responsibility for
personal injury or loss.
In order to ensure the Health and Safety of pupils is maintained all hair longer than
shoulder length should be tied back. This ensures that pupils are able to participate in
lessons such as Physical Education, Design Technology and Art. It also minimizes
safety concerns during playtimes.
Term Dates 2015/2016
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
3rd September – 23rd
2nd November – 18th
Christmas Holidays
January – 12th February
22nd February – 24th March
Easter Holidays
11th April – 24th May
6th June – 22nd July
Non-Pupil days: 3rd September, 4th September, 4th January, 11th April, 22nd July
Opportunities for parents to take
an active part in school life.
We feel that the involvement of parents has a significant impact on pupil attainment and
therefore encourage parents to take an active role in their children’s education.
We have many ways of communicating with parents, both formal and informal. Each
child has a reading log and a homework book, both of which enables communication
between the parents and teachers as well as informing parents of homework set,
spellings to learn and other relevant information. Each half term a Class Letter is sent
home to the child, informing them about what they will be learning, any visits or visitors
and other useful information.
The school sends out a fortnightly bulletin called ‘Mildmay Mail’ celebrating successes
within the school, recent events and forthcoming events. We hold parent/teacher
consultation evenings, display/celebration evenings and occasionally workshops for
parents. Our Special Needs Coordinator has regular review meetings and contact with
the parents of children on our Special Needs register. We also have a school website
which displays policies and relevant key information for parents.
Each class performs a class assembly, once each year, and parents are invited to
watch and then join staff for tea or coffee. We also invite parents to attend other
performances during the year.
The School has a Parent Association. Meetings are held at least once a term. All
parents are welcome to attend to discuss relevant issues and planned activities. The
Parents’ Association work hard to raise much needed extra funds for our children. All
parents are welcome to join them.
Parents have opportunities to support reading activities and help with school visits.
In September parents are invited to come along and “meet the new class teacher” to get
a general idea of what to expect through the year. On Tuesdays from 3.30 – 4.00 staff
are available to answer any general issues. If you need to talk to a teacher at any other
time please come to the office to arrange an appointment.
Copies of School documents listed below can be seen by arrangement with the
All National Curriculum Documentation
School Policies
DfES information
Educational legislation
Agreed syllabus of Religious Education
LEA Statements
Statutory instruments and circulars
Special Education Needs Provision
Admission Procedures
OFSTED reports
School Profile which can be found online @
Key Policies for Parents
In order to build strong links with parents Mildmay Junior School believes in sharing key
documentation and procedures with parents upon their induction to our school. As such
the following policies are included in this prospectus:
Admissions Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Photography in School Policy
Behaviour Policy
Compliments and complaints policy
We have also included important documentation and parental agreements which will
needed to be completed prior to your child’s induction to Mildmay Junior School. These
are as follows:
ICT information and agreement
Educational visits agreement
Pupil information form
Home-School-Child agreement
Ethnic Background information
All information contained within this Prospectus was correct at the time of
printing, May 2013.
Whilst every endeavour will be made to keep this document up to date, changes
may have occurred since its publication.