Southside Baptist Church Children`s Ministry Ages 4 to 5 th grade

Southside Baptist Church Children’s Ministry
Ages 4 to 5th grade
Mission Statement
The goal of Southside Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry is to come alongside parents in teaching God’s
holy word in such a way that they are transformed by our heavenly Father’s love.
In order to accomplish this mission, Christ’s servants at Southside’s Children’s Ministry will:
Support and encourage parents
Pray and intercede for children and families
Offer God-centered curriculum
Model God’s truths and character
Effective September 1st, 2015 Southside Baptist Church children’s ministry will begin at age 4 and will
end at the child’s completion of the summer of 5th grade. At this time the child will move to the youth
group at the beginning of their 6th grade year. Some children’s curriculum at Southside will be offered to
3 year olds with the condition that the child is fully potty trained.
Children programs that are offered at Southside Baptist Church:
Sunday School: Birth to 5th grade Sundays at 9:30am
All children are required to go into their age appropriate class. Sunday school follows our age guidelines
for our public school system. The cutoff date each year is Sept. 1st. For example: If your child’s birthday
is October 12th and is 5 years old they would still be in the 4k class because of their late birthday. No
exceptions will be made. Sunday school is overseen by the Sunday school Director and Assistant.
Nursery: As of September 1st, 2015 during Sunday morning worship service
Baby nursery: 0 to 1 years
Toddler nursery: 2 to 3 year olds
The nurseries will be overseen by the nursery coordinator and the nursery coordinator will make
rotation schedule throughout the year.
All parents who are members of Southside and have babies/toddlers in the nursery are expected to take
a turn in the nursery rotation schedule
Nurseries are provided for parents/caregivers to attend adult worship service and Sunday school
Toddlers will move up to toddler nursery on their 2nd birthday
All supplies (diapers, bibs, snacks, formula, etc.) must be provided by parents
All parents leaving babies and toddlers in nursery must obtain beepers
Children’s Church: 4 years old to 1st grade during Sunday morning worship service
Children’s church teams will consist of 2 to 3 adult volunteers and will be on a rotation schedule
throughout the year. The children’s director will provide material to teachers one month in advance.
The children’s director will be placed in the rotation system and also teach on all major holidays as well.
Children can attend children’s church once they turn 4 (any time throughout the year). Once a child has
completed 1st grade they must start attending worship service before they begin their 2nd grade year. All
children must be potty trained before they begin children’s church.
AWANA: 3 years to 5th grade Sunday nights 5:30 to 7:00pm
Awana will begin the Sunday after Labor Day in September and will conclude the last Sunday in April of
the following year.
Child must turn 3 years old before September 1st. This is an AWANA rule.
Child must be potty trained to enter AWANA.
AWANA nursery: (September thru April)
Awana nursery is for babies to 2 year olds and children who do not turn 3 before the Sept. 1st cutoff.
Awana nursery is only for parents/guardians who are working in Awana or attending worship service.
Babies/toddlers may not be dropped off and left at any time in the nursery without a parent/guardian
on the premises. This is for safety reasons.
Sunday night children’s bible study (May thru August) 6:00-7:00pm
Sunday night children’s bible study is for ages 1st thru 5th grade. The children’s director will choose a
book of the bible to teach during these months or focus on a certain topic in the bible. This will be a very
detailed and in depth bible study.
A preschool bible study will take place during this same time for 4,4k, and 5k as long as there are
volunteers to step forward and lead the pre-school bible study.
Wednesday night children’s choir (August-May) Wednesday nights 6:30 to 7:30pm
Children’s choir will be for 1st thru 5th grade. The children’s choir will perform a Christmas musical each
year and a mini Easter musical.
Preschool Choir/Missions Friends – August thru May Wednesday nights 6:30 to 7:30pm
Preschool Choir and Mission Friends will consist of 4,4k and 5k children. Volunteers will lead this
program. The hour will be divided in half with 30 minutes of mission friends and 30 minutes of learning
and singing music.
F.L.I.P nights (May thru mid-August) 6:30 to 7:30pm ages 4 years to 5th grade
F.L.I.P stands for Fun, Learning, Inspiring, Prayer. The hour is divided in half with 30 minutes of bible
study and 30 minutes of recreational time. The children’s group will be divided with the older children
in one group and the younger children in the other group. After 30 minutes the two groups will be
flipped between the two activities.
Activities offered off church property throughout the year
Several months throughout the year, the children (4yrs to 5th grade) will have the opportunity to take
part in “church field trips “and mission projects off of church property. Children are required to attend
at least 2 activities (Sunday school, worship service, children’s bible study/choir, Awana) at church
during that month to be eligible to go on the trip that is offered.
Guidelines for dropping off and pick up of children
New guidelines will be effective September 1st, 2015. A parent or guardian must walk their child to the
appropriate area of the church where the children will be meeting for their activity. There will be a sign
in sheet placed at the door that the parent/guardian must provide the following information: child’s
name, parent’s name, if the parent will be on or off church grounds, and phone number the parent can
be reached in case of emergency. We strongly encourage that you do not drop off your children at
church and leave the church property. This is for safety reasons. There will be bible study offered to
adults during all children’s bible study/activities. Children should not be dropped off any earlier than 10
minutes before the bible study/activity and should be picked up immediately when the bible
study/activity is over. A parent/guardian will need to sign their child out. We do encourage church
fellowship with your church family at Southside but we ask that you please pick your children up first
whether they are in the nurseries or the children’s department.
As you can see Southside has much to offer our children. Parent involvement and volunteers is
necessary for the success in the children’s ministry. All workers in the children/youth ministry must
complete a background check every two years. We recommended if your child is participating in a
children’s activity that a parent/guardian is on the premises at all times. This is strictly for safety
reasons. If there is a medical issue or discipline issue the parent will be immediately notified.