Bannerman High School Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 3 Monday 31st August 2015 NOTICES TO BE READ TO PUPILS AND TO NOTE IN THEIR HOMEWORK DIARIES: Assemblies for week beginning Monday 31st August 2015: S4 Theme: SQA/Values Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Livingstone & Mackintosh Napier & Burns Telford & Wallace Assemblies for week beginning Monday 7th September 2015: S5 Theme: SQA/Values Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Livingstone & Mackintosh Napier & Burns Telford & Wallace S3/S6 PHOTOGRAPHS: On Wednesday 2nd September the school photographer will be visiting the school to take S3/S6 photographs. I would be grateful if you could advise your tutor group of their time slot. 3B1 3L1 3L2 3M1 3M2 3N1 3N2 9.00–9.15am 9.15-9.25am 9.25-9.35am 9.35-9.45am 9.45-9.55am 9.55-10.05am 10.05-10.15am 3T1 3W1 3W2 6B1/6L1 6L2/6M 6N/6T1 6T2/6W 10.15-10.25am 10.25-10.35am 11.05-11.15am 11.15-11.25am 11.25-11.35am 11.35-11.45am 11.45-12.10pm Please advise pupils to make their way to the Old Conference room (Science Corridor) and wait beside the fire exit, where they will be met by pupil support assistants who will assist them. Can pupils leave bags/jackets etc. in class before coming, if possible? I would be grateful if you could advise pupils of the location of the conference room and also ensure that they note their allocated time in their diaries. Thank you. L Dickson, OSM S3-S6 LONDON TRIP 2016. Can all pupils in S3–S6 who wish to attend the drama department’s trip to London next year please see Mrs Campbell ASAP to register your interest. Please note that this trip is open to all pupils, not just those studying drama and music. Thank you. S6 PUPILS. Could all S6 pupils who took Higher Drama last year, please return their copies of Men Should Weep to the Drama Dept. as soon as possible. Thank you, Mrs Breen. CAREER READY INTERNSHIPS (S5). We are in the process of identifying potential candidates to take part in this fantastic two year programme which includes a 4 week paid internship. Please look out for a green slip at tutor time inviting you to come along to find out more details. Mrs Mulholland. UCAS HIGHER EDUCATION CONVENTION (S5/6). We will be taking S5/6 pupils to this event on 22 September. All pupils who are thinking about applying to university should attend. There will be admissions officers there from all universities who can advise on entry requirements etc. for courses. In a change from previous years, all attendees MUST register individually online to receive an e-ticket for entry. This should be done in the library at tutor time this week. Please collect a consent form when you register. Please see Mrs Mulholland for further details. BRING YOUR PARENT TO SCHOOL DAY: All S1 pupils who are interested in bringing their parent to school should have returned their forms by today (Monday 31st August). If you have forgotten your form speak with your tutor teacher. Ms Kerr S4 MALAWI ASSEMBLY: There will be a special S4 assembly on the topic of Malawi during P7 on Wednesday 2nd September. The assembly will last for half a period, with half the year group going at a time. The following classes should go straight to the Workshop Theatre at 2.15: Ms Martin, Ms Panaretou, Mr Gardiner and Ms Morton. The following classes should go to the theatre at 2.40: Ms Pearson, Ms Callaghan, Ms Cook, and Mr Pattison. The following S5 pupils will be involved in delivering the assembly: Alicia Livingstone, Amy Parker, Lyndsay McMath, Megan McLelland, Alexandra Compton, Nicola Bronsky, Ellie Wilison, Fraser Small, Keir Valigy, Zack Hinney, Liam Mortimer, Lewis Reid. Ms McConachie S1/2 RUGBY. Trials for the S1/2 Rugby team will happen this coming Wednesday 2nd September after school, 3.00pm-4.00pm. Anyone interested should see Mr Duguid or Mrs McGrellis for a consent form. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Mrs Black & Mrs Carberry will be out of school on Monday & Tuesday next week. Mrs Black’s pupils should contact her to arrange lesson times. Mrs Carberry’s pupils should see her on Wednesday at their original Tuesday times. PEER TUTOR’S: Could all S6 pupils who are interested in being a peer tutor please sign the sheet on Ms Kerr’s door. Ms Kerr TUTOR TIME - THEME OF THE MONTH – CITIZENSHIP. This week we will be continuing with the Nuclear Weapon Debate and the hustings and votes for Class Captains will be taking place. Good Luck to all of the applicants! Miss Morton. S1-4 GIRLS FOOTBALL. The first league fixture is next week on Tuesday (Tuesday 8 September) at Toryglen Regional Football Centre from 3.05-6.30 pm. All pupils who would like to play MUST sign up on the sheet in SS1 by Friday 4 September. Pupils must meet on Tuesday 8 September in the foyer at the front office at 3.05 pm. Pupils will return to Bannerman at 6.30 pm approx. Please bring with you PE kit (Bannerman Polo (or similar), black shorts & football socks, football boots / trainers. Be prepared to play OUTSIDE. Only pupils who have returned their consent form and signed up, can attend Toryglen this week. Any new players can collect a consent form from SS1. Miss Reid. YEAR HOUSE CAPTAINS. On Tuesday and Wednesday this week the hustings for Year House Captains will take place during tutor time. Appointments will be confirmed subsequent to the ballot. The first training session for those appointed to the position of Year House Captain/vice-Captain will held on Friday 4th September. John Mason MSP will be joining us to work with the team, developing ideas on how best to represent their peers at pupil councils. The newly appointed S1-S3 Captains and vice-Captains should come to M2 during period 3. The S4 – S6 Captains and vice-Captains should come to M2 during period 4. Mr Gardiner. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL PUPILS. As you will be aware the dance studio floor has been put down and no outdoor footwear is allowed to be worn on it. Pupils should not be using the dance studio as a corridor to get to and from classes. The flooring is very expensive and will get damaged if pupils continue to walk on it with their outdoor shoes. The PE Department would appreciate your help with ensuring that this does not happen. Thanks, Mrs Callaghan . DANCE AUDITIONS. All pupils involved in dance auditions this week should attend their audition as follows: Tuesday: Wednesday: S1 dancers S2 & S3 dancers All dance clubs will start back next week and will be as follows: Tuesday: Senior Dancers Wednesday: S1 dance team Thursday: S2/3 dance team & S1 dance academy ballet and commercial Thanks, Mrs Callaghan S1/S2 TUTOR GROUPS: “There’s been an awakening. Have you felt it?” On Wednesday 2nd September lunchtime, in L4, Mr Morrison will be commencing his journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens by showing The Clone Wars and Rebels TV Series and all the Star Wars films. If you would like to join him on his voyage to a galaxy far, far away, head to L4 on Monday lunchtime for a consent form. May the Force be with you. Mr Morrison. PE CLUBS. All clubs start back this week and welcome ANY and ALL new members! There are still spaces in most and forms can be collected from the teacher taking the club this week. All pupils must have parental permission to attend. Table of clubs is attached with lunchtime clubs also starting this week – just pop along! (** Football Academy starts back on 8th September). Mrs Cook.