Minimum requirements for recording a course assessment committee & suggested template School of (enter school name here) Course Assessment Committee Permanent and Auditable Minutes 1. Course details Course Code Semester (eg 1310): Course Description Course Coordinator Programs that List the programs that this course is taught into – where student numbers are >= 5 course is taught into Campus/es Classes/sections 2. Meeting details The Course Assessment Committee (CAC) meeting was held on: Date: Time: Chair: 3. Attendance List the academic staff who participated in the discussion, including Discipline Head. Indicate any remote participation, i.e., ‘phone, skype, video link, etc. Name Title Responsibility within course (if different from title) Chair 4. Apologies Name Title Responsibility within course (if different from title) 5. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting are to be approved by the committee and signed-off by the current Chair - The minutes of the last meeting were approved unamended: OR - The minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following amendments: 6. Noting and ratification of amendments to, and entry of, interim and final results actioned since the last meeting The committee notes and ratifies the amendments to, and entry of, interim and final results actioned since the last meeting. These results were approved either by the committee; the Chair of the committee; the Deputy Dean/Head (Learning and Teaching) of the School; or the Dean/Head of the School that managed the course. The details of the amendments are attached as an addendum to these minutes (or stored electronically with the file location recorded in these minutes). The following details are recorded: a) Who requested the change/entry b) Who approved the change/entry c) The change of grade from and to d) The reason for the change/entry e) What evidence was submitted to support the change 7. Business of the present meeting 7.1. Data source/s used: Iexplore academic progress report SAMS Other: ___________________ Grade report for course: 7.2. Finalisation and the recording of any missing and interim results that took place at the meeting (to be listed in the Missing/Interim Results and Supplementary Assessment Report - attached) 7.3. Review of marks and grade distribution Example only 7.3.1. Please record any observations/recommendations of the committee in relation to the grade distribution: 7.3.2. Does the spread of results suggest issues with course delivery and/or assessment and were strategies identified for improving the pass rate? 7.4. What auditable quality process has been actioned for all narrowly failed grades? Please record the exam scripts that have been remarked and by whom for students whose final mark was between 45% and 49.9% - To be listed in the Missing/Interim Results and Supplementary Assessment Report - attached 7.5. Are there any program-specific issues that should be brought to the attention of the program assessment board? 7.6. Details of any changes to individual student results to be listed in the Missing/Interim Results and Supplementary Assessment Report (attached) (Include full student name, ID, Old and new results and rationale for change) 7.7. Supplementary assessments were offered to the students listed in the Missing/Interim Results and Supplementary Assessment Report (attached), including the rationale for granting the supplementary assessment. 7.8. The following course-based prizes, awards or commendations were made: (Include full student name, ID, Award/Prize title and rationale for award) 7.9. Compile course outcome statistics for auditing purposes. 7.10. The grads as recorded and amended in this meeting are approved by the course assessment committee Approved by Deputy Head Learning and Teaching/Discipline Head Name:………………………………………….. Title:…………………………………………… Signature: ..........................................................Date: ..................................................... School of (enter school name here) Course Assessment Committee Interim/Missing Results and Supplementary Assessment Report Course Code: Semester (eg 1310): Missing Grade (Yes/No) YES NO NO Supplem entary Assessm ent Granted NO NO YES Course Description: Original Grade/Inte rim Grade New Grade to be entered into RPO Student ID Student Family Name Student Given Name RNF 47 53 65 SUP 33333333 30000000 39999999 Jones Smith Boop Mary Barry Betty Reason for Change School of (enter school name here) Course Assessment Committee Remarked exam scripts for students whose final mark was between 47.5 and 49.9 Course Code: Semester (eg 1310): Final Mark Between 47.5 and 49.4 48 Course Description: Remarked by (enter staff name) Official Grade to be entered into RPO Student ID Student Family Name Student Given Name Comment John Smith 50 3000000 Nguyen Nguyen Paper reviewed and remarked by Dr Luke Warm