EAMT Priority Report 11-MAY-15 * Team Lead Multiple Pidms In

EAMT Priority Report 11-MAY-15
* Team Lead
Multiple Pidms In Progress: 65
Current Projects and Ticket Items In Progress
TYPE P# Request
1. PROJ 3 R3692 Dimensional Data Modeling for Recruiting and Admissions star schemas in the EDW necessary for IRI to-IN PROGRESS: 14-MAY-14 *Denise
2. PROJ 5 R4254 Installation of Beacon-IN PROGRESS: 15-DEC-14 *Denise Vandevanter
3. PROJ 21 R4466 Need help with Finance Argos Reports-IN PROGRESS: 22-JAN-15 *Denise Vandevanter
4. PROJ 22 R4519 stu_Ret_***_ods_iri is not working-IN PROGRESS: 10-FEB-15 *Denise Vandevanter
5. PROJ 23 R4550 Finish Multiple Pidm records that not available to Student BI Programmer (Chance)-IN PROGRESS: 30-APR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
6. PROJ 30 R4682 Add interrupt to CAS to capture/verify recovery email and/or mobile phone.-IN PROGRESS: 24-MAR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
7. PROJ 34 R4638 Banner upgrade to General 8.7.3 and 8.7.4, Faculty and Advisor SS 8.7.1 Student 8.7.2 and 8.7.3 -TESTING: 11-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
8. TICK 48 R4735 Correction Scripts-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
9. TICK 54 R4791 SZFUNCTIONS.F_GET_MOST_RECENT_EVENT fails-IN PROGRESS: 11-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
10. PROJ 55 R4750 Update RPAARSC Year to Year -IN PROGRESS: 11-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
11. PROJ 6 R3462 Researching Banner XE and GIT standards for standards and process documentation-IN PROGRESS: 07-APR-15 *Jacob Ellsworth
12. PROJ 11 R4267 Create custom triggers for new roles for use in Luminis 5 -IN PROGRESS: 12-MAR-15 *Jacob Ellsworth
13. PROJ 28 R4334 New attributes and methods of tracking first gen students requires new mappings from Recruiter-IN PROGRESS: 08-MAY-15 *Jacob Ellsworth
14. PROJ 29 R4681 Upgrade SSO Manager to 8.2 in Prod-IN PROGRESS: 20-MAR-15 *Jacob Ellsworth
15. PROJ R3967 Banner XE-Seed Database-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 18-AUG-14 *Jacob Ellsworth
16. PROJ 1 R1886 Need to create a JOBSUB process to handle all advisement related holds-IN PROGRESS: 29-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
17. PROJ 2 R917 Graduation Application Updates-TESTING: 04-NOV-14 *Morgan Smith
18. PROJ 7 R3961 Deferred Admission Upgrade-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
19. PROJ 8 R3172 Additions to Existing Database for Turning Point-IN PROGRESS: 20-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
20. PROJ 9 R3779 Online FERPA page for Concurrent Enrollment students. :) We are asking for a page to be created t-IN PROGRESS: 26-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
21. PROJ 10 R4263 Deferred Admission (DAD) / Leave of Absence (LOA) Reason: Other _____-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
22. PROJ 16 R3584 ASD data information published to metadata-IN PROGRESS: 22-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
23. PROJ 17 R999 Autopopulate Veterans Class Schedule Form -IN PROGRESS: 28-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
24. TICK 24 R4661 SFAREGS Eligibility Status - LOA students who have financial aid-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
25. PROJ 25 R4523 Requesting the creation of a log of primary advisor data (creating a historical record of who has be-TESTING: 24-MAR-15 *Morgan Smith
26. PROJ 26 R4597 Correct some issues with SE and UAS. We have identified the issues, now need to implement the fix.-IN PROGRESS: 06-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
27. PROJ 27 R4477 Update Financial Responsibility Agreement and other requested changes student makes at registration.-IN PROGRESS: 21-APR-15 *Morgan Smith
28. TICK 50 R4718 Leave of Absence (LOA) 7 semesters from their last enroll date-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
29. TICK 51 R4773 Info Text with Student Intentions and Terms of Agreement-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
30. PROJ 20 R4328 The current Minnesota Life Upload process into Banner is broken due to changes in the file layout-IN PROGRESS: 11-NOV-14 *Robert Johnson
31. PROJ 31 R4670 Process to update TTBTAXN tabl-TESTING: 03-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
32. PROJ 33 R4668 Software Database upgrade-IN PROGRESS: 06-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
33. TICK 46 R4729 Import Onetime payments into Banner Payroll-IN PROGRESS: 08-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
34. TICK 47 R4751 Adjunct fiscal year-end roll - effective May 1, 2015-IN PROGRESS: 06-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
35. TICK 49 R4770 Youtube desupporting how kurogo connects-IN PROGRESS: 27-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
36. TICK 53 R4788 The OnlinEnroll Banner Upload log file is hard to read do to the amount of data-IN PROGRESS: 07-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
Multiple Pidms to be Assigned: 729
Top 5 Projects to be Assigned by Team
P# Request
1. 35 R3046 Creation of new column in course_ods_tw view and tw_course_ods table-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 05-AUG-13 *Denise Vandevanter
2. 36 R4242 Implementing the Advising Module in XE-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 13-OCT-14 *Jacob Ellsworth
3. 37 R1972 The auto Assign Advisor program, needs to be revamped so that the secondary Majors can be added and -ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 20-AUG-12 *Jacob
4. 38 R4357 Application checklist needs jobsub for Mass Rebuild-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 24-NOV-14 *Jacob Ellsworth
5. 39 R3043 Remediation Model Section Coding.-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 29-JUL-13 *Jacob Ellsworth
6. 41 R1358 Block Registration Feature in Self Serve-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 30-JAN-12 *Jacob Ellsworth
7. 42 R913 Online form for course fees-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 03-MAR-11 *Jacob Ellsworth
8. 43 R2609 Increase info on ACT Load.-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 18-MAR-13 *Jacob Ellsworth
9. 44 R3644 An additional charge to UVUPAY-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 18-MAR-14 *Jacob Ellsworth
10. 40 R3485 Verification is needed for students from certain states to be admitted to UVU.-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 04-FEB-14 *Morgan Smith
11. 45 R4060 Online Issues with the Grant Management system-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 03-SEP-14 *Robert Johnson
Multiple Pidms Completed last 30 Days: 0
Projects and Ticket Items Completed last 30 Days
TYPE P# Request
1. PROJ R4660 NATION_ADMIT Issues-COMPLETED: 30-APR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
2. PROJ R4739 The Open PO Webfocus report is not working. It appears that the buyer field is not populating. This -COMPLETED: 28-APR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
3. PROJ R4672 Automate N for Gender-COMPLETED: 01-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
4. PROJ R4692 Delete Recruiting (in recruit tables only) records-COMPLETED: 06-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
5. TICK R4776 Comment Out Google Analytics code-COMPLETED: 30-APR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
6. TICK R4734 CIP code applied incorrectly-COMPLETED: 01-MAY-15 *Denise Vandevanter
7. TICK R4736 Unable to load transfer cohort-COMPLETED: 29-APR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
8. TICK R4760 POB Case 80809, Task 10590 List of Advisees tool not loading in UVLink -COMPLETED: 29-APR-15 *Morgan Smith
9. TICK R4772 Returning Dates for Deferred Admission -COMPLETED: 04-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
10. TICK R4642 The OnlinEnroll Change File requires a header record and termination dates need to be updated-COMPLETED: 07-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
11. TICK R4741 FICA tax adjustments needed for first qtr. 2014 and 2015-COMPLETED: 27-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
12. TICK R4787 One ePAF is showing in multiple queues-COMPLETED: 07-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
13. PROJ R4690 Grails app to send eteam emergency notification-COMPLETED: 28-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
14. PROJ R4763 ProfPage System not bringing over some new employees -COMPLETED: 07-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
15. TICK R4761 Take down professional page.-COMPLETED: 23-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
16. TICK
17. TICK
18. TICK
19. TICK
20. TICK
R4762 Fix bad record in profpages-COMPLETED: 23-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
R4781 Removal of a course and a separate outline and status change of course to Active-COMPLETED: 04-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
R4743 Change to Computer Shop -COMPLETED: 23-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
R4744 Department add to listing-COMPLETED: 22-APR-15 *Robert Johnson
R4785 Error when adding Exam scores-COMPLETED: 07-MAY-15 *Robert Johnson
Multiple Pidms Completed in year 2015: 27
Projects and Ticket Items Completed in year 2015
Projects: 37 Ticket Items: 112
New Projects Not Prioritized
P# Request
1. High R4087 Efficiency of Course Enrollment Report-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 08-SEP-14 *Denise Vandevanter
2. Medium R4691 The Enrollment Headcount by Registration report has incorrect numbers-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 30-MAR-15 *Denise Vandevanter
3. Low R3988 Create NSSE_MAJORS table in ODS-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 18-AUG-14 *Denise Vandevanter
4. Low R4145 Create Dashboard using WebFOCUS8-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 29-SEP-14 *Denise Vandevanter
5. Low R3967 Banner XE-Seed Database-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 18-AUG-14 *Jacob Ellsworth
6. High R4700 GradesFirst Implementation: Athletics has been approved and purchased GradesFirst (Student Academic -ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 30-MAR-15 *Morgan
7. High R4766 Fix Student Fees section on Tuition and Fees Cost Breakdown. See the following link: https://uvaps.-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 28-APR-15 *Morgan Smith
8. Medium R4432 Academics want degrees awarded.-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 12-JAN-15 *Morgan Smith
9. Low R4746 Add links to Advisor Dashboard-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 04-MAY-15 *Morgan Smith
10. High R4567 Organization Structure Online System-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 30-AUG-11 *Robert Johnson
11. Medium R4037 Dependent tuition waiver max amounts arent refreshing when the Finance Screens are updated-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 26-AUG-14 *Robert
12. Medium R4248 Enhancement to ePAF - Change Routing and add Change In Assignment-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 20-OCT-14 *Robert Johnson
13. Medium R4584 Create an import into Banner for employee retirement elections. Employee retirement elections will b-ASSIGNED, NOT ACTIVE: 23-FEB-15 *Robert