1 Supplementary Material for 2 Circum-Arctic mantle structure and long-wavelength topography since the 3 Jurassic 4 Shephard, G. E., Flament, N., Williams, S., Seton, M., Gurnis, M., and Müller, R.D. 5 6 Supplementary Methods 7 Absolute reference frames and Net Lithospheric Rotation (NLR) 8 The hybrid absolute plate reference frame of Seton et al. (2012) (case C2) is 9 based on a moving Indian/Atlantic hotspot model (O’Neill et al., 2005) for times 10 younger than 100 Ma and on a True Polar Wander (TPW)-corrected 11 palaeomagnetic model (Steinberger and Torsvik, 2008) for older times (Table 2). 12 The use of the hybrid absolute plate motion of O’Neill et al. (2005) and 13 Steinberger and Torsvik (2008) implies NLR in excess of 0.4°/Myr between ~40- 14 60, 65-80, 110-115 and 180-215 Ma (Figure S13). NLR is large at present-day in 15 a Pacific hotspot reference frame (~ 0.44°/Myr HS3, Conrad and Behn, 2010) 16 and geologically recent NLR (since ~ 50 Ma) has an overall westward direction 17 with 18 ~0.11+_0.03°/Myr) depending on reconstructions (e.g. Ricard et al., 1991; 19 Becker, 2006; Torsvik et al., 2010). While a component of NLR throughout time 20 may be real, increasing uncertainty of the plate reconstruction back in time may 21 result in unrealistically large NLR, especially concerning the velocities of the 22 large plates comprising Panthalassa. Our plate models are constructed with 23 continuously closing plates (Gurnis et al., 2012), which allow us to define global 24 surface velocity fields through time and to calculate the NLR implied by a given 25 reference frame as in Torsvik et al. (2010) and Alisic et al. (2012). estimated rates previously ranging between 1.5-9 cm/year (or 26 27 We used three approaches to minimize NLR from the absolute reference frame in 28 our geodynamic model cases (Tables 2 and S3); (i) computing and removing the 29 NLR from the plate reconstruction (case C3), (ii) including a low-viscosity 30 asthenosphere to decouple the lithosphere from the sub-asthenospheric mantle 31 (cases C2 and C8) and (iii) changing the absolute reference frame by using the 32 finite rotations from the moving hotspot reference frame of Torsvik et al. (2008) 33 rather than that of O’Neill et al. (2005) for ages younger than 70 Ma (models C1, 34 C4, C5 as well as C6-C8). We also change the absolute motion of the Pacific 35 during the Cenozoic by changing the poles of rotation between east and west 36 Antarctica (from Cande et al. [2000] to Granot et al. [2013]). The resultant NLR 37 for this latter absolute plate motion model (C1, C4-C8) is < 0.4°/Myr for all times, 38 although it is slightly more elevated for the last 20 Ma (~ 0.18°/Myr) than the 39 previous reference frame (O’Neill et al., 2005; Steinberger and Torsvik, 2008: 40 ~0.12°/Myr; C2, Table 2, Fig. S13). 41 42 In addition to differences in the absolute reference frame we explored different 43 mantle parameters including viscosity profile, initial slab depth, slab dip and 44 basal layer density (Figs. S3, S4, S6-8, S10-15, Table S3). We find that changes in 45 dynamic topography are small and do not affect our main conclusions. Rates of 46 dynamic topography for alternative cases C3-C5 are usually in the order of ±5 47 m/Myr from those of C1 (Table S1, S2), and are compatible with the geological 48 constraints presented in the main text (see Figs. 7e-h). Notably, under Eurasia, 49 alternative cases C3-C5 (Figs. S10) predict a similar two-slab configuration 50 (Mongol-Okhotsk slab to the west and north-eastern Panthalassa slab to the 51 east) to those of C1 but with locations offset by ± 5° longitude (10° to the east for 52 slab (m) in C5, though the use of a depth-dependent viscosity was not ideal, see 53 below). Case C4, illustrates that increasing the slab dip does not significantly 54 change the results. 55 56 In addition to C1-C5 and in the interests of illustrating the main suite of 57 parameters tested (see also Flament et al., 2014) we present an extended set of 58 eight cases (C1-C8) in Figs. S14 and S15. These figures illustrate our 59 investigation of the effect of rheological parameters on lower mantle structure 60 and our selection of a set of parameters for C1 by visual comparison between 61 predicted mantle temperature and seismic tomography along arbitrary cross- 62 sections. For example, C6 and C8 both include a linear increase in viscosity for 63 the lower mantle; looking under Eurasia (Fig. S15) in case C6, which has a higher 64 density basal layer, the predicted volume of slabs is systematically too small, 65 whereas in case C8, which has a lower density basal layer and asthenosphere, 66 slabs are significantly offset compared to seismic tomography. C7, which also has 67 a lower basal density over-predicts the amount of slab material and has 68 dominant upwellings. Under North America (50°N, Figure S14) the alternative 69 cases are similar to each other and to seismic tomography (no qualitatively “best” 70 case, though C8 seems to under-predict slab volumes at this location). We 71 therefore opted for a dense basal layer and a layered viscosity structure, with no 72 depth-dependent viscosity in the lower mantle for reference case C1. Note that 73 the influence of alternative parameters on the pattern of dynamic topography 74 (right panels of Figs. S14 and S15) is small; our main conclusions are largely 75 unaffected by parameter selection. 76 77 78 Supplementary References 79 80 Alisic, L., Gurnis, M., Stadler, G., Burstedde, C., and Ghattas, O., 2012, Multi-scale 81 dynamics and rheology of mantle flow with plates. Journal of Geophysical 82 Research, v.117 doi:10.29/2012JB009234 83 84 Ballance, P.F., 1993, in South Pacific Sedimentary Basins v.2 of Sedimentary 85 Basins of the Word P.F., Balance (Ed) Elsevier Amsterdam p.93-110. 86 87 Becker, T.W., 2006, On the effect of temperature and strain-rate dependent 88 viscosity on global mantle flow, net rotation, and plate-driving forces. 89 Geophysical Journal International v.167 p.943-957. 90 91 Cande, S.C., Stock J.M., Müller, R.D. and Ishihara, T., 2000, Cenozoic motion 92 between East and West Antarctica, Nature v.404 p.145-150. 93 94 Conrad, C.P. and Behn, M.D., 2010, Constraints on lithosphere net rotation and 95 asthenospheric viscosity from global mantle flow models and seismic anisotropy. 96 Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems v.11 doi:10.1029/2009GC002970 97 98 Granot, R., Cande, S.C., Stock, J.M., and Damaske, D., 2013, Revised Eocene- 99 Oligocene kinematics for the West Antarctic rift system. Geophysical Research 100 Letters v.40 p.279-284. 101 102 Gurnis, M., Turner, M., Zahirovic, S., DiCaprio, L., Spasojevic, S., Müller, R., Boyden, 103 J., Seton, M., Manea, V., and Bower, D., 2012, Plate Tectonic Reconstructions with 104 Continuously Closing Plates. Computers and Geosciences, v. 38 p. 35-42. 105 106 Flament, N., Gurnis, M., Williams, S., Seton, M., Skogseid, J., Heine, C and Müller, 107 R.D. 2014. Topographic asymmetry of the South Atlantic from global models of 108 mantle flow and lithospheric stretching. Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 109 387, p. 107-119. 110 111 O'Neill, C., Müller, R.D., and Steinberger, B., 2005, On the Uncertainties in Hotspot 112 Reconstructions, and the Significance of Moving Hotspot Reference Frames: 113 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 6 doi:10.1029/2004GC000784. 114 115 Ricard, Y., Doglioni, C., and Sabadini, R., 1991, Differential rotation between 116 lithosphere and mantle. A consequence of lateral mantle viscosity variations. 117 Journal of Geophysical Research v.96 p.8407-8415. 118 119 Seton, M., Müller, R.D., Zahirovic, S., Gaina, C., Torsvik, T.H., Shephard, G., Talsma, 120 A., Gurnis, M., Turner, M., Maus, S., and Chandler, M., 2012 Global continental and 121 ocean basin reconstructions since 200 Ma. Earth-Science Reviews v.113 p.212- 122 270 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.03.002 123 124 Steinberger, B., and Torsvik, T., 2008. Absolute plate motions and true polar 125 wander in the absence of hotspot tracks. Nature v.452 p.620–624. 126 doi:10.1038/nature06842. 127 128 Sutherland, R., 1995, The Australia-Pacific boundary and Cenozoic plate motions 129 in the SW Pacific: Some constraints from Geosat data. Tectonics v.14 p.819-831. 130 131 Torsvik, T., Steinberger, B., Gurnis, M., and Gaina, C., 2010. Plate tectonics and net 132 lithosphere rotation over the past 150 My. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 133 v.291 p.106-112. 134 135 136 137 138 Supplementary Figures Supplementary Figure Captions 139 140 Figure S1. 180-30 Ma evolution of the plate reconstruction (Shephard et al., 141 2013 with a modified reference frame, Table 2) assimilated in the mantle flow 142 models. The absolute reference frame used here is that of case C1. Reconstructed 143 plate boundaries (black lines with teeth located on overriding plate), coastlines 144 (dark grey lines), continental lithosphere (grey polygons) and ages of oceanic 145 lithosphere (see colour scale) are shown, as well as velocities (black arrows). 146 Major plates and oceans labeled as AM Amerasia Basin, AFR Africa, CCR Cache 147 Creek oceanic plate, EUR Eurasia, GRN Greenland, FAR Farallon, IZA Izanagi, 148 MOK Mongol-Okhostk, NAM North America, SAO South Anuyi Oceans. 149 Orthographic projection centered on 30°W. Additional reconstruction ages are 150 shown in Fig. 2. 151 152 Figure S2. Top panels, maps of predicted time-dependent temperature field 153 from case C1 at 1000 km depth. Bottom panels, maps of predicted present-day 154 temperature field for case C1 at different depths from 500 km to the near the 155 core-mantle boundary (CMB ~2900 km). Slabs labeled as in text and Figs. 3-5. 156 Present-day coastlines superimposed in black for reference. Cold material (T < 157 0.45) is inferred to represent subducted lithosphere whereas hot material 158 represents upwelling from the thermal boundary layer along the CMB. 159 160 Figure S3. Predicted present-day mantle temperature field for cases C3-C5 at 161 different depths from 500 km to near the core-mantle boundary. Present-day 162 coastlines superimposed in black for reference. Cold material (T < 0.45) is 163 inferred to represent subducted lithosphere whereas hot material represents 164 upwelling from the thermal boundary layer along the CMB. Slabs labeled as in 165 text and Figs. 3-5 and S6-S8, S10. 166 167 Figure S4. Predicted time-dependent mantle temperature for cases C3-C5 at 168 1000 km depth. Present-day coastlines superimposed in black for reference. Cold 169 material (T < 0.45) is inferred to represent subducted lithosphere whereas hot 170 material represents upwelling from the thermal boundary layer along the CMB. 171 172 Figure S5. Predicted time-dependent mantle temperature for cases C1 and C2 173 (Table 2) and comparison to seismic tomography for the present-day. As in 174 Figure 3 but for a cross-section at 50°N latitude across NAM (130-30°W). 175 Inferred slabs from this vertical cross-section result from subduction along the 176 north-eastern margin of Panthalassa (a, c, d) and along the intra-oceanic 177 subduction zone of the Wrangellia Superterrane (b). 178 179 Figure S6. Predicted evolution of mantle temperature for cases C3, C4 and C5 180 (Table S3) and comparison to seismic tomography for the present-day. Top 181 panels, orthographic projection of cross-section at 50°N latitude across NAM 182 (130-30°W) superimposed on location of subduction zones and predicted 183 present-day temperature at ~1500 km depth. Inferred slabs from this vertical 184 cross-section correspond largely to subduction along the north-eastern margin 185 of Panthalassa and along the intra-oceanic subduction zone of the Wrangellia 186 Superterrane. Panels in green box show seismic velocity anomalies for three 187 tomography models with 0.45 mantle temperature contours overlain for cases 188 C3 (green), C4 (black) and C5 (purple). 189 190 191 Figure S7. Predicted time-dependent mantle temperature for cases C3, C4 and 192 C5 (Table S3) and comparison to seismic tomography for the present-day. As in 193 Figure S6 but for a cross-section at 30°N latitude across NAM. 194 195 Figure S8. Predicted time-dependent mantle temperature for cases C3, C4 and 196 C5 (Table S3) and comparison to seismic tomography for the present-day. As in 197 Figure S6 but for a cross-section at 40°W latitude under Greenland (40-90°N). At 198 150 Ma, two subducting slabs are captured in case C3, 75°N and 85°N, and a 199 single slab at 75°N is clearly imaged in cases C4 and C5 with a second smeared 200 slab under 85°N. The difference in location and dip of subducting slabs at this 201 fixed vertical cross-section is a function of absolute reference frames used (Table 202 S3). 203 204 Figure S9. Predicted evolution of mantle temperature for cases C1 and C2 (Table 205 S3) and comparison to seismic tomography for the present-day. As in Figure 3 206 but for a cross-section at 60°N longitude under Siberia (90-180°E). Inferred slabs 207 within this cross-section correspond largely to subduction of the Izanagi Plate 208 along the north-western margin of Panthalassa (p). 209 210 Figure S10. Predicted time-dependent mantle temperature since initial 211 conditions for cases C3, C4 and C5 (Table S3) and comparison to seismic 212 tomography for the present-day. As in Figure S6 but for a cross-section at 60°N 213 latitude under northern Eurasia (0-100°E). Inferred slabs within this cross- 214 section largely result from subduction along the northern margin of the Mongol- 215 Okhotsk Ocean (m) and along the northwestern margin of Panthalassa (p). Note 216 that case C3 has an initial slab depth to 1750 km (Table S3) as opposed to the 217 alternative cases, which are to 1210 km. 218 219 Figure S11. Air-loaded surface dynamic topography for cases C3-C5 between 220 170-0 Ma, as in Figure 6. Stars indicate location of selected reconstructed Arctic 221 points as in Fig. 1. Orthographic projection centered on 30°W. 222 223 Figure S12. Predicted evolution of dynamic topography for cases C3-C5 at 224 selected circum-Arctic locations grouped into four geographic regions between 225 170-0 Ma (based on the plate reconstruction). The colours of the plotted lines 226 match the colours of the stars in Fig.1, and solid for C3, thick for C4 and dashed 227 for C5. Note the broad subsidence predicted for most locations from 170 Ma to 228 between ~70-50 Ma followed by slowed subsidence or uplift to present day. 229 Values are detailed further in Table S2. Air-loaded results shown for all locations 230 except for Lomonosov Ridge and Barents Sea which are water-loaded. 231 232 Figure S13. Evolution of Net Lithospheric Rotation (NLR) for the five main 233 reconstructions used herein (Table 2, S3), and present-day NLR calculated from 234 reference frame HS3, based on Pacific hotspots (0.44°/Myr). NLR evolution was 235 computed in 1 Myr increments, which is the interval at which boundary 236 conditions are defined for the geodynamic models. Conrad and Behn (2010) 237 proposed that 60% of HS3 (0.26°/Myr) is the geodynamically reasonable limit 238 for NLR. Larger NLR from the reconstructions likely reflects the motion of large, 239 fast-moving plates of Panthalassa, for which the reconstruction uncertainty is 240 large before 83.5 Ma. NLR computed using the same relative plate motions as in 241 Seton et al. (2012) and the absolute reference frame of Doubrovine et al. (2012) 242 is shown for reference in green. The peak amplitudes at ~80 Ma for DBV is larger 243 than in Fig. 9 of Doubrovine et al. (2012) that showed NLR computed in 10 Myr 244 incrmenets. Other small differences may also arise due to different Pacific plate 245 boundaries and the use of a Pacific plate circuit via Antarctica (Seton et al., 2012; 246 Shephard et a;., 2013) rather than via the Lord Howe Rise (Doubrovine et al., 247 2012). 248 249 Figure S14. Left panels, predicted present-day mantle temperature for cases C1- 250 C8 (Tables 2, S3) and comparison to seismic tomography, middle panels. Details 251 are as in Figs. 3 and S5, this location is at 50°N latitude across NAM (130-30°W). 252 Right panels show the evolution of dynamic topography for the North American 253 region illustrating the similarity between models despite variation in the 254 predicted lower mantle structure. 255 256 Figure S15. As in Figure S14. Left panels, predicted present-day mantle 257 temperature for cases C1-C8 (Tables 2, S3) and comparison to seismic 258 tomography for the present-day, middle panels. This location is at 60°N latitude 259 across Eurasia (0-100°E). Right panels show the evolution of dynamic 260 topography for the Barents Sea region illustrating the similarity between models 261 despite variation in the predicted lower mantle structure. 262 Table S1: Evolution of air-loaded dynamic topography (*except for Barents Sea and Lomonosov Ridge which are water-loaded) and its 263 rate of change at selected circum-Arctic locations through time for our preferred case C1. The time intervals between ~170, ~100, ~50 264 and 0 Ma were chosen to capture the main changes in dynamic topography trends and are to be used as a guide in conjunction with 265 Figure 7. Note that shorter wavelength subsidence or uplift or changes in rates may occur within these intervals (see main text and Fig. 266 7).. Absolute (m, top Barents Sea and adjacent region panels) and Fennoscandia Barents Sea* Svalbard Franz Josef Land change in dynamic topography (m/Myr, bottom panels, coloured/italic) ~170 Ma 329.6 10.2 223.9 -57.6 ~100 Ma ~50 Ma 0 Ma 33.0 -482.7 -285.9 -463.6 -213.4 -640.1 -522.9 -608.7 -465.2 -501.8 -159.8 Rate 170-100 Ma -4.3 -350.3 -7.1 -7.4 -4.6 -5.9 -2.8 -3.1 5.9 1.2 2.2 South Greenland East Greenland West Greenland Rate 100-50 Ma -4.7 Rate 50-0 Ma 1.1 Greenland North Greenland ~170 Ma ~100 Ma 354.2 667.0 475.1 633.4 -113.7 329.6 181.8 164.9 -537.3 -223.6 -245.9 -417.3 -696.7 -543.6 -476.7 -660.2 ~50 Ma 0 Ma Rate 172-100 Ma Rate 100-50 Ma -6.8 -4.9 -4.3 -6.8 -8.1 -10.6 -8.2 -11.2 Rate 50-0 Ma -3.3 Siberia -6.5 -4.7 -5.0 Siberian Traps East Siberia Lomonosov Ridge* Taimyr Peninsula ~170 Ma -660.7 -850.0 -247.8 -530.9 -808.9 -620.6 ~100 Ma -491.8 ~50 Ma 0 Ma -903.6 -565.3 -946.0 -1071.7 -690.2 -454.6 -823.3 -1085.4 -608.6 Rate 170-100 Ma 2.4 Rate 100-50 Ma Rate 50-0 Ma ~100 Ma -1.3 -5.2 -1.3 -0.3 1.7 Banks Island Ellesmere Island -0.8 -1.4 -0.8 2.3 2.5 North America and Canadian Arctic Islands Slave Craton ~170 Ma -8.1 North Slope 2.6 -262.0 -27.6 123.9 -1095.2 -884.1 -801.4 -428.7 ~50 Ma -733.6 0 Ma -677.9 -441.4 -804.6 -601.1 -728.9 -677.2 -815.6 Rate 170-100 Ma -15.9 -9.0 -11.2 -8.0 Rate 100-50 Ma 7.0 4.0 -0.1 -5.8 Rate 50-0 Ma 6.0 1.6 2.6 -1.8 267 268 269 Table S2: Evolution of air-loaded dynamic topography (* except for Barents Sea and Lomonosov Ridge which are water-loaded) and its 270 rate of change at selected circum-Arctic locations through time for three alternative cases, separated by commas in order of C3, C4, C5. 271 The time intervals between ~170, ~100, ~50 and 0 Ma were chosen to capture the main changes in dynamic topography trends and are 272 to be used as a guide in conjunction with Figure S12. Note that shorter wavelength subsidence or uplift or changes in rates may occur 273 within these intervals (see main text and Figs. 7 and S11, S12). Absolute (m, top Barents Sea and adjacent region panels) and Fennoscandia Barents Sea* Svalbard Franz Josef Land change in dynamic topography (m/Myr, bottom panels, coloured/italic) ~170 Ma 156.5, 363.1, 251.7 -33.4, -158.0, 26.7 223.3, 274.6, 162.0 -5.6, 53.9, -28.7 ~100 Ma 57.1, 115.6, 110.0 -506.5, -368.2, -336.7 -216.0, -210.9, -206.9 -490.0, -391.1, -407.6 ~50 Ma -233.4, -144.8, -263.4 -994.8, -598.0, -868.4 -695.2, -482.7, -658.0 -875.9, -590.3, -796.7 0 Ma -371.3, -139.0, -598.9 -968.6, -382.3, -1016.9 -733.3, -540.3, -883.1 -817.5, -548.8, -868.0 Rate 170-100 Ma -1.4, -3.5, -2.0 -6.8, -1.2, -5.3 -6.3, -6.9, -5.3 -7.1, -6.3, -5.4 Rate 100-50 Ma -5.8, -5.3, -7.5 -9.7, -4.7, -9.0 -9.6, -5.5, -9.0 -7.7, -4.1, -7.8 0.5, 4.2, -3.0* -0.8*, -1.1*, -4.5 1.2, 0.8, -1.4* *uplift from 15Ma *uplift from 9 and 3 *uplift from 15Ma Rate 50-0 Ma -2.8, 0.1, -6.7 Ma respectively Greenland North Greenland South Greenland East Greenland West Greenland ~170 Ma 298.8, 378.7, 252.4 534.0, 620.9, -463.5 316.2, 476.9, 347.2 540.3, 589.7, 422.9 ~100 Ma -21.2, -42.5, -45.6 418.8, 358.7, 333.3 226.0, 244.6, 224.1 303.4, 200.2, 180.4 ~50 Ma -613.6, -451.0, -605.1 -71.5, -151.9, -274.7 -197.2, -167.7, -311.7 -292.9, -354.1, -489.3 0 Ma -847.4, -804.8, -957.7 -513.7, -584.4, -791.2 -572.0, -448.9, -770.0 -690.9, -730.5, -902.8 Rate 172-100 Ma -4.6, -6.0, -4.3 -1.6, -3.7, -1.9 -1.2, -3.3, -1.8 -3.4, -5.6, -3.5 Rate 100-50 Ma -11.8, -8.3, -11.2 -9.8, -10.4, -12.2 -8.5, -8.4, -10.7 -11.9, -11.3, -13.4 Rate 50-0 Ma -4.7, -6.9, -7.1 -8.8, -8.4, -10.3 -7.5, -5.5, -9.2 -8.0, -7.3, -8.3 Siberian Traps East Siberia Lomonosov Ridge* Taimyr Peninsula ~170 Ma -714.4, -471.4, -588.0 -810.8, -653.9, -748.1 -93.1, -60.8, -158.3 -451.2, -300.7, -371.5 ~100 Ma -771.9, -456.3, -568.9 -1099.5, -875.7, -1024.2 -923.2, -707.9, -754.7 -825.0, -546.4, -656.2 Siberia ~50 Ma -835.8, -487.7, -549.6 -1086.6, -915.9, -1024.3 -1451.8, -1057, -1356.3 -1012.0, -707.4, -933.3 0 Ma -645.7, -363.8, -588.0 -796.6, -773.7, -821.9 -1348.2, -1230.3 - -806.6, -573.4, -759.3 1435.0 Rate 170-100 Ma -0.8, 0.2, 0.3 Rate 100-50 Ma -1.3, -0.6, 0.4 Rate 50-0 Ma 3.8, 2.4, -0.8 -4.1, -3.2, -3.9 -11.9,-9.2, -8.5 -5.3, -3.5, -4.1 0.3, 0.8, 0.0 -10.6, -7.1, -12.0 -3.7, -3.2, -5.5 5.8, 2.8, 4.0 2.1, -3.3, -1.6* 4.1, 2.6, 3.5 *uplift from 30 Ma North America and Canadian Arctic Islands Slave Craton North Slope Banks Island Ellesmere Island ~170 Ma 221.8, -41.2, -177.1 37.4, -191.5, -278.0 219.1, -6.8, -96.0 210.7, 184.1, 82.0 ~100 Ma -896.0, -1097.2, - -930.3, -885.3, -906.7 -624.1, -749.9, -712.4 -339.3, -352.2, -348.6 1160.4 ~50 Ma -901.7, -836.8, -998.0 -841.0, -768.0, -857.7 -988.1, -879.7, -1044.8 -873.1, -697.1, -874.8 0 Ma -452.5, -561.2, -606.8 -613.4, -660.0, -817.0 -730.0, -795.2, -850.0 -911.4, -938.0, -1013.1 Rate 170-100 Ma -16.0, -15.1, -14.0 -12.8, -9.9, -9.0 -12.0, -10.6, -8.8 -7.9, -7.7, -6.2 Rate 100-50 Ma -0.1, 5.3, 3.2 1.8, 2.4, 1.0 -7.3, -2.6, -6.6 -10.7, -7.0, -10.5 Rate 50-0 Ma 9.0, 5.4, 7.8 4.6, 2.1, 0.8 5.2, 1.7, 3.9 -0.8*, -4.7, -2.8* *uplift from 9 and 10Ma respectively. 274 275 276 277 Table S3: Acronyms and alternative model details referred to in this study. Name/Acronym Base plate Absolute reference frame (prior Net Lithospheric rotation Viscosity profile* reconstruction to NLR correction) (NLR) correction Initial slab depth Slab dip Basal layer density C3 Shephard et al. (2013) Moving hotspots 0-100 Ma Removed from plate 1,1,1,100 (O’Neill et al., 2005) reconstruction. Minimal NLR TPW-corrected palaeomagnetic remaining (<0.1°/Myr, Fig. 100-200 Ma (Steinberger and S13). 1750 km 45° (<660 km) then 90° Torsvik, 2008) +3.6% C4 Shephard et al. (2013) Moving hotspots 0-70 Ma Minimized from plate 1,1,1,100 (Torsvik et al., 2008) reconstruction (NLR TPW-corrected palaeomagnetic <0.4°/Myr, Fig. S13) and by 105-200 Ma (Steinberger and using new poles of rotation Torsvik, 2008; interpolation for E-W Antarctica (Granot et 58° (<425 km) then 90° between 70-105 Ma) al., 2013) $ 1210 km +3.6% C5 Shephard et al. (2013) Moving hotspots 0-70 Ma Minimized from plate 1,1,1,10 100 C6 C7 Shephard et al. (2013) Shephard et al. (2013) (Torsvik et al., 2008) and TPW- reconstruction (NLR 1210km corrected palaeomagnetic 105- <0.4°/Myr, Fig. S13) and by 200 Ma (Steinberger and Torsvik, using new poles of rotation 2008) (interpolation between 70- for E-W Antarctica (Granot et 105 Ma) al., 2013)$ +1.7% Moving hotspots 0-70 Ma Minimized from plate 1,1,1, 10 100 (Torsvik et al., 2008) reconstruction (NLR 1210km TPW-corrected palaeomagnetic <0.4°/Myr, Fig. S13) and by 45° 105-200 Ma (Steinberger and using new poles of rotation +3.6% Torsvik, 2008; interpolation for E-W Antarctica (Granot et between 70-105 Ma) al., 2013) $ Moving hotspots 0-70 Ma Minimized from plate 1,1,1,100 (Torsvik et al., 2008) reconstruction (NLR 1210km TPW-corrected palaeomagnetic <0.4°/Myr, Fig. S13) and by 45° 45° C8 Shephard et al. (2013) 105-200 Ma (Steinberger and using new poles of rotation +1.7% Torsvik, 2008; interpolation for E-W Antarctica (Granot et between 70-105 Ma) al., 2013) $ Moving hotspots 0-70 Ma Minimized from plate 1,0.1,1, 10 100 (Torsvik et al., 2008) and TPW- reconstruction (NLR 1210km corrected palaeomagnetic 105- <0.4°/Myr, Fig. S13) and by 45° 200 Ma (Steinberger and Torsvik, using new poles of rotation +1.7% 2008) (interpolation between 70- for E-W Antarctica (Granot et 105 Ma) al., 2013).$ Minimized in the lower mantle by the lowviscosity asthenosphere in the dynamic model. 278 $ Granot et al. (2013) describes motion in the West Antarctic Rift System from Chron 18o (40.13 Ma) until around Chron 8o (26.5 Ma, 279 Cande et al., 2000; Granot et al., 2013). A plate boundary likely existed between East and West Antarctic earlier in the Cenozoic, though 280 the timing of extension is poorly constrained (Cande et al., 2000; Cande and Stock, 2004). For times earlier than Chron 18o we model 281 extension within the West Antarctic Rift System using the C18o pole of rotation from Granot et al. (2013) but with a larger angle to 282 minimize the amount of deformation implied in New Zealand, which is considered to be tectonically quiescent during this period 283 (Ballance, 1993; Sutherland, 1995). 284 285 * Factor applied to reference viscosity (1021 Pa s) for mantle above 160 km (lithosphere), between 160 and 310 km (asthenosphere), 286 between 310 and 410 km (upper mantle) and below 670 km (lower mantle). The “” symbol indicates that the viscosity linearly 287 increases with depth between the two listed values.